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Everything posted by Schrat
[i]nick: Ryo and Jubei, you take the small guy. Siren and I will take the big guy. ???: We have names fools, I am Prince Vegeta. And that big guy over there is Nappa. Crash and Siren fly towards Nappa and begin attacking![/i]
[i] Nick stands next to Spider-man and watchs Tyron fly off o top a sheet of Ice, he looks to his right and puts out his hand. Spider-man noods and shakes his hand. Nick: Im Nick Redips, im a telepath and i also have telekinetic powers. Spider: Im Spider-man. Nick: Yea I know, Ive seen you for a while. Spider: Everyone does. The two "heros" walk back to there homes talking, and begining a very powerful freindship.[/i]
[i] Im sry, I just got carried away when I saw Onslaught and stuf, dont u have to be a good marvel character? ---- Nick runs over to them seeing the huge red beast jumping over the building Nick: Did u see that guy he was huge! Ha, so what u guys been up to?[/i]
[i] Iondarc looked to his right, he sees Lalaith talking with the new comer ryan. He walks toward them and over hears there conversation. Iondarc: I would gladly have you help me represent the wizards Iondarc sticks his hand out and Ryan shakes.. Ryan: It would be my honor.. Lalaith: So then its settled, you two will represent the Wizards....[/i]
Are you going to be introducing the mimics into the game, or should we?
[i] Nick walks up to the fight between the fallen criminals, the ones Tyron and Craig defeted, he looked into there eyes, he say there memories and why theve done what theve done. Nick looked over at the journalists talking to the "heros". All of a sudden two more criminals ran toward the crime scene, Nick turned put his hand up and the two criminals stoped in mid air. Civilian: Oh my god! Nick easily placed them ontop on the near-by cop car and started walking away, until the journalists ran over to him. He turned and looked at the two other heros and grined[/i]
[i] Alright thanks, whata u think of the ending?[/i]
[i] Iondarc seeing the persons from each races standing up, does the same Iondarc: I would gladly represent Wizards![/i]
[i] Nick Redips awakes on his bed, he looks out his window at a beautiful New York mourning. He gets dressed and makes his way for the door, and grabs his leather jacket. Ten minutes later Nick is on the street, Wind blowing throught his Brown hair he walks towards Times square, what he usually does every Monday mourning. On his way he could fell people's dreams, their fears, their lives. But Nicks used to this, he feels it every second of every day, this is his life. Nick stops and looks up seeing Two figures swinging through New York city. One stops and looks down, Nick noods and he noods back. The two swinging men keep going and Nick continues his walk...[/i]
[i]Obi-wan flies his ship towards the outer Rim on the Galaxy. He looks into his arms and the baby, luke, looks up. "Im so sorry" Obi-wan says. The seen now opens on a desert planet Obi-wan, baby in hand, Obi-wan knocks on the door. Two familar faces walk out and take the baby. No words are spoken, the know exactly what is going on. A quick hug between them and Obi-wan walks in the direction Lars is pointing. A small house, Obi-wan looks inside. He steps in and sits on the bed. He sees a box on the floor he looks to his side and takes Anakin's lightsabar in it. Obi-wan places the box under his bed. "He will use this some day" he says to him self. It is now night, Obi-wan walks out side and looks up at the stars. The camera zooms out and the STAR WARS music begins.[/i] ~the end~:bawl: --- Hey guys, whata u think about the ending. Im thinking about making a comic over the summer based, not on, this Rpg. Can everyone please PM or e-mail me pics of what there characters look like. They dont have to be drawings they can be just a pic u found off the internet....thanks
Man this looks insanly awsome!
I think the movie will be alright, the poster looks cool. When are they going to start it from, like from what point in the series?
I guess what species occupys the area, is the type of technology the area willhave? Im guessing humans will be the most"technologicly superior" race in the game?
Oh, how long ago was the first one because i dont remember it? But anyway, yea this Rpg is gonna be awsome, I think this should go one for awhile, anything I could do to help out?
Sky Hockey, this is sounding alot like a Final Fantasy with Minigames and stuf, but then it has alot of a Lord of the Rings type of story! ANd unlike my freind Aries, I did think I would get in. I guess thats my fault for getting my hopes up. I hope you dont mind me over-looking the game, im [b]very[/b] Interested in the game....
[i] Iondarc awoke from a quick rest and walked to the back enterence of his room. On his way he picked up his staff and held it tight in his hand. Opening the door he walked out onto the balcony. Iondarc over looked a beautiful river, with animals running up along it. He put his arm out and pointed the diamond looking gem on the top of his staff straight ahead. A quick look with his eyes and gust of wind came out of the gem and created a whirl pool from the river, a whirl pool going stright into Iondarc's mouth. Iondarc drank for a few moments.He wiped his mouth and the water went back into the river. Iondarc closed the door to his Balcony and walked back into his room, he lay his staff on the floor and layed down for another rest[/i] ---- ooc: When is the councel going to meet, these filier posts are getting old.....
