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Everything posted by Anna

  1. [color=green]MINT[/color] [color=brown]CHOCOLATE[/color] CHIP!! ::high-fives other Mint Chocolate Chip lovers:: I loooove mint chocolate chip. And I love cheesecake. [i]NEWSFLASH[/i] TO cheesecake lovers: Did you know that they have cheesecake ice cream? And I'm tellin ya....... it [b]really does[/b] taste like cheesecake. It's Godiva Ice Cream, you know that company that make the really good but really expensive chocolates that come in gold packaging? That's the brand. :drool: Es muy bien. Muy muy muy! :excited:
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by treton_noir [/i] [B] i [i]know[/i] that what is going to happen concerning the topic will happen, but, maybe just out of fear/anxiety/whatever i cant seem to acknowlegde that it will. i dont think it will be as bad as people think it will. i really doubt that the world will burn down, "the rapture" (...or whatever its called) will go down, or anything huge and traumatic like that. i think it will be a little more calm than that. [/B][/QUOTE] You know Daniel and I were talking about the whole Second Coming deal last night. People have been saying that we're the 'chosen generation' and all of that, but it just doesn't seem to be..... I dunno, happening fast enough for the rest of the prophecies to be fulfilled in time--in time for us to still be living anyway. But he pointed out how a lot of things happen without us noticing because of the pace of the world and also because we're so used to, well, the "world". You know what I mean. Anyway, I kinda feel where you're coming from; that perhaps it's not gonna be what it's been made out to be. And think about it this way, all the horrible things are supposed to happen to the evil and unrighteous and all of that. So, while the righteous and obedient etc. are not [i]immune[/i] from bad things happening to them, if we've done what the prophets have told us, then overall, the Second Coming isn't going to be that bad. I think that's why I'm not overly worried myself about the whole deal. I see it as, what's gonna happen is gonna happen, I can't stop it, bring it on, because I'm going to be fine either way it goes. Hope that made sense.
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B][COLOR=darkblue]Well, yeah, but think about it like this. There are two options: 1) The stuff in Revelations (or any prophetic prediction) is wrong, therefore we don't have to worry about it happening anyway. 2) The stuff is true, therefore must be divinely, supernaturally, esoterically, etc. inspired so nothing can stop it. [/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] I like the way you put this. Logically there are only so many sides of a coin to a situation's outcome. This is one of those black and white issues; no grey in between. It will happen. It will not happen. There is no 'it will half-way happen'. It either will or won't. So, which is it? In probability, coin-tosses have 50/50 results. The same holds true for this issue. The probablility that the prophecies in Revelation will happen is 50%, and chances are 50% that it won't happen. (btw I am speaking from a neutral standpoint, I'm leaving my religious views out) The results of either have been illustrated, the rest is up to the individual as to how they go about living.
  4. Left with only those options to choose from, I'm nothing. Or I'm everything. I don't know. Semjaza Azazel and Lady M's posts sum up what mine would be basically. I'm the oldest and the protector, and besides that I'm a bit of all those catagories but not enough to really [i]be[/i] in one. I suppose I leave my siblings to decide for me.
  5. I find nothing wrong with guys plucking their eyebrows or wearing make up etc. What do you think all of the males in the media industry do? They have stylists that work on them, and all the pictures you ever see of them are the result of some sort of waxing/make-up/whatever. Nothing wrong with it. Guys are allowed to make themselves look how they want just like girls are. I know guys who pluck their eyebrows, *and* wear make up. But the make up isn't all decked out like some women wear it; for example, when my dad was younger and went to more business meetings, if he had a bad blemish out of nowhere he would take some of my mom's foundation and just dot it it where he needed it. That's it. He didn't put on eyeshadow or lipstick. Basically he wore make-up the same way I do, just to make yourself look better. I see nothing wrong with this at all.
