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Everything posted by Schrat

  1. Wow, I havent been to OB in such a long time, but a Wrestlign RPG is definitly worth it! Woooooooooooo [b]RAW[/b] [i]THE ROCK [/i] Height: 6' 5" Weight: 260 pounds From: Miami, Florida Favorite Quote: "If you smell what The Rock is cookin'!" Finishing Move: Rock Bottom; People's Elbow Career Highlights: WWE Champion; Intercontinental Champion; WWE World Tag Team Champion; 2000 Royal Rumble winner; WCW Champion He's the most electrifying man in sports entertainment. The People's Champion. The Great One. Call him whatever you want, but to millions of fans around the world, there is no substitute for The Rock. From the moment his music hits to the time he leaves the arena, The Rock leaves fans on the edge of their seats. A multi-time WWE Champion, The Rock has what it takes to layeth the smacketh down in the ring, leaving his opponent laying. The Rock also has a penchant on the microphone, dazzling fans with his quit wit and his ability to talk smack. You don't want to get in the Brahma Bull's way. Rock is also a media superstar, having starred in the feature film "The Mummy Returns," and its hugely successful prequel, "The Scorpion King." His autobiography, "The Rock Says ..." was a New York Times No. 1 best-seller. The Rock has several other major motion picture deals in the works. [b]Smackdown[/b] [i]KURT ANGLE[/i] Height: 6' 2" Weight: 220 pounds From: Pittsburgh Finishing Move: Angle Slam/ankle lock Career Highlights: WWE Champion; WWE Tag Team Champion; Intercontinental Champion; European Champion; Hardcore Champion; 2000 King of the Ring Kurt Angle captured national attention in 1996 when he won the 220-pound freestyle wrestling competition at the Olympic Games in Atlanta. And the extraordinarily proud Angle -- some would say conceited -- surely won't let anyone forget about it! When the crowd has the audacity not to cheer for him, Kurt wonders aloud how anyone can boo an Olympic gold medalist. In 2000 -- Angle's first full year in World Wrestling Entertainment -- the Pittsburgh native had one of the best rookie campaigns in history. After winning the European and Intercontinental titles, Kurt took 2000 King of the Ring crown. Then, in October, he won the WWE Championship, defeating The Rock at No Mercy. The momentum did not stop in 2001. Angle won the WWE Championship for a second time -- beating Stone Cold Steve Austin in Angle's hometown -- as well as the WCW Title. In 2002, SmackDown! General Manager Stephanie McMahon created a WWE Tag Team Championship. Angle was forced to team up with Chris Benoit, and even though the duo didn't get along, they won the tournament to become the champions. Whether the crowd is chanting "Angle! Angle!" as they did that night in Pittsburgh, or, more likely, "You suck! You suck!" there's no denying Kurt Angle's accomplishments. When it's all said and done, Angle could go down in history as the greatest of all time. Oh, it's damn true!
  2. Well if you play the game you'll find out why the voice is different, I wont give anythign away, but its a kinda wacky storyline...
  3. yeah Juu's right...people would just start a thread and write 'Hi, Im new'...thats a basic spam, so we had to close it, but I see where your coming from, i know when I first came here, i wanted everyone to know who I was...
  4. Schrat

    Enter the Matrix

    Clash opened his eyes to find himself lying in the corner of a square room with no doors or ways out. Clash stood up and shoke himself off, pulling his cell phone out of his pocket and putting it to his ear. [b]GT:[/b]Operator, What the hell were you thinking?! [b]Clash:[/b] I dont know, maybe I was trying to save three others! Now froget about it, what the Fu*k happpened to me? [b]GT:[/b] You were knocked unconcious, And then you disappeared [b]Clash:[/b]Well where am I now? [b]GT:[/b] You reapperaed in the middle of the city, on the top floor of the police training building. The room your in is surrounded by Agents, let alone the hundreds of Police officers in that building. [b]Clash:[/b] So how am I gunna get out? [b]GT:[/b] Im conntacting the others as we speak, their gunna need to set off a large explosion in the building next door, sending the agents and most of the police officers over there. Then they can get you out. On the bottom floor theres a phone that I can jack you out of the Matrix from. [b]Clash:[/b] Alright, Get them over here as fast as possible...
  5. hmmm...I have no idea about that...thats really interesting though, Id like to see that, If you know the persons Username
  6. Schrat

