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Everything posted by Anna
Sylph- Yep, in fact our first competition of the season is next Saturday. o.O scary... We're only A/AA though, our band really downsized when we got our new director about two years ago. Everything's on the uptake now however, so hopefully we'll do better this year, and I think we are. What's y'all's show? We're doing "We're An Amercian Band", "American Woman", "Amazing Grace", our drumbreak ~_^, and "Georgia On My Mind". In case you can't tell the obvious, our director wanted to have a patriotic show. >_< Oh well, at least it's a little original in its own right...
Psh. I laugh when I think about when I was in middle school and thought I was having "relationships". :rolleyes: puhleeeease y'all just wait... and uhhh yeah cheating is dumb. I've never done it, and thankfully no one's cheated on me (small town, I'd know... trust me...), and I think it's just wrong period. If you want to leave someone for someone else--for whatever reason--just break up first! It's better than the hassle of trying to juggle the lies and time between 2+ people.
I play the drums: snare drum in marching band as well as the drum set. I'm better at snare for the moment, simply because I practice it more...... kinda have to. ^_^ Anyway, besides drums, I can play piano (I can read the music, but I suck at sight-reading), and I know a bit of guitar, mostly power chords. Oh yeah... I play because I love it. Music is me. I love playing music. I've been playing drums since 7th grade, soooo that would mean....... ::counts in head:: I've been playing for about 5-6 years.
the face of metal(and music in general for that matter) today
Anna replied to treton_noir's topic in Noosphere
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by treton_noir [/i] [B]oh, and the term you meant is "emo" not "imo". i hate classifications. [/B][/QUOTE] Uhhhhm no, "imo" means "in my opinion". Doik. ::thumps Ryan in the forehead:: And I know what emo is, and I don't think The Strokes is emo in the first place. I don't think they're *any* kind of music except the kind I would use for a frisbee. -
the face of metal(and music in general for that matter) today
Anna replied to treton_noir's topic in Noosphere
lol!! ^_^ I like "Get Free", [i]because[/i] it's so horrible! It's so horrible I can't help but scream along, and have you seen the video? :rotflmao: That singer *trips* me out so much, he's like The Strokes' (another crappy band imo) singer in their video--WASTED. I'll watch those videos for sheer amusement. I don't like Tenacious D either. Wonder Boy was funny for a while, and I actually don't mind that particular song that much. Buuuut, other than that I don't really prefer them. -_- And sure that White Stripes chic is having fun--I'll BET she is--but call it jealousy: I don't think she deserves that fun without the talent being famous is supposed to have in its requirements. Is she the girlfriend of the guitarist or something? I can't see how else she would be in the band.... -
................. What... the ... flip is an "e cake"? 'Splain, please sir.
the face of metal(and music in general for that matter) today
Anna replied to treton_noir's topic in Noosphere
AAAARRGH!! :bash: ::stabs drummer for the White Stripes in the eye with a drumstick and bashes her head through the bass drum:: That girl CANNOT PLAY! Aaaaaaaahhh I can't STAND it...... I've seen like, some live performance of theirs on tv..... oh my gosh .... she has AWFUL technique--in fact, she has none--and could you beat out any simpler rhythms????? Now I'm not some amazing set drummer myself...... but dang. If that's all it takes to be famous, I shoulda been a superstar back when I was 13 in 7th grade. At that point, we'd be at the same level. Geez louise, now I'm in a snappy mood....:flaming: -
the face of metal(and music in general for that matter) today
Anna replied to treton_noir's topic in Noosphere
That's what I been preachin': Don't limit yourself to ONE TYPE OF MUSIC! I tell that to these little punks who are all like, "METALLICAAAAA!!!! ::devil sign::" (don't get me wrong now, I do like some Metallica a lot [see "Apocolyptica" thread :D])and "SLIPKNOT!!! RAAAAHHHH!!" :therock: , or just any one genre of music. I think a [i]very[/i] big issue with the whole Nu-metal, noise rock, whatever is that it's soooooo much about image now. Music should be about emotion, and I am deeply sorry for the soul who only feels anger. These bands have this supposed 'hardcore' look and sound, and they have their hairstyles and their 'grungy/dark/whatever it is' clothes.... it's the 80's hairbands reincarnated into something [i]almost[/i] just as bad. Some people flock to this type of music as a source of identity, not for the music's sake (which is why [i]I[/i] don't listen to a lot of that stuff), and so therefore, as long as the look is 'bad' and 'heavy' and the fans have something to clutch to, it really doesn't matter what the music sounds like. -
