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Everything posted by Schrat

  1. i love'd that show, i wish i had got Toon disney, I wana see it !!
  2. Na, that was'nt sarcasm. I im'd him "hey" then "sup" And he replyd with very explict content, if u know what i mean
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SuperSayian [/i] [B] Oh, and I "cursed" you out in AIM because you were annoying me. [/B][/QUOTE] Oh, i didnt know saying Hey and Sup was annoying? I better check up on my pop culture
  4. I know exactly one person I would'nt( and no one should) be......................... SuperSayian. I have my reasons, like when I tried to im him on aim and he curesed me off for no reason, or whenever i post in a certain sign-up thread he again curses me off!
  5. SuperSayian ur a punk and that is that, its over froget it! Now when we starting?
  6. [i] ooc: Did u guys drop me from this rpg? No one said anything after my last post? ic: Egnamon sees Fladingomon jumps forward and digivolve. After seeing the others do the same, egnamon jumps forward. Egnamon: Digivolve to..............Angelicmon! Angelicmon: Now its time for some action!!!!!!!!![/i]
  7. The new Digimon jumped up into the air knocking some of the group off there feet. Egnamon steped forward Egnamon: These are my freinds.....no one hurts my freinds!!!! His eyes began to glow Fladingomon: Your kidding me right? Egnamon: Egnamon Digivolve to..........Angelicmon Egnamon changed into a tall upright angel, but with only stubs, no wings yet, He had two small swords which he began to swing at Fladingomon. Angelicmon: Power Slice! The two swords turned white and cut down at Fladingomon, and it knocked him back, ANgelicmon turned and ran to his freinds. Angelicmon: Are you all allright? Who was that?
  8. Egnamon: We can take it! The group run ahead but find nothing in the bushes... Egnamon: Yea sure, therewas something in the bushes, which way did it go Apocomon?
  9. Juu the way you talk is from where your from, I love Rocket Power. SpongeBob, Rugrats, Hey Arnold
  10. Yea Mist ur right, I would maybe wana be aries, or u? or James? Any1 wana be me?
  11. yea, James is preatty cool, though I would'nt wana change my sex-mist is very cool, i dont know who to be LOL
  12. yea waverunners r cool, but i prefer boats. I have a 16 foot gruman with a 16 mercury, and my family has a 26 foot fourwins
  13. [i] egnamon looks like a small blue bear with large ears --- Egnamon: SO if were gonna stop this evil where are we going to go? Egnamon looked around and saw no familiar faces.. Egnamon: And who are all of you?[/i]
  14. [i]lol D_A are you going to listen at all, and SS trunks the only reason I put "Craig" in my post is because Nick is a telepath, when he was by Spider-man he read his mind to find out his identity.[/i]
  15. [i] Iondarc looked down at the "thing" and then put his staff over it, a blast of white light consumed the creature and then in a matter of seconds it was gone.. Iondarc: That was nothing but evil, we will have nothing like that on our journey.[/i]
  16. [i]*Hey guys sry for messin up your game, but I just signed up, is it all right if someone introduces my Digimon into the game? plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz*[/i]
  17. [i]Can I still join? If so----> Egnamon Digievolution: Angelicmon, magnaAngelicmon, Royal Angemon Type: Vaccine Attacks: Egnamon: Double slash Angelicmon: Power slice MagneAngelicmon: Devils Gate RoyalAngemon: Finish Royal[/i]
  18. [i]Crash Dino: Veloca Raptor Weapon: A large sword Description:Black with 2 white scars going through his eyes, he is very large. Side: DinoKnight Weakness:Size Personality:Strong wiled Where found: Atlantic Shore[/i]
  19. thanks, ill check up on that
  20. Yea, but whose playing as Sabertooth? --- [i]Nick looks out his window, which over looked Time Square, He tryed to remember bits of his childhood before the "fight" , but he could'nt. "Why, Why must I have this ability! WHy!"[/i]
  21. [i] Iondarc looked to the ground and saw the creature wiggling around the forest floor.. Iondarc: I would like to know of the creatures abilityes before I let it over run my body...[/i]
  22. [I]-2500-World War III The battle between every country on Earth has exploded into a nuclear war, larger then anything ever imagined? -3500-New World Order The time is now one thousand years later, the war has been over for five hundred years. Every major country is destroyed and all technology known to mankind is no more. The last of the humans have resorted back magic. But all is not good now that the war is over; there is a need for a government- now, the New World Order. The leaders are the most powerful in the Art of Black Magic. They are evil, but you must follow them or you die, the most powerful is Xin, he rules all. But this ?evil? force is not everyone in this world; there is a good- the White Mages. There are five of them; they can stop the NOW, if they work together. -The land- After WWIII Europe, Asia, Australia, and Antarctica were destroyed. North America is the land of the NOW. New York being their base, there main headquarters. South America is neutral; this is where the Five White Mages are living, -The time is now join, or fall to the NEW WORLD ORDER- --- Name[you need to put this]: Nick Crashion aka Crash Side[you need to put this]: White Mage Description[you need to put this]: 6-foot tall, white hair, 35 years old, three scars on his right eye, very muscular, Crash wears a tight blue shirt with jeans.-see attachment- Bio[you need to put this]: -Nothing is known as of yet- [/I]
  23. [i] Iondarc and the rest of the third fellowship take there first steps out of Mythanmyre. Iondarc immediatly feels a dark cloud come over them, he stops in his tracks. As the groups walks Iondarc stops, and lalaith notices. Lalaith: Is everthing alright Iondarc? Iondarc: I dont think this is such a good idea? But Iondarc ignores the feeling and walks with the group into a forest.[/i]
  24. [i] Iondarc took his staff and raised it into the air above the new fellowship " I bless this journey with the power of High wizardry of Middle Earth" lalaith steped forward and took Iondarcs hand Lalaith: Shall we start this journey?[/i]
  25. [i] Yea, I think you should,ss trunks is a Mod and stuf, so really listen to him or troubles cmon ur way, lol --- Nick walked back into his apartment room and took off his long leather coat. He sat down on his bed and remembered what he witnessed today, the power of that Spider-man. "He got the citizens to see us as human beings, not criminals" Nick said to himself. " I think me and Craig could develop a good freindship"[/i]
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