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Everything posted by Schrat
Zidane, I know what ur goin through. About 4 or 5 years ago I had to move to a "better" town. I thought it would ruin my life, I even remember crying myself to sleep! But about a month or two after I moved i knew it was the best thing that had ever happened to me!!!!!! Good luck my freind!
What does your sig/avator/user name mean?
Schrat replied to Utena_Tenjou's topic in General Discussion
[size=1] Hmm... User Name- It is the begining of my last name, my nick name, and my Aim name. I use it for everything......... Avatar and Banner- Mario Sunshine!!!! It will be the best game ever.....I hope. I just got Gamecube and Im really into it, so thats why. Sig- My freinds and buddies, Pm me to be one![/size] -
Yea, there $300 for front row.........
Like if I get there at like 9-9:30 do you think they would be sold out?
Nitro walked to the window of the emormous Outer space Base of Dr. Eggman. We looked to the diresction he had sent the hedgehogs in but he sensed something. Nitro ran to a warp tube and broke through the glass. Eggman ran over to him. Eggman: What are you doin?! Nitro: Those two, they are heading for Earth. Im going to stop them once and for all! Nitro slid down the tube, Eggman standing infront of it in shock.
[COLOR=darkblue][size=1][B]Result#3[/b] [b]Name[/b]: Ion [b]Age[/b]: 21 [b]Robot[/b] [b]Likes[/b]: Using his power over the Earth's Elements to save civilains [b]Dislikes[/b]: Anything with a hint of evil in them [b]Creator[/b]: UNKNOWN [b]Combot Ranking[/b]: 4.0 [b]Apperance[/b]:[img]http://www.geekshelf.com/gallery/Mstyrios/Sprites/schratn9_favor_3.png[/img][/color][/size]
Whata u mean by Christmas list, you think its getting delayed? Or you wont have money?????
Well, I dont about that, that whole thing when he beat down Hbk. We might see im on thursdays from now on? --- I got a question for ya'll....I [b]Need[/b] To get Tickets to SUmmer Slam( wwe hardly ever comes to my area). So Im asking, Tickets go on Sale at 10:00am, and i wana be sure im gonna get tickets, so how early should i get at the collisium to buy them??????
Wow Aries, There really good. I like that one for the RPg, but the text comes and goes to fast...
I really really liked it, Id like to know more about the story of DBX...
Nitro stepped forward and looked at Eggman Nitro: Hmm, may I? Eggman laughed Eggman: FInish them off. Nitro stepped forward grabbing Sonic by the neck and throwing him into a small space crusier. He then made his way to the wounded Shadow Nitro: You are such a fool. Shadow: What do you know about me? Nitro: Everything Nitro picked up shadow and threw him into the same crusier as Sonic. Nitro walked to Eggman Nitro: The destination My master? Eggman: Its your choice.. Nitro: The sun? Eggman: Sure.... Eggman walks over to his console and set the corse for the Sun, In a matter of seconds the Crusier was set off for the Sun.
Nitro landed on the outskirts of Station Square. He placed his feet on the ground, lighting shooting everywhere. Two Hedgehogs, one blue, one Black ran infront of him. Nitro placed his arms out and the two hedgehogs stoped. Nitro: Hello Shadow, and you must be Sonic...... Its so nice to meet you both. But im afraid the get together must be short lived.... Chaos Control!!!!!!!!!! 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ............. By the time the short ten seconds were up, the Silver Hedgehog was gone. Shadow and Sonic turned around......The city was in ruins. - aboard Eggman's Space Base- Nitro Walked in to the base, with an evil smirk on his face Eggman: Well? Nitro: The Hedgehogs, are well lets just say there in Shock The two evil doers begin to laugh........ ---- its so good to be bad...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Schratn9 [/i] [B]Well The third Smackdown title is coming out for Ps2 [/B][/QUOTE] I said the third Smackdown title, by the holidays not the forth. It is called World Wrestling Smackdown!: Shut your mouth.... And do you have proff of Raw2 coming out by next year?
I thought Raw was preatty good last night, In enjoyed the end with Brock and Steph riding off in the limo, lol a kick in eric's balls!
