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Everything posted by Anna
I vo-ted, I vo-ted ::does the cabbage patch:: First-time voter and happy to make my contribution! ^_^ Blame my Politcal Sciences teacher for my enthusiam, the woman is a nut and has rubbed off on me. Anyway, I voted almost straight-ticket Republican. I voted once, maybe twice, can't remember, for a Democrat, and then I opposed all the proposed amendments except for two. I just didn't agree with a lot of the politics than have been going on in Georgia. Especially the whole huge deal with Roy Barnes screwing up the public education system. That dude is definately not going to be in that governor's seat for much longer. Anyway, voting is important.... everyone who can should! ^_^
Ah yes, Enya is beautiful. James Hetfield from Metallica is definately awesome as well. MICHAEL JACKSON can SING y'all. Sure he's got a really high range and a lot of people are turned away from him altogether because of tabloid propaganda (and I personally don't believe a word of it), but you have GOT to admit that he is one the most incredible artists of all time. Not only does he has magnificent energy in his voice but he can dance like no other.
I agree w/ Piro on the Davey guy; really impressive. I agree with pretty much all the singers that have been listed so far. Personally, I'd love to be able to sing like Tamara from Sonica. Her voice is sooo beautiful.... powerful with an edge but sensual and pretty. I'd give my right foot to sing like her. Oh yeah, now that I think of it the lead singer for NFG is Jordan Pundik. His voice is alright, you certainly have to give him props because I haven't heard many guys with his upper ranged-tone (heh, I made a new word ^_^). A good strong tenor he is! And, if it were possible, I'd LOVE to be able to have Nick Hexum's voice from 311. ::melts into a puddle of goo:: GAWL his voice is perfect, I love it. Lovelovelovelove it. And Brett Scallions (Fuel) can sing, too. Man, what passion and energy...... he sings very powerfully in my opinion. I don't care much for the music--it's alright I guess--but I listen to Fuel for Brett's voice. Has anyone mentioned Maynard yet? Maynard (APC, Tool) is a really good singer (among other things). Hmmm....... this is all I can think of for now.
WEEEEEEEE Piro you look so beautiful! And let me guess, that picture is was taken after/before a play? And if not, I must say.... your blush and eyeliner are quite befitting for you. :therock: lol Other than this, I don't think I can make much contribution to this thread. I've seen just about everyone's picture here so there's no more mystery and intrigue. ^_^
I agree with a lot of what Mnemolth says. Everyone's body is their responsibilty to a large degree with exeptions to those who are handicapped or have genetic characteristics which cannot be helped. Other than that, everyone can definately make the most of themselves physically. I'm not into playing sports, but that doesn't automatically mean that I dub myself 'inactive'. I'm in weightlifting and dance to keep in shape, and playing the drums helps in that area as well. Heck, even if I hated weights and hated dancing or whatnot, I would still jog or at least walk, and I certainly wouldn't [i]have[/i] to watch tv or just sit around eating junk. Granted I could be be in much better shape that what I'm in now, >_> but I still make sure that I'm not a pile of human wasting away. Physically I have my flaws, but I'm alright. Personality is the MOST important thing though, and it always should be. You first notice and recognize a person by the way they look. After that initial bridge of interest, personality should be very high up on the priority list..... but then again I guess it also depends on what it is you're looking for in a person (but let's not go there for now). But anyway, a persons spirit determines how much they shine out of their body's shell, attractive or not. I've found some 'mediocre'(sp?) looking people to be gorgeous because of the kind of person they were. I wouldn't notice anyone else when they were around, simply because I was so absorbed in them as an amazing person to talk to, to just be with. This type of connection should be the ultimate goal for anyone looking for true relationships.
Hmm........ well then.... sucks to be you! Sorry. Yeah, just clarify and soften the blow. And definately don't ignore the situation and avoid confrontations. Confront as soon as possible. That's really all I can offer in terms of advice for now.
What OtakuBoards member are you? Take the test and find out!
Anna replied to Mnemolth's topic in General Discussion
Wheee! Yes I do! ::hugs Cera:: Okay, the first time I took the test...... I got Cera. o_O ::looks at Cera:: So, logically speaking all of you people who are me.... are really Cera. Therefore Cera is plotting to overrun the boards with herself in eventually revolt against James and claim Otakuboards as her own dominion. ^_^ riiiiiiight. I swear, I had to take that test 5 times to get "You are..... Anna. 'That girl!'" [i][b]"THAT GIRL"[/b][/i]???!!! What the- [b]"THAT GIRL"[/b]????? Have I really been away that long? v_v. Those question/answers weren't really very accurated, espcially if I didn't get myself when *I* took that test. I'm going to go take Shy's test. -
What OtakuBoards member are you? Take the test and find out!
