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Everything posted by Schrat

  1. I have a theory- Since "true" Sayians have tails, and black hair. Maybe the levels up to Ssj4 is just steps leading up to the true super sayian level? But i would doubt it because toriyama had nothing to do with Gt right?
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by sweetie_rei [/i] [B]Yeah I watch Raw monday night. To tell you the truth I was a bit shocked when Mr.McVan itrouduced Eric. I mean Eric almost put the WWE(e) out of buissness when he was running nitroand the nwo. [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah what ever happend with that? I didnt watch Wcw, didnt he go on like 2 min. early to tell every one what is going to happen on raw? Now thats ruthless aggresion
  3. I never watched Wcw or Nitro, but from the way Booker and J.r. were in shock, well i dont know what to say!
  4. Yea i love spider-man, I have posters , toys, many many comics, memoribla, and the games. I have the movie game for the PC but i cant figure out the level with the vulture. So i stoped playing it
  5. Hybrid, thanks for defending me. Yea that was an error Mist. The viz novels are cool, i havent read any of them, but people have told me there good. Mist, what does ur dad read?
  6. Smackdown was great last night!!!! But is it just me or when Stephanie lost the match to HHH and Y2j i thought she was kicked out of wwe forever? Kurt Angel...well, im preatty pissed Taker got into the fight, right before the peoples elbow!! Oh and the end of the night with HHH in the car with bishoff, that was one kick in the face to stephanie!!!lol big time
  7. Like Mad magazine??? I wouldnt really consider that comics?
  8. [i] Listens in on Abob and Lalaith's conversation and he walks over to them. Iondarc: I sense something also. Lalaith: I dont think we should alert the rest of the fellowship. Iondarc: Yes, no need for alarm[/i]
  9. Im a Giants fan, big time! I think NFL2k3 is gonna be better then Madden 2003
  10. I thought I would create this thread, for anyone and everyong that loves Comics. Whata you read? I read Marvel, mostly New, Uncanny, & X-treme X-men. I also read Ultimate, Amazing, & Peter- parker Spiderman. ANd I read The Ultimates
  11. Knity, is this the New Hype game?????? --- [i]Name: Nick Summers Alias: Good Age: 26 Weight and height: 6 foot tall, 200 pounds Powers: Possibly the planet's most powerful mutant, Nick Summers possessed vast psionic abilities. He was also a telepath of the highest order -- able to create psionic illusions; read, probe and control the minds of others; and extract a psionic entity from the astral plane. Also, he could generate destructive psionic spikes and lift objects weighing more than 10 tons. Bio: Growing up in the heart of Hyperion City, Nick discovered his powers at the age of 15, when he was caught in a fight. Since that day he has not told anyone of the "powers" But simpley protects the innocent from Danger. Weakness: Himself..... Nick can get very cocky, and not think of what he is doing can hurt him.[/i]
  12. Schrat


