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Everything posted by Schrat
Alright, thanks alot!
Wait wait, can i still join????????
alright this is getting out of hand, I dont want james' sign-uup being all spams.... So im truely sry I was just a little upset i didnt get picked?
[i]Alrighty, this is gonna be good...... I think?[/i]
Opps frogot to sign up? Can I still?
God Damn, Ive been thinking about nothing but this Rpg for the past week!!!!! And i dont get picked? I worked really hard on my sign-up too and I was one of the first to sign up! Id like to know why I wasnt picked? And could you please please please let one more person in! please ::begins to cry::
Obi-wan with twins in arms brings his ship to Courscant. He circles the planet until he finds the death Star. Making his way into a loading bay, Obi-wan fires at the gunners, killing all of them. He sees a group of women running through trying to find a ship. Looking closier he can see Mara and Padme with another lady. Obi-wan brings the ship down but does not shut it down. [i] Looking out of the ship[/i] Obi-wan: Need a ride ladies The ladies climb into the ship and Obi-wan takes off without the Emperior even knowing he was there [i]Padme looks into Obi-wan's arms[/i] Padme: My.....my.....Children! [i]Padme takes them and begins to cry[/i] Obi-wan: We need a safe stop to Land Mara: WHat about Naboo Padme: The empire took it over, what about Alderaan? Obi-wan: Sounds great, whose that? Mara: This is a guard Leia, she helped us. Obi-wan: Nice to meet you. The ship begins to make its way to Alderaan and just enters Hyperspace...
What the astronauts of Apollo 11 REALLY found on the moon....
Schrat replied to Fall's topic in General Discussion
I agree totally with you Valen, Dont scream and whine that someone is totally insane if it [i] cound[/i] happen, maybe there is life out there.....maybe... -
Nick ran with the kids to the Gym, they waited outside until Karina came back. Nick: So what badge do we get here?
Crash ran to Raditz Crash: I'll finsh him! Crash created a Ki "ball" and blow it down at Raditz shattering him insantly. Crahs looks back.. Crash: Whose next?
[i] Well im starting out by Auril City, If i get picked. Man James this is amazing, i think this is gonna be one of the best Rpg's ive seen at Otaku, maybe the best Rpg ive seen anywhere! Nice job![/i]
Spikey Superman is a DC comics character, this is a marvel game!
As Obi-wan's ship crash landed on the swamp planet of Degobah, the great Jedi Master Yoda felt the disturbance in the force weaken, as if something great had just been destroyed. Twins in hand, Yoda staggered to the crash site. He lay the babies on the ground and walked to the ship. The door opened and in Yoda went. He walked to the unconcious Obi-wan and waved his hand infront of his face. Obi-wan woke up. Yoda: Defeat the one you have? Obi-wan: Sadly yes. Yoda: But alive he is? Obi-wan: I could'nt finsh him master Yoda: He will rise again, hide his children you must. Obi-wan: There mother was kidnapped. Yoda: She is with Palpatine Obi-wan: We must split the children up, they will never know of there father of sibling. [i] Yoda looks down[/i] Yoda: Taken his weapon you have? Obi-wan: Yes, mine was destroyed [i] The two Jedi walk to the children and Obi-wan picks them up[/i] Yoda: The boy..... Obi-wan: I fell it too my Master. Yoda: Bring him to me you will Obi-wan: Yes [i] The two men huge, feeling this is the last time they will ever see each other. Obi-wan takes the twins in his ship and takes off, he waves to Yoda as he leaves the planet.[/i]
Whens this thing start'n?
Whens this thing getting started?
Crash ran in and hit Raditx over and over again. Crash: Why wont he die! Siren: Just keep hitting him The group kept hittin and finally Raditx fell, Crash was the first to run over to him....
Crash looks at Mr. Popo Crash: So what your saying is if I get enough anger, I can transform? Mr. Popo: No time now, to tell the story. Go help them, you will learn.... Crash jumps into the "[i]Alternate[/i]" world
Man James that sounds great, This is coming out to be a [b] True[/b] Rpg,and it sounds amazing. Could there be away to make up many outfits and weapons, each person picking them they add it to there char's head and make an image of what there char. looks like??? O yea when is this thing gonna start?