Anna replied to Mnemolth's topic in General Discussion
O.O? Wha..... how........ who, why are all of you me?!! *ish heavily confused* And I am NOT cynical and shallow, thankyouverymuch ::coughHEAVEN'S CLOUDcough::. All of you people who are me should be honored..... heh heh. ^_^ Just kidding yous guys. I'd like to know who in the world it's possible to make a quiz and have me as an answer..... I haven't been on in weeks! I've also been quite busy, too, so don't hate me. I'm going to go take this **quiz** and see just what kind of answers the Anna's got. ::walks off to take the quiz:: -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deus_Ex_Machina [/i] [B]"What did the drummer get on his IQ test?? Saliva..." -Matt Redman [/B][/QUOTE] :shifty: I take offense to that. Who is this "Matt Redman"? ::Walks over to Matt Redman, :blowingup: :: :grumble:
WHAAAA??!! O.O Stephanie one of your heads broke?! I didn't know that. Well, I thought for sure that our snares were going to be ruined. When the rain started coming down and piling up on the top head, the tone of the drum changed and I was like aww man please don't bust on me. The worst part was that the rain made the sticks sooooo slippery, I was fighting to keep them in my frickin hands as I was playing. I was afraid one of them would go flying through the air and take someone out in the back of the head. The best part was that the water splashed up from my drum every time I hit it, and it looked really neat, 'cause we were playing all fast and hard and the harder we hit the higher the water went. If I hadn't been so concerned about doing the drum feature, I probably would have enjoyed the experience more. But it's something I'll definitely always remember! ^_^
Hmm, existence is impossible because it doesn't make sense. And you thought this when you were six years old..... Typically, six-year-olds can barely comprehend half the stuff they see on TV, let alone the question of existence.... just because something didn't make sense to a six-year-old doesn't mean something is impossible. :)
(hello Voodoo :wave: ) All this talk is merely relative. And wouldn't it seem odd if I thought you existed but you were bound and determined in the idea that you do not? Who's right? It's relative. So in that case, no one is right, and this dicussion has no purpose except to upset and confuse and in the end reach no final answer. Instead of asking "what are we" on terms of our state of being, the question should instead be "[i]who[/i] are we". You won't ever reach the conclusion to the formal question if you don't understand the latter first.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kool_aid13 [/i] [B][color=green]I play PERCUSSION!! WHOOHOO!! snare drum, base drum, bells, cymbols, tympani, ALL that good stuff! ^^[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] "cymbols"?? ::stamps "of no relation" on 'kool_aids' forehead and pushes her out of the family tree:: Good grief......... disgracing the family drummers, you are. :nope:
Lol, I like the one about Saddam's Dossier of Evil especially. I tried to click on earlier stories, but the links take me back to the main index. ?? Oh well, interesting humor though. ^_^
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AnimeLover [/i] [B][color=red] If there was no contradiction in our very society, then where would be the fun :therock:?[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] If you want anyone to take you seriously and not disregard your already weak opinions, self-contradiction isn't a good path to follow.:worried: And also, pop isn't dead. Just because you personally don't listen to it doesn't mean it's non-existant. As long as SOMEONE listens to pop, or rock, or punk, then it's not dead.
::sings:: Choose the Sprite, when a Coke is placed before you... I don't prefer either, except an occasional Vanilla Coke. Other than that, I drink Sprite, when I actually have a can of POP (pop goes the weasel and the weasel goes....... inside joke nevermind) because if you drink too much carbonated beverages over time the carbon dioxide while cause your bones to become porous and brittle. Of course that's a long term effect, but I don't have a dependency on soft drinks so I really don't care. About Red Bull- I had some of that once; it was good! ^_^ lol, those energy drinks are great....... but only once in a while o_O otherwise I'd probably burst from super-active-gonna-throw-myself-into-mania energy.
This has really been interesting to read..... Guys AND girls are confusing to me. I've told my emotions to people of both genders, with the same amount of ease and trust to each. And then there are some that I get along with, but wouldn't trust them any farther than I could throw them. Gah, I've been in an emotional upheavel myself over friends of mine, both genders. ::groans and lets head fall on table:: It must be a symptom of senioritis: that disease that all seniors in high school aquire at some point in their last year. I don't even know if I'm going to HAVE any real friends after I graduate. Everything's shaky, unstable. Like, all the people I thought I knew and trusted, and people I thought would be there with me in the long-run are just pretend. They're not going to exist when I leave, and won't exist when I come back. It's quite disheartening. MOVING ON, I really can't speak for men on the specified subject, for obvious reasons :cross:. But I've been in small groups of just say, three people, me and two other guy friends of mine, and we'd all share our emotions genuinely, and all participating. I think it's possible; if I hadn't been a part of that little group, they still would've talked about what was going on in their lives. And about it being possible to have co-ed friendships w/out sexual tension: I think you have to have a certain level of maturity and longevity in the relationship. More than likely if you've known the person for a long time and all the getting-to-know jitters are out of the way, things settle down. And also, generally if you're not *looking* for a girlfriend/boyfriend, you won't be subconciously distracted when you're talking to a friend of the opposite sex. I'm tired now.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AnimeLover [/i] [B][color=red] Surely you can see how you can be sarcastic and over understanding. I can see why.:p [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] ..........what? That made absolutley NO sense. [quote][color=red][b]Hey, Nstink has no talent whatsoever... And yes I do have a talent, [i]everyone does.