    Just like Aries, I loveddddddddd the Hobbit. I also like the Lotr's series. Star wars books arre good too, but My main reading is Comics. Comics comics comics!!!!!!!
  13. OOc: oops sry Dgod, we musta posted at the same time? ---- [i] Iondarc rose up to the others after being awoken by Lalaith Iondarc: How is everyone? Lauren: Great Iondarc: I had such a strange dream, while I slept. Lauren: Thats weird so did I. Lalaith: Strange? [/i]
  14. Phantom says it the best, " that avatar owns!" But that banner, its its... freaky!
  15. yeah small, but good very very good. Im guessing hes from Digimon? Is it a fic or non? Cause he is very cool
  16. Koopa Kids! Ahh i remember all those days watching the Mario Cartoon. What ever happened to King Koopa? Btw: Msunshine is getting better everyday!
  17. [color=darkblue]Real name: Nathan Grey Age: Sacrificed his life at age 21, that was 9 years ago Character Name: X-man Powers: Possibly the planet's most powerful mutant, Nate Grey possessed vast psionic abilities. He was also a telepath of the highest order -- able to create psionic illusions; read, probe and control the minds of others; and extract a psionic entity from the astral plane. Also, he could generate destructive psionic spikes and lift objects weighing more than 10 tons. Occupation: Mutant shaman at the time of his death Group affiliation: None at the time of his death Base of operations: Mobile at the time of his death, formerly New York City Weapons: None History: X-Man was a refugee from alternate timeline in which the mutant warlord called Apocalypse ruled North America. One of Apocalypse's Horseman, Mr. Sinister, created Nate Grey from the genetic material of that reality's Cyclops and Jean Grey -- known on our Earth as members of the X-Men, an outlaw band of heroic mutant adventurers. Born and raised in Sinister's slave pens, Nate was released years later by Cyclops, who had turned against Apocalypse. Following his escape, Nate joined Forge, leader of a traveling band of performers secretly conducting a campaign of guerrilla warfare on Apocalypse's minions in the American Midwest. Realizing the catastrophic implications of his master's continued reign, Sinister sought out and murdered Forge. He then revealed to Nate the reason for his conception: to destroy Apocalypse. Grief-stricken over Forge's death, Nate lashed out with his psionic powers and killed the twisted geneticist. Reeling from his creator's revelation, he journeyed to Apocalypse's citadel in what once was New York City. There, Nate encountered the X-Men -- led in this timeline by Magneto, Master of Magnetism -- and aided the mutant freedom fighters in their assault on the fortress. During the attack, Nate engaged the Horseman Holocaust in a pitched battle. In an attempt to breach Holocaust's armor, Nate stabbed him with a shard of the recently recovered M'Krann Crystal, a nexus for all realities, and both combatants vanished. Through the powers of the M'Krann Crystal, Nate found himself transported to our Earth, landing in the Alps. When he came to, his subconscious need for companionship recreated a physical body for the dissipated essence of the then-deceased Madelyne Pryor, a Sinister-created clone of Jean Grey who had clashed with the X-Men as the seemingly insane Goblin Queen. The two became fast friends, journeying together through Europe. Her true nature discovered, Pryor later fell before the combined psionic strength of Nate and Jean. During his travels, Nate learned that Sinister had genetically engineered his psionic powers to kill him before he turned 21. For a time, Nate blocked his access to his telekinetic abilities to prevent his untimely death. A paradoxical being born of a reality that never will exist, Nate dedicated the totality of his talents to the preservation of his adopted homeworld. The promise of his powers fully realized, X-Man became a modern-day mutant shaman -- existing to heal and guide his tribe, though forced to live outside it. He loved them as a parent loves a child, without question. A world-walker, he fought to protect the planet from the incomprehensible, impossible threats of the multiverse -- parallel Earths strung along a spiral from one end of reality to another. To save humanity from destruction, he sacrificed himself for the greater good, allowing his energy to flow into every being on the planet. But whenever there is a time for a great hero, Nate will be there... Description: Height: 5'9" Weight: 135 lbs. Eyes: Blue Hair: Originally brown, later brown with white streaks .[IMG]http://www.xmenunlimited.com/imagefolio/cgi-bin/imageFolio.cgi?action=view&link=X-Men/X-Man&image=X-Man%20002.jpg&img=&tt=img[/IMG] Personality: A natural born hero, lives for others not for himself.[/color]
  18. Egnamon looks as Gyromon digivolves, and then looks at Joey. Egnamon: Digivolve to ......... Angelicmon: Angelicmon!!! Now what are we going to do? I think we should meet up with the others.
  19. Schrat


    The eternal Star Wars quote. Darth Vadar: Luke I am your father. Ahh that will always be a classic
  20. ok, but lets get back to Rping --- Egnamon: Whats going on? How are we going to get out of here?
  21. Im preatty sure im going to sign up, but what ever happened to Mimics?
  22. i meant the end of the darkness, sry. Or does the darkness go on forever?
  23. Egnamon: How can we get out of this "darkness"? Egnamon walked to the wall and touched it but it knocked him down. The group ran over to him and helped him up. Egnamon: I dont think were getting out of here
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by calumon_luver [/i] [B]Ok so should we continue in the city????After we destroyed Trexmon??? [/B][/QUOTE] Calumon_luver u wenrent with us --- RoyalAngemon: De-digivolve to........ Egnamon: EGnamon! Joey: Wow, that was insane! EGnamon: We gotta do that again The partners slap hands. Imperialmon: I thought the darkness would of been destroyed by now, we beat Trexmon. MegaloGrowlmon: Maybe theres more evil? Egnamon: That wouldnt be to unrealistic Imperialmon: What a u think we should do? EGnamon: Well how do we get out of this evil?
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