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Everything posted by Anna

  1. Uhm, I'm not really sure about the whole "geek" thing. To me, "geek" and "dorky" are synonymns, and when I think something is dorky I think it looks awkward. Yes. So therefore, I think someone who is awkward is a geek, logically speaking in my own mind's terms. It has nothing to do with their interests, unless they have their interests plastered all over them o_O in which case that [i]would[/i] look rather awkward, but it has to do with how they carry themselves. Stereotypically speaking, you have the football player walking across the lunchroom and the kid who has really really big books and sits by themself etc. walking across the lunchroom. What's so different between these two stereotypes? What truly sticks out the most is how they carry themselves. The football player will have good posture and a relaxed, steady walk, with his eyes looking around at others and acknowledging them. The big-book-kid will be kind of hunched over, as if he doesn't want to be seen, and a quickened pace in his walk so he can get to his table quicker. His head will be bent toward the floor, looking at no one and nothing except his destination. This latter example, to me, looks awkward. But you know what? I've seen some kids with letterman jackets and all that junk who have an awkwardness to them. I've seen some kids with big books walk confidently and smile at others. It really just boils down to the amount of confidence someone has, because it'll show.
  2. I am pretty intolerant to the loud, noisy and obnoxious older children. I grew up with four younger siblings and have baby-sat other kids since I was 11 (7 years), and I get highly irritated when some people say I should "be used to it" or something. Heck no! Anywho, younger kids and babies I don't mind, especially babies because they can't talk back to you and smart off. That's always a plus. :whoops: But to be wholly on topic, I do make kids smile. Usually I'll catch them looking at me, and I'll keep their eye contact, then I'll smile at them. Then they grin and look away 'cause they got shy, but they always look again, and I always smile again. Like today there was this little girl, probably about five years old a couple rows ahead of us in church. She had big pretty blue eyes, and sometimes she would turn around and she'd look at me. I'd smile at her, and she'd smile and turn back around. Yes, it is a good feeling. :)
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by liamc2 [/i] [B]darn you. Just as I started to think about it. I wanna put dibs on Ammon. Hm, fine then. Whatta bout Alma (now that'd be cool) or Ammoron (o.O now that is a eternal curse upon the child you give it to) I've always found Mormon to be a cool name...but that might as well send your child instantly into the 'inactive' zone when they hit the teens... [/B][/QUOTE] Alma has been used as a female name in the past, that's about the only thing that keeps me from wanting to name a son that. I remember I was once considering the name Abinadi ;) that'd be cool. Or what about Helaman? I just remembered that I like the name Benjamin, like King Benjamin. I was talking once to an LDS guy from Germany. He was named after Mathoni, one of the twelve on the American continent (3 Nephi 19:4). And yeah, naming a kid Mormon would be a one-way ticket to inactivity.....ooh, just think if they were living in Salt Lake... O.O I thought up a new name today. It's a unisex name I guess. Girl: Taylor Rae Boy: Taylor Ray o_O? I like the girl spelling more. -EDiT- I just thought of another boys' name I like a lot: Ian.
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mitth'raw'nuruodo [/i] [B]Say my name with me folks! Mi-thraw-noo-ro-o-do Mi-thraw-noo-ro-o-do Mi-thraw-noo-ro-o-do [/B][/QUOTE] Sorry, but Mitthenrawdoo has already stuck. I can't change it, it's programmed into my brain. :whoops:
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=deeppink][size=1]Hey Anna, you forgot a nickname! *CoughBoogerCough* :toothy:[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] o_O :twitch: I do NOT like that name...... of all things to call me...... :grumble: Don't bring it up anymore pweese. :box: :demon:
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B][color=deeppink]Oh good ^_^ I just like the name a [i]lot[/i]...you're lucky to be a bearer of it :)[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] :blush: Well, thanks! Gee,....... I feel kinda honored now.. ^_^ ::hugs BG::
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B][color=deeppink] I'm with you, Endymion, I don't really want my kids to have 'traditional' names. Anna is obviously the exception to that thought, but not if I spell it 'Ana' ^_^[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Anna may be traditional (and universal; there's a form of "Anna" or "Ana" in like, every language so I've found out o.o) but it's not very common. In my whole life--and I've seriously recalled all the way back ot my kindergarten days and 'til now--I've personally met only 8 people that share my name. So if you are worried about the name being too common instead of traditional, "Anna" won't have that problem. :)
  8. Anna