Yea, Mist im with you, please stop Juu. And yes you are right. --- Anakin pushed Obi-wan off a large cliff, making him fall into a pit of burning lava. Anakin knew that this was it for the Jedi he started to walk away. All of a sudden a Obi-wan's hand reached up and grabed a rock, Obi-wan pulled himself up. His cloths and skin being burnt bad. Obi-wan ran to Anakin with anger in his heart. He went for his lightsaber but it was not there! He must of lost it when he fell into the pit, he said to himself. Anakin swung around with his Lightsabar, hitting Obi-wans arm he fell to the ground. Anakin stood over him, screaming "I am the One!" Obi-wan looked at his side, he saw a stick in the ground and he remembered the last time he was here, when Padme and Mara buried there supplies. Obi-wan pushed over a rock that was hiding a hole, he reached down into the hole and grabed a blaster. He stood up and shot Anakin in the chest. Anakin fell to the ground, barely breathing. Obi-wan took his lightsabar and struke him rapididly, cuttin off the bottom of his body and both arms. One more hit in the head and he would die. Obi-wan now stood over the barily alive Anakin Skywalker. Anakin: Do it my freind, kill me.. Obi-wan: I'd raither not. With Anakin's lightsabar, Obi-wan climbed into Anakin's ship and took off into space.... After fifteen minutes into the journey into space, Obi-wan realized the seviure ([i]spelling?[/i]) wounds he had been put through during the battle, he fell into another coma..... Not able to control the ship, Obi-wan crash landed on the nearest planet of Degobah....
What are you talking about, Anakin and Obi-wan are on the ground. PLEASE play as ur own Character, and the characters you are with. Again, I am sorry but I will have to ignore that post... --- Obi-wan and Anakin dueled for Hours, not one giving up at any moment. Both Jedi being equaly matched, they knew this battle would go on forever. Obi-wan backed away Obi-wan: This is getting childish... Anakin: Dont call me a child!!!!! Anakin hits Obi-wan in the back. Obi-wan turns around and the battle continues....
What the astronauts of Apollo 11 REALLY found on the moon....
Schrat replied to Fall's topic in General Discussion
I recently talked to my Earth Science teacher on this subject and she said that these people dont knwo what they are talking about. The flag blowing in space..... well there is wind in space. The man on mars, just a SHADOW! I would love to believe some of this, and most of it i do believ, aliens, area 51, and stuf but some stuf I have to just disgard. ***What 9/11 rumors are u speaking of?*** -
Omg! There was alotttttttttttttttttttt wrong with that post. Juu, Mara was underneigth a bunch of rocks. And Kei had her arm cut off, she was laying on the ground in her own blood! Im gonna ignore that post, sry! --- Obi-wan threw himself into Anakin, swinging his lightsabar at him. Anakin countered by dodging it and striking Obi-wan down. Anakin kicked Obi-wan in the head, knocking him unconcious... [i]Inside Obi-wan's mind[/i] " Why, why could'nt this poor little boy stay on that desert planet as a slave! Why did Qui-gon......[i] Begins to cry[/i] Qui-gon: Why, because he is the one Obi-wan... Obi-wan: Qui-gon? ([i] Stops crying[/i]) How are you Qui-gon: Im in your mind, my freind. I am very very pleased with you. Anakin is the one that will bring balance to the force, weither for the light or dark, weither dead or alive! Obi-wan: You want me too... Qui-gon: Do what your heart wants to. [i] While Obi-wan is unconcious[/i] Anakin looks down at Obi-wan's body Anakin: Dead, ha.... Anakin walks away back to his ship, turning off his lightsabar.. Obi-wan gets up, turns on his lightsabar and runs to Anakin. Obi-wan: Where are you going!!!!!!!
Luke flew right behind his Master, Xanko's ship. The men in his ship fired at the Star Destoryers. But Luke's pilot got Cocky and pulled in closier to the large Imperial ship. A shot was fired it hit the Jedi ship knocking it into a spiral spin. Luke gets on the intercom. Luke: Mayday mayday someone please!!!!! The ship flies towards another Star destroyer, this one fireing another large blast...
Anakin uses the force to throw Obi-wan into the wall of the ship just as it crashes into the ground of Volca. He runs to Kei and grabs her throught [i](spelling?)[/i]. Anakin: Dont try to make me look like a child you traitor, you will die! Anakin turns on his lightsabar and looks at his arm......looks back at kei and slices her right arm off, kei falls to the ground surronded by her own blood. Mara tries to run to her but Anakin throws her out of the ship. Mara lands on the ground snd anakin uses the force to throw large rocks over her, so she can not get up. Anakin then walks to Obi-wan, Obi-wan gets up and both of the Jedi turn there lightsabars on. Obi-wan: So, this is what it will come down to, us fighting? Anakin: Apparently old man! Ankin takes the first strike with Obi-wan hitting right back. Both the men look equaly matched..... --- Juu, can u please make ur posts more elaborite, I have a hard time understanding ur posts, and also double space. And can no one please get involved in the fight between Anakin and Obi-wan