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Everything posted by Schrat

  1. lol sry bout that Juu(frogot about Kei), No one was posting, and I definatly wanted to keep this alive. So i decided to push it, I dont think its going"too fast". If it is how fast do u want it to go? Cmon really, this thing is going to die if someone doesnt carry it along
  2. [i] Iondarc runs to the shore. He watched Lalaith with Lauren in hand. Iondarc: Thank goodness you are all ok They walked on shore and immediatly ran to ryan, who was screaming in Pain. Ryan: Please...........someone........ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!![/i]
  3. Blanko, you frogot the whole part about us being in the darkness, trying ot defeat it! --- As trexmon begain to desinagrate he screamed... TREXmon: There is another.........He will have no pity on your souls...................ahhhhhhhhhhhhh Trexmon desinagrates and the digimen land on the ground.
  4. [i] Ion looked into a nearby hallway, filled with jedi leaving the meeting Ion walked alone behind Mara and Juu. Ion: Girls? They turned. Juu: Told you They giggle. Ion: Will you please join my team? Mara: It would be our honor Lord Hoth walked up with trynn at his side. Hoth: Then it is settled, we leave tonight. The five walk down the hallway side by side.[/i]
  5. Nope sorry Calumon luver..... --- RoyalAngemon, Imperialmon, and Megalo Growlmon flew into the sky over trexmon. RoyalAngemon: He can defeat us each alone, but together we can defeat him! Imperialmon: We need to each use our best attack! RoyalAngemon: Yes now!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Royal Flush!!!!!!!!! RoyalAngemon's broad sword flashs red. An Ace card appears infront of the sword and forms into an ball. Royalangemon swings and hits the ball straight at trexmon. RoyalAngemon: Hurry, your moves now!
  6. No mist you are wrong my freind, Tyron is a sith. I am talking about Kouberei's char trynn- the jedi! The only reason I am pushing the rpg is beacause not many people are posting, I want to keep this alive. Like the other Ep III rpg's! The plan to strike will start now . ---- [i]Lord Hoth walked out with Master Ion at his side. They stood infront on an auditorium filled with Jedi, Knights, and Padawans, awaiting the urgent message from the two Master Jedi's. Lord Hoth: Good Mourning fellow Jedi. I regret to inform you that our mountain, shore, and Arctic bases have been destroyed by the Sith. The crowd erupts in Anger. Lord Hoth:Our Spies in the Sith Bases have informed us that there next strike will be tommorow mourning, This is why we (looks to Ion) have decided we need to Strike now. Please all military members report to the breifing room now. Hundreds of Jedi get up and walk out of the room. Lord Hoth: Now I turn to Master Ion to speak about the Inferno Team. Ion steps forward. Ion: Good mourning, I'll get to the point. Lord Hoth, Jedi Knight Trynn, And I are the members of this team. But we need two more members. Our mission is simple, get into the Sith main base and destroy there small group of "masters". After they fall so will their army. Thank you for your attention, I now ask for two more members.............[/i] --- BTW, i just noticed...congrats Mist!
  7. [i] Iondarc laughed Iondarc: Elven magic. This wont last for long. He ran past Abob and Lalaith, to the shore. He formed a sheild over the wounded Ryan as well as Lauren. Iondarc then turned to the Monster he magicly grabed its neck until it couldnt breath. With one swipe with his staff the monster disappeared, but Iondarc fell to the ground with no energy left.[/i]
  8. ooc: No, ur in the darkness with ROyalANgmon and Imperialmon
  9. Calumon luver what r u talking about. Egnamon (in biomerge form), fladingomon, cyber barrimon, renamon, and their tamers r in the darkness. You all r in the realworld! --- RoyalAngemon flies to Imperialmon. RoyalAngemon: Lets do this! They slap hands. And begin to take over Trexmon. Imperialmon: Thats it! RoyalAngemon: Hes not finished yet!!!!!!!! --- Starlight post!
  10. [i] Get what!? --- Ion walked out of his room and on too his balcony. Trynn walked out next followed by hoth. Ion looked out and began to sulk. Trynn: What is wrong Master? Ion: I feel something, today is the day. Hoth: I feel it too, as if the force is telling us to strike. We will tonight! The three men walked off the balcony and out of the room. ~ten minutes later~ Hoth talks to the guard Hoth: Tell the councel of my meeting, in 2 hours. I want every Jedi, knight, and padawan there.[/i]
  11. MganaAngelicmon swoops down as do all of the Digimen and they all stand next ot there Tamers. Joey looks up Joey: Whta ae we going to do? MagnaAngelicmon: You always wanted to fight with me! Heres your chance, everyone the only way to defeat our enemies is to fight with your partners! everyone go back to your rookie form, lets do it! De-digivolve to Egnamon! All the good digimen de-deigivolve and take the hands of there partners. Joey: I guess were first!? Egnamon: Lets.... Egnamon & Joey: Biomerge to......................... The ground erupts with power as Egnamon forms iinto two long and white wings. Joey flies into the air. A suit of armor forms on him as well as a Bear shaped helmet with feathers sticking out the side. The wings press into his back and a large broad sword develops in his hand. RoyalAngemon: RoyalAngemon!!!!!!!!!!!!!(he turns to the others) I guess you guys are next?