  6. [center][b][u]Red Bull advertisement[/b][/u] [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=386673[/IMG] [size=1]"Because it gives you wings!"[/size][/center]
  7. Anna


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]Prom sucks... why would anyone spend that much money to dance when I can do that right here. I could throw a party for FREE and have more fun. [/B][/QUOTE] My thoughts exactly. Alas as previosly mentioned, I did go to prom. I never really wanted to go. In my mind it would have been no loss whatsoever if I hadn't gone. But I did so oh well. Peer pressure got me to do it, dang peer pressure. Seriously! Tori and Tabby and Autumn, practically anyone who asked and who I said I wasn't going to all said, "WHYYYYYYYYY??!! You HAVE to go! It's your senior year!!!" I couldn't care less; it actually wouldn't be such a bother to me if it wasn't so [i]expensive[/i]! I think that's the main thing I dislike about prom: all that money, wasted. For the amount of time that prom lasts and the amount of money you end up spending on it, the end result just isn't worth it--to me. I know some people don't mind all that, but I do. I don't look down or anything like that, not at all. I've been to four proms, but only one was enjoyable. It wasn't even my prom, but it's still one of the funnest nights of my life. One out of four. But whatever, things like this are different from place to place, so who knows.
  8. [b]Who was your first kiss?[/b] Berry Moore, summer before highshool [b]How old were you?[/b] I was ... ? 14, he was 17. [b]How was it?[/b] It was pretty good actually. He knew I hadn't ever kissed anyone before, so he kinda "showed" me how. Things went rather smoothly actually, and was a pretty darn decent kiss. [b]What were the circumstances? (Where, Time, etc)[/b] His friend Brad?... No, it was another friend and I can't remember his name... anyway, he was having a party. It was a small party, just some friends of theirs and basically more of a get-together than a beer-bash (there wasn't any alcohol in the first place). Anywho, me and he and another couple went upstairs to play ping-pong (it was one of those open floors, like just another level of the house with a railing along the edge, not like a secluded room or anything) and eventually we just kinda took to a couch. Things were all cuddly-cuddly and how it was actually initiated was that the other couple--the girl specifically--was saying 'hey, how come you don't kiss me anymore?' or something like that, and the guy was like 'I do, too!' and somehow it boiled down to he would kiss her if me and Berry kissed. So, we all kissed (gawl, this sounds so silly), and they stopped, but we kept going. Yeah, it was nice. [b]What was your Worst/Best Kiss?[/b] Contrary to what some people may think irl anyway, I haven't kissed that many guys; in fact I've only kissed..... *counts to make sure* 4. So, it's not like I have a lot to choose from. They're pretty much all decent kissers except for the second one. Okay, I've got a worst one: Freshmen year, riding home on the bus from a band competition, I was cuddled up with an ex (go frickin figure) and it was just sloppy, and I got a flippin hickey which I got in big trouble for at home. That guy, Justin, was just a little hornball anyway--always a lot of tongue and VERY touchy-feely, I was always having to stop his hands from wandering to where they shouldn't go. That bothered me. My best kiss.... hmm..... I'd say every kiss I've had with Daniel, my current boyfriend. We've been dating a little over 6 months, so that's a lot of kisses. ^_^;; But, I think some of the best were the slow, deliberate ones. We're always into eachother when we kiss, but it's when we become the only two people who exist and time stands still that kisses are their sweetest. ::looks over post:: Hmm, methinks I think too much and say a lot. Oh well.
  9. Anna


    My talents would be generally anything in the fine arts. I'm a musician (drums, a little piano.... I mean a little), dancer (I started dancing again this year; hopefully I'll do it in college--they sometimes have groups to join for that kind of thing), drama, art (I used to draw a LOT when I was younger; I still could if I sat down to it. If I can see it I can draw it, anything but people that is unless it's cartoon-style), aaaaanndd... anything else of that nature; if I work at it I develop it. Also, don't forget about other types of talents or gifts. Being a good listener is a talent; being a good speaker is a talent; being a patient person is talented in my book, and so forth. A lot of people will claim that they don't think they have any gifts or talents just because they can't play sports or don't know how to sings and things like that, but they'll be just a generally meek and sweet person. They don't realize that [i]that[/i] is a gift, to be naturally endearing and loving or compassionate. Anyway, just thought I'd add that in there.
