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Everything posted by Anna

  1. O.O ::Puts hands on head to try and keep it from exploding:: GAAAAAAAAAHH! ::boom:: All these songs.... ::is speaking from the dust:: all these songs are just too much. I've heard like, every single one of them and they're all chorusing together now that I've remembered them. >_< "Wannabe"... I remember sooo clearly how THAT was THE song... in 6th grade. LOL! The memory of me and Kristen and Autumn singing that song while we were walking outside coming from lunch in middle school is so vivid it's scary. Same goes from "Tubthumping". And don't even get me started on "Baby Got Back" :drunk:, ::starts singing "I like big butts and I cannot lie, you other brothers can't deny, that when a girl walks in with a itty bitty waist and a round thing in your face you get-" ... stops singing:: Yeah. And "Loser" is CLASSIC BABY! Man I love that song; and I can sing all the words to THAT one, too! But I'm going to refrain. And "Barbie Girl".... -__- I'll darned to heck for ever liking that song.... no actually I never liked it--I like to call it "Over-play Syndrome". That was back when I listened to the radio, which thankfully I haven't done in years. Ohhhh let's see, what else... OH YEAH I almost forgot: Michael Jackson's "Beat It" DOES NOT belong in this thread, as the song is not in any way or form "crap". Michael Jackson owns, end of discussion. -EDiT- CAKE!!!! HOW COULD I FORGET CAKE?!!!! Those songs are by far the .... well, some of the dumbest; but you KNOW you're gonna sing 'em. My boyfriend has Fashion Nugget, and he knows all the songs...... all the songs..... it's poisoned my mind. :drunk: 'CAUSE I KNOW 'EM TOO!
  2. Anna


    They're alright. I bought Animosity when I heard Praise a while back. Never seen/heard them live. I think they're a good band; but they're not exactly my personal favorite. They're from the musi-tropalis (new word, yous guys!) of Atlanta, so of course they're decent :naughty:, and I like the frontman ..... err, I forget his name, but I think it's awesome how they have an African American singing--and he can sing! But anyway, these are all the discombobulated thoughts I have for now o.O I think I'll shaddup.
  3. "We believe that Peter Jackson and New Line Cinema's actions are in fact hate speech. The movie is intentionally being named The Two Towers in order to capitalize on the tragedy of September 11. " WHAT THE F-ING HECK IS ...... ooooohhh...... >< that is the STUPIDEST pile of... doo doo I've heard or read in a VERY long time. Agh, idiots! Why are there so many IDIOTS in this world??!! Why?!!! !! Sensitivity my elbow; it's like they enjoy feeding off of sour pain--it's done. It's over with. YOU CAN'T UNDO IT. Hiding and trying to alter every detail in American life is NOT the answer to PROGRESSION. Gah, ... rrrgh, I need to go... hit something, or something. ::Storms off in disgust::
  4. Anna


    [quote][b]Wasn't directed at you.[/b][/quote] Alrighty then! :toothy: ::walks away a little nervously.... pauses, and turns around to give everyone a BIG happy cookie..... then walks away quickly:: To not be completely spammy, I still say the movie is good enough in its own right...but heck, see Two Towers instead; it's much better.
  5. Alright you, I can easily manipulate circumstances that probe through the core of your existence..... eegh ::shudders:: how dare you bring up such a rotten corpse from the depths of the past... I am appalled. You shall have no eyebrows when you awake tomorrow morning.
  6. Anna


    :therock: Let's not get too uptight about a movie thread; I don't know who exactly you're addressing there, but for my part, my only grief was directed toward the person I quoted (um, see top of page). There are plenty of movies I don't care to see and never will see because I think they look stupid--fine, no one is disputing that right or anything. All I was saying is that in light this particular movie and movies along the same line of genre, people shouldn't be so quick to write them off, as not all of them are them same, acknowledging some are crap but some are well-done. o_O?? No need to get defensive....
  7. Heh, Ste, you are interesting. Stalkers aren't wonderful things to have. I think at one point or another, all people stalk or will be stalked, to some degree. I just think it's kind of funny. ::Points and laughs at amibasuki:: But as long as they aren't sadistical, I wouldn't mind. I'd have fun with it; go into weird places, do odd things, speak to strange people, just to play with their mind. And hey, if ya can't shake 'em, there's always the restraining order.
  8. You know, I saw this thread and thought... "naw, there's no one here I wanna meet". But then I started reading...and remembering, and I realized 'hey, some people here wanna meet me,... and I wanna meet them, too!' :bawl: lol, j/k. :toothy: But anyway, here's my list; I had to think about it for a while, because people's names just kept coming up.... Piro, Sara, Seph, TN, wrist cutter, Del, Tasis, Kinetic, Lady M, BG, Mnemolth, CWB, Adam, James, Shy, Voodoo, Alice, Amphion, HC, Semjaza Azel (sp? ^_^), Elite, Liam, and dangit, I'll probably be back to edit this, but this is all I can think of at the moment.
  9. I saw it yesterday..... wow, I love this story. I mean I just marvel at how complex and real they've made it, so that you almost believe it really happened. I saw the first one four times in a theater, and I'll probably see this on another three times as well. ^_^ Sadly I haven't read the books--I'm only in like, chapter 5 of Fellowship, and that was LAST Christmas (haven't picked it up since then)--so I guess that's why I was a little taken aback at [spoiler]how little of Frodo and Sam the showed, how they weren't the main focus of the movie like they were in the last one, where Frodo carried a lot of the storyline.[/spoiler] One of my favorite elements was [spoiler]Gollum, or "Smeegle", however you spell it. His character is so precious (no pun intended ) especially when he's debating between his two selves, oh it's wonderful. And I like how well done he was, too, how they realistic they made him. And THEN at the END how he turned into his evil self I was like 'nooo! You were doing so well!'. [/spoiler] Ah, there's a bunch of stuff I wanna talk about, but I'll wait 'til later.
  10. Anna


