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Everything posted by Schrat

  1. [i] Ion ran to the Two Girls and the wounded Jedi. Ion: Nice work (He looks at the Jedi) Take him to the ship, NOW! Mara: Yes my master The two girls begin to run, but Kei turns back Kei: What about survivors Ion looks to the burnt ashes blowing around the ground. Ion: There are none They all made there way to the ship. Ion took controls, he took the ship high into the sky, and flew over the near-by hill. After about an hour of flying they made it to water and could see an island up ahead. Mara: Home... Kei: Home? Ion: Jedi base camp, Welcome The ship landed and the three "heros" stepped out, welcomed with cheers. Ion immediatly made his way to the main tactics room. Ion: Where is Lord Hoth? Guard: In his room Master Ion Ion: Thank you. Ion walked to Lord Hoth's room, and walked straight in. Ion: We strike now!!!!![/i]
  2. [i] As Mara flew the ship over the battle feild Kei walked to the back of the ship, next to Ion. Kei: Master Ion, There are so many dead, What should we do? Ion: Wait, find survivors, and let them strike first. Mara screams from the cockpit Mara: Survivors on the groud, Im lowering the ship, you two jump out the hatch! Ion: Yes. The ship lowers and Kei and Ion jump out. Hitting the floor Kei stumbles and falls, but Ion grabs the three survivors. He runs back to the ship, but turns because a infiltry of Sith Soldiers make there way over the Hill. Mara stikes her hand out and Ion gives her the Jedi. He then pulls himself in and Mara highers the ship. Ion: Wait!!!! Kei is still down there! Mara turns the ship to a 90 degree angle and Ion jumps back out. He picks up kei and then jumps back in the ship. Kei looks straight at him. Kei: Thank you so much! Ion: its my job, but theres no time for talk! The Sith soldiers jump on top of the ship. Ion: Mara Steady! Steady! Mara: i cant see, there on the window! Ion: turn to auto Pilot! Mara: ok The three Jedi Turn there Lightsabars on and the hatch to the ship opens.[/i]
  3. Yea me too, we should bring it back!
  4. Ion turned to his right and put his hand up, the sith al fell. Trynn: So thats it Mara: There not dead! Mara took here lightsabar and cut threw the remaining Sith soldiers... Ion: nice work Mara. Trynn walked away, his head held low. mara: Whats wrong with him? ion: My freind trynn is not ready to be a jedi, yet.........His mind runs away from the Jedi Order. We must keep him away from the Sith, and get to Lord Hoth. Mara: Yes Master Ion. Mara and Ion run off to the jedi Base Camp...
  5. I dont think there Crappy at all, the japanese commercial shows its true colors! Its great, cant wait
  6. Joey walks to the window, he glares into the blue sky and the clouds. Egnamon walks to him. Egnamon: Everything alright? Joey: This place is awsome, I dont know if I would wana leave Egnamon: But your gonna be able to see your family and freinds. Joey: true, you always think of the good stuf Just then Ardonimon flew right through the window. Joey: Wow! Ardonimon: Sorry, de-digivolve to Fladingomon: Fladingomon! SO we goin?
  7. Joey: This may sound funny, but do you guys know Angelicmon? Egnamon: Thats my Champion form Joey: Then your the one that saved me from those evil digimen, almost two months ago Egnamon: That was you!!!!!!!!! That must be why we are partners! Joey: Awsome, I cant wait to kick some evil digimon butt!!!!!! Renamon: Calm down buddy Egnamon:Hey! Dont be mean to my best freind! Joey and Egnamon slap hands Joey and Egnamon: Best freinds Forever!!!!!!
  8. Egnamon turns to Joey, they slap hands. Egnamon &Joey: Were ready! They all walk up to a wall that is glowing, egnamon turns to the rest of the group Egnamon: What about everyone elses partners?
  9. Egnamon turned to the human sitting next to him. Egnamon: I guess your my Partner, Were you looking over me? Joey: Im sorry I cant answer you question, I dont know how I got to the Digital World, but you Egnamon. Ive felt like Ive always known you! Egnamon: I guess were partners then. They turn to the others, Egnamon: So when we goin to the real world!!!????
