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Everything posted by Schrat

  1. [size=1][b] Piximon:" No, now all of you...Think about the firt time you meet, think about all the troubles you've been through, think about judgementmon, and how he is destroying your families." All the digimon start getting extremly angry and begin glowing. Piximon grabs crystals and throws them to each of the digimon as they beign glowing more and more. There power grows to unmeasurable rates, Judgementmon himself can even feel the power. Piximon: " NOW DIGIVOLVE ONE STEP MORE!!!!"[/b][/size]
  2. [i] Everyone laughed. Bobby: "Mag your right. Cykes sorry bout that." They shoke hands. CYclops: "It's ok bobby" The whole group meet Xavier in the hallway and sat down in the mess hall[/i]
  3. [color=darkblue][i]Iceman leened against the wall. Bobby: "Well if Cykes woulda let me get us to the top in the beggining...." Cyclops: "Bobby! Teamwork remember..." Bobby:" Look were teamwork got us, umm no where! I think this team needs a new leader"[/i][/color]
  4. [color=darkblue][i]Bobby drake, also known as Iceman, runs up infront of Cyclops and pushes him back. Bobby: "I can get us up there!" He extends his arms and ice pushes out of them, creating stairs that reach the top of the mountain, near the red flag. But in seconds it is melted to steaming water. Bobby turns around to find Cyclops holding his visor. Cyclops: "It's not that easy Ice..." Bobby crosses his arms and stands in the back of the group...[/color][/i]
  5. Well you know Marrow isnt one of the most liked x-men characters... god damn logan wanabe...Hehe
  6. [color=darkblue][b]Ion Redips [size=1]Age: Clawdite form-127 Human Form-37 Species: Clawdite Home Planet: Zolan Weapon: Lightsabar-[/b]The lightsaber is the weapon of a Jedi, an elegant armament of a more civilized time. In comparison, blasters are crude, inaccurate and loud affairs. To carry a lightsaber is an example of incredible skill and confidence, dexterity and attunement to the Force. His lightsabar blade is colored silver. [b]Ship:Naboo N-1 Starfighter-[/b]Its sleek design exemplifies the philosophy of art and fuction witnessed throughout Naboo technology. Its twin radial J-type engines are capped in gleaming chrome and trail long delicate-looking finials behind the ship's single-pilot compartment. Behind the pilot sits a standard astromech droid, plugged into an abbreviated, ventrally-fed socket which requires the droid to compress slightly in order to fit within the vessel's curves. The fighter features twin blaster cannons, twin fire-linked torpedo launchers, and a capable automatic pilot feature. Why would a Clawdite use a Naboo fighter ship? For it's sleekness, yet the ship has massive firepower. [b]Alliance: Republic Bio:[/b]Ion grew up on the planet of Zolan. At the age of five he began showing incredible connectivity with the force, something most clawdite's believe in. He was immediatly taken by a lone Jedi to courscant, the homeland of most Jedi. He was trained under Kit Fisto, until the age of 26, when he passed the jedi trials. But this was his second try at the trials. His first time, Ion used his normal Clawdite form, he failed miserably. The second time, he created a human form, for him to stay in. This time he passed with flying colors, so since that day, when active, Ion has stayed in that human form. After becoming a Jedi, he was sent on numerous missions, all which led up to his first major battle, which ironicly was the first battle of the Clone wars. After the Separatists began winning a few battles, Ion and his former master Kit Fisto were sent to orbit around the planet of Kamino... [img][/img] [i]The first battle of the Clone Wars[/i] [b]Description:[/b] [img][/img] [i]For his Clawdite form- Imagine this but in the simple jedi robe, with a light sabar and specialized field gear for his missions.[/i][/color][/size]
  7. [size=1][color=darkblue][b]Character Name: Nick Iondarci Age:[/b]27 [b]Physical Description:[/b] [img][/img] [b]Character's Occupation:[/b] Nick is a journalist for a local Newspaper in Tokyo 3, [i]ThreeDay.[/i]He is a simple man, and usually keeps to himself. But he will do anything to get his story, and when I say anything I mean ANYTHING. He wants to be at the top in the news buisness, which is getting on broadcast television, going down the path he is, one good story could put him there. [b]Character's Background:[/b] Nick grew up like a normal kid. He has a brother one year younger then him and two regular parants. He went to school, and recieved average grades, until he began writing. In tenth grade Nick joined the school paper. He began getting excellant grades, he was finally really enjoying his life, and he has been writing and enjoying life ever since...[/size][/color]
  8. Well without the pheonix force, shes basically a simple telepath/kinetic...anyway, when we gunna start this thing.....?
  9. umm well if your worried about ICEMAN, why dont you look to the top post and the main character, I'm pretty sure jean cant stimulate individual molecules to create heat, and generate concussive bursts and protective shields or most of the stuf REI said she can...