Dr. Eggman stood in the middle of the desert, behind to trails of fire lite from the hedgehogs. He turned around and got into a ship. He then drove the ship into outer space and straight into his new base. Eggman walked into the time eccelerator room, where he had placed the Nitro and Chaos Emerald just two days ago. The room was filled with smoke. Eggman walked forward only to be stoped by a silver Hedgehog. ???: Hello Master... Eggman:?! you are what that Nitro and Chaos EMerald turned into! But how is that possible! ???: Are you aware of what Chaos Emeralds do in an inter-demensional Time eccelerator? Eggman: no... ???: How do you think Shadow was born, from Parents, ha! Eggman: So The Nitro eccelerated the process even more ???: Yes, and gave me vast powers, much more then my predisessor, shadow. See I know all about that Hedgehog. And I can tell from your thoughts that he has hurt you, my master? Eggman: Yes, he is not following my order. WHo are you? ???: Call me Nitro. The Silver hedgehog steped forward and shoke hands with Dr. Eggman. Nitro: Im here to serve you. I can see there is another hedgehog that is bothering you. Eggman: Yes, Sonic! Nitro: Shall I take care of him for you my master?
[i] Iondarc walked to Lalaith, Lauren, and Abob. Iondarc: This place, brings back terrible memories, my Parents abandonded me here when I was yet three years of age. Lalaith: Is there any way you can trace Bahamut's evil? Iondarc: I can sense him, his evil. Iondarc held his staff to the sky his hair fling in the strong wind. Iondarc: I can feel him in the heart of Mordor. I can see the first fellowship was once there, do any of you know where that could be?[/i]
Blackwargreymon flew off and RoyalAngemon swung his Broad sword at Memphismon. Memphismon grabed the sword and threw it to the ground. ROyalAngemon flew forward and grabed Memphismon by the neck. RoyalAngemon: Tell me, this Darkness who is behind it!!!!!????? Memphismon: Like I would tell you, ha! RoyalAngemon punched Memphismon in the stomach RoyalANgemon: Tell me now!!!!!!! Memphismon: A higher force then me! Kill me if you wish, he will just come to destroy you all. RoyalANgemon grabed his sword from the ground and sliced right through Memphismon. He fell to the ground, RoyalAngemon standing over him.
Man its only 9:27 and Raw is great allready!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[i] Iondarc Walks forward grabing Ryan and looking into his eyes strangly. Iondarc: Evil.....Pure evil. Ryan: Iondarc, no I.....We are not evil. Iondarc walks back grabing Lalaith and Abob and walking quite far from the fellowship. Iondarc: We must get rid of this evil. I have a feeling this boy Ryan is good, and a powerful Wizard in the making, but this Bahamut.......... Abob: We must stop it..[/i]
[i] Dr. Eggman grabed the last Chaos Emerald from his base and took off from his former base into the sky to his new base. ~Two Hours later~ Eggman places the Last Chaos Emerald into an inter-demensional power eccelerateor. Along with a pack of a new element, in fact this element was the most powerful substance o the planet. After placing the Nitro and Chaos Emerald into the eccelerateor Eggman sits back. It was only a matter of time before The Ultimate Life form was born....[/i]
Name: Nitro the Hedgehog Evil Animal: Hedgehog Apperance: Looks alot like Shadow but his main body is Silver, and has black in him as well. Also Lighting spreads from the bottom of his shoes Personality: Pure Evil, and very obbidient will do anything for his master. Bio: unknown Abilitlies: Super Peel-out, Super Spin Dash, Light Speed Dash, Light Speed Attack, Homing Attack, Chaos Control, Nitro Wind, and Super/Chaos Nitro transformation.
Well The third Smackdown title is coming out for Ps2, and I could imagine there would be a Raw2 for Xbox. But what about Gc????? Hopefully there will be a new wrestling title by the holidays? Hopefully not a crappy PPv title, maybe a Heat, or Velocity title?
I dobt whose rumors are true, Its Mario Sunshine, not Luigi Sunshine or Wario!!!argh! The island thing i could see, and even tropoical cloths
Yea, Raw will be great tonight. I kinda wanted HHH on Smakedown but, I never saw HBK with him so, i kinda am ok with it. plus I want them to make Eric Bishoff's life a living hell, lol!!!!!
Check ur Pm's coolmon.........