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Everything posted by Schrat

  1. [size=1]Definitly save me a spot, this sounds interesting, but I dont have much time to write up a signup...Ill edit this.... psst, you can think Craig for me signing up.....[/size]
  2. [size=1] I never actually saw the movie but I heard it was TERRIBLE. Im glad i didnt waste my money to see it, I feel bad for the peopel that did....[/size]
  3. [size=1] i could see tarkin in it but I highly doubt that Chewbacca will be in it, he hs nothing to do witht he prequal stories. [/size]
  4. [size=1][QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jinzouningen17 [/i] [B] And speakin of his neck, I wonder if his neck is botherin him because although it was YEARS ago, maybe he still hasnt gotten over that messed up piledriver that Owen Hart(RIP)gave to him at Summerslam 97. *shrugs* Who knows. [/B][/QUOTE] VERY good point. I have a feeling Austin could pull of one more match, and i have a feeling it could be vs. Goldberg for the title at Summerslam. I have a feeling that GB will win the title at Badd Blood and go on to hold the title for awhile. Some other news, Looks like Jeff Hardy was under some speculation of Drug abbuse before he was released, that could be the cause or it couldnt. Hopefully we'll see him again soon, maybe in a title match for the X title on TNA, that would be great! And some spoilers for ya, [spoiler] Mr. America will debut at the SD tapings tonite, as none other then Hulk Hogan. He has been spotted backstage at the SD tapings, along with Kurt angle, but it is unlikely that he will appear on camera.[/spoiler][/size]
  5. [size=1] The Legolas Banner is alot better! What program are you using, because if your using a graphics program there might be some kool effects you could add to spice it up. But all in all it wasnt bad, 8.5/10....[/size]
  6. [size=1][B]HUGE RAW SPOILER[/B] [spoiler]Tonight on RAW, Linda McMahon will come out and announce that she is the new RAW General Manager. She will then hire Steve Austin back to RAW. Steve Austin will then hire Jim Ross back to RAW. Should make for good TV.[/spoiler] According to Wrestlzone.com this is [b]100%[/b] correct...this should get VERY interesting...[/size]
  7. [size=1] I thought Backlash was alright. There were a few matches I had higher hopes for, ex. Dudley's match, I thought Morely was going to make it a tlc but intead he made himself a sgr. Im glad Goldberg one, as well as O'haire, this will push them I think to a higher status in the company. As well as Cena, who put on an excellant match. I also had higher hopes for the six-man tag, but I guess it ended up with an alright ending. Just my opinion, I think what Bigshow did was ridiculious and un called for. Thank god Mysterio walked out of Backlash with just minor bruises, he could have been seriously hurt, which would be terrible.[/size]
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B] It only pays $8.50 an hour... but I don't care. [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1]HA! Im only getting paid $5.75, and thats after two years of working for the same place....[/size]
  9. Schrat


    [size=1] I doubt Lex is actually gunna be revealed as a villain until at elast next season, when hopefully he puts 2 and 2 together and figures out Clarks secret....[/size]
  10. [size=1] Hmm Summer, well I got a job at The beach Club which my family is a member of. Im going to Lacrosse camp for about two weeks in July. And in August, Double Practices for Varsity Football starts, now that is gunna SUCK![/size]
  11. Schrat


    [size=1] Ah I love Smallville, Im a huge fan! I missed this weeks episode, what happened?[/size]
  12. [size=1][b]Name: Vegeta Nickname: prince of all Sayians? Weapons: His fists! Bio: After having nothing to do at home, he heads out to the tourny for some action! --- Sry this is soooo crappy, Ill edit![/b][/size]