  12. [i] Hey guys id really like to get in on this rpg, and i asked if someone could introduce me......but no one did....so again, im asking plz intro me into the game?[/i]
  13. The blast struke Trexmon in the chest, but it didnt even faze him. Digimen: What!!! MagnaAngelicmon: I think we all need to ge a step farther in DIgivolution. He looks at the tamers standing on the ground. CyberBarrimon: O yea!
  14. [i] Master Ion and Lord Hoth walked down a long straight stairwell, til they reached the councel's "battle" room. They opened up to find Mara standing in the center of the circular room. Lord Hoth: Im sorry young Mara, but I must inform the councel it is the time to strike the sith. We are begining to send out our troops as we speak. Master Ion: Lord Hoth and I will join the infiltry of jedis, but we need three more Jedi's to join us. We are going to try and take out the Sith Masters and there base on this planet. Trynn walked in and stood behind the two Jedi. Trynn: I will go with you. Ion: Ok, now two more.[/i]
  15. [i]Iondarc ran to the side of the monster, and set a spell arouns Laren to protect her from the monster. Lalaith puts his arm on Iondarcs shoulders. Lalaith: Thank you. The group draws there weapons and begin to fight.[/i]
  16. STarlight make ur posts longer --- MagnaANgelicmon: fool, you think you could win against us! Triceramon: Lets see. Triceramon runs over to the tamers, and he grabs Joey. MagnaAngelicmon: NOOOOOOOOOO!!! As he had seen what he did to Lily, magnaangelicmon didnt want to take a chance. He flew over to triceramon. Triceramon: Make a move and he will. Joey: Dont do it MagnaAngelicmon! MagnaAngelicmon: But........I..............You will die!!!!!! White death!!!! The sky turns white and forms into a ball. The ball hits Triceramon knocking Joey out and into MagnaAngelicmon's arms. Joey: I want at him!!!!!! Triceramon falls to the ground but gets back up Triceramon: aaaaaaaarrrrrrghhhhhhh, now u will die!!!!!!!!!! Triceramon digivolve to.......... Trexmon: Trexmon!!!!!!!! Joey: Let me fight him!!!!!!
  17. [i] The group watched as Lauren ran to the woods. Iondarc walked to Samantha. Iondarc: The new evil, this tragady is his work, we must find and destroy it. Samantha: I agree totally, we must be going They all walk into the woods and stand behind Lauren. They all droped there heads in sorrow. Until Ryan turned. Ryan: Oh god! They turned around, and there stand the monster they all thoguht was dead...[/i]
  18. MagnaAngelicmon stands next to Ardonimon, they watch CyberBarrimon fight Triceramon. MagnaAngelicmon: I think its time, lets go The two fly in and begin to battle the evil "dino". Angelicmon opens his arms. MagnaAngelicmon: Draw him over here! They do so. MagnaAngelicmon: Heavens Gate!!!!!! Two gold doors appear and close on Triceramon, knocking him down and shooting him out over a mile away. MagnaAngelicmon: Hes not finished. The three digimon fly over to him.
  19. Can someone tell me what the heck you do with the chao's, I cant figure it out!
  20. Angelicmon landed at the meeting spot, but no one was there. The Darkness nearby was shaking and exploding as if a battle was going on. Just that second Fladingomon landed near Angelicmon and Joey. Fladingomon: Where is everyone? Angelicmon: I think in there He points. Joey: Whose that? Fladingomon: Thats my Partner Dylan The boys shake hands. Angelicmon: I think we should go in The four jump into the Darkness and land right behind a glowing Gyromon and a little boy. Joey: Angelicmon, I think its time to fight! Digivolve! Angelicmon: Angelicmon Digivolve to...... MagnaAngelicmon: MagnaAngelicMon!!!! Dylan looks at fladingomon Dylan: Lets go!
  21. Crash Redips Age: 25 Height: 6 foot description: Jeans, white tshirt, brown hair, muscular Bio: *i'll fill inn later* Animal: Lion Element: Earth
  22. Joey looks down over a desolate city. Angelicmon: WHeres your house, joey? Joey: Right down there Angelicmon: Should we stop? Joey: No its ok, plus I think we should be getting back to the park now, right? Angelicmon: Yea, lets go! They turn around and start heading back.
  23. Schrat

    Digimon 4!

    Yea, whered you find this out?
  24. Egnamon looks at the others. Egnamon: I think you should al try to get your partners, and we'll all meet back here in two hours. Group: Ok. They all walk there seperate ways. Joey: SO what should we do? Egnamon: Have some fun Egnamon smirks... Egnamon: Digivolve to Angelicmon: Angelicmon!!!! Joey hops on to Angelicmon's back and they fly off into the sky
  25. A large circle opens, electricity shooting all over, The group make there steps forward. First the digimen and then the humans. In a flash of light the roup lands on some grass, they look into the sky, but its all black, no sunlight is shinning, not even any moon light. Joey looks at his watch. Joey: What the? Its 3 o'clock in the afternoon!? Egnamon: whats going on?
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