    Ja Rule

    I like rap's true form, and in the literary aspect of it. To me, the really good stuff has creative assonance and alliteration usage while still fueling the song's theme and keeping it flowing at a strong pace. I love the rhythmic qualities rap has. It's just sad that so many of the songs are.... crap.
  9. I see your name as Semja Azel. I guess my brain is too lazy to tack on the extra syllables. ^_^
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=indigo][size=1]And Anna, for your boys names, do you have all the biblical names down or what? ^_^[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Oh that reminds me, add Nehemiah and Habakkuk to the list. What does everyone think of Nebuchadnezzar? [i][size=1]I'm just kidding folks.[/size][/i] It just so happens that I like those names, only a few of them I have specific relations to their Biblical namesakes, like Isaiah and Joseph, and Ammon (but Ammon is in the BOM ;)).
  11. Girls: Lacey Gwen, Shaundra Yvonne, Adia Nadine, and Zoë Marie are my favorite combinations, though there are other girl names I've heard and liked, just can't rememebr them at the moment. Boys: Donovan, Adam, Mark, Joseph, Jeremy, Samuel, Daniel :p, Joshua, Ammon, Isaiah, Eli, Bryan, etc.
  12. Anna

    The Hot Chick

    I just saw it, and I laughed SO hard. I read all of y'all's posts and I went thinking 'gee, this probably isn't going to be that great', but I laughed more in that movie than in any other I'd seen in a long while. I'm not saying it's a spectacular piece, but it is very funny. I guess maybe you have tooo,.... be in a certain mindset?? :huh: lol, but I reccommend it.
  13. OH geez.... Yes I have seen Airplane, amongst other slap-stick comedies. Those usually are the most amusing to me, for some reason. o-O They're so dumb! It's like the guilty-pleasure type of humor, because the jokes are so stupid, but you can't help laughing. "But surely you must be joking!" "I'm not, and don't call me Shirley."
  14. Anna


    Hmm....... you're right. He and I are too open for me to keep something like that from him. I guess I'm just worried about how I could bring it up in the best light and make it sound as not-bad as possible. ;>_> I'll figure it out though... thanks for all the help!
  15. Anna


    Thanks Semjaza, Tasis, that actually helped. Here's a not-so-surprising twist to it all, but Daniel gets jealous easily. I have a lot of friends who are guys. In fact about 70 percent of the friends I have are guys. I'm a drummer and most drummers are guys, so I have a crowd that is predominantly male. I can't help it, and I'm not going to. I'm wondering if I should tell Daniel, or if it's not worth it and not that big a deal to start something I already know would probably upset him. And I agree with you about the argument thing, and how things usually just clear up after a while for the person to think things over. It's just that the way he was talking sounded like he wanted like, a week's-worth of space or something, and that really threw me. We've had agruments before, and they've always been resolved. So when he said he wanted space I was like, '... space? What the heck does he mean by that?' .... oi. But yeah, thanks for the feedback, I like to hear guys' views on things like this b/c they're clear and to the point. ^_^
  16. Anna