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Endymion [/i] [B]I am guilty of one prejudice of people who dress gothically or punk-ly. I'm a big R&B music fan, and I tend to assume that anyone who dresses punk doesn't like R&B music.[/B][/QUOTE] This kinda realtes to a small twist I wanted to throw in here: I dress how some would call a "prep" would. Why? Because I like clothes that make me look good; I and others find myself attractive that way, and I have no problem with that. One thing you have to understand about me is that I LOVE to talk about music: the guys at school will talk about sports, the "final four" and all that, the girls right now talk about prom, I talk about music, was well as the fine arts in general. But mainly music. :) 9 times out of 10 when I've started up a conversation with someone heavy into music like me, they automatically say something along the lines of "So you like Britney Spears?" "Do you listen to NSync?". :demon: Since my musical taste couldn't be more oppostite, I get really aggriavted. [i]People discriminate/judge [u]me[/u] because of the way [u]I[/u] dress[/i], and I don't dress "goth" or "punk". People in general are just too judgemental; everyone is. It's not just the people with the wholesome image going on that discriminate, people who are punks and goths (as they call themselves) are just as guilty. I guess that's why I have no sympathy in regards to people who dress a certain way getting lumped into a large catagory, 'cause it happens to me by that same *large* and *broad* group of people. I personally only have one piercing in each ear and that's all I'll ever have, and I'm not getting any tattoos. If I see someone with a bunch of body art, initially I do form a notion about what they must be like; but it's only from what they have to present themselves by. That's just the way it goes I guess; you dress by how you [u]WANT[/u] people to see you, because you can't live in this world and not be seen. Therefore your appearance will always have a message to say about you, whether you like it or not.
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B][color=darkblue] Next time, perhaps we can refrain from calling him a loser, or saying we want to bash him into walls, hmmm?[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Ah yes, I am brought to the bar. I do apologize, Cyko, for my harsh words, but not my message. Like everyone here has done at some point, I was in one of my moments when I typed from passion without much foresight to think of their potential impact. I retract my 'wall' comment.
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]completely INSULTING me with SLANDER IS against the rules. [/B][/QUOTE] ...... >.> ..... _
  13. You have no perspective whatsoever of your consequences at thirteen. IF you did, you would NOT even CONSIDER going to a party and doing the things you've claimed to have done. I have friends who started partying when they were young. We were the same ages; I knew them while they were going through that phase. Then we drifted apart because of school, people living with different parents, etc. A few years later I ran into one friend in particular. She wasn't the same person. She had been in rehab two or three times, she had been raped, kicked out of her house.... all because of the stupid choices she made. Do you think she valued the high of a joint of the buzz from a beer anymore? Do you even get WHY people DO that stuff?? IT'S ADDICTING. Who knows if your body is one of those that becomes dependant; once may not be all you do. That .... stupid little moment isn't worth years of regret and mending. And ..... I swear if I saw you in person I'd probably knock you against a wall. Sex? [b]AT THIRTEEN[/b]??? What the crap are you thinking?! That's exactly it-- you're NOT thinking. Let me tell you something: it's not a game, it's not a toy. You DON'T PLAY AROUND. [b]GEEZ[/b] I wanna go break something.... how can ... rrrrrrhhh quit being so naive! Experience does NOT always equal wisdom, and it certainly won't always save you from a disaster.
  14. What I like most about my life.... Fisrt thing that honestly comes to mind is Daniel. Daniel and the Church (LDS) are probably the best things I have right now. My talents are another thing I like about my life; I haven't realized until recently how much I've grown and how much satisfaction they give me. I guess that's it. I guess because that's all my life HAS been the past couple of months: Church, Daniel, and numerous/multiple practices for my competitions (drill team and drama). I dunno, my life's alright but perhaps I'm in a negative mood and therefore can't see much else.