Jump in a lake! Jump in a lake! :flush: Nevermind... but yeah, I think that string revisions of metal/rock bands are nifty, as long as they're done well. 'N' yeah, G-fry, you can copy 3rd Eye Open if ya have the time. I won't say no. :D
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][color=indigo]::childhood nightmares flow back:: Errgkkk... ::shudders:: If there was ever such a thing as a single embodiment of pure evil (ie: "Satan").. that.. [i]thing[/i] would surely be it.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] :haha: Eh, sorry about that, I guess........ :huh: :whoops: How can you not like Jimminy Cricket? He's so cute. ^_^ ::dodges wrath of Piro:: :p
I definately agree with Vegitto. I've BEEN saying that for quite a while now: we need to move on. OBVIOUSLY, what happened was terrible and awful, but let it go. Do people even realize how much the media is "playing" them? Notice how many "These Colors Don't Run" "Proud to Be American" "Red White & Blue!" shirts there are? Notice all the flags up on vehicles, houses, mailboxes? Money. People are making profit off of tragedy. DUH. Why the heck do you think the media won't let the public forget? Nothing wrong with patriotism, but there's a difference between that and a very big bandwagon.
Hmm...... well read my sig; it's a song in a somewhat-sonnet (it has ten syllables per line) form. I think that it was actually written for me, the authors just don't know it yet. But let's see here......... "There are no losers in life--just slow winners." -Me. "There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle, or the mirror that reflects it." -Unknown "What is this I hear of sorrow and weariness, Anger, discontent and drooping hopes? Degenerate sons and daughters, Life is too strong for you? It takes life to love Life." -- from #207, [i]Lucinda Matlock[/i] of [u]Spoon River Anthology[/u] That's all for now..... I'll probably think of more later... -EDiT- I KNEW I'd think of one right as I leave...... "Let your conscience be your guide!" -Jimminy Cricket
Heh, my "life-long dreams" have changed so much over the course of my life. Geez....... I'll just name what I can think of........... One of them was that I wanted to be a ballerina. In fact, I still would like to realize that dream, but it's not possible for me. Physically, I couldn't make it; my ankles are awful and tendons have been pulled so many times that my ankles would snap if I were on pointe--they'd snap anyway because I also have flat feet, an arch is necessary. Another more fantasy-like dream is that I'd be part of a rock band, and not just any band but a freakin awesome one that no one can top, like 311.... and I'd be like Chad Sexton (bows down), one of the best drummers out there. But I've never planned on pursuing that one. I guess my last "dream" is that I get married one day. Hopefully (knocks on some doggone wood) that dream can be realized in time,............ and in its own due course (not lookin to rush anything for heaven's sake). I'd like to be married when I'm 23. That's a good age.
[i]1. Are good manners lost in today's society?[/i] Definately. Saying "thank you" or "excuse me" doesn't take more than a second to say, and sometimes those small things can really go a long way in your day as well as someone else's. Please, will holding a door open for someone make you any later than what you already are? I sure hope manners, alongside chivalry, isn't [i]totally[/i] dead...... [i]2. Why don't we have as many manners [/i] Parents' failure to instill them in recent generations. Not saying that parents who never stressed manners are bad. I do think, however, that manners are important, and that they [i]should[/i] be taught. There's no excuse for being rude, no matter how old you are. [i]3. What do you think are some ridculous manners?[/i] No manners that I can think of are "ridiculous", although some may just seem out of place. Of course that's only because no one ever practices them anymore, so even though the act is good and normal, society's gone downhill so much it doesn't recognize it as common. The only thing I can think of that I don't really see as necessary is when a guy pulls out a girl's chair for her to sit down in and then pushes it back for her as she sits down. But beside that, all other etiquette/manners are good to have.