    I do like this subject. Well, about the only thing I do in cheatness is copy homework occasionally. Like what Tasis said, if you cheat, you only cheat yourself, you're the one who is getting hurt by it. I've gotten really good about doing my homework 'cause you know, it does help me understand the subject more (hmm,..... there may be a connection there...), but if I've forgotten an assignment and it's in one of my more critical classes, I admit sometimes I'll copy what I can't work out/figure out by myself before we turn it in. Even at that I always feel crummy about it though. Now, I have a question, and please forgive me, Mitch, for branching out of the topic a bit, but I don't want to start a whole new thread on this minor issue. My boyfriend and I had a disagreement last night, and he said he wanted "space". By this, it's not a break-up,... buuut, oh heck if I know what he meant by that. Basically I left everything in his area of the ballpark--if he wanted to talk to me, he would call me etc, but I was going to just leave him be, you know? Well, today, this friend of mine(guy) who I had also seen that same night called and asked me to go to the movies with his brother and another friend of mine, who is a girl btw. Anyway so I said yes, first of all because we're friends and second, Daniel wants space, right? Yeah, so everything's fine, good movie, good time. Chris is driving (my guy friend) and I'm in the front seat and we're sharing the armrest, and we eventually end up holding hands. Then when we got back to his house and we were all watching a movie, he had his arm around me and were doing the whole cuddle thing. That's all that happened between me and Chris, but I still feel....... I don't know, dishonest, confused.... because I get home, and my sister tells me Daniel called. .. I'm like, what? Already? So I call him back, and it's like our argument in which I cried all night long over, never happened. He said he wanted to come see me today but I wasn't at home. o_O I am SO, frickin, confused. He said he wanted space....but he wanted to see me in less that 24 hours. We weren't broken up, but I still showed affection to my guy friend (and I don't even know what I'm going to do about all that right now). In a nutshell, have I cheated? I feel like I've cheated everybody but by technicalities I haven't. ::sighs:: Okay, I'll be quiet now. But yeah, if anyone has a helpful opinion please share it, thanks.
  17. I wear what I think makes me look attractive. Notice the specific use of the pronouns [i]I[/i] and [i]me[/i]. When I wear clothes for that purpose I like the simple yet classy style, like gray or black dress pants and either a button-up or tight shirt. I wear this when I go off somewhere like on a date or something, or if I just feel like dressing up. Usually I lean towards "cute" and "pretty" feminine clothes because that's what I like. And now that I just thought of this, I'm going to rant for a sec: WHY is it that all the band shirts that I like are so BIG?!! Don't they make youth sizes or smaller smalls... or something?! >_< I can't stand the 'babydoll' or 'cutesy' band shirts made for girls. That's not a band shirt. That's just another shirt. The guys' shirts always look better and have more of the band on it and rrrgh.... it just makes me mad. I would LIVE in band t-shirts if I could find some that don't hang off me like a table cloth. And nooo I don't want them tight ::blood vessel pops:: I just want the smalls to not be equivalent to larges on me. v_v Anyway, I've said my two cents on that... Anywho, and then I'll wear whatever I feel like for school, outside running errands, like school shirts and jeans, sometimes pajama bottoms and slippers, just whatever's handy. I think my boyfriend has seen me in T-shirts more than the dressy stuff I talked about up there. Maybe I like dressing up so much because I don't do it very often. Hmm. And lastly, clothes are simply clothes. They keep ya from being naked and help insulate body heat. No big deal really.
