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Everything posted by Schrat
Lol, there great!
The pic is actually quite disturbing, but Gamecube rules. Im buying one today, main reason is because of Mario Sunshine, it may be childish but Who cares!
Mario Sunshine looks amazing!!! I must get a Gamecube! ::Runs to store carrying $149.99::
[i] Ion ran forward, turning his lightsabars on, he slide past Mara. And cut the head off of the last Bounty Hunter aiming for the Jedi Camp. Mara: Thanks! Ion: No problem. (Ion looks at the bead men on the ground) Hired by the sith. Mara: Most likely, Master Ion. Ion: We must find Lord Hoth and take the next step forward to destroying the Sith. Mara turns to her Master. Mara: May I? Master: Yes my dear Mara runs up to Ion. Ion: You know you could pass the trials Mara looks down Mara: But my master wont.... Ion: We must get to Lord Hoth[/i]
As Gyromon gets taken by four unknown digimon, Egnamon gets very angry. Egnamon: Digivolve to Angelicmon Angelicmon: Apocomon we need to help him, no matter what he says!!! Apocomon: Exactly, lets go! As the two digimon run after Gyromon, Phoenxmon swoops down and throws the two Digimon back. Angelicmon gets up and runs after Phoenixmon, Once he gets ahold of him he doesnt let go.......! Angelicmon: You will not!!!!!Argh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Phoenixmon: Ha, your kidding me right....Fire Eruption!!!! A blast of fire goes right into Angelicmon's chest but he does not let go ANgelicmon: You will not!!!!!!! Angelicmon digivolve ..........to............ MagnaAngelicmon: MagnaAngelicmon. Now you will die!!!!!!!!!
* Angelicmon is a guy!* ---- Angelicmon swoops down infront of the group, right behind him is Renamon and Apocomon. When they arrive Angelicmon dedigivolves to Egnamon. Egnamon: SO what now?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by LittleFluteSan [/i] [B] This most likely means that Goten was conceived by a Super Saiyan Goku (since he never returned to normal during those 10 days). [/B][/QUOTE] Maybe this is why he reachs Super Sayian at such a young age?
lol, knowing funi we wont see Gt for a loooooonnnnnnnnngggggggg time....
* Im really confused was'nt Renamon with Egnamon and Apocomon running back to Fladingomon and barrimon????*
Is there any chance in hell that Gt will start in 4th quarter 2002?? Or will it start sep. 2003?
Egnamon stood up and jumped into the air. Egnamon: We need to find everyone. I'll go! Egnamon Digivolve to.......Angelicmon Angelicmon: I'll find them. He flies off and leaves fladingomon and barrimon. ~1 hour later~ Angelicmon flies over a land far from where he is from. He sees three digimon talking on the ground. He lands and runs to them. Apocomon: Egnamon? WHat are you doing here. Egnamon: Me, barrimon, and fladingomon got into a big battle, and were all hurt bad. And were afraid they might come back Renamon: Who? Egnamon: I'll tell you later, we must get back! The three run back to where the battle was...
[i] Iondarc wased up on shore. He looked behind him and saw Angel laying on the ground, Indrid standing over her. Iondarc then looked back to the sea, and saw Ryan swimming to shore but no one else....... Iondarc: SAMANTHA!!!!!! He raised himself into the air, and brought himself over the water and looked all over. Finally he saw a hand, he grabed it and pulled the unconcious Samantha up, he put her in his arms and went back to the shore. When he landed on ground, he layed her down and looked back at the sea. Iondarc: Ryan, we need to find the rest..........But i need to help her Iondarc looks down at Samantha....[/i]
Chaqutamon and fladingomon ran back as Angelicmon stood infront of the wall, he swords out aimed at it. Angelicmon: Power SLICE!!!!! The swords sliced through the wall the group running through. But Angelicmon stood in silence..... Fladingomon: Cmon, we gotta go! Angelicmon fell down in a cloud of smoke. Chaqutamon and Fladingomon ran over to the cloud the put there arms out and picked up an unconcious Egnamon......
[i]*Sry for the late sign up......I've got major writer's block, can someone introduce me into the game?*[/i]
[i]Name: Nick Jinn Age: 25 Gender: Male Class: Sorcerior(spelling?)/ Warrior Bio: Abandonded in a thick forest at the age of five. He has had to grow up and live by himself throughout his life. He created a large broad sword at the age of 12 and has been developing his swordsmanship ever since. Apperance: Nick has long black hair. He wears a suit of "undistructable" silver armor. personality: Nick does not take a liking to strangers, and since he has lived in the woods all his life he does not have many frieds, so he does not take a likeing to anyone. But he is a natural born hero and will help anyone out. Weapons: A very large and powerful broad sword.[/i] *sry Mist for the short Sign up I've got major writers block*
The claw from Dragomon grabed Angelicmon, chaquitamon, and Ardonimon.....and threw them against a near-by cliff. Rocks falling to the ground, covering the three "herioc" digimen. An Inferno of fire spread across the battlefield, covering the pile of rocks, the pile not moving.... Rest of group: What the?
[i]Name: Ion Jinn Age: 40 Species: Human Weapons: Two Navy Blue Bladed lightsabars Force Capablities: Ion is a very powerful Jedi. About the same as Mace Windu at the end of Attack of the Clones. He is the second most powerful jedi, right behind Lord Hoth. Vehicle: A modifided swoop bike. Bio: Droped on the door step of the Jedi temple at the age of one, Ion was taken by lord hoth when he was only 15. Ion grew up as a padawan, and became a jedi at the age of 17, the earliest age of anyone before him. He has an incridible connection with the force, it being his "best friend" as he says. Ion is now in first command of the Jedi Army, he takes order from his adopted "father" Lord hoth. Description: he looks like Obi-wan from AOTC's but he wears what Luke did in Rotj.[/i]
No, I said I wanted to be future trunks, and in ussj form but he had some problem with that, I want to drop this! Please.... This game sounds good, when will it start?
Egnamon runs to Gyromon and grabs him... Egnamon: Your gonna get hurt. Gyromon turns and sees Ardonimon flying into the air but getting knocked down by the ten Betamon Gyromon: Help her! Egnamon turned and droped Gyromon, he ran forward and slide below the Betamon. Egnamon: Egnamon digivolve to........ Angelicmon! Angelicmon jumped into the air and sliced five Betamon into halves. He flies down and then looks up. Angelicmon: I need your help!...
[i] Iondarc saw the pool of blood floating about the water, he looked to his right at the only other wizard on the journey. Iondarc: We must stop this monster... Iondarc holds his staff out, the gem facing the monster. Ryan puts his hand on the staff, right below Iondarc's. A line or grey extended out into the water. A spalsh of water blew up into the air and up came the monster. The grey beam chocked the monster, it screaming in pain. But it had not been beaten, it looked the remaining fellowship in the eyes, and in seconds the boat was gone, and the beam broken. The fellowship, ironicly "fell" into the bloody water.. Iondarc: SWIM TO SHORE!!!!![/i]
Oh, i didnt know ur not aloud to defend urself on Otaku? hmmm I guess i better go with the group and not be an individual?
Wait Mist u think i can still join, Ive been gone the past couple of days and had'nt seen this?
[i]yea, man u gotta sign up...... u didnt pay attention to my post, am i still in this ????[/i]
Micheal Jackson scares me soooooooo much ::runs and hides in corner::
I didnt think it lived up to expectation. I thoguht it would have been better, but.....i give it a 7/10