    Enter the Matrix

    Clash ran ahead out of the park after finishing off the SWAT team with Pyro. In the dark ally, Clash clinched the wall, making sure he stays out of the light, shining on the left side of the ally from a street light over head. He apporached an abandoned car and crouched down behind it, reloading the two mac10's he held in his hands. He put his sword back inside of his sheath as he heard Phenoix yelling, "Sh*t!", Clash jumped up from behind the car and saw Phenoix standing infront of a tall women, Doom and Kinetic standing behind him. Clash crouched down again and pulled out his cell phone, immediatly calling GT. [b]GT:[/b] Operator [b]Clash: [/b] What the hell is going on up there? [b]GT:[/b]Weve got an Agent...a female one. [b]Clash: [/b] Sh*t, Should I procede? [b]GT:[/b] Yes... A gun shot was heard as Clash jumped up and saw The agent firing upon the rebels. [b]GT: [/b] NOW! Clash jumped ontop of the car and began firing at the agent. He jumped into the air, flying towards the agent. She looked up and began shooting at Clash. Clash swung his legs around her neck and threw her into the wall. He then landed on the ground and all four rebels began firing on her as she lay on the ground. [b]Clash: [/b] RUN! Meet up with the others...NOW! The others began running as Clash began running backwards and continued shooting the agent. He fliped backwards pushing off the wall and flying towards the agent, who was getting up and began flying towards clash. The meet in mid air and the agent pushed Clash down, as the both fell to the ground, the agent ontop of Clash...
  7. Hey guys, theres suposivle a new theme and entrence vid to SD tonite, make sure you catch it!
  8. hm, it seems your new here...I think the first thing you should fix about your 'game' is that it needs a bit more of story, tell everyoen what the game is going to be about...
  9. Schrat