    You know, cheerleaders don't get the credit they deserve (and I mean [i]real[/i] cheerleaders, the ones who compete.... sorry but I can mimic arms formations and patterns and yell really loud at football games. It's the athletic and acrobatic part of cheerleading I have respect for), and I think Bring It On is a good movie. Of course a lot of the stunts they did in the final competition sequence wouldn't be allowed at highschool level; I forget exactly which, some friends of mine who are cheerleaders were talking to me about it though. Anyway, movies about extracurricular activities shouldn't be automatically written off simply because one does not participate in the activity being featured.
  11. Anna


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Yu Yu Hakusho! [/i] [B]Thank you. My exact words. Just a bunch of immature people kissing and some skinny little "nancy boy" (there you go Lauren, a little one of your quotes) *that sounded stupid* playing percussion. Big deal. I have another word for this movie but I won't say it. It just plain SUCKS. [/B][/QUOTE] You know, I wouldn't care what your opinion is in the first place, but for some reason what you said bothers me; probably because you haven't even seen the movie, but you say it sucks. You can look at a movie and say 'oh, that looks stupid, I'm not seeing that' all day long, but it wouldn't make a lot of sense for you to go around and claim something you know nothing about. You know it's kinda interesting how only two people on this whole thread have [b]actually seen[/b] the movie, and both of them like it. The rest are just going off 'cause it's a "band movie".... so? Doesn't mean it sucks. If you're not a drummer, then no you might not get the whole effect, but I guess it's your own loss if you want to be close-minded about it.
  12. Anna


