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Everything posted by Schrat
RoyalAngemon flew to the dark cloud where Danny and Barrimon disappeared from. He opens his arms and white lighting shoots out from his hands. RoyalAngemon: Blackwargreymon cover me!! Blackwargreymon flies infront of him and begins fighting with memphismon. Royalangemon: Genesis Awakened!!!!!!!!! The white lighting forms into a ball and travels through the cloud and back around hitting Memphismon in the chest and knocking him down. Blackwargreymon turns around. Blackwargreymon: Nice, but he definatly isnt finished. RoyalAngemon: We cant do this alone! We need everyone at there highest stage!
[i]Iondarc: I can try to get inside the boys mind....But I'm afraid alone I may be to weak to take on Bahamut alone. Iondarc grips his staff tight and looks to the ground. Short bursts of white lighting shoot out of it. Iondarc: Does anyone wish to travel with me, I cant promise anything. Abob, Lalaith?[/i]
[b]Finally the Rock has come back to RAW[/b] I think Vengence was amazing, and tonight Raw will be amazing!
[i] Using his staff to get up Iondarc rose from behind the tree. He walked over to the fellowship and pulled lalaith and Abob to the side. Lalaith: WHat is it Iondarc? Iondarc: The evil we were sent out to defeat........It is inside of the boy. Abob: What are you saying, he can not travel with us? Iondarc: Spilling your last potion, you think that was an accedent. WHen the time is right he will force the boy to strike or even kill one of us, and there will be no potion! Lalaith: What should we do? Abob draws his knife and walks back to the group. Abob: Ive got an idea.[/i]
EGnamon wakes up and looks at Blackwargreymon fighting Memphismon. Joey runs over to him. Joey: EGnamon your all right!!!!! Egnamon: Barely, I need to help them. Joey: So digivolve! Egnamon: I cant, im way to weak. Joey: Then I'll help you! Egnamon: Oyea!, Biomerge to.............. Joey: Biomerge to............... RoyalAngemon: RoyalAngemon! He flies up in to the sky next to blackwargreymon. Blackwargreymon: Hey man, im sorry! RoyalAngemon: Its ok, lets defeat this guy!!
SO what should I save it in? I think i might of figured it out, cause I made this new avatar
Fly-t, I think the commercial ur think ing of is about the rock, were "he returns with great vengence". But with the kinda stuff like bring'n steph and eric bishoff back maybe, idk. I would doubt it...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B] [color=royalblue]Yep! ASCII has developed a keyboard/controller for GCN. I read a review of it on IGN and it looks [i]really[/i] cool! It's basically a small keyboard with each half of the controller on either end of the board. It does sound fiddly, but it's actually really ergonomic. You can be playing your game and sit the controller in your lap to type a message -- the keyboard also contains all these special shortcut buttons for use in online games. It's the best console keyboard I've seen before -- compact, yet really functional. In Japan, it will be packaged in with PSO: Episode 1 & 2. :)[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I saw it packed together with Pso: episodes 1&2 trial versions, but for $189.00 lan-kwei.com
oh i used Ms paint?
I thought I would start this thread to discuss Nintendo's online plans. With Microsoft unvaling Xbox Live, I thought it was about time for nintendo to do something. I think Xbox is going to have a package for 49.95 thats like the starter kit or something, but will us nintendo players get anything like that. In the past i've seen pictures of the keyboard which is a large gc controller with a keyboard in the center, and everyone has seen what the modems look like. Its our time- to play together!
Angelicmon FLies around grabing all the kids and he placed them on the ground. He then flies infront of Barrimon and MegaloGrowlmon and puts his arms out. Angelicmon: No you two, you cant... All of a sudden Angelicmon gets hit with a shot from BlackWarGreyMon and falls to the ground in pain de-digivolved to Egnamon. Joey runs to him. Joey: Egnamon whats wrong wake up, you have to stop him...
Hey guys, as you can see now im a member. So i wanted to create an avatar. I cut my banner down to the head of Samus and I wrote Metroid on the bottom, done deal! Heres the problem I saved it as .bmp and u cant put that on Otaku, But when ever I save things in .jpeg it turns into a opened scroll thingy and the pic cant come up. So when I saved it as .gif all the colors get messed up. Can someone help me out????
[i] Iondarc swung his Staff high into the sky creating a hurricane size storm cloud which slowed down the oncoming Orcs. Iondarc: keep fighting! I'll do what I can to hold them off!! Ryan ran to him and formed a force feild around the fellowship. But the Orcs keep coming, climbing on top of the feild and not stoping. Ryan fell to the ground, in weakness. Iondarc: Keep holding Ryan...[/i]
IM sorry but I think the [i]Xbox Live[/i] WIll doe a tragic death as did Sega net. I think Nintendo's online plans will reign high followed by Sony's
I agree, you should at least have a plot! You have to have something tomplay off of, or else I woulda signed up.
[color=blue][i]Name: Nik Origin: Outskirts or Corooscunt Weapon: Large Broad Sword, so large its nearly immposible for him to carry it! Trade: General Of the Hubbentug Army Age: 500 Bio: Entering the army at age 4, he earned his way through the ranks as taking odd jobs such as janitors, and clothing makers. But finally he made it to his grand- fathers rank of General and he wont leave his rank until his death.[/color][/i]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B] So it's between NFL2K3 and Madden... [/B][/QUOTE] Hmm, i'd stick to my guns and go with 2k3
Angelicmon: Barrimon, Ranamon what are we up against. I mean this darkness, what is it. Joey: We need to get the earth back to Normal! Danny & Lily: yeah! Angelicmon: What should we do?
[i] -Before Laruen's post- Iondarc walks to Abob. Iondarc: Something is eating the boy inside. -During Laruen's post- All the elves look around. Their ears twitching. Iondarc grips his staff tight. Iondarc: Be on your guard my freinds, Abob was right, this island is dangerous.[/i]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Outlaw [/i] [B] And is it just me, or does having Bischoff on RAW set up Goldberg's return perfectly. I mean, he did by out his AOL/Time Warner contract from the old WCW days to wrestle again. [/B][/QUOTE] Well with Stone Cold gone, who knows?
Outlaw I would.......ah lets not resort to violence. Well I love x-men too. I cant wait for X2!!! Whats up with that new Weapon X series?
hmmm with a bat man, maybe its Batman?
Spawn never really read that, a few issues and the movie, I never really go it. What marvel stuf do u read?