Heyyyyyy, I have more questions..... To this one guy I know: *Are we even still friends, or would you like to terminate our relationship altogether? To this other guy I know: *Umm........ what are you doing? I hope you're not getting the wrong idea >_< [i]again[/i], you'll just get hurt..... [i]again[/i]... To this [i]other[/i] guy I know... sorta: *Sooo, we ever gonna get together? How about two weeks on Saturday? Well you know, I'm driving down there whether you like it or not. :naughty: ..... I still have more questions... To this OTHER guy I know: *WTF was up back in August?! What was with blowing me off and not speaking to me since? Jerk...... you better watch out when November comes around... better hope I'm in a good mood when we meet again.... To yet another guy I know: *Is the post not working down there in Chihuahua? Get you rear end in gear. Are you even OKAY?!! TALK TO ME! I'm worried sick about you. v_v I miss talking to you.... only one more year to go, and you better write more 'til then..... To a GIRL I know (wow!): *What is your friggin deal? I'm letting this go for now, but if you blow up like that again we're having it out.
Mkay, so it was released in '96 and I just barely got it for my birthday .... a little late, yes. BUT, I just [i]have[/i] to make a thread about it,...... I can't stop listening to it. It's so beautiful! To all who totally have no idea what in the heck I'm talking about, I'm talking about cellos! Cellos! Metallica! Metallica being played on cellos! Four of them! It's amazing! It's spectacular! Stupendous! Enthralling and entertaining! A definate must for any Metallica fan (obviously I'm not [i]that[/i] into them, or else I'd have it already, right?) but even if you're not into Metallica, but like the cello, you ought to get this cd. I like Metallica alright, and I love the cello (no I don't play... wish i did, though) and so when Ryan showed me this cd at Best Buy last night (him, Tori, and I were shopping for my birthday present from them ^_^) I decided that I wanted it, hoping I wouldn't be disappointed. Noooo way am I dispappointed, I'm quite happy with my decision (I also got Michael Jackson's Greatest Hits Pt. 1, I like that one a lot, too), and I've been listening to it non-stop. Unforgiven and Enter Sandman are my favorites on there. SO, any thoughts? Comments? Anything to relate or dispute? For the love of Pete PLEASE say so.
Here's where popularity can go: :flush: The whole concept is soooooooo stupid. When will people open their eyes and realize that everyone is made of the SAME STUFF, and that there's no reason to rank based on OUTWARD APPEARANCES? I personally see everyone on the same level as myself; no one is better than me, but I'm not necessarily better than anyone else either. I don't notice clothes, I notice people's faces. I see their eyes and that's all I need to see. Nothing else matters but a person's soul. Never forget that, "IRL" or otherwise.
I act the same whereever I am, whatever I'm doing. If y'all were irl right here in front of me, I'd be saying the same things I'm typing. I just don't see the point in puting up a front if you ever want to have real relationships with people. And people are [i]just[/i] people; no reason to be shy or anything. Just thought I'd say that, because when I was very young, I was shy. But then when I was about.. 13 or something like that, I stopped caring about what people thought of me.... I think I was afraid of people when I was little.... and then I realized everyone out there was just as stupid and full of errors as me, and that everyone can be more alike than they realize.
