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Everything posted by Schrat
has anyone seen the picture from the game with something reading "MEGATON"...Im not really sure what megaton is, ill try to see if I can get the pic....
Is there any confirmation yet, as to if these games("Freebies") will be given away in america...I can see alot of people taking the freebies and not gettting the actual game...heh
i dont really listen to ska, but a few kids in my school wear like bands shirts and always talk about ska stuf...
[i] Nick put his hand out and shoke the kid's hand. "Uh, yeah were all mutants, thats kinda why were all here." Diego: " well whats ur power" Nick still holding the kids hand froze it. Diego backed off... Diego: "Wow..." "Yeah...."[/i]
wow, smackdown sucked......
[i] Nick woke up the next mourning bright and early. He pulled a pair of jeans up over his boxers and threw a grey school t-shirt on. He tied his white basketball shoes on and opened up the door to the hallway. Nick walked down the hallway which lead to a staircase down to the south area of the mansion. Nick looked around and saw Xavier wheeling around and talking to a man, who did not look familiar. Nick continued to walked down the hallway until he reached a large, metal like door with an "X" on it. He ran his hand accross the cold metal and wondered how to open the door. All of a sudden Nick heard footsteps behind him. He turned around and Sil and Ken walked towards Nick. He walked up to them... "This is where were supposed to meet right?"[/i]
I join whatever sounds interesting, and I at least have little knowledge of the background of the story...
[i] Nick walked down a long a closed in Hallway, leading him to the Cafeteria. He opened the door and walked in. Not looking where hes going another mutant walked right into Nick. Nick fell as well as the other boy. He jumped up and the two mutants looked at each other. Nick put his hand out, as well as the other kid, and as they began to put them closier together Nick fired a beam of ice into the other kid's hand... ???: "Ha, so you must be Nick, Xavier told me about you. I'm Craig" Nick: "Yeah..." Nick walked into the cafeteria and picked up a bottle of water. He walked over to the other boy and girl, who were already sitting down at a table, he sat down next to the girl and looked at her. ??? :" Hello there..." Nick: "Hey, my name's Nick. Whats yours?" ???: "Sil, my names Sil." Craig walked to the table and sat down... Craig: "And this is Ken, he just arrived" Ken: "whats up Nick?" Nick: "Ah, nothing just getting settled" Proffesor Xavier wheeled into the cafe and up to the table of children. Xavier: "Ah, Nick I see you've meet Sil, Craig, and Ken." Nick: "Yes, there all very Nice" Xavier: "glad to hear that. Have you been settled into youre room? What about you Ken?" Ken: "Yeah, the room's great" Nick: "Mine's great too" Xavier: "Thats terrific, I'd love for you all to sit and talk, but it's getting late. And I want you all to wake up bright and early tommorow." Craig: "Why?" Xavier: "Your first encounter with the danger room. Your the top four oldest students, I think you four should get in there first." Craig: "oh yeah" Ken & Nick: "Danger room?" Xavier: "You'll see" Xavier turns and wheels out of the room as the children all stand, preparing to go to bed...[/i]
ooc: umm nightwing, im already with you guys, theres no need for u to "get me" ---- [i] Tommy walked up to Ryan and shoke his hand. "Power Rangers Ryan... Your a Power Ranger" Ryan: "But how, im just a normal...." Seth: "So are all of us" Tommy placed his helmet on the consol next to him. He pressed a few buttons, which brought up a map of Angel Grove. "This is where I believe Zedd is hiding" He points to an area, out side of the city... Kelly: "So how do we get there" "We cant just go barging in he'll kill us....." An alarm sounds and on the monitor comes a picture of some sort of monster.... " Now its your turn..."[/i]
i think the shows great, i watch i everyweek before RAW (which rules). what happened to the teacher with the blonde hair from the first to seasons?