    Enter the Matrix

    Clash followed Pyro to the end of the allyway, approaching them was the Park inwhich they were told to eliminate all of the opposition. Pyro and Clash stopped at the entrence, not letting any SWAT team members view them, they waited for the others. Once the others approached them, Pyro signaled them to heard left and take out the guards on that side and Pyro and Clash would take out the ones on the right. [b]Clash:[/b] Allright, you guys ready.... [b]Pyro:[/b] Go!! The teams spread out, as the guards quickly turned to them and began firing. Clash truned to his right towards a cement wall. He ran up the wall and pulled out his sword as he jumped behind the first guard, as he landed Clash stabbed the guard threw the stomach. The guard dropped the the floor and Clash did a backflip over the next guard, pulling out his first Mac10 in mid-air. As his feet touched the ground Clash fired a round of shots into the guards back, killing him instantly.
  10. [size=1] oh oh save me a spot as....[img]http://www.shineget.com/falcon.gif[/img][/size]
  11. [size=1] Hey guys I found this philosophy about the matrix on another board and i thought I'd share it with you, it makes ALOT of sense, if you put two and two together... [spoiler]In most simplest terms here, I think I figured out what's going on. The computer realm of "The Matrix" has been around, since its induction, for X amount of years. There has only been one physical Matrix computer system, like your own computer, but it has had version upgrades in those X amount of years. Right now it's on version 6, because as the Archetech had said, there were 5 previous "The Ones" before Neo. And if Neo had gone through the Source door, then the system would have been upgraded to version 7. So why the version upgrades? Why would any piece of computer software be upgraded? It's to weed out any bugs and errors and perfect the system. For the same reason why I'm using Mac OS TEN, which has been the tenth upgrade of the Macintosh operating system. The bugs in the system are the Zionites, the people who rebel the system. And "The One", which in Version 6 of the Matrix is Neo, is the big bug. Once one of these big bugs is discovered, then the machines determine that a major system upgrade is necessary. But this can only mean that Zion and all of its inhabitants are... still pluged into the Matrix. Simply put, Zion is the Matrix's "Trash Can". All the errors are dumped there and eventually purged. And when they're purged, the system is upgraded in order to take into account for all the flaws in the previous version. Meaning that the ultimate goal of the machines is to create a perfect-for-humans environment where NO HUMAN will ever be able to rebel. Still on the same page? This means that everyone you've seen in the movie is still in the Matrix. None of them has actually really left the thing. Everyone only THINKS that they've left, but this is because the Matrix has allowed them to think this. Much in the same way Neo at one time lived a life as "Mr. Anderson". This is why Neo was still able to short out the Sentinals; he still has his "The One" powers because he's still in the Matrix. But because everyone is still in the Matrix, I'm not sure if Keanu Reeves is human or not. Remember in the Archetech scene where all the different Neo's were saying "bull****!" when the Archetech mentioned that there were 5 other "The Ones"? That could just be the Archetech ****ing with Neo (and our) heads, or maybe all 6 "The Ones" were Keanu Reeves. And because it might be all Keanu Reeves, he may be a program. Or maybe more like a document of a program; a manifestation of new knowledge that the machines don't know about humans, and that document is eventually installed into the Source. Now A=B and B=A. The only way Keanu Reeves is can be program/document (A) is if the Machines haven't totally grasped human thought (b). Which is why all these version upgrades are necessary. But we do know that the machines haven't fully understood human thought (B), even the Archetech said so. This can only mean there is some sort of file inside the Matrix that has recorded new information on humans, which eventually is installed into the Matrix and the system is upgraded. Could Keanu Reeves be that file (A)? As for Agent Smith, he's not just a bug in the system, but a virus. However Smith is another thing that the machines didn't take into account, or have no protection against (much like how the Melissa virus infected computers). Which is why he's able to replicate himself like he can. Mind you, each version upgrade happens later and later than the previous one. Apperently it has been 100 years since the previous version upgrade from version 5 to version 6. Version 4 to Version 5 could have been 50 years. V3 to V4 might have been 25 years. And so on. This can only mean that Neo and company are actually in the year... oh... 2499 something, and not 2099 as previous assumed. Get it? So to sum it up: * Everyone thinks they've left the Matrix. But in absolute 100% truthful positive reality, they're still hooked up to it. The "real world" is just another fabrication of the machines, and is still very much a part of the Matrix. Which is why Neo was still able to use his powers while "outside" of the Matrix. * Zion was set up my the Matrix's programers to the Matrix's trash can. Every so often when it gets full, Zion is "emptied". * The Matrix is currently at Version 6, and if Neo passed through the Source door (which he didn't), it would have emptied the trash and upgraded the Matrix to version 7. * Before each version upgrade, the Machines gain more understanding about how humans worked. And then a new version of the Matrix is installed to take into account the new knowledge the machines have learned. * Keanu Reeves may or may not be a program/document created by the Matrix in order to record information on human behavior. So once all that could be learned is learned, the file is installed into the source and the Matrix is upgraded. However since programs can rebel (we know that, it has been said), there's nothing saying that Neo decided to rebel by going into the other door.[/spoiler][/size]
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Galvatron [/i] [B]What the hell Amazing Red that one laged kid form NWA TNA is on the Smackdown roster. Lets see how they use him, I hope it's not a freak role or some discrimination role. This is not a joke what im about to say but I hear he can hit a moonsault a damn good one. [/B][/QUOTE] The one legged wrestler from SD is Tenacious Z, not Amazing Red. Amazing red is the X-division Champ from TNA, an astonishing sruiserweight, I wish WWE would notice him and pick him up.