  10. yeah i know he's on the show...but cant I still play as him.....plzzzz, It was a good sign up.....plz hehe
  11. [b][size=1]Piximon: "Many many things, hurry Biomerge...Then we can move on..."[/b][/size]
  12. [size=1] As Lopmon and her tamer fell throuhg the portal, Piximon ran to her. [b]Piximon: "Finally..." Lopmon: "We ran into some trouble" Piximon: "It's ok. DO you two know how to Biomerge?" [/b] Lopmon and her tamer look at each other and smile...[/size]
  13. Name: Joe Ang:17 Digimon:Egnamon
  14. [color=blue][size=1][b]Bobby Drake Mutant Name:[/b]ICEMAN [b]Mutant Abilities:[/b]mutant-generate subzero freezing energies that cool and condense the moisture in the air into malleable ice structures, rapidly lowers his body temperature to transform into an organic ice form with enhanced strength, durability, and the ability to increase his mass, reshape his body's ice structure, and rebuild his body from damage [b]BIO:[/b] Since the age of twelve, he's now 18, Bobby has been living at the X-mansion. Trained by Proffesor Xavier as well as the other X-men, Bobby has been waiting all his life for one oppertunity to show his stuf, will this be it? [b]Personality:[/b] Natural Born leader, he always wants to be on top and number one![/size][/color] [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=302159[/img]
  15. [size=1][b]Piximon: "DNA-Digivolving wont help, the more people, the more fire power. Which we need" Apocomon: "But..." Piximon: "Trust me. Now we need for Lopmon to get back here, let her Digivolve and then I will tell you all the secret" RoyalAngemon: "What secret?" Piximon: "Oh did I say secret, umm I mean.......SO apocomon and Tyron try that Biomerging thing again....Yeah try that"[/b][/size]
  16. [size=1][i] As Royalangemon gets up and takes to the sky, he noods to his freinds, as he charges at Darkwargreymon. Within a foot of the evil digimon he screams [b]"HOLY SLASH!"[/b] and his sword turns white. He slices through Darkwargreymon, cutting him in two. Royalangemon lands on the ground and absorbs the evildigimon's energy. He walks towards Ultridramon and Hybinmon, not even sweating![/i] [b] RoyalAngemon:" Come on, we have to get back to the castle" [/b] [i] The three biomerged digimon take to the sky, heading back to Piximon's castle...[/i][/size]
  17. [size=1][i] Royal Angemon flew up ahead and straight at a bunch of bushes. He landed and pointed his sword at the push and poked, out ran a child Agumon laughing. RoyalAngemon picked him up and looked at him.[/i] [b]RoyalAngemon: " You little...!!!! You made us fly all this way after you!" Ultridramon: "We thought you were one of us!" Agumon:" HAHAHA, fools! Warp DIGIVOLVE TO..." [/b][i] Black smoke emerges and engulfes the four digimon. When it settles a ??? Walks towards them...[/i] [b]???: "Judgementmon will not fall to you fools. I am DarkWarGreymon, and I am here to make sure you dont find your freinds in the real world" RoyalAngemon: " We will stop you, and get to the real world!"[/b] [i] RoyalAngemon pulls his broad sword and begins battling DarkWargreymon[/i] --- Hey guys Nice work, i went to bed and there was a page and a half! Umm gotenks or starlight, dont defeat him with one move or post...You know what I mean...hehe[/size]
  18. [size=1][i]As Ultridramon land in the castle, Piximon approaches him...[/i] [b]Piximon:" Ah returned you have. Great already in the Biomerged form..."[/b] [i]All of a sudden a Noticemon comes running up to Piximon...[/i] [b]Noticemon:" Sir, we have a problem. The rest of the digimon and their partners..." Piximon:" What?!" Noticemon:" Weve lost track of them"[/b] --- [color=red]OOC: If the rest of the members dont post by tommorow, im thinking about "exiting" them from the game....[/size][/color]
  19. [i] With one last look at the group he had journyed so many steps with he turned and looked at the first step he would make alone. Once again he was alone. But not for long, he would meet up with his freinds again, some day. But until then he must find and examine these unknown creatures, this was his mission, this is what he shall do...[b]To Be Continued[/b][/i]
  20. [size=1][b]RoyalAngemon:" Just think about each other, abotu all the good times, and your mission ahead, once you do it once you never froget." Athena: "Like riding a bike?" RoyalAngemon:"Exactly. Try, you can do it!"[/b][/size]
  21. [size=1]Piximon walks to the window and sees Exveemon fly away. [b]Piximon:" He will return. Right now all of you must Biomerge, this shouldnt be that hard"[/b] Joe and Egnamon look at each other and grin... [b]Joe:" Here we go again" Egnamon:" Oh god, this is gunna be great." Joe & Egnamon:" BIOMERGE TO!!!!!!!!"[/b] [i] A white light emerges from the chest of the two warriors. They begin to altamitly(spl??) Merge together as the light spreads without the room. Seconds later when the light subsides one warrior, one angel, with shinning platnium armor is standing in the room, waving his large broard sword to the right and left...[/i] [b] RoyalAngemon: to ROYALANGEMON![/b][/size]
  22. [size=1] Egnamon runs up to Ultridramon as he and Omegamon run through the portal. [b]Egnamon:" How dare you! How dare you push me through this portal!" Ultridramon:" Calm down I was just saving you kid..." Egnamon:" Saving me! Just stay away from me ok?" Piximon:" You two stop! Everyone stand next to your partners. We just need to wait for Dougmon, lopmon, and their partners..."[/b][/size]
  23. [size=1] Piximon, in the digital world, senses Omegamon and Ultridramon's problems and tries to speak with them... [b]Piximon:" Omegamon, Ultridramon, If you can both hear me, do not attack Judgementmon or his henchmen, DO NOT! You will only cause more problems. You must return now with the remaining digimon and their partners, now hurry!"[/b][/size]
  24. umm im pretty sure there wont be a pink, like two reds and two greens..or sumtin
  25. devidra, that site rules. Man, I sat at my computer for AWHILE reading that whole site. You know anymore good sites, maybe with spiolers hehe......?
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