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Everything posted by Schrat

  1. [size=1] Ok guys, Im gunna start writing the first post in the game now and try to post it by tonite, I have to do alotta Homework and then head over the a lacrosse practice, which sucks! Anyway, the game is gunna start out at the 1987ae's World Martial Arts Tournament. So if you want to start writing an rp about your character arriving at the tournament, that would be must appreciated, cause i want this rpg to be great! psst, everyoen got in![/size]
  2. dude, pick up 50's 'get rich or die tryin' and put on 10, 'Back down' its all about Ja, and his little punk ***!
  3. [size=1]ok, just try to get the sign-upd by tonite, and ill post who'll be in the game![/size]
  4. [size=1] omg! Just what I need...an Lotr Rpg ;)....anyway, Ill be back in as Iondarc, and I promise to stay in this one! Ill have the full sign up, up later....[/size]
  5. [size=1] Well I really want people that are gunna be commited and I want some better Bios, ones like Red's and Zidane's, If we dont get any like those soon, Ill start...[/size]
  6. thats sick!!! Carnage has always been my fav!
  7. I've had the game for years, its not bad. It gets old very quickly, since its so easy to beat the game, took me about 15 minutes, and that was about 3 years ago...
  8. [size=1]umm its short but ok i guess....Guys I think you have mistaken something, no one knows about Buu yet. He's alive, yes...but noone knows about him, everyone thinks that Ubuu was his reincarnation.[/size]
  9. [size=1] Nice job guys, we need a few more people before we get this thing started. I'll have my bio up hopefully by tonite, i got alot of Homework to do, so im not sure if ill get to it...[/size]
  10. [size=1][i]Everyone thought that the evil had ended. It was all over. hundreds of years ago, the Legend Goku, with the help of the child Ubuu defeated all the Evil in the Universe. Goku did it, along with what was thought to be the reincarnation of Buu. Goku was wrong. He had prayed for buu to return one day in the future, so they could fight again. Buu would return, but not as soon as Goku thought. Ubuu was not the reincarnation of Buu, just a regular boy with extreme powers. Goku's wish would come true, but he would not see it...[/i] Welcome to the future, welcome to the year 1987ae. 1987 years after the death of Goku and the demise of evil. Buu has now been reincarnated, and is alive. He soon will begin his reign of terror on the Planet Earth, and the universe around it. Someone must stop him... [b]-What I will need from you- Name: Bio: Description: Pesonality:[/b] *Psst* No one can be the ancestores of anyone from the existing DB series, I want this to be a series of its own, with sequals if this one works out. So everyone make up your own characters, that are humans, and that are REGULAR humans....not super powered ones...[/size]
  11. Schrat


    ok guys, heres the third version, I tried to incorpurrate what you guys said and tried to make this one better, tell me what you think [img][/img]
  12. Big Cajones... 1. Austin was'nt really fired, it was a storyline developed, because his neck is in terrible shape and won't be able to get into the ring for awhile. Believe me Austin isnt going anywhere. 2. Hogan being HUmiliated....Well Im guessing that it was a storyline to but im not totally sure. Im thinking that we might find out next week when Roddy returns. Maybe VInce payed Piper to hit Hogan at WM, and we might be seeing Hogan- Piper at Backlash? 3. Whats wrong with rowdy orddy piper comign back, come one man he's great! piper's peak!
  13. Schrat


    thanks for the imput guys, Ill try to make another one....thats actually good
  14. Umm the harcore title is gone, it was retired in the summer by RVD. About Backlash, I think Goldberg is gunna win, but I want the Rock to win...He's one of the best all around wrestlers and I want him to go out on a bang...If its his last ride!
  15. Schrat


    heres #2, I updated it!!!! Hope you guys like it [img][/img]
  16. Schrat


    thanks Sabre!....btw, your in!
  17. Mucha Lucha is great! Finally Wrestling gets the respect it deserves by getting a cartoon! I love the main character, what a tribute to the great Rey Mysterio!
  18. [QUOTE]There is going to be a 8 man tourney for the #1 contendership of the WWE title.[/QUOTE] 'There is going', I consider that fact, not opinion. But it doesnt matter, I dont care... Just a note guys, D'lo's going for the nwa title tonite! He finally becomes a world champ!
  19. [size=1][b]User Name:[/b] Schrat ((Forget the n9)) [b]Name:[/b] Nick [b]Bio[/b] Schrat has been a resident of Otakuboards since early 2002. He has reciently began heading a group of mysterious beings known simply as the 'nWo'. These beings change him. Once a Nice young boy, Schrat grows into a dark adult...this will affect his mind and choices during his jouney....[/size]
  20. DUDE, PUT SPOILER TAGS! Some of us really wana be surprised with the matches.....
  21. Schrat


    I was actually goin for the darkish pic look, I wanted them to be hard to see, idk why....I guess I was sick of the plain pic on background with text look....thanks for everyones input
  22. Sars is definitly scary, I actually heard that in HongKong one person had it and spent the night in a hotel, by the mourning, the whole hotel had traces of the virus in their system. Just imagine what can eppen when a few peopel have it...
  23. Hey guys, heres a banner celebrating backlash '03...whata you guys think? [img][/img]
  24. ah, whata RAW, all the matches were entertaining, as well as all of the Promos....and what about...[size=3][b]GOLDBERG!!!!!!!!![/SIZE][/b]
  25. Juu thats a great idea, I feel your pain, almost daily! What if there was something like a little mail box next to the persons username or something, and when the PM box was full it could have a X threw it or somehting....
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