[i][color=blue] Nick arrived at the school about fourty minutes after his depature. Him and Charles walked up to the school and through the front door. Charles: "Welcome, to Xavier's school for gifted youngsters" Nick: "cool" Nick looked up at the beautiful arcitecture and the spiral staircases leading to the upstairs. Charles showed Nick around the school that afternoon and eventually to his room. Nick unpacked and put on one of the school T-shirts, charles had given him. He walked down the stairs and looked around at all the students. It was approxiamtly six o'clock, time for dinner. Nick eventually made it to the mess hall and meet charles there. He shoke his hand and sat down as they awaited the other students arrival... --- OOC: Hey guys, I thought the mess hall could be a good place for everyone to first meet, so if its ok with everyone, go head on over there.....[/i][/color]
[color=blue][i]Nick knew his life would never be the same since the day at the park. He hadnt done alot since. Nick hadnt gone to school, nor even out of his house. Except for today. It was the first snowfall of the year, and his mother decided that it would be ok to go out for one day, or at least to have some fun. For hours Nick played, and rolled around in the snow. He had felt free, safe. the safest he had felt for months, ever since it happened. ???: "Hey freak!" Nick looked up, it was a bunch of kids from his school, all holding snowballs... Nick: "Cmon guys..." Kid: "Hey Freak, why havent you been to school, u afraid!" Nick: "No, my mom wont let me" Kid2: "Oh, mommy wont let you" Nick: "No..." Smack! Nick fell to the ground, hit by several hard snowballs. Nick got up holding his arm out towards the kids. Kid: "Whata you gunna do, shoot water at us?" Nick got extremely mad, his face became very red and Ice begain firing out of his hands towards the boy, knocking him back over twenty feet... Kid:" Oh my god...GET HIM!!!!!" The boys began fiercely running at Nick, throwing snowballs. Nick was hit by many, he immediatly fell to the ground, covering his head so he wouldnt get hit by anymore snowballs. But all of a sudden the hits stopped. Nick pulled his hands away from his face and stood up. A man sat in a wheelchair infront of him... ???: " Hello Nicholas. My name is Charles Xavier. I run a school for Homo- Superior, like you and myself..." Nick: "Your...your a mutant" Charles: "Yes..." Nick looks up in the air, as the boys that were charging at him seem to be flying. Charles turns an looks at them, he pushs them back and lowers them to the sky. Nick, charles, and Nick's mother talked for about two hours. About the school, and mostly about mutants. Nick ran up the stairs of his house and into his room. He packed all his cloths and belongings into a few suitcases and walked back downt the stairs. Nick kissed his mother and hugged her for a few minutes, for he would not see her for a few months, nick was moving to Charles' school for the gifted. nick walked out of his house, standing next to Mr. Xavier. He looked down at Nick... Charles: "Dont worry Nick, the school is great, theres many children, just like you." Nick: "How arewe going to get there?" Charles pulled a communicater thingy out of his pocket and pressed a large red button on the middle of it. A black helicopter landed on Nick's front yard and Charles and Nick got inside, heading towards Salem Center, upstate New York, heading towards Nick's new life...[/color][/i]
with school and hw and stuf Ive only played for about 4 1/2 hours total, im abotu 22% through.....Ive died..woo too many times...
"Ion, # 9, here, im taking the left tie's" After pulling his X-wing into formation, Ion had hit the turbos and pulled out to the left of his squad leader. Jurrel: "Get back in formation #9" " umm yeah sure..." Ion pulled the wings apart and began fireing at oncoming tie's, knocking several down...
[b]Name:[/b] [i]Nick Pequa[/i] [b]Age:[/b] [i]16[/i] [b]Nationality:[/b] [i]1/4 Italian, 1/4 German, 1/4 Irish, & 1/4 English, Born and raised American[/i] [b]Mutant Power:[/b] [i]Iceman's (Bobby Drake)[/i] [b] Biography:[/b] [i]Nick was born in the suburubs of Long Island, about one hour form New York City. He gre up playing numerious sports, mainly Football and Lacrosse. During his first yearof High School, he was honored to be one of the few to be picked for the School Football team. During his first game, which took place in late August, the temperature was reaching over 100 degrees. Kids were passing out left and right, but nothing to serious, until his best freind since junior high, tommy had been taken out of the game due to heat stroke. The referees immediatly called the game off and the coaches called an embulance, but it wouldnt be here for at least a half an hour. Tommy was near death and there was ntohing noone could do. Unfortunitly there was no ice packs left, because the other heat exahusted kids needed them, and had used all of them as well as drank all the water. Nick ran to Tom's side and placed his hands over his chest. He looked into the sky and screamed " Please god, dont let Tom die!!", tears began running down Nick's face, but the emotion stopped when other players on his team began screaming. Nick looked down and Tommy had been completely covered in ice! Coaches, parants, and other players began yelling freak at Nick, he backed away and his mother grabed him. She raced him into her van and drove home. All that night he soaked his hands in boiling hot water, but the ice remained on his hands. That night Nick layed in his bed, thinking to himself, will his life ever be the same...[/i] [b]Description:[/b][i]Nick wears blue jeans, a grey t-shirt, with a navy blue one underneigth. He has brown hair and brown eyes. Nick's about 6 foot tall, and he's preatty muscular[/i]
[i]OOC: Now thats an Enterance! Nice... ---- Ic: As the Pyramid looking "zord" move closier towards the city the ctizens of angel grove began running into whatever vehicle they could, to get out of the diseaster area. Tommy still inside of the zord pulled down on two levers which began some sort of transformation. The Pyramid began turning upright, with its peak facing the enemy. Two legs as well as arms emerged and a helmet looking head poped out from the upright side of the Pyramid. The gold rangers zord began firing missile after missle as the beetle was thrown into numerious buildings. After about the tenth missle the beetle stayed down. The Pyramid zord began sucking energy into its arms and finally shoot it out of the exterior arms. The energy flew towards the beetle at and unmeaserable speed and blew it up instantly. The Zord transformed back ino the original Pyramid vehicle and began racing back to the Power Chamber. After the gold ranger had "parked" the zord he had taken his helmet off and walked into the Chamber to meet with the other rangers... Tiffany: "Tommy, two more rangers have been spoted" Tommy: "fwww, im getting to old for this...Thanks" Blake: " Nice work out there!" Tommy: "no problem... ok, bring the two rangers up onto a split screen" Which they did... Tiffany: " Lets go get em!" Tommy: "No, they ost come to us, no one can be forced to become a ranger" [/i]
omg, u people are missing out, the Osbournes is the funnest show! I cant wait for season 2...im actually watching a marathon of season 1 right now!