  13. [size=1] The being laughed,as it slowley moved forward towards the boys. They began gliding back in fear as the pink beings smile turned to a frown and and spread his two arms outward. Energy seemed to ravel into the beings hands. And then in a matter of moments the 'thing' hurled the energy at the four boys, exploding at contact, and knocking them back miles, onto the ground. The creature flew over them and laughed as he began traveling at emmese speed to a near-by city. Minutes later there was a giant explosion, which shuke the earth.[/size]
  14. [size=1]The hour of waiting had pasted, it was now time to begin the tournament. The twn finalists were called to the center of the collisium to be introduced to the corwd, which took about fifteen minutes and then were all told to please return to their seats on the side of the floor, all except the first two fighters, Kojin and Ageta. They were told to remain in the center of the floor and to get ready to begin fighting. Nick walked up to Kojin and spoke... [b] Nick: hey man, you better win...we gotta put on a show for these people. Kojin: dont worry, we'll face each other.[/b] Kojin walked back to the center, and Nick to the side. The announcer told the audience the names of the two men, and he ran to the side. At the bell the two men began fighting. The began going at each other in a fierce battle, until... [b]Nick: What the hell....[/b] Nick jumped up out of his seat, as did Koten. Kojin and Ageta stoped fighting and looked up aswell. Noone knew what was going on, except these four young men, they knew a great power had just exploded and was heading for the collisium. Seconds later there was a large explosion in the upper deck...[/size]
  15. Schrat


    I think its terrible, whenever I see "married to 'whoever' since 00/00/00" I just begin to laugh, its the stupidest thing...Meet someone in real life, just so you know, its right....Lies and deception, thats all people do over the internet, tell lies and decede others, dont you love it?
  16. [size=1]With the remaining two fnalists in the bracket room, one of the workers slamed the door shut and turned the overhead lights off, signaling the spot lights to be turned on and focused on the board. The tournament announcer walked over to the boards and typed in a few words on the computer panal next to the board... [b]Announcer:[/b] Ok everyone, just so you know the computer is randomly placing you in the ten brackets you see on this board. It should take a few moments before you are placed into the correct bracket. Everyone waited tensly to see who they would be facing in the first round, a few moments later a bell rung and and the announcer began speaking again... [b]Announcer:[/b] Ok, the first round is complete. The First match will be Ageta facing Kojin. Then Kotan vs. Nick. Then Priest vs. Tali. Habbitsu will face Tradit. And Amber will face Ditisin. Uo will have a half an hour to change into your fighting gear and stretch out. And then you will face off in the first round... Nick picked up his bags as did Kojin. They walked out of the room together and proceeded to the changing area, where they went into there own rooms, and changed into their fighting gear. Nick walked out of the room a few moments later, wearing Black pants, A white t-shirt with the sleeves cut off, and Balck gloves. He walked over to a bench and began tieing up his boats, while he waited for Kojin...[/size]
  17. Actually, Goldberg is unlikely to beat to beat HHH in may, because Raw HouseShows in June are scheduled to have HHH vs. Nash, which will likely be practice for bad blood, where Nash will likely beat HHH. If goldberg were to win the title at Judgement Day, then It would'nt really make any sense, now would it?
