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Everything posted by Schrat
Name: Egnamon Digivolutions: Anagelicmon, MagnaAngelicmon, ????,???? -Biomerge: RoyalAngemon Partner: Joey (color- Navy Blue) Attacks: Egnamon- Moonlight breath Angelicmon- Double SLash MagnaAngelicmon- White Darkness *and more* --- Ugamon you beat me to this I had a different story in mind but whatever....
1 through 7: no 8: o yeah!
[size=1] Name: Crash Race: In Human ( half human, half animal-Lion) Animal: Lion Location:6[/size]
Nick Age: 15 Neopet: Crash'n the lupe Perso: Nick is very strong and likes to stray off on his own, Lupe althow he is digital is his companion and best freind des.: Nick is about 6 feet tall, brown eyes and hair and muscular [url]http://www.neopets.com/quickref.phtml[/url]
wow preachers sounds preatty deep, did any one read Xtreme Xmen 16, the last page gave me tears!
ill take Eggman along with Nitro...
WHat are you doing? First of all you have to sign up for an Rpg, your about three months late, second the Rpg is now over....What are you doin????
im addicted to my computer, my room, wwe, tv, lacrosse, and football!
[size=1] Nitro sat at the controls of the base nervously awaiting Metal's confrontation. He looked down and saw an oncoming ship. Nitro: Hmm, dr. there is an oncoming ship. Eggman: Analize it Nitro typed a few things into the computer and material came up on an over head screen. Eggman: Ha, you have to be kidding me right, Nitro let this boy come aboard, then you can take care of him.... Nitro: Sure Nitro lowers the sheilds of the base so the "Boy" can get in...[/size]
I believe a PPV or two after SummerSlam will be a Smackdown vs. Raw war. Lol, hehe G/s/b Id love to see that Beach thing your talking about hehe
[i] Darktemplermon: Bye my freinds...... Darktemplermon explodes creating a whirlpool which sucks Zeedmillimon in. ZeedMillumon: There will be another!!!! [b]~Two days later~[/b] When the smoke clears only four digimon lay on the florr, Egnamon, Gyromon, Veemon, and fladingomon. First to get up was Egnamon, he runs to Gyromon shaking him. Egnamon: WHats going on, where is everyone, where are we? Gyromon: Uhh what happened? Veemon and Fladingomon wake up veemon: WHat the hell? Fladingomon: Im asking myself the same question..... From the bit of light above their heads appears Omegamon Omegamon: Hello my freinds....... I will answer all of your questions Egnamon: WHat happened? Omegamon: Darktemplermon sucked in zeedmillinimon and took his own life for the good of the two worlds. Veemon: Where are we? Omegamon: Look around, you are where you all started this journey, in the digital world.... Gyromon: So what happened to the Real World? Omegamon: Went back to the way it was before th Darkness, no one except the Tamers remember what happened Egnamon: So what now? Omegamon: Go about your lives as if this never happened...Good bye to you all...... The light spreads across the sky forming a beatiful sun rise... Egnamon: i guess this is good bye.... See you all around I guess Egnamon turns and begins to walk....Home. he thinks about all his lost freinds, renamon, darkagumon, and especially his tamer, Joey..................[/i]
ohhh. Well anyway Smackdon was good tongiht. Kinda glad to see Latino Heat and Benoit on it! Lol, bishoff definatly again got his balls kicked! one more thing, man would I love to be Michel cole!
Yea, but its simple and easy.....I like it!
Crash looked down at the wounded Lauren on the floor, he ran to her. Crash: Are you ok Lauren: umm yeah....thanks Crash Crash: No problem, Dustin I need you to stay here, I would'nt want you to get hurt. Dustin: Your kidding me right? Crash: No Crash jumps up onto the building. Only to look back at Dustin [img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=262619[/img] Crash: You coming or not?
[i] Ion walked up to Dr. Light who was sitting in his room. Ion: Dr. Light I must have a word with you... Dr Light: Sure Ion, and might I say I am pleased with your work here. Ion: You know what this is about, im made of scrapes! Dr Light: Well before X and Zero's battle there was nothing... Ion: It was completed, I know it! Dr Light: Ion, no...Its too dangerious, that model it was to... Ion: To perfect! Dr Light: No Ion, it was imperfect. To much power is a bad thing! All of a sudden the alarm sounds -"This is resistance leader Zero calling for back up. Repeat, Crimson Warrior is aboard the Halberd Carrier and is in need of assistance. My comm-link is broken and I am heavily outnumbered. All reploids within broadcast range, please assist Reploid Renegade resistance unit Alpha! Repeat, help the resistance base! Renegade base, please send assistance. Zero out!" Ion dashes out the door, only turning back to say one thing Ion: You were too afraid I'd get hurt![/i]
I havent heard any besides the "IN the End" remix, which I like ALOT!
That is very true, also more people hardier to control all of them. There's only so many mods
I read both the NON-spoiler reviews on Planet Gamecube and they both sounded great. I cant wait for this game!!!!!
Nomad how the hell did you get those results Smackdown doesnt start til 8, and its live right?
You definatly make a very good point James, tons of new members to OtakuBoards, if there was no new boards, may not be so good for "our" Home. But after a while if new members make there way over here or we go there( visa-versa), It could be good... Cant wait to see the out-come!
Just as MagnaAngelicmon and Joey began to Biomerge into a beyond ultimate form, ZeedMillumon sees and races towards them and slashes through the new being. ZeedMillumon: Oh no you wont! A trashed Egnamon and Joey fall to the ground hurt badly. (sry for the short post, I dont know what to say)
Crash: Ha Ha Ha, yeah I got it, got the fact that you are a fool TJ: Fool huh, watch this. TJ runs to Lauren and grabs her by the neck. TJ: Move a muscle, both of you, or she gets it. Crash: Dustin, stay there.... Dustin: No! Dustin races toward Tj as he throws Lauren to the ground. Crash: NO!!!!
MagnaAngelicmon flies into the sky only to be knocked down by zeedmillumon. He flies down into the floor and right up to BlackWargreymon and the kids. Joey: MagnaAngelicmon, please let me help you! MagnaAngelicmon: I...I...uh Joey runs on top of MagnaAngelicmon shaking him Blackwargreymon: What! he's unconcious...ZeedMillumon but I cant hurt him! Kredion: What If you turned light? Dylan: Light Digivolve! Joey: I have to.........Biomerge to!!!!!!!!!!!!! MagnaANgelicmon's eyes open as he turns to pure white. Joey flies into the sky, him turning pure white. the seem to merge into one.... a Beast......... BlackWargreymon: What is that?...
??? The name's Crash. Nice to meet you, fool Crash jumps into the air screaming "Now!". but crash does not hit the floor a massive Lion does [img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=262010[/img] Crash: Hey umm Dustin right? Dustin: Yea. Crash: Go home, ill take it from here! Crash begins to lung at the "thing" Known as T.J.
Mine would be WWE RAW's theme song!!! Or Linkin park's "In The End"