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Everything posted by Schrat

  1. [size=1] Holding onto Rapidmon with all his might MagnaAngelicmon fell into the portal and came ou inside Piximon's castle... MagnaAngelicmon:" What how dare he push me, Im going back in..." Piximon:" I am sorry but you can not, I sent you on one mission, to find your partner and you did. I can only let you back through once everyone has returned. I am sorry" magnaAngelicmon: " God Da....De-digivolve" Egnamon:" Well can we at least get a head start on our next mission?"[/size]
  2. [size=1]MagnaAngelicmon stuned by the bump quickley grabed Terriermon's Partner, KK. He ran towards the portal and placed her by it, she was swallowed as the others were. MagnaAngelicmon: "Gargomon, nice work." Gargomon: "Thank you, Is KK al..." MagnaAngelicmon:"She'll be fine." Gargomon:" Ok, HSould we go through?" MagnaAngelicmon: "Once all of us get back, Jusgementmon's heading this way. Be prepared for a fight..."[/size]
  3. MagnaAngelicmon: "Oh god, We need to get rid of this guy and get the rest of the others. Golden Gate!" A huge gate appears infront of MagnaAngelicmon and opens up as it approaches Skullmeramon and sucks him in. The gate reappears miles away and blows out Skullmeramon. MagnaAngelicmon:" Alright we lost him for awhile. We need to get the others. Whose still out there?"
  4. Angelicmon with Joe on his back land beside Ultridramon. *Whispering to him* Angelicmon:"We can hold him off, we need to get the humans in the portal..." Ultradramon: "Exactly, It wont be long before Judgementmon gets word of us and returns." Angelicmon: "Yes, But for now de-biomerge and get zach through that portal. Digivolve to.......!" MagnaAngelicmon: "MagnaAngelicmon, SkullMeramon your day is up!" He turns to joe... MagnaAngelicmon: "Joey, get through that portal, There will be someone waiting for you..." Joe:" Alright" He runs and gets sucked into the portal, MagnaAngelicmon turns to Skullmeramon MagnaAngelicmon:"WHere is everyone..."
  5. [size=1]Angleicmon landed on the outskirts of the Human Labor camp. He ran past the buildings not being noticed til he came across a chain gang walking along a fence. Women:" Oh my goodness, an angel" Women2:" Are you here to save us" Angelicmon:" Sorta, Im looking for a boy. He should be around the age of 16 or 17. His name is Joey..." Mother:" My... My Joey, why would you want my son?" Angelicmon:" Your his mom... I'm his partner, His digimon..." Mother:" Angelicmon, He always dreamed about you!!I cant believe this, PLease take him from this terrible place." Angelicmon:" I will, and he will help save your world. Where can I find him?" Mother:" About a quartermile up, There is the teenage camp. He'll recognize you." Angelicmon flew up into the sky and sped over to the teenage camp. He touched ground and began looking around. A few kids noticed him and were scared away. After he realized he was too large he de-digivolved. He began yelling "joey" and "joe", followed by "it's me Egnamon", finally a young man approached him... Man:" Egnamon..." Egnamon:" Joey, is that..." Joe:" Egnamon its me! I cant believe..." Egnamon:"Grab onto my back we dont have time...Digivolve to Angelicmon!" Angelicmon, with Joe on his back flew out of the camp and towards the portal....[/size]
  6. Well doesnt Shin like tell Gohan not to go SSJ or else he'd destroy everything...
  7. I like the snowflakes, very seasonable... As for Christmas, I want New lacrosse and football gear. Maybe a gc game or two, Wavebird(colored if they make em by then), and Idk something else, ill think of some stuff.......
  8. [size=1][b] Egnamon: "Everyone run, find your partners as fast as you can. And then run through the portal back home..." Egnamon starts running through the destroyed city, he realises he should take to the sky. Egnamon:" Egnamon digivolve to..." Angelicmon:" Angelicmon!" Angelicmon begins flying and heads over the tumbled buildings til he reaches the park that he first meet Joey in. But this is no longier a park, but a labor camp for the humans. Angelicmon hovers in the sky above the camp... --- ooc:Umm I didnt meen the humans are bad, just working for judgementmon...[/size][/b]
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by TheDarkOtaku [/i] [B]I agree, his polkas are hillarious. I especially love the one from "Running with Scissors". That was really funny too. :D [/B][/QUOTE] Oh my god, the one with all the songs combined into one...That song is hilarious.....
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by shadowdramon [/i] [B]there are quite a few Japan-exclusive Ranger teams that, most of whom have outfits that look so much better than anything brought to America. [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah I remember seeing somewhere that when the original rangers got there thunder zords, thats what they were called right?, (remember the 3 part primetime eps), That in ***. they got new outfits with like fire and stuf idk, maybe thats another show im confused......
  11. Can someone give me a site with some ***. and amer. PR stuf like a good site.......
  12. [size=1][b]Piximon: "ok again...There is a pure Evil digimon, Judgementmon, who has traveled to the realworld. And he has enslaved the humans, all of them. Judgementmon has basically destroyed what we know as The real world." Fladingomon:" But we destroyed all evil the first time we went on a Journey ((No pun intended))" Egnamon:" Thats what we always think. So piximon, Our first mission, is to basically find our partners and bring them back here?" Piximon:" yes, they all should be enslaved in parts of japan. You should be able to fight your way thru Judgementmon's minions and find them. Remember they will be oldier, since Earth time is speed up, compared to ours. And hurry back before Judgementmon returns to Japan. Go!" [/b] All the digimon on the mission stand at a door, that is strangley glowing. Piximon swings a wond of his and the door opens and a portal appears...[/size]
  13. [size=1][b]Egnamon:"VEE! stop, remember who she..." Dougman:" Who am I, huh!?" Egnamon:" No one, remember our mission." [/b] He turns towards Fladingomon... [b]Egnamon:"Havent seen you in awhile" Fladingomon:" Yeah I know, its good to be back with..." Piximon:" Forget about past experiences, Im sure all of you have stories about your experiences but save them for later. I have a spy that is "working" for judgementmon. He sent me word that he has just moved from his fortress in Japan, to America. I suppose all of your Partners live in Japan, thats were you will first go. And meet back here..."[/b][/size]
  14. Schrat