  15. I just got back from Literary Competition. I did Girls' Dramatic Interpretation, a cut from the croquet match in [u]Alice in Wonderland[/u]. One judge gave me perfect marks--no points taken off--except for an ending comment of the "narrator melodramatic at times" or something like that and ranked me 2nd place, total score of 94. The [i]other[/i] judge gave me a 77, and said the same thing the first judge said about the narrator, and said something about gesturing for the sake of gesturing. o_O? But everything was compliments!... but I still got a 77. >_> Go figure. I got 4th overrall, and it was my first (and last) year doing Literary so I'm satisfied. I know I did really well. Anyways, other acting I've done: [b]"Of Poems, Youth, and Spring" (2000)[/b]- First time I tried out as a freshmen, spring play. I was in the chorus and bounced all over the stage (had to) with energy because the chorus moved the scenes along in the play. The "voices" were on ladders the whole time, the characters came for their scenes, and the chorus flew on and off spurting silly lines. It was fun.... but probably one of the hardest I've done. Not just because it was my first play but it was very demanding physically. [b]"Attack of the Moral Fuzzies" (2001)[/b]- This play was a "gameshow". Of course it was deeper than that, as the contestant had to make decisions that would unavoidably affect other people. For example, Bethanne (contestant) had to make a decision of where a grant should go to: I think it was a father whose business went bust, a young boy who needed a liver transplant, and a dying cancer patient. I was Nada Ivanhoe, the mother of the boy needing a liver transplant. I had a good-sized paragraph where I had to go from sarcastically perky to crying to pissed off. I didn't like my part very much. [b]"Every Seventeen Minutes, the Crowd Goes Crazy" (2002)[/b]- One of the better roles I've gotten. At first I absolutely hated my part because it wasn't ANYTHING like me and I had no clue what a bulimic slut would act like. The play was about a house full of kids whose parents "gave up" on them and left. I was one of the sisters. I got awarded "Best Supporting Actress" of the year for my role as Wendy. So yeah, I like that part now. [b]"Breakfast" (2003)[/b]- I'm a customer ordering breakfast. That's it! It was fun though, one of three one-acts making up one major performance. It was a comedy, and I hadn't done a comedy before. I rather enjoyed it. I would have done more plays, One Act Competition as well, but marching band goes on at the same time and most of the time I had for extracurricular activities was taken but by that, leaving little room for theatre. I regret that, because I love the theatre.
  16. Perfect?... Ideal? Sheesh... I really have no clue... I mean I like such a wide variety... wait that didn't come out right. What I meant is that.. I guess I don't have an "ideal" persay. I do have ideal qualities, but not a whole person idealized and everything. Oh well ..... [i][b]Physical[/i][/b] - Strong. I don't want him on steriods, but working out is important. *I* work out (haven't been to a gym in over a month >_
  17. Hey, Winona Ryder is pretty. And that's a nice picture of you btw. Anyway, I used to get the Kate Winslet thing a lot when Titanic came out a while back. I don't really know why, and I definately don't have whatever it was back then that made me look like her at present. I probably look more like my avatar than anyone I can think of at the moment. I dunno... y'all decide who I look like, just go to QA's picture site in the Picture Forum... I'm too lazy to cut and paste.
  18. Eesh, these topics....... sidenote: Ryan my friend (aka black newt), girls typically don't liked being referred to as "my girl" because it kind of reminds them of ... property. "My car" "my sock" "my remote", and not many people like to think of themselves as being owned, at least at the level of other objects. Back to topic. Um, next time she just blows you off, blow her off. Seriously, it's like a backards way of asking for attention. If you don't pay her any attention, then she'll think that something is going wrong in the game and she'll get all worried, and she'll end up coming to [i]you[/i]. People who play games deserve to get theirs every once in a while.
  19. [b]Who Am I In My Own Mind[/b] ... I'm one of the ones that will make it. I know what I want, and I know I am going to get it. I suppose this creed is what embodies why I think/act/feel/etc. the way I have and will continue to in my life. It's sort of hard to explain... hmm,.. well I'll say this in favor of keeping this as simple as possible: I've made progress in my life, spiritually and academically, talent-wise and socially, but it's never going to be enough--I am never finished. No one is perfect, but I try to get as close as I can to it without destroying myself. Now don't go thinking that I think I'm just on top of everything and all that mess; what I'm getting at is that I work on my flaws more than I work on my strengths. In some ways this is good, and in some ways this is bad. I go back and forth between the two actually. Basically I know that as long as I continue to challenge myself and break myself down and rebuild rebuild rebuild, I can do anything. I am my worst enemy and biggest obstacle, and since I have myself figured out the world is in a different perspective, on my level I guess. Well I'm getting off of this subject because I'm not making a bit of sense. [b]How Do Others See You?[/b] Um, I dunno. I've heard things, but I don't commit but a few to memory.... I have an ego problem sometimes (on good days :whoops: ). I've heard everything from "extremely talented" to "self-righteous" and a few "weird"'s and "cool"'s, a while back some people thought I was freak when I was like,... 13 or something? Now I'm 18 and not really seen that way anymore. I've been thought of as "stuck up" a few times, and maybe I am to an extent. I dunno... [b]How Would I Rather Others See Me?[/b] More as a person. Sometimes I feel like people know me for what I do, and for what my beliefs are, but no one knows [i]why[/i] I do those things. I have a lot of friends,... but then again I really have maybe 2 or 3. That makes me sad sometimes...... that despite all my progress and status, I've allowed for people to know only a forth of me, rarely a half of me. Maybe I've closed them off because I figure they won't understand, or won't accept, and I don't care. All the same... I think it'd be nice to have more people who really... care about [i]me[/i].