Juu please edit your last post or delete it, just make sure its in-character. Thats a spam! ---- [i]Obi-wan took the stolen ship down in a grass feild, he turned around and got up out of the pilot seat.[/i] Obi-wan: Padme we need to talk......about the twins. Padme: No you cant take them. Mara: He will kill them!!..........opps Padme: WHAT, wheres Anakin? Obi-wan: I must tell you the truth. Anakin has turned to the dark side, I fought him and almost killed him, but I didnt. If he finds out of the twins birth or your whereabouts he will kill the twins and you. He is evil now, and theres nothing you can do. Im sorry. Padme: I knew this would happen, I saw the hatred in him since he was a boy. We must split the twins up. Obi-wan: I will take the boy, to where I do not know Padme: I will keep the girl. Mara: Im going to stay with you Padme, and leia? Leia: Im going my seperate way, thank you for the ride. [i] The Jedi spy walks her seperate way, the group never seeing her again. Padme looks down at the baby girl in her arms.[/i] Padme: Her name will be Leia. Mara: And the boy? Padme: The male form of leia? Obi-wan: His name will be Luke..... Luke Skywalker. And hers Leia Organa, keep her with Bail. The Empire would never expect it. Padme: I hate for this journey to end [i] Padme hugs Obi-wan[/i] Obi-wan: We will meet again. [i] After a few good byes, Obi-wan gets into his ship with Luke. One last wave good bye and he takes off[/i]
[i] Iondarc walks with the Lady as she takes him to is room, right next to Lauren and Lalaith's[/i] [b]Samantha:[/b]So here we are, I'll return to tell you all when the full councel has arrived, Mister Iondarc will you be joining the councel. [b] Iondarc:[/b] My wizardry skills will be at your hand beautiful Sanantha [b] Samantha[/b][i]Blushing[/i][b]:[/b] Umm you should all get your rest, I'll come get you when the councel is ready....
Juu, again plz play as your own Character not everyone elses.. ------ [i]Obi-wan talks to Mara through her mind ''She cannot know of Anakin's turning to the dark side, we will tell her that Anakin went to.... ummm..... train. But were not sure where" Obi-wan says to Mara[/i] Mara: Padme, do you have any idea where Anakin went to train Padme: ([i] Begins to cry[/i]) I havent seen Anakin in weeks, I have no idea where he could be. Cant you find him with the force Obi-wan? Obi-wan: Unfortunitly Ive tried and failed. Were approaching Alderaan now....
I could maybe, help someone out. ANything to help the Rpg ([i] WHich i wasnt invited to play in, lol[/i])
Crash: Your right Siren. So who now? [i] The kids turn back to the area where they came in[/i] Crash: Mr. Popo? [i] two figures come out of the fog[/i] ???: WHose ready for some fun and games?
[i] As Iondarc mad ehis way on to the trail he noticed two figures on horseback riding his way. When the aproached he could tell that one was male, and one was female. They stoped and Iondarc began to speak.[/i] [b]Iondarc:[/b] Would you happen to have something to drink? [i]The female turned around and opened a pack on the right side of the horse's back leg. She pulled out a glass and filled it up with water, then handed it to Iondarc[/i] [b]Female:[/b] Here you go. What your name? Mines Lauren and this is Lalaith. [b]Iondarc:[/b] Well thank you very much Lauren, It is nice to meet you both. Where are you headed? [b]Lalaith:[/b]We are actually headed to Mythanmyre. [b]Iondarc:[/b] Ah, havent visited that fine place. What brings you all the way out here? [b]Lauren:[/b] We have been called to meet with a councel...
Krillen, thats a good idea, making it 60x60 would make it easier because u would'nt have to type the persons name. Just add the pic and then type what the person says! Man this Rpg sounds good....
[i]Iondarc sat under a tree, in a land once known as the Desolation of Smaug. He stares into the wood, no knowing of his place in the world. "Why must I have no family" he says to himself. Iondarc gets up and gets ontop of his horse, he begins to ride his way to a path about a mile away[/i]
Name: Iondarc Age: 345 (35 in human years) Weapons: A four foot long wooden staff with a large diamond on top. And his magical powers Bio: At the very young age (in human years) of four, Iondac's parents abandoned him in the depth of Mordor. He grew up in the Dark times and he has had to live for himself all his life. He developed his magic ability at the age of 15 and has used them t protect himself. A few years after that he finally got out of Mordor and wants anyone in power of that evil place destroyed. Apperance: Iondarc wears a long black outfit(like gandalf but black) He had silver hair and no beard. Iondarc is six feet ten inches tall.