  10. Can someone tell me where the three green emeralds are in the Pumpkin hill level, I found two but could'nt find the last one so i gave up. Now I cant find any!!!
  11. Egnamon walked in, he looked around and saw everyone. Egnamon: Whats going on???? Why did you leave me!? Renamon: Sorry Egnamon, Were going to Earth, the real world! Egnamon: Really! .....Strange...... Fladingomon: What is it? Egnamon: When I was by myself, I felt there was someone else there, a human. He was kinda protecting me since I was all alone! It was kinda like he was my partner! Fladingomon: Someone told me I was there partner! Egnamon: Strange, so when we goin?
  12. Egnamon was walking by the lake. he looked back but it seemed that all his freinds were gone. Egnamon ran forward.... Egnamon: What!! Whats going on! Where is everyone!!!!!! ---- Can someone get me into the group, maybe by wishing or something?plz
  13. I do read, but no one puts me in there posts so, I dont know where I am!
  14. Yea thanks guys, I might but One more game before August 26th, because I really wana get M sunshine. Whata u guys think I should get?? Also I thought we could maybe keep this thread going by- Whenever you find something interesting or great made for or about Gamecube, you can share it here? Whata u guys think
  15. Wheres Egnamon??????? ANd the rest? *dont worry I l edit this
  16. yup I think it was a sale cause I got the memory card for $9.99
  17. Egnamon looks over at Flagingomon. Egnamon: Nice job back there! Fladingomon: Thanks!
  18. Yea, I bought one today!!!( a gamecube) Im now saving for mario Sunshine ahhhhhh I want it now!!!!!!!!!!!! -ummpaloompa song plays-
  19. I actually got some money from my bro and we put it togeher I got 1)console 2)extra controller (same color/ nintendo) 3)Memory card(the grey one/nintendo) 4) Cheapest game we could find- Wave race: blue storm $19.99! Whata u think?
  20. *Im really really confused, whats going on...wheres Engamon and everyone else?*
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kouberei [/i] [B] [COLOR=darkred]Ion: I believe Lord Hoth is behind all of this, we will be going after him soon. We will need as much help as we can get, will you be coming along, Trynn?[/COLOR] COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] I was going along with Kouberei, I thought he was good too! Mara I have no Idea, ask Kouberei? --- [i]Ion and Mara walks slowly down the back side of the mountain. Ion takes his arm off of the girl and looks up. Mara: is something wrong Master Ion? Ion: Trouble, coming this way. All of a sudden a Fighter ship flew over the two Jedi, stoping and letting twenty Sith soldiers fall to the ground. Ion looked Mara straight in the eyes. Ion: Some training! Ion tunrs on his two Navy blue bladed Lightsabars and stood his ground. He looked over Mara's shoulders and saw every single Sith soldier with a gun aimed at the two Jedi. Mara: What now Master? Ion: We fight! Ion jumps into the air swinging his two blades....[/i]
  22. ooc: True --- As Ion runs in, Lord Hoth points his hand at Ion. The door slames shut and Ion falls to the ground. Trynn and Mara try to open the door, but it is locked. Minutes later Ion gets up, surronded by bounty Hunters, not knowing what has happened. Ion: What the! He turns on his two lightsabars Ion: Mara! Tyrnn!!
  23. Ion: Lord Hoth, I thought he would have been the best jedi ever. he was like my father! Mara: Powerful people....Corupte Minds Trynn: But the Sith, we cant let this get to our heads Ion: Yes Trynn. You are showing signs of a true Jedi warrior, you to Mara. Mara & Trynn: Thank you.... The three Jedi walk up a platform that leads to Lord Hoths room. Ion: Stay here, I hear talking inside. Trynn and Mara run behind a wall, and Ion pushs the door open. Inside he finds Lord Hoth holding a sith warrior by the neck....
  24. [i]Hey fellow Nintendoers, I am very interested in buying a gamecube. Why I havent bought one sooner ......i dont know!? I need to know what I should get-games, assecories(spelling?),console. stuff like that. But theres a problem- I dont have much money. Around $190! I know I know, but I NEED a gamecube. What should I do[/i]
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