  20. Heheh........ [u]lyrics[/u]: [i]The captain he said, "There's danger ahead We need some brave men To sail and then We'll find us those pirates Stop them with violence To make the ocean safe Once again" [/i] Now, if anyone knows the artist AND song, I will be truly impressed.
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by treton_noir [/i] [B]HOLY SH*T! i just heard the kashmir bit. Sweet God in Heaven! that was incredible. not at all what i expected. wow... wow... [/B][/QUOTE] I KNEW you'd like it! :laugh: Now listen to the rest of it. ^_^ Sorry I'm so bossy, but y'all are missin out so frickin badly..
  22. lol..... We start school tomorrow. I'm not looking forward to it exactly, but I'm not dreading it. I've been putting my holiday to good use, I haven't just sat around and done nothing. I've been doing what *I* want... I don't wanna do what a teacher wants now :p oh well... it'll be nice to see some of the people I haven't seen over the break again I guess.
  23. Ah you are wonderful! You actually tried it out [i]and[/i] happened to enjoy it as well! Yay! ^_^ Well, if you enjoyed Talisman (which isn't the typical style of collegiate a cappella groups, but that definately makes them stand out all the more) then you'd at least appriciate a lot of other a cappella groups that are out there. There are some groups that sound sooooo [i]tight[/i] you really can't tell there are no instruments. [URL=http://www.rockapella.com]Rockapella[/URL], [URL=http://www.biggerbread.com/hear.htm]The House Jacks[/URL], [URL=http://dolphin.upenn.edu/~otb/music/]Off the Beat[/URL], spiralmouth, [URL=http://www.hyannissound.com/]The Hyannis Sound[/URL], and my own personal favorite [URL=http://www.insideout-acappella.com]InsideOut[/URL] are some really good ones to check out. A huge majority of these groups are formed at colleges, i.e. collegiate like Hyannis Sound, Off the Beat, and InsideOut is a group of BYU graduates. Rockapella and House Jacks and spiralmouth have been around a lot longer and are professional. I put up links to bands who do some good remakes of contemporary songs, like [i]Closer[/i] by NIN (spiralmouth), [i]Kashmir[/i] by Led Zepplin (House Jacks) and [i]3 Libras[/i] by A Perfect Cirlce (Off the Beat), and [i]Pride[/i] by U2 (Hyannis Sound). -EDiT- [URL=http://www.tufts.edu/~mates/bamboo.html]The Amalgamates[/URL] do [i]3 Libras[/i], Off the Beat doesn't have playable clip of it. But OTB does plenty of other good songs ^_^ like [i]Overcome[/i] by live and [i]Crawling in the Dark[/i] by hoobastank. (And a side note, listen to [i]Taken Up[/i] by InsideOut; it's an original by them........ do it!) Come on everyone, ...... you KNOW you're curious......
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=#507AAC] I don't get scared of scary movies at all...but Ring/The Ring is the [i]only[/i] movie to have truly terrified me.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Amen. I don't get scared from movies, but [i]that[/i] movie scared me so frickin badly. I read about Ring/Ring 2 on the internet and have really considered watching them, except, as you said in your first post, Ring 2 was said to be not-that-great. But, I trust your opinion :) and will reconsider seeing them both now.
  25. I know deep within my soul that NONE OF YOU are going to reach me on this,.... but this music is incredible. It's a cappella, and it's the strongest I've ever heard, collegiate group or otherwise. It's African music sung by a college group, Stanford University. [url]http://www.stanfordtalisman.com/html/frames.htm[/url] Click the green box at the top. [i]Passage[/i], their latest album has the two songs I'm listening to the most. The first one gives me goosebumps. I IMPLORE you to listen to it all the way through. But, I guess, not enough people are familiar enough with this type of music to appriciate it,.... but nonetheless I felt obligated to bring this to light for some of you. I hope you enjoy.
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