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[quote][i]Originally posted by amibasuki[/i] [b]or I could just leave and go see Anna up in college whenever things get especially edgy (providing I have $$$ to get there) [/b][/quote] That's right, Sparky! Hopefully I'll have a place all situated when I'm 21 (that's when [u]she'd[/u] be 18). Now, when [i]I[/i] turn 18, as of 66 days from now-yes, I counted :p-I'm going to have a BIG ol' party! MAN that party is just going to KICK major BUTT! We'll being all the down-n-dirty stuff....... lots of cake and ice cream, pillow fights, balloons, heck, if we're *really* feeling wild, we might even play........................... *whispers*[size=1] Pin the Tale on the Donkey!![/size] OH yeah, bad to the bone....... just so you know, I was being rather tongue-in-cheek up there. While I won't have a keg party, I also won't be carrying on antics such as pinning a tale on a donkey. In all honesty I have no clue what we'd do, but we always have a good time anyway, and that's all that matters. :mrt:
OI....... I didn't like the first movie. The Quiddich match and some parts of the castle, and a bit of Diagon Alley and the Gringotts Bank are the only scenes that were close to what I had in ny head. Actually, the scenery was alright.................. the CASTING was what pissed me off. Professor McGonagal(sp?? can't remember) was supposed to have [i]black[/i] hair, all wrapped up in a bun on the back of her head; it didn't say anything about ther looking like she came out of a grave. AND she had square-rimmed glasses. Come on, how SIMPLE is that to add on to an actress?!! Professor Dumbledore (man, I can't remember how to spell [i]any[/i] of these names!) made me mad, too. He's supposed to have more vibrance in his composure- yeah he's old- but he's powerful and his beard is [i]SILVER[/i], not frizzy white!! Gahhhh! The way he acted was like he was about to die of old age. He's not FRAIL dagnabbit. And Snape........... the voice, the vocal aspect of the actor was alright. That low drone, it fit. But the actor looked too........... I dunno. Snape wasn't THAT bad, but I imagined him looking more like Trent Reznor. Now, let me just say that those three kids who played Harry, Ron, and Hermione, SUCKED. Sorry, but I think *I* could have portrayed more energy than they did. They acted like nothing was unusual to them. That's very unrealistic. Especially Harry's character, he should have acted much more stunned- not quite so, 'I'm going to make my jaw drop and that will constitute any and all surprise on my part'- but genuine naivety and more DEPTH of friggin EMOTION!!! *breathes* Sorry but I myself have acted in rigorous (yes.... I am not exaggerating) play performances where we had the director from hell who wouldn't take anything less than perfect. I KNOW what I'm talking about when I say I recognize poor acting. And those Brit kids really could have done more with their performance. Whew......... well there's my ranting. So, if you haven't gathered already, NO I DOUBT I'll see the second one coming out.
If you could be eneyone on Otaku Boards, who would you be?
Anna replied to anime goddess's topic in General Discussion
[quote][size=1][color=crimson][b]Now that someone pointed it out, Anna would be cool. She has great eyebrows! [/b][/color][/size][/quote] -____-;;;; Well, at least I am noticed around here.......... -
But drug testing in high schools is not a BAD thing. Because in schools, kids don't have all the rights as an adult, and if you subject yourself to a school's own extracurricular activities, you subject yourself to their rules and policies. It's not a right to be able to play school sports/activities, it's a privilege. And if someone is doing something ILLEGALLY, then again, there is nothing wrong with seeking out these individuals. And if some individuals on the football actually don't partake of marijuana, alcohol, whatever, and still have to take a drug test, it still isn't a bad thing because that's the policy of the higshcool. Students aren't [i]forced[/i] into these activities against their will you know, it's all their choice, just like if they were to to choose to do drugs illegally. The only "bad guy" in this situation is themselves, not the police or school or the government.
Awww,....... that was sad when Bambi's mother died..... I cried when I watched it (as a kid, mind you........... I haven't seen that show in years.....). And don't forget about the villan in Beauty and the Beast, Geston or whatever, he fell off the castle in the end. And the bad guy in Mulan, the big evil Chinese guy.... can't remember his name.... he got blown up by fireworks. Ooh! Ooh! And Malificent in Sleeping Beauty! It showed blood in that one, where she was stabbed as a dragon. Man, I sure know my Disney movies...... *grins proudly*
Well, I don't say much except "uuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrghhhhh!!!""Ugh, dangit!" "Stupid dumb GAME!" "WHY isn't that working?!!" Small stuff like that. I try to contain my frustration.
Eh, I wouldn't say [i]blameless[/i]..... inconsiderate is more fitting. I mean, yeah the girl was kinda free 'game' but if the friend knew Vegitto liked her, then he had to have thought sometime either before/while/or after he was kissing this girl 'gee, he's not going to like this...... oh well'. Come on, this friend wasn't being very loyal to say the least. At least the friend could have come to Vegitto and told him straight up what was going on before he heard it from everyone else.