  18. [b]Name:[/b] Anna Lynn -- [b]Age:[/b] 18 yo [b]DOB:[/b] 11 September 1984 [b]Location: [/b]currently, Georgia..... the armpit of the U.S. [b]One Word: [/b]bubbly. That's a funny word. [b]No, seriously. Describe yourself in one word:[/b] analyticallysensitivelyoutgoinglyconfident. o-O [b]Occupation:[/b] freelance therapist [b]Color: [/b]blue. Beautiful blue. [b]Food:[/b] celery. Right now, I am craving celery. What is WRONG with me?! [b]Beverage:[/b] water............ okay, I must be dehydrated. [b]Alter Ego: [/b]uhh..... heh.. :naughty: the 180 of my real personality.. The Alterest of alter egos. [b]Dream Job:[/b] criminal psychologist, professional ballerina or dancer period, vocal percussionist in an a cappella group, and SNARE DRUMMER ON THE BLUE DEVILS..... alright, I'm becoming more and more impractical,... shutting up. [b]Self-Proclaimed:[/b] Know-It-All [b]Ethnicity: [/b]I am an Amercian. [b]Extracurricular: [/b]Marching Band (snare drum), Dance team, Drama, those are the bigguns. [b]Hobby: [/b]writing, singing (this is a new one), piano, drawing every now and then, .... stuffs. [b]Dessert:[/b] watermelon........... ::ish very thirsty:: [b]Musician:[/b] Chad Sexton of 311 [b]Group:[/b]x_x Okay, here are a [i]few[/i]: 311, InsideOut, The Aquabats, Pipe Dream, Michael Jackson, Pink Floyd, Metallica, Jon Schmidt, and many.. many others. [b]Mac or PC?[/b] :wigout: [b]Nics: [/b]Sunshine :love2: that's my favorite..... ^_^;; [b]Blog: [/b]no [b]Home Page:[/b] nnoooope [b]Religion: [/b]EM ........... Eastside Mormon :cool: [b]Book: [/b]BOM (W00T!), The Good Earth, Memoirs of a Geisha, Tree Grows in Brooklyn, Poisonwood Bible, and others I can't think of. [b]Collections: [/b]a rock collection and sea shell collection (I've had them since elementary school; I can't bring myself to get rid of them), movie ticket stubs, drums stuff, photos of friends (my dresser is COVERED with pictures in miniature frames) aaaand that's all I can think of at the moment. [b]Sport: [/b]football, soccer [b]Won't Eat: [/b]COCONUT!! :butthead: bleh [b]TV Show: [/b]I don't really watch tv......... no, I never watch tv [b]Words to live by:[/b] COMMUNICATION IS KEY [b]Addicted to: [/b]back massages........ :luv: ohhh yeah, those rule [b]Comic:[/b] ? Garfield? [b]Movie: [/b]The Matrix
  19. v_v Why am I so bummed? I didn't have a happy New Year's. Me and Daniel were... I dunno, I was little upset and he was being moody, and I just wasn't at all happy or exctied when the ball dropped--even though it was **pure** pandemonium and chaos in my house. -____-;;; I just wanted to be alone and so I drew away from the party and I didn't cheer back up to where I was for the rest of the night. I hate that, just being totally thrown off course by a tiny bump in the road. Well, anyway, I'm glad everyone else seemed to have a good time. '03 yous guys! W00T! ::Can hear "Pomp and Circumstance" in the distance............. starts to get misty.........::
  20. ::cracks knuckles:: Marmalade Boy is like......... sugar--it's sweet and makes me hyper. No I'm just joking about the last part. But it's very addicting, perhaps because me and amibasuki have to wait about two months in between each volume of manga before we can read the next one. It's like waiting for a Harry Potter book. >.< But anyway, I like it a lot......... it's not my typical type of read, with the whole romantic comedy thing going on. I hate that crap. But this has so many twists and turns than others I have read before, it keeps me interested. I can't predict the outcome of the series, because I honestly think that it could go a number of ways instead of the usual everything-is-wonderful type of ending. So anyway, ..... go Marmalade Boy! ...
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deus Ex Machina [/i] [B]I mean, [i]apparently[/i] it's debatable, as in, a lot of people are in some form of disagreement over the matter. I have no real opinion on it. I should have made it more clear.. there are lots of people I wouldn't consider Christians, even in my own demoniation. It's one thing to worship Jesus and another to follow his ways. A lot of Anglicans, Catholics, and memebers of any denomination are like this. Generally there are only a few that actually understand the message. That doesn't mean they're all going to hell, cos I can't make that judgement, but they don't believe in the way they are supposed to. What I was essentially asking is why there is apparently such a grudge against your denomination. Being a recent Christian I seriously have no ideas. [/B][/QUOTE] Ah, I see. ::smiles:: I was a little too curt, and I apologize. Truthfully I do not understand why some people do not consider Mormons Christians. However, there are ignorant people in the world who will gulp down rumors like sweet honey, and these rumors cause