    Are you serious...man that sucks Arikel is so cool...Maybe we should hold off on this game til he gets back...
  15. Sure you can still join star...just go rp in the actual game, GO NOW!
  16. [size=1]All the digimon de-digivolve to there rookie forms and Piximon tells the horrible story to those who dont know whats going on. Egnamon walks to Veemon on the side. [b]Egnamon:"psst, Veemon...Does that Dougmon..." Veemon:" Renamon..." Egnamon:" Yeah, her data, but how she was the strongest fighter ever!" Veemon:" We dont have time to worry about that, we need to concentrate..." Egnamon:" I know the mission..."[/b] They walk back to the group and sit down in chairs around a large glass round table. A orb appears in the middle of the table and shows a picture of a city of pure destruction. [b]Piximon:"...Japan, this mourning" ...[/b][/size]
  17. [size=1]Egnamon shoke hands or paws with Apocomon. he had not seen him since his first "Adventure" many years ago. Both of the digimon sat down and Piximon explained the crisis to Apocomon, who was now in shock. [b]Egnamon:" Looks like were going on another one of our Journeys, huh" Apocomon:" haha, bring it on!"[/b] The two digimon laughed as a lone Terriermon walked into the castle...[/size]
  18. [size=1][i]The time was apon us...Judgementmon had destroyed what little the real world had left. He had turned all humans into slaves for him and his minons. No force in the real world could stop him. But eight forces from the digital World could.[/i] Egnamon had been living at the bottom of the mountian he grew up on. Since his last adventure, he had only seen his partner Joey once. Joey had grown oldier and was not really into playing with him much. Two years had past since the last time he had traveled to the real world. And to be honost, Egnamon didnt care. He was fine living in the digital World, a world at peace...But that didnt last... One faithfal day, Egnamon was doing his usual, Eating sleeping and trianing. But this day was different, around noon Egnamon had noticed a large Digimon flying towards him. Once the flying digimon landed, Egnamon ran to him... [b]???:"Hello Egnamon, I am Noticemon, sent here by Piximon to bring you to him." Egnamon:"What Piximon, Why would he want me.?" Noticemon:" you will find out soon enough, Can you fly?" Egnamon:" Oh yeah. Egnamon Digivolve to...." Angelicmon:" Angelicmon, I'll just follow you."[/b] After Noticemon took off Angelicmon began to follow. They flew for at least an hour til the finally approached a large castle like structure. They landed and walked right in. Egnamon followed Noticemon down a long hallway tile they reached large doors. The opened them and are meet by Piximon... [b]Piximon:" Hello Egnamon, It's been awhile" Egnamon:" Yes it has. Why have you sent for me?" Piximon:" How should I say this...All right I'll get to the point. There is a pure Evil digimon, Judgementmon, who has traveled to the realworld. And he has enslaved the humans, all of them. Judgementmon has basically destroyed what we know as The real world." Egnamon:" Oh my god...He can't be stopped?" Piximon:" Not by any Humans, but by Digimon he can!" Egnamon:"So why hasnt someone traveled to the real world to stop him?" Piximon:" He closed the portal, two weeks, digimon time, ago." Egnamon:" So what do you want from me" Piximon:" Judgementmon needs to be stopped. Eight can stop him. You are one. Seven Noticemon are flying all over the Digital World to find the remaining Seven best digimon suited for this mission , they will be here shortly."[/b] --- OOC: Ok, now its your guys turn, have your character be "noticed" by the noticemon, and fly to the castle. And remember, the portal has been closed for 2 weeks, digital time. So you havent seen your "partners" In awhile.Thx[/size]
  19. alright guys im going to be making the actual game tommorow mourning ...and guess what Im allowing everyoen to be in this!!!!! wohoo! Yeah anyway, umm Im going to leave the sign-ups opened so people can still join, if they want...
  20. [i]Iondarc looked across the table at fellow Wizard Ryan. Ryan looked up at Iondarc and Iondarc uttered a low "Come here". The two Wizards quickley get up from the table and walk out to the nearby hallway of Rivendall. [b]"I know our powers are not even comparable to the great Wizards of the past, like Gandalf, but I feel it..." Ryan:" I feel it too, from Angband" "Morgorth is building his troops, we do not have much time. This is not a battle I feel good about"[/b][/i]
  21. Schrat