[/i][/b][/color][/quote] Contradict self much? I don't prefer N-Sync or Backstreet or any of those groups, but I say props to them. Obviously you are not a performer of any sort, otherwise you would know the kind of work it takes to put on a show. It's just as hard to dance and sing at the same time as it is to play and instrument and sing, if not more difficult physically. You go sing your favorite song at concert-performance level and jog in place, do jumping jacks, army push-ups, and kicks as you sing. Or, if you dance funk or jazz, do a full-out routine while you're doing it. If you can accomplish that, then sing the whole cd and keep the physical activity up to maximum without rest in between songs. Then clean it and do it over and over and over until it's perfect. It takes a heck of a lot of work to do what boy bands do, certain ones anyway. N'Sync is one of the better ones imo, I haven't seen enough of Backstreet or any of the others to have a valid opinion on them. Overall I don't listen to pop very much, but I do LOVE Michael Jackson. I don't care what anyone says about all his tabloid rumors, he can DANCE AND SING like no other star out there. "Beat It" is the best, man I love his stuff. Anyway, pop just means what's popular, and so sometimes I like pop, sometimes I don't. I'm pretty much open to all types of music.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=royalblue] As much as I'm inclined to think that we shouldn't judge a whole (or most) of a gender simply because of their gender...some generalizations [i]can[/i] be made. I think when it comes to relationships, men do tend to be much more superficial...at least initially. And unfortunately there are a lot of bad men out there who give other men a bad name. In truth, I think the bad men are in the minority. It's just that the bad men are talked about and publicized more than the "good men". If that makes any sense...[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, I agree with that. That bad is always focused on more than the good. Kind of like with women: stereotypically speaking, a lot are often thought as superficial as well, thinking and caring only about clothes, if a guy has money and a nice car, if her toe polish is in, etc. While that [i]is[/i] true among some women, it's not the majority. But some people, particularly men, would have a hard time believing that because that negative (well, I find it negative) label is harped upon so much. It's a two-way street for both genders, both are misrepresented an misunderstood.
:rotflmao: OHHHHHHHHH my goodness, my tummy hurts soooooooo bad now! :laugh: Aw man, I am so doing some of those within my lifetime.... to SOMEONE, anyone, I don't care. I like quite a few of them, too.... bah, I'll just say I like 'em all. :flasher:
Dude, people play at Disney all the time. They have people scheduled like, a year in advance, and they have 3-10 parades a day for all I know, all from different bands for weeks. We went in 2001 and we're going again this upcoming Februrary.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter [/i] [B]Who said anything about slum of the earth? I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing. I'm not saying women are much more "moral" or anything either... Anna gets the point. [/B][/QUOTE] :toothy: I just don't think it's fair to lump everyone of a certain gender together at all..... period. I know *plenty* of guys who only talk about sex and only get with a girl because of that reason, but I also know of girls who are the exact same way. But that also doesn't mean that all teenagers are raging hormonal monsters! I personally know a few (yeah, I have to admit the intentional use of the word "few") guys who are virgins, aren't ashamed of it, intend on staying that way until marriage, and from just knowing them as well as I do, sex isn't on their minds, or at least they don't give in and dwell on it. And I also know a lot of girls who are the aforementioned description, including myself. It isn't fair to slap a label on someone's forehead just because of which chromosome they got. People as a whole are all different.... remember that children! :lecture:
Oooooh, Drum Corps......... ::hears heavenly singing:: Wow, that's great about your band. ::high five:: See, one thing I don't *particularly* like about our director is that we don't have "pieces" or movements for our music.... and I wish we did because MAN that stuff's the best, when the music *really* moves you. But, I guess I can kind of see why we do mostly song-type songs.... like songs you hear on the radio re-arranged for a marching band. We're too small to produce the type of sound necessary for the type of music y'all do, and we don't have enough instruments. We have... like 36 musicians total, and then a lot of auxillaries. So yeah.... but thanks for the wishing of luck! We'll be needing it! ::crosses fingers::
I think there is a lot of self-righteousness going on. As a girl, I know that I'm atttracted to looks.......... [i]just like[/i] guys are attracted to looks! Wow! A connection! That's natural, more like: that's human/hormones/animal instict, or what have you. Now that THAT'S out of the way, besides this, everyone is different in what they value as important in another person. Some think intelligence is key. Others think wit and know-how is a must. And then there's the ever-prominent group labled LOOKIN TO SCORE which consists of *both* genders. It really just depends. And I'll tell you this: if want a really great person to like you, you have to make sure you're worthy of the person yourself.
o_O?! You people are SAD! MAN, if I couldn't dance I'd probably die. I love dancing. I'm on my school's dance team, and I'm sooooo glad. I took ballet and tap when I was younger, like 3-5 years old, but I had to quit because of money problems. And I couldn't have pursued ballet anyway; I have flat feet, and in order to dance on pointe you need an arch. If you try to dance on pointe without an arch, eventually your ankle will snap. -___- Hence, my dreams are futile. BUT, I love dancing. I would say our dance team does mostly jazz, with lyrical here and there I guess o_O and "funk" as well. ^_^ I LOOOVE funk! ::Goes off and dances to Michael Jackson::