a lot of falsehood and complete misrepresentation of our religion. I encourage you to investigate for yourself as there is a LOT to our religion, and it's nothing to do with any like, rituals or extravagent ceremonies--not that kind of "lot"--but it's not very easy to understand, and there's no way I could sum everything up in one post here. One word of caution: if you truly want to know, look where the sources are correct; i.e. if you go looking around in 'anti' crap, that's exactly what you'll find. But if you want answers, [url]http://www.lds.org[/url] is the easiest place I can think of. Yeah, when and if you go there, let me know if you think we are Christian or not :rolleyes:.
  22. [quote][i]Originally posted by amibasuki [/i] [b]mine is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, aka the Mormon religion. and yes, we are Christians.[/b] [i]Originally posted by Deus Ex Machina[/i] [b] apparently that's debatable.. but I have no opinion on it cos I don't actually understand the mormon religion.. (meaning "my mind is open- feel free to inform it as you will") I'm intrigued though.. what is the actual apparent difference?..[/b][/quote] What is debatable? Do I need to put stars and neon lights around the key words JESUS CHRIST? We worship Jesus Christ and are therefore Christians. End of "debate".
  23. ::rubs hands together:: Alrighty then! Music.... gotta love music. I love all types. Yes, all types. You name it and I've listened to it: Punk, metal, ska, classic/new/alternative rock, pop, reggae, indie, industrial, rap/hip-hop, r&b, soul, jazz, gospel, bagpipe, classical, country, bluegrass, electronica, etc. etc. etc. Now, I like all these types of music--because music is the universal language--BUT that does not mean I like everything that's out there. Quite the opposite, I'm extremley meticulous about what bands' music I buy and which songs I listen to. Currently, I'm leaning toward 311-type music, like Pipe Dream (not The Band of Chicago) and well, 311 themselves. 311 is probably my favorite band, because their sound is so ..... original and unique, and versatile. Other than that, I don't claim any bands to be my "favorites", because I'm not going to buy every single one of a band's albums; I don't have that type of money. I literally research a band and then their individual albums online before I consider going out to the store and buying it. Anywho.. The last cd I got was Metallica's Black album (yeah, I know it's old), and I got it for Christmas. I've always liked Metallica, but not enough for me to buy any of their cd's, though I like tons of their songs. Well, I got Apocalyptica's first album for my birthday and I fell in love with it (it's Metallica being played on four cellos), and that got me back into Metallica and I started researching all the songs I liked, and a good bit of them were on the Black album. I might get one of their older albums later on. And then the last cd I actually bought and was not given to me was.... ::thinks:: Instant Winner's two albums. They're a band from Oregon; I had to mail off a money order and got them in the mail. The last cd I actually got *in a store* here was Michael Jackson's Greatest Hits Vol.1. I also recently burned a mp3 cd; it has lot's of Pipe Dream, Accidental Superhero, Yellowcard, *Brodie*, Dynamite Boy, Secret Agent 8, Sonny, aaaand... oh yeah, some Finch as well. I already have Finch's stuff, some of it, but I found another one of their songs and decided to throw it in there. But yeah, i guess this is a piece of my musical taste. Sorry it's so long. ^_^
  24. Well, Anna is a Hebrew name, meaning "One of Grace", or "gracious". That's the name I was born with ... so yeah, my name is Anna irl and here. Since some people here explained their old names in the older versions of Otaku, I used to go by SuperRadSkitzo. "Super Rad" is the name of a song by The Aquabats, and "skitzo" (used to be "Schitzo" but people kept leaving the "c" out -__-;; ) is just a little something of my psychology-self thrown in there. No, I'm not schizophrenic but I am thoroughly interested and study psychology, and schitzophrenia is a disease that I'm rather fascinated with...... however morbid that may be. o.O
  25. Anna


    Ah yes, thank you, I thought the name had something to do with flatware for some reason. o.O? Fork, spoon, knife, .... you get the idea.
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