  18. [size=1] The line grew smallier and smallier. Eventually everyone had taken the two tests and thw workers began tallying up the scores to see who would compete in the finals of the tournament. After about ten minutes of waiting the announcer again took to the mic and began speaking... [b]Announcer:[/b] [i]Alright everyone, here in my hand is the final ten fighters who will compete in this years tournaments. I will ask all of you to hold your applause til all ten names have been called out. Ok, first fighter moving on into the finals is...Kojin Naba. Then, we have...Koten and Ageta, congradulations boys, mom iwll be very happy, heh! Then We have no stranger to the tournament, Nick "Z" Zionson, your dad would be very proud. Next we have a fighter by the name of Priest, congrats on making it again! Next we have two girls making it into the finals, Tali and Amber. Then we have a man by the name of, Habbitsu. Then, Last years champions son, Tradit. And his father, Ditisin. Those who have made it into the top ten, congradulations, you have one hour to get ready for your battles. meet me in the bracket room in fifteen minutes with all of your fighting gear. Thank you all...[/i] The announcer waved to all the fighters as the competitors who didnt make it walked out of the room and filled the stands of the arena, along with the 1000s of fans who were already in their seats. The competitiors who did make it into the finals scattered among the breifing room, all getting their bags and following the Tournament announcer into the bracket room, Nick was one of them. He grabbed his black gym bag and immediatly walked into the room which was filled with ten chairs. Infront of the chairs as a large computerized wall with spots for ten fighters. Nick sat down int he first row and placed his bag on his lap...[/size]
  19. [size=1]Just as all the fighters begin becoming anxious, the Tournament announcer begins pushing his way through the crowd to the front poudioum. Once in the front of the room, he begins speaking into a mic. [b]Announcer:[/b][i]Hello everyone and welcome to the annual World Martial Arts Tournament. I know all of you are very anxious to get into the fighting, so were going to start as soon as possible. This is how its going to work. Each of you will come up here and test your strength and agility in two different competitiions, which will be explained to you once you are up here. After we get all the results in here, were going to tell the top ten and then they will face of infront of all the fans. Good luck to everyone who makes it into the next round. Now please form a straight line...[/i] Everyoen rushes to the front of the room, but are immediatly forced into the line by tourney workers. Eventually everyone checks in including Nick. Nick pushed his way to the front of the line and was one of the first fighters to hear the instructions of the two machines. teh first was a simple punching machine, which tested brute strength. teh other was a modified treadmile, which once the fighter ran at top speed, clocked the amount of time which it took you to reach that time. nick did the best he could on both machines, hoping he would enter the top ten fighters.[/size]
  20. [size=1] Nick walks through the crowd still searching for 'Raw'. he eventually made his way to the front of the room where the preliminary competition would start in about an hour(([i]not in real time, ill wait til everyone has posted before i begen that...[/i])). He asked a few questions to the man behind the desk and then turned around, bumping into a strange looking young man. [b]Nick:[/b]"Watch it buddy..." [b]Bugo: [/b]Sorry man, Im Bugo. Bugo put his hand out to try and shake Nick's hand, but Nick pushed him away. [b]Nick: [/b]"Yeah, watch it kid." Nick walked through the crowd some more, still looking for Raw, the man he would try to kill if he had the luck to get a match with him. Eventually a man came running up to Nick with a clipboard. [b]Worker: [/b]"Umm Excuse me sir, Your Nick Zionson, am I correct?" [b]Nick: [/b]"Yes, you are correct..." [b]Worker: [/b]"Well then your an official member of the WMA Alumni, please ocme with me." Nick followed the man into a side room filled with preaty boys sitting on couches drinking sodas. [b]Worker: [/b]"Nick Zionson, welcome to the WMA Alumni room, this is the room for an fighters whose Fathers or Grandfathers were champions. Nick looked around the room at the poor excuse for fighters who were sitting in the room socializing. he turned around and began laughing as he walked out of the room[/size]