    [i]Nate sat own in the dark room holding a bottle given to him by the mutant Vortex. He pulled off the cap but it wouldnt budge so Nate crashed the botle on the floor. Glass shattered all over, but underneigth was a single peice of paper. He picked it up and turned it over. Telekineticly, Nate turned on the lights to find that the peice of paper had a single X written on it. He throught down the peice of paper and walked out of the room. As he got into the hallway he felt something strange, a part of him... [b]"Cable...?"[/b][/i]
  22. i thought the hell in a cell was amazing, did u see taker!
  23. [size=1][i]Iondarc awoke sudennly from his rest to a knocking at his door in his guest room a Rivendale. He arose slowley and ben over to grab his grey cloak. he threw it on and approached the door. Opening it, he found a Yound elvish women standing there [b]Women:[/b] Hello Master Iondarc, How was your rest? "Rewarding, how can I be of your sevices?" [b]Women:[/b] Dinner is now bein served in the main mess hall, will you join us? " I would love to..." Iondarc turning around shutting the door behind him. He walked with the Women through beautiful hallways of the Elvish sanctuary of Rivendale. When they approached the mess hall, Iondarc Heard a familiar voice from behind him... [b]Voice:[/b] Iondarc! Iondarc turned to find his fellow Wizard in the fellowship, Ryan. " Ryan my freind!" The Wizards walk together and shake hands and turn towards thier seats at the table...[/i][/size]
  24. Schrat


    [b]((I want this to happen before SStrunks's post))[/b] [i] Walking next to Gravitoone, on the way back to the X-men headquarters in Nate. He loooks at the embroddering on his jacket once more and throws it fiercly on the ground. " I dont understand how this could be possible" Grav.:" What?" "I...I killed myself in the year 2000!" Nate looks around at the ravaged city " What year is it now?" Grav:"2902" " Are you kidding...but...how" Grav: "It doesnt matter Nate, It doesnt matter how you got here, it matters why you got here" " Well all I can remember is waking up in a glass tube, and having doctors and some kind of military personal in a dark room around me. Then I felt the disturbance of that mutant and felt like I needed to help you guys, so thats why I'm here" Grav:" But I dont understan...." Nate quickley presses his arm against Gravitoone's... Grav: "Whats wrong?"[/i] [b]((Now SSTrunk's post))[/b] [i]"Nathan Summers...He's here...But how?"[/i]
  25. Schrat


    [i] Nathan turns to the footsteps to see the monster walking slowley towards the mutants. Nate charges forward at the monster and pushes his arms out infront of him. A psonic blast realeases and knocks the head off of the monster. Nate stops and turns back " Where were we?" He walks up towards the mutants and picks up his jacket on the wya over. He looks at the collor and runs his fingers over the embroddering that reads " Project X". Nate throws the jacket over his shoulder and crosses his arms...[/i]
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