  13. Arkadyz your post helped out alot thanks. Has anyone gotten the Enter the mAtrix game for the console, I got it today and the game is amazing, it truley explains alot more, for instince, where Niobe and Ghost were before they met Morpheus to discuss the Oracle...
  14. [size=1] Name: Nick Tendo Codename: Clash Position: Pilot Age: 25 Height: 6 foot Bio: Clash was a normal young adult inside the Matrix, he was finishing up his second year in college and returning to his family home when he was meet be a mysterious man, that man was Morpheus. He was given a choice, like all are, and chose to find out more about this 'matrix'. He was woken up as some would say, and found himself walking up aboard the nebuakaneser, and standing above him was Neo, Trinity, and Morpheus. He was told all about the Matrix and the real world by all them, and by the time he was done hearing hte story they had arrived in the city of Zion. Clash spent about six months in the city before meeting Frost and Pyro. He was recruited to become a pilot aboard the ship, the whistler, because it was known that both his fighting and piloting skills were above the average human. Since that day he had been aboard the ship, serving the captain and the human race. Description:[img][/img] Time Awake: 4 years, 9 months Weapon preferences: Sword [img]http://www.swords-online.com/data/shop/images/uc1094_large.jpg[/img], Twin Mac10's [img]http://www.counter-strike.net/images/weapons/mac10.jpg[/img][/size]
  15. [size=1]Alright guys, I just saw Reloaded for the second time and alot more thins made sense, but a few things are still blurry... 1.[spoiler]At the end, one of the captains was discussing the fall of Zion, did everyoen in Zion die, or was he talking about a ship? [/spoiler] 2.[spoiler]Neo did'nt set off that EMP did he? I thought it was that agent that went into the real world, whats going on there?[/spoiler] 3.[spoiler] What was the architect talking about when he was saying that Neo had 5 predessesors and all of them had failed because they chose to save Zion, how would they fail then?[/spoiler][/size]
  16. [size=1]SW rpg, Yesss!!! Name: Darth Clash Age: 25 Race: Human Side: Sith Lightsabre: Long Bladed Red Lightsabre. [i]Think Maul's but with only one blade[/i] Style: Four History: The son of a Jedi Knight known simply as Curve, fell to the darkside immediatly after he resieved word of his father's assasination by a Bounty Hunter. Clash was only fifteen years old and he was training to become a jedi when he was told by his mother of the kiling. He immediatly went on a hunt for the Bunty Hunter, and the chase lasted over a year until Clash cornered the Assassin on Courscant. Thats when the darkness took over, something snapped inside and it was felt by all Jedi and Sith. Clash butally killed the bounty Hunter and turned around to find Darth Vader staring him down. Face to face, a boy in the presense of evil. Vader told Clash that the reason his father had been killed was because the Jedi were evil and Curve was to powerful, the other Jedis were afraid of his power. This peice of fiction let out a wave of darkness inside of Clash and he immediatly turned pure evil, brainwashed by Vader. Clash has been training in the ways of the Sith ever since that day, and he is now a Sith Lord.... Appearence: Clash wears Black pants and a black tank top, under a black cloak, [i]Normal Sith wear[/i]... Personality: Clash was originally a kind hearted young man, but now he is pure evil, a sith with a jedi's mind. He is basically a Jedi killing machine.[/size]
  17. its basically a new matrix, same idea, but without any of the old characters...
  18. [size=1] Okay, Reloaded was...hmm interesting. [spoiler] ill start with the begginning, well at least the first half an hour, a love story? I did'nt expect that, I knew there would be some romance but the sex scene in Zion, totally not expecting it. And I didnt liek ti to much. Now onto the story...I found it...blah. I mean the action scenes were amazing and all but Neo being Jesus-like I did not enjoy. Ezpecially when he brought Trinity back to life. And him defeating the hundreds of agents with ease...well Idk, I guess he could do it without breaking a sweat huh?! Another thing I didnt like is how in the original it was a feeling that they were the only humans awoken form the Matrix, and it was like the ship was built from scratch. Now onto part 2, we see Link driving the ship into Zion and they have friggen crazy computer monitors, and then you see Zion and its all dirty and everything, that I did not like. But the action scenes were AMAZING! I mean the highway scene was astonishing, the sword fight was Beautifully corographed, and everything else was Ridiculously KOOL! And neo flying, well that just made me believe that people could fly! The explosions were incredible, simply beautiful! ANyway im dragging on, I thought it was excellent, the trailer for Revolutions looks awsome, and I cant wait for november![/spoiler] The Matrix R E L O A D E D - 9.0/10[/size]
  19. [size=1][b]*Note: This Game has nothing to do with the prevous Matrix movies. Besides the basic frame of the movie, this game will be a stand alone game, and not in Any relation to any of the characters of the Matrix, Reloaded, Revolutions, or Animatrix. Thank you.*[/b][/size] [i]The original six versions had failed. The machines had failed, as well as the agents in keeping the Matrix in order. The version must be terminated and replaced with an updated one, one without Mr. Anderson. One without any flaws. A Matrix that will keep everyone asleep, so that noone will find out the truth. This new Matrix has begun, and the Machines have risen once again![/i] You have been given a choice, take the red pill or the blue. Saty in the Matrix, or be given the truth about earth, about your predesessors, about the one. Enter the Matrix... ---- [b]Name: Age: (should be young) Description: (Picture if possible) Brief Bio: (optional) Personality:[/b] ---- Thanks guys, I hope alotta you sign up for the game, it should be fun!
  20. oh my god!!! Im going to see Reloaded in exactly 66 minutes!! I can't friggen wait!!!!! psst...ill edit this w/ my review
  21. Can you guys save me a spot as Iceman........Ill edit this...
  22. wow, impresive sem...can't wait for this thurs...thats when e3 is right?
  23. [size=1] Name: Bobby Drake Code-Name: ICEMAN Mutant Ability: Oh, everyone knows, look at his frigggen name! Children: No Alignment: Good[/size]
  24. [size=1] SURE you know what happens.... And Han will NOT be in it, theres no way they could pull it off...[/size]
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