[i]Tommy looked down at his feet... "you three stay here. You'll need to rest. Im going to have to..." The Alarm began to sound again. The viewing screen showed the city and then the Stag Beetle, enlarged, destrying building by building... " Oh great. Now, You guys, STAY HERE, no matter what. I can take care of him. If any more rangers come, tell them whats going on..." Tommy put his hands together and screamed "GOLDEN RANGER POWER" He was immedoatly Morphed into the gold ranger. The gold ranger ran out of the Power Chamber and held his hand up high towards the sky... " Hope this works... PYRAMDIS!" What looked to be a Pyramid emerged from an opening next to the Power Chmaber. Tommy was teleported into it and began moving it towards the vilains whereabouts...[/i]
[i] Tommy in astonishment watched as the three new rangers gained the edge over the two monsters. Each one of them used there weapons to blow the monsters back, but not for long. Gorgon was first to get up and charge at the Pink ranger, knocking her back at least 50 feet. Then Lokxen ran at the yellow ranger, but was stopped by the green ranger. The dueled for a few seconds but hten blake was thrown into the air and fell on his back. The yellow ranger, tiffany threw her noncuckes at both monsters but the were shot back at her, causing her to fall immediatly to the ground... "No, this cant be happening again..." Tommy grabed the golden power staff from the consol infront of him and called out... "GOLDEN RANGER POWER!" He was morphed into the Golden Ranger and teleported himself to the two monsters whereabouts... "Now, you will be destroyed, by the hands of the golden ranger!" Gorgon was first to strike Tommy. But was stopped by his Golden Staff. The clashed for a few minutes butthe Lokxen slashed the golden Rangers Leg. Tommy fell to the ground, and rolled a few feet away from the monsters. Gorgon: "You cannot beat Lord Zed, let this be a lesson rangers!" The two monsters teleported away from the sceen, leaving the four rangers in ruins...[/i]
I heard about that movie awile ago, doubt it will ever happen..but seeing John Woo do it would be great. As for the show, I loved turtles, always have, but i dont know, I cant see kids of today, kids of Yu-gi-oh and Pokemon(I dont know what are kids into today) getting into it on sat. Mournings. Now give it a spot on Toonami, then it would be a hit...
ARe you even sure that they'll do a cross-over episode, I mean since there is now a new production team and this is supoosivly a new "erA"
"Hello. I am Tom Olivar, this is the Power Chamber" [i]Kelly looked around in astonishment[/i] Kelly: "You mean, im a....a Power Ranger?" " Apparantly, the Pink Zeo crystal choose you" Kelly: "But im no Ninja, or whatever you guys are" "Most of us arent Kelly, I know I wasnt when I started" Kelly:" So what were gunna destroy Zed" "I dont even know"
actually I also think the death scene is cool, ur visor goes down and then u see a pick of samus's suit with a dent in it and itsays offline...
((yes finally another jedi!!!!! Red, read my last post and you'll know about the mission, after you post about the mission ill post))
[i]Hello, My name is Tommy Olivar, and this is my story. Many Years ago, I was a Ranger. First Green, then the leader as White, and Finally Red. I moved on passed that stage in my life, I moved on to a family, and everything was going fine, until about ten years ago...[/i] " What the Hell? The gold ranger...." Tommy looked down at his arms, at the costume that he had been morphed into. He turned around to find the Power Chamber lighten up with five Zeo morphers under each of there zeo crystals. He picked them up to recieve the message from before, from treforia. Now his mission was known, he must stop Zed, but not alone....with the help of five more rangers. Tom uploaded the power picker program to the overhead screen, inserting the zeo morphers would begin a program to search the globe for five rangers. He slowley placed the morphers on the appropriate positions, and away the went, it wouldnt be long til five kids showed up at the chamber, awaiting the mission to save the universe.................