Ah geez, Dickens is so aggrivating. You see, when he got all famous he came to be paid [i]by the word[/i] when he published his stories in newspapers and other things like that. So, I'm sure he tried to squeeze in as many words as he possibly could, which is why in a Tale of two Cities he doesn't just introduce the setting as simply in need of revolution. Noooo, it was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the time of mourning, it was a time of joy, it was a time for toothpicks, it was a time for papercuts, it was a time of need, greed and plantng every kind of seed....... you get the point, and why in Great Expectations he used a miniture paragraph to simply say "My name is Pip". So yeah, it's not just you. Although the actual meat and plot of his stories are very good (I cried at the end of A Tale of Two Cities), he just throws a lot of bs on top of it all I guess.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DarkOrderKnight [/i] [B]*Waves* I'm one of the odd breed that does not think solely on the subject of sex. :) [/B][/QUOTE] ::directs DOK to the cloning lab.... :: [quote][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter[/i] [b]Crap. I was trying to do the opposite. Anyway, as long as you enjoy the disappointment, I guess there's little harm done.[/b][/quote] Nope, no harm done; it was there before already. Plenty have beat you to it. ^_^ -EDiT [i]again[/i]- Don't worry, I don't trust anyone more than how far I can throw them anyway!
wrist cutter you BRIGHTEN my day! :cross: heh,....... I guess I knew all along; but unlike you I'm rather [i]optimistic[/i], you know, setting yourself up for sure diappointment? It's another one of those sadistic pleasure things I guess....
OI, we have to do a DUMB "mini research paper" ::blows up the Peevy:: in Anatomy on the West Nile Virus. Arg, every frickin DAY that woman talks about it....... we know it's in Georgia! We knnnoooooow not to get bitten! WELL GUESS WHAT?!! ..... I have >_< I'm gonna die y'all, I have [i]two[/i] mosquito bites...... can't stand 'em either... :grumble:
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter [/i] [B]What a waste of questions. If you only had three, I'd pick ones with hard answers... [/B][/QUOTE] .... -.- ::tackles wrist cutter and hog-ties him, and then throws him onto the ever-growing pile of guys/men/males in general that she plans to sacrifice..... for her own sadistic pleasure.....:: :bash: Well, it never hurts to ask. Just fricking MAYBE there's a glimmer of hope..... ....... :nope:
Hmm...... 1. What do you [i]really[/i] think of me? (I would ask this to anyone I know) 2. Where are all the straight guys who [i]don't[/i] care about sex? (I specify with "straight" because that's my, uh, personal preference I guess.
I was sitting in second period, American Lit, and the librarian came in through the door with a freaked-out look on her face and told Murphy (our teacher) to turn on the tv. So she goes over and turns the channel to like, CNN or something, and we see all the recaps of the first building being hit. Like SS Vegeta, at first I thought it was some major accident, like a pilot lost control or something. It was really surreal, like it couldn't [i]really[/i] be happening. I remember Murphy was crying, and I felt sorry for her. I felt sad, but I think I was in a semi-shock/numb state of mind. I didn't cry, in fact I don't think I ever have. Then we had to go to third period, and of course by this time all TVs in the classrooms were turned on. We saw the second plane crash into the other tower, and saw both towers collapse on live tv as it happened. That was pretty heavy. I was just kind of in a daze, like I knew I ought to be feeling immense sorrow, but I wasn't. My mind knew it was extremely tragic and that a lot of people lost their brothers, mothers, fathers, sisters, spouses and relative and friends, and my heart hurt for them, but I suppose it didn't hit home for me because no one I knew personally was killed. I did have an aunt that was escourted from the Pentagon minutes before the plane hit there. She was in DC on business. I forget how long it was until she could leave, but I know I would have been a lot sadder had she been killed. But anyway, I also remember feeling really crappy not only because of what happened, but also because it was my birthday, and I felt like I wasn't allowed to be happy for any reason. Well, this year I had a darn good birthday and had no qulams about being happy. IMO, what happened was extremely awful, but these heros and victims need to REST IN PEACE. The media has exploited this incident beyond repair, so much to the point that I'm tired of 911 this, 911 that. Honor the memory and be patriotic, but other than that leave it alone.