Ah, well, if she wasn't his girlfriend that does tone down some things there. Well, forget the girl, and confront the friend. Don't drop him unless he doesn't seem to care. But I think that point has already been established. ^_^ It sucks what happened to you, but try to have a long-term perspective about this. It may really matter if you dump this friend of yours or not, for the bad or the good.
If you could be eneyone on Otaku Boards, who would you be?
Anna replied to anime goddess's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by amibasuki [/i] [B] she's craaaaazy. don't be fooled, she's even more dumber and nonsensical than ME, for crying out loud. she just doesn't let it show as much [/B][/QUOTE] Shhhhhh!!!! :cool: lol........... "more dumber"...... point well-made there, Bartholomew..... -EDiT- Amphion..... I'm blushing... ^_^;;; lol -
[quote][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve[/i] [b]We just don't see how one could knowling physically harm themselves by doing a drug or drugs, just because it "gets them high" or whatever.... If driving off a cliff would get you high, would you do it?... of course not... so why do you smoke weed?[/b][/quote] Exactly. No one here can say that weed is [i]good[/i] for you, and if it's not improving your health, it's harming it. There's really no gray area there. A bag of potato chips may not kill, but it clogs up your arteries. And apple won't insta-fix your tummy flab, but it's giving your body vitamins and fiber. Marijuana may not show its negative effects now. But it's not doing anyting but killing off brain cells and damaging your lungs. For a time it may not seem like there's anything wrong, but you wouldn't really know that unless you cut open your skull to examine your brain, or pull open your rib cage and take out a lung and see how it's holding up on the inside. I think some may think that weed pales in comparison to cigarettes because the effects of smoking cigarettes show quicker than those of weed. But that doesn't mean that weed isn't as bad or worse. And I'm sorry but none here can say that weed is GOOD, and that their body has really improved by smoking it. The high doesn't count, because all that buzz is just the dulling and alteration of your senses, and that, too, is harmful. And also, if I come across mean or completely insensitive to those here who smoke it, I am sorry, but this is how I feel. I say all this as a friend in that, just like TN said, I can't see how some of you willingly damage yourselves. I mean, it really makes me sad to think about it. And I, too, have many MANY friends who smoke it.... gawl, I think it'd be easier to count all the friends I have that DON'T smoke it...... and I see their lives, I see how it totally changes their mood, and with some of them, I don't even think I truly know who they are. It's not the best that a lot of people out there deserve, this lifestyle that they wander in because they don't want to pull themselves out of it.... it's scary to think of how they could end up in a few years....
ANGRY BEAVERS! woooooo that show ROCKED! *starts singing* "I'm no stoopy-poopy beeeeaver..... EE-EEYAI! .... hug." Oi,.... the ONE show that was actually decent on that forsaken channel..... gone! *sighs* And for everyone's information, I had a crush on Stick Stickly. No, I didn't. Just joking.... Right. *walks out before the hole gets deeper....*
lol........ Yeah, I [i]did[/i] read the whole thing. It was rather funny! "Nuture hat"??! :rotflmao: heh, didn't know we girls had those! lol...... I was laughing through a lot of it. And a good bit was rather true, at least it sounded like the source knew half of what they were talking about, not some 13-year-old who doesn't know jack. (Who's Jack?..... lol, um nevermind :D) Anyway, I figured it had to be pre-written, I mean that [i]is[/i] a looooooooooooong post. But hey, if you *are* 'lighthearted' when you read it, you can get a pretty decent laugh out of it.
If you could be eneyone on Otaku Boards, who would you be?
Anna replied to anime goddess's topic in General Discussion
I'd be............. um, I dunno, I kinda like myself. ^_^ Perhaps Piro so I could have access to his music collection...... :naughty: ;) -
Weed [i]is[/i] worse than cigarettes. I'm not going to go pull up already well-known facts about these two drugs that y'all should have already learned in Health (in like, 6th grade?? maybe even before that). But here's a tidbit: Marijuana has over 4,000 chemicals as opposed the couple hundred in cigarettes, and even more when lit. That's why you get such a better high with weed,...... all those chemicals are killing off all the more brain cells. No wonder you get that numbing, tingly sensation. And yeah, weed can't exactly be taxed by the government. Isn't the reason 'cause about 90% is imported from all those South American countries and Carribean Islands?
In order to understand the De-Clogging Silly-String Theory you need to realize that everything is controlled by Cheerleaders made up of Taoist rebels with help from Feminists. The conspiracy first started during sinking of Atlantis in the Sahara Dessert. They have been responsible for many events throughout history, including the Invention of the Electrical Leg Shaver. Today, members of the conspiracy are everywhere. They can be identified by twitching. They want to bite the Order of Anna and imprison resisters in Big Bertha's Bath-house using bicycles. In order to prepare for this, we all must sit down. Since the media is controlled by Miss Cleo we should get our information from Mary Poppins.