  21. [size=1][b][Forward][/b] [i]Everyone thought that the evil had ended. It was all over. hundreds of years ago, the Legend Goku, with the help of the child Ubuu defeated all the Evil in the Universe. Goku did it, along with what was thought to be the reincarnation of Buu. Goku was wrong. He had prayed for buu to return one day in the future, so they could fight again. Buu would return, but not as soon as Goku thought. Ubuu was not the reincarnation of Buu, just a regular boy with extreme powers. Goku's wish would come true, but he would not see it...[/i] Welcome to the future, welcome to the year 1987ae. 1987 years after the death of Goku and the demise of evil. Buu has now been reincarnated, and is alive. He soon will begin his reign of terror on the Planet Earth, and the universe around it. Someone must stop him... [b][End Forward][/b] Nick took a step forward, into the land his father once owned. He had just entered the World Martial Arts Colisium, where he wanted to ascend his father, and bring the championship back into the family. He walked towards the sign in table and began waiting on a long line. Nick looked at every man that walked by him, scanning the crowd for 'Raw', the man that killed his father. A few moments later Nick was at the fron of the line, being asked questions about himself. [b]Tournament Worker:[/b] "Excuse me son, Your name please?" [b] Nick 'Z':[/b] "Umm Nick Zionson..." [b]Tournament Worker:[/b] "Zionson! Your...." [b] Nick 'Z':[/b] "Yes, My father was Champion a few years ago, but i would not sppreciate it if I was viewed in his shadow." [b]Tournament Worker:[/b] "Yes Sure Nick, Im sorry, Your age?" [b] Nick 'Z':[/b] "19" [b]Tournament Worker:[/b] "Ok, please preceed to the breifing room on your right." [b] Nick 'Z':[/b] "Ok, thank you." The worker pointed to the open door on Nick's right. He turned and began slowley walking towards the room as he swung his bag over his shoulder. He pushed his way through the crowd and entered the room, which began immediatly fillign with fighters. _____ ok guys, here we go, have your characters enter the breifing room, we'll go one from there.....[/size]
  22. [size=1] If its fine with you, then its gunna be fine with me...can't wait to get started![/size]
  23. yo Nomad, i dont think you get it man, The page loads at the bottom, so you see the last post in the thread. So even if you put 'Smackdown Spoilers' in huge font, you still get a glimpse of the spoilers. Why dont you just put it in Spoiler tags, thats what there made for!
  24. [size=1] hmm, three Wizards in this one, eh? Maybe I should change characters? I dont know what do you guys think. Let me know and I'll get my Signup up as soon as possible![/size]
  25. [size=1] [i] Heres my bio guys, just incase you wanted to know...[/i] [b]Name:[/b] Nick "Z" Zionson [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Bio:[/b] Nick grew up a different life then most teens in the World. His father, Grand Master Zion, was once the worlds martial arts Champion. Nick followed his father and copyed his every move from a very young age. Both father and son grew very close, until a few years ago. When Nick was 13, his father entered the 1981 Tournament as Champion, and was expected to beat everyoen in the competition easily, which he did, until the final round. IN that round 'Zion' had to face a man simply known as 'Raw'. The two faced off in a heated battle which lasted nearly an hour of pure hand to hand combat, until Zion took control of the match. With that 'Raw' had nothing better to do then to use some techniques of his own, and these techniques were Ki attackes. With Nick watching from the sidelines, his father was brutaly destroyed by an unknown man, using what many people thought was magic. Finally after another 45 minutes the ref called the bell and the match was over, along with his father's life. Nick and his mother ran onto the destruction of the area around his fathers limp body. they cryed for hours until the medical crew took the body away. That day marked a new step in the life of Nick, he vowed that one day he would surpass his father's power and find and kill the man known as Raw. And for five years all Nick did was train, developing his skills and learning they ways of the 'Ki'. When Nick was 18, he had finished his training, and began hunting for Raw. He eventually found him 3 months after his journey began, and the two began a brutal and bloody battle that lasted days. Neither of the men coming out on top. Once the two men's bodys had given up, Raw told Nick that the battle was over, but not the War. he told Nick that the two fighters would meet again, at the Next year's World Martail Arts Tournament. And with those words Nick began training again, waiting for the day he would again face his father's killer. [b]Description:[/b] Nick is about 6 feet tall. He is muscular and has brown hair, with a slight tan. He usually wears jeans and a hooded sweatshirt except for when he is fighting, then he usually rippes the sweatshirt off and puts on a t-shirt, with some normal pants. [b]Personality:[/b] Nick is a calm and collected man, until he gets heated up, then he turns into a raging, intense, war machine, which noone can stop. [center]______[/center] Ok guys, the game should be up tonite, hopefully, start working on your opening rp's so we can get this game rolling![/size]
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