    Aight yo, quit dissin on da band movies. lol, j/k. But seriously, I saw it, and it wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be. I actually enjoyed it........ probably 'cause I could relate because I am a snare drummer and in marching band. Our band marches "corps style", and the band in DRUMLINE! is a "dancing band".... two verrrrrry different mediums. I think college dancing bands are the ONLY decent dancing bands out there, because that particular style is so hard to clean--at least it must be, because every dancing band [i]I've[/i] seen in the south looks dirty and sloppy, not to mention the music is horrible. And no direct offence to anyone on here who is in a dancing band.... :toothy: like I said, if it's done right, more power to ya. But anyway, I went into the movie thinking this dancing band in the movie was gonna be all "ghetto" and wouldn't shed ANY truthful light whatsoever on what drumlines (*real* drumlines, or in other words, *good* drumlines) are really about (now that I think about it, I'm surprised they didn't show any weed... >_>). But, they showed just how good drumlines can be, and the movie certainly gave dancing bands out there some points for credit. In the duel between the two drumlines at the end of the movie..................... :wow: GAW I was like, tripping out man! I'd hack of my left knee cap to pull some of that; people who aren't drummers just don't know. And I really liked that they addressed the issue of how a lot of drummers go on through band without ever being able to read music.... it's so true, I've met so many people who play only by ear. Thing is, like the movie shows, there's more to drumming than just beating something; you've gotta "know your craft", and if you can't read music, you're only half a musician. Anyway, this movie isn't bad y'all. If you're not into marching bands or drumming or music, then you probably wouldn't like it, but it's not bad all the same.
  13. Yesh yesh, I love drama. ::sighs and hugs herself:: Well, I'm the same personality online and off. What I'm typing right now I'm saying in my head the EXACT way I would say it outloud. Only difference is that I'm very animated. I vary the pitch and tone of my voice, use facial expressions, and use my hands a lot (apparently more than the average person, so I've been told). And no I'm not some spaz or anything, but this black and white text is so..... black and white. When I express myself verbally/linguistically I like to color my words and feelings with sound and emotion. Obviously, you can't get any of that from your monitor.
  14. The word "sophistication" comes to my mind; "the quality or character of being intellectually sophisticated through cultivation or experience or disillusionment", "to cause to become less natural, especially to make less naive and more worldly", "to make more complex or inclusive; refine". The first and third definitions ought to be the sought-for standard for people truly seeking to grow intelligently, while the second definition is what things like the media try to pass off as best way to get there. Intelligence and wisdom come through experience of trial and error, or by watching others' mistakes and avoiding their footsteps. These trials "refine" character and actually teach one about the world. But to be "worldly" means to be [i]of[/i] the world. It is possible--and this is a creed that I live by--to be [i]in[/i] the world, and yet not [i]of[/i] it. To achieve this balance of living and striving amidst today's confusion and still come out as unscathed as possible takes true intelligence.
  15. >_< GEEZ girl! Talk about those love triangles. :rolleyes: Man.... I've been there, it really sucks. Well, what I usually do is just say "screw it" and completely turn away from the entire situation. Some would call it 'running' from the problem, and for a little while that's basically what I do. BUT, that's only for a little while. Sometimes, like when you shake a water bottle, all the bubbles and the current inside make it so that you can't see everyhting clearly. But if you set it down and leave it alone for a while, things settle, and if nothing else you can at least things from a clearer prospective. I know my analogy stinks, but hopefully you get what I'm saying. Just somehow detatch yourself from these people for like a day or two, then come around and see if anything's changed, or maybe you'll see something new brought to your attention. Give yourself some time to breathe and don't thihnk about it too much. Also, maybe you'll come up with a game plan, like if you think you ought to confront either Adam or your friend or Mr. Jeff himself. Anyway, I just hope things work out for ya. ^_^ ::thumb's up::
  16. Sorry I don't feel like reading the whole thread. Anyway, my life would probably not be very different at all; in fact I might never get on the computer except for email if it weren't for this place. I'm too busy, and the internet is the last thing on my mind. Don't get me wrong by all this, Otakuboards is nice, but it is just a messageboard. All the same I appriciate the work that's put into it, I just don't really have a messageboard as top-priorty for me. ^_^
  17. lol... I'm a conservative Republican. Of course I wouldn't ever vote straight-ticket or anyting like that, because I like some Democratic views. However mostly I fit in with Republicans; and I'm a conservative anyway, in more than just politics. I think probably the most contradicting issue I have is with the draft: Being a Republican I typically would favor a strong natl. defense, which I do. But, I oppose the draft. I take on a more Democratic view, or perhaps just liberal, in that one ought to be able to choose whether or not to enlist. If there's a national crisis and it's obvious impending doom will occur lest the nation retaliates, then most will sign up voluntarily anyway. I don't think the govt. should [i]make[/i] a certain group of people do anything, let alone fight a war, if some of them just really wouldn't make good soldiers. Most young men without families and plenty of physical vigor are preferable, but the thing is: not every 18-25 or whatever year old man fits that desciption. Let the ones who do sign up themselves, but let those who don't stay at home. Well this is a rather interesting ramble, sooo I'll stop now.
  18. Geez peoples.... off-topic much? Okay I'll join in. Super-models don't get enough credit. It's bloody hard to be in that business, and it's not [i]all[/i] natural genetics at work. All a lot of people see and know about is what they view on the cat-walk and in magazines. There's a whole other scene going on underneath all of that, and it's not as pretty as the surface. Moving on. Chicka that really sucks you had to go through that ordeal. Try to not invest too much of your time if this guy Jeff though, I mean there are lots of guys out there; don't focus on just one if you're not getting the results you want. What results you may ask? Well, do you not want some sort of reciprocating relationship? Sometimes it's hard to turn away from something you thought was right, but actually isn't. I'm not saying this Jeff guy is good for you or bad because obviously I have no clue, BUT this is one angle that hasn't been looked at, so I'm taking the liberty of bringing it to light. :whoops: Sorry it's not such a peachy angle though >_>. Mainly, you need to concentrate on YOU. Make yourself happy, take care of yourself, yourself is the only one that's going to be around the rest of your life. If you don't like yourself, start fixin' it up, and if you don't feel like fixin', then don't: you're fine the way you are. Well, I suppose I'll shaddup now. Anyways, hope things work out for ya. :)
  19. :laugh: Ste you make me laugh.... "warm and squishy", what a visual. ^_^ Anywho, yeah I've met people by stepping out of my 'comfort-zone'. In fact, I think besides freak accidents, that's pretty much the ONLY way to meet new people! Okay I'll quit being sarcastic... >.> But I can't think of a particular time I just clicked with someone; I mean there have been lots, but they're all my friends now anyway, so.... I could probably name off all the ways I've met them, but that would take too long. But yeah, it is neat when you can meet new people you can get along well with. ^_^
  20. Signs schmines. :P :cross: Just tell him what you feel/think and ask him the same. It's not that big of a deal, not unless you make it out to be, and one good way to do that is to go looking for "signs" like you're on some treasure hunt. Save both of y'all the time and added stress and come out with it. Be nonchalant but not too aloof and you might surprise yourself.
  21. It all boils down to a person's background and their fundemental character. It all depends on where a person has been brought up and how they were raised, and what kind of person they are today. I have met white guys who have lived and been brought up in "the ghetto" in whom I have nothing in common with. I have also met African-American guys who have had a good upbringing in a rather middle-class society and weren't exposed to a lot of the trials people who live in "the ghetto" have to go through, and I found that I get along much better with these African-American guys than I do the other white guys. I am 'white', and so you see color really doesn't matter. I would choose an African-Amercian or any other ethnicity with good values and strong character over a white guy who was lacking in one of those catagories any day. I think that where you live would definately play a factor in all of this. Right now I'm living in Georgia....... and oh my goodness if I were seen dating a black guy... >< of course I wouldn't give a rip, but you see what I'm saying. However I'm [i]from[/i] Utah, and race isn't an issue *at all* there. There are actually more Asian-Americans that any other ethnic minority I think... but anyway, I suppose living there for quite some time has affected my opinion about all this. I really don't see the big deal with color. Sure, there's some culture attached to that color, but hopefully the two cultures wouldn't be so extreme as to inhibit two people from being together.
  22. Psh, Finch isn't loud. The only loud song they have is Untitled, and it's only the last minute of the song that he's screaming. I vote for Sevendust, simply b/c it is loud and hard but you could probably still enjoy it at the same time. You don't wanna torture yourself as well in the process, do you? Anyway, I don't have anything against Elvis. I think he's alright, though I personally wouldn't seek out to listen to him out of choice. But I certainly respect all that he's done to help the growth of music progess. My mom listens to country >_< and my dad is stuck in some dimension of John Denver and Jimmy Buffet. He used to be pretty cool back in the day when I was younger; he has a black [i]Gibson Les Paul[/i] (original model) that he used to play these decent rock songs on, but I guess ever since he got old, he lost his touch. Too bad. Now he plays his Yamaha to Cats In the Cradle and Annie's Song. Don't get me wrong they're great songs..... but neither of my parents have a variety of musical interest. They're boring. :cross:
  23. Anna