Lady M: Yeah, that's right, I had forgotten about weed staying in your system for quite a bit after you smoke it... BUT, people aren't supposed to be smoking it anyway, because it's illegal. :) I was mostly referring to cigarettes and alcohol with the 'do it home not at school' bit. Anywho......
I was about to bring up the Declaration of Independence as well, props to whoever beat me to it. ^_^ The Declaration of Independence mentions God more than twice, is that separation of church and state? Basically it all comes down to this: Church and State will NEVER be 100% severed. Without any 'church' at all where in the world would a moral code stem from? Everyone has a belief code of some sort, a belief to not believe or whatever else there is. These things govern us, as well as the country. And also, Church and State won't ever be 100% separated unless we all decide to erase out history, and that would be a nice big mess....
LOL! That's cute Piro......... I got you a present, too, Lady M! Hope you use them wisely *;)* *nudge nudge*
lol..... Tori, do [i]I[/i] know about this incident you won't tell??? :confused: Oh yeah, and Lady M I feel sooooooooooooooo sorry that you had to go through that. How awful! :blush: I may be rather unabashed about a lot of things, but unlike Piro :smirk: I totally would be humiliated if that happend to me. Bleh...... charcoal.... >_<
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Heaven's Cloud [/i] [B][color=indigo]Many of you say that you don't mind getting tested because you have nothing to hide, but if they got you out of class, searched your car (which is now also allowed, if it is on school property), gave you a drug test, and searche your person all because another student claimed you were using drugs, wouldn't you fell the least bit violated?[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] lol...... Maybe in some way, but overall no. I'd think it was funny if someone thought [i]I[/i] was doing drugs. :laugh: And then when everything came out negative I'd rub it in everyone's faces. Everyone's personal habits/beliefs aside, one thing stands: it's illegal (
*sighs* Well, sadly enough for all of us now, the phrase [i]was[/i] added, and therefore a small and simple thing is sucking out tax dollars for the courts to debate on this. This whole thing is just stupid. I can completely understand some being indifferent or annoyed by something that conflicts with their beliefs, but this particular case w/ this father raising a ruckus just seems to me a person that wanted unrest in society. Now, if there's a problem that just [i]demands[/i] addressing and it causes waves, so be it. But this, a two-word phrase in a pledge we aren't even required to say, is ridiculous.
Lol............. I bet no one will be able to answer it........ but hey, coolies if someone does know. ..............[i]"coolies"[/i]????? Man, I need to get out of this house more often.......
WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! *does a cartwheel* I'm going to meet Lady M!! Wow, YES definately you'll have to come to a good ol' Jones County football game and then we can all go out to eat afterwards or something. Or whatever, it doesn't matter! ^_^ Gee, I feel good inside now, I think I'll go write poetry....
QA and I go to the same school, and yes there are a LOT of drug problems at our school. GAWL it's annoying...... The way I see it, if you want to abuse your body and clog it up with "substances", be my guest. It's your choice! BUT, when it affects me then it's become a personal matter. I absolutely cannot for the life of me STAND IT when I walk into a bathroom and I smell pot and COME OUT smelling like pot even though all I wanted to do was take care of business. That really bothers me, because my eyes always start stinging, I start coughing, and I reek the rest of the day and then people think [i]I[/i] do that crap! So yeah, I'm all for drug testing in school. Do it on your own time people, not at school.
Well, being a Christian I have absolutely no problem with the pledge. In order to try and get a better view of things from the opposing perspective, I thought to myself; "how would I feel if the line was 'One nation, under Satan, with liberty blah blah...'". Now, that actually sounds kinda funny, but that's off the subject ^_^. But, I've put myself in other people's shoes who were in the minority on this matter, and I can see where those two words could bring discomfort if one was very devout to another religion that wasn't Christian. But, "God" doesn't [i]have[/i] to be "God of Israel", or "God of the Sun" or whatever may be out there. I think "God" just symbolizes personal belief. There are a LOT of things in this world [i]I[/i] don't agree with. Some that I can change, I change. And others I simply live with and I don't allow those things to affect me. The way I see it, standing/sitting/hearing the Pledge of Alligence for 10 seconds isn't very threatening, and just that phrase "under God" is like 1 to 2 seconds, depending on how fast it's being said. And for many, myself included, who have no problem and actually like the pledge the way it is, it's rather unfair to us to take away something that has meaning to us. Like I said, I have to deal with a lot of crap, like everyone else here. If you don't like something, ignore it- cover your ears or whatever. That's what I have to do, and you don't see me going to court because so-and-so did this-and-this which really offended me and I think we should suspend their rights. And with what Piro said, this could jumpstart even more the ridding of religious favoritism that really isn't all that necessary. Some [i]will[/i] probably take it too far, and then those who actually still do have Christian beliefs will the ones dealt unfairly with. So, it's going to be a no-win situation in the long-run, and people on both sides of the matter are going to continue to be 'nit-picky'. I think the pledge should just be left alone and this issue be dropped from the courts. They have plenty of more important things to deal with.