    Josh Groban

    Yesh, I have heard him............. all........... night......... long, in streaming audio :therock: and you never turned the computer off. But yeah, he does have a very nice voice. It's so rare to come across a classical artist like himself. I must say I prefer his singing to that of all the male pop singers out right now. I, too, highly recommnend that one should sample some of his music.
  24. Anna

    the ring

    Alright I checked the forum and as far as I can see, there is no thread up about this movie...... SO I'm makin one now! OKay, "the ring".... hmm, what to say? SEE IT. That movie will scare you so fricking badly and you'll HATE it so much. I wanted to leave in the middle of it.......... and I [b]don't[/b] get scared at movies. But then, about a week later, you'll realize that after the shock has gone away and you've hooked your phones back up and take your tv's out of the closets, you want to see it AGAIN. It was so good, you're willing to sit and watch it AGAIN. Kind of eerie, eh? Now, this move isn't scary as in, horribly-bloody-and-lots-of-oozing-fleshy-gore scary. Yeah, the movie has some corpses and some other stomach turning scenes, but the fear from the movie isn't derived from it. The fear you get is in the intensity of the story and everything that's happening. The gross parts here and there just kind of salt the whole thing. Anyway, I highly suggest that all who can "take it" see this movie. If you can take it.
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin [/i] [B]Mormans, by the way, are not to be confused with Christians. They are a sudo-Christian religion, no matter what they would have you think. -Justin [/B][/QUOTE] The proper term would be [i]pseudo[/i]-Christian religion. No harm in at least trying to cover up your ignorance. :) On the topic of caffeine, and coffee more specifically, overrall it's more harmful than helpful. And since some individuals have felt compelled to try and broaden the discussion, I will say that Mormons do not drink coffee or tea, or at least are advised not to. Coffee is addicting, and certain (not all) teas can be also. The purpose of the Word of Wisdom is to keep the body free from addictions, encouraging stronger self-will and full capacity of functionality. Therefore the Word of Wisdom would also include abstaining from cigarrettes, alcohol, and anything else in excess that would cause harm. Well now, you've all learned something new today. Oh wait, here's one more thing: Mormons ARE Christian! :excited: Wowy, run along and write in your journals now.
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