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Everything posted by Schrat
[b]Shin-ji Karika~number 24[/b] [b] age: 27[/b] [b]location: south-east of auril city[/b] [b]Bio:[/b][i] Shin-ji grew up in the mountains, south-east of auril city, alone with his dad. His father was more then an elf. He was a skilled swordsman (something like a samurai). His father, shiona Karika trained Shin-ji in the ways of the swords, as well as in the way of magic. Unfortunitly his father died in a cruel battle with a Halbreed, which is why Shin-ji has an enormous hatred for them. He trusts no one, which makes him a terriblefreind, and this is why he lives alone. Shin-ji rarely visits any type of city or civilization.[/i] [b] Personality:[/b][i] Besides, his hatred for Halbreeds, Shin-ji is a natural born hero. He will save anything that needs help, but right away he will leave. He needs no freinds and he doesnt want any....[/i] [b]Items:[/b][i] In his pouch, which he carries at his side, is everything Shin-ji needs to live. He carries his food, clothing, housing material, and anything else he will need to live.[/i] [b] Weapons:[/b][i] Shin-ji carries two samurai swords, which he uses for everything. They were his father's so he makes sure they stay with him for everything.[/i] [b] Black Magic:[/b][i] Shin-ji has the Ability to infuse fire or Ice or any weather technique into his two swords. He can also create "force" feilds which helps him when fighting, or even hunting for food.[/i] [b] Ability1:[/b][i] Shin-ji has the ability to move very very quick, which also helps him when fighting of hunting.[/i] [b]Ability:[/b][i] Shin-ji also has the ability to move certain organic items with his mind...[/i]
Nick put his two pokeballs on the counter. Nick: Nurse Joy can you heal my pokemon? Joy: Sure hunny [I]I5 minutes later[/I] Joy hands Nick his pokeballs and he walks to the group Nick: So now what?
Palpatine sets in his room staring at a nearby monitor, Anakin walks in.... Anakin: What is wrong my master? Palpatine: Obi-wan Kenobi has broken free of our harness' Anakin: He is still alive! I thought he would of been dead by now? Palpatine: Well he is not, I want you to got to Volca... Alone and kill him. Anakin: Yes my master, I will leave immediatly. [I] One hour later[/I] Anakin hits Volca's gravity and begins to be pulled into the planet....
The group approached an oncoming town, Nick was not far behind. He ran up ahead and caought up with the group. Nick: Guys, I caught a Charmander! Group: Cool! The kids walk into the town...
Palpatine drops Obi-wan out of the speeder and turns back. Anakin: Looks good!(looks at Obi-wan) Fool Palpatine starts the speeder and heads for the edge of the continent where the vessel would take them to the death star. --- Obi-wan lay on the ground surrounded by volcanic burning rock. He looked at his waist. -thinking- " That imperial scum, they took away my light sabar, but I must not give up hope. I will brake free from these ropes and get to Anakin"
Hey SS, Gohan is a half breed u dumb *ss, I really dont wana get into a fight with u, cause Ill HAVE to burn you! alright buddy!?!
Palpatine and Anakin stood in a dark room. Anakin: What if we were to abandond him on a planet we know he could'nt survive on! Palpatine: Great idea my boy, but which planet? Anakin thinks and remembers how Obi-wan dispissed the planet of Volca... Anakin: Bring him to Volca, if he dares survive I will destroy him myself! Palpatine: (turns to pilot) Pilot, set a ship to go to the Volcanic planet of Volca.
Nick let out his dratini into the stream which Abob and craig were just in. He saw a very rare charmander running across the side of the stream. Nick: Dratini attack! The dratini jumped into the air firing rapded water blasts until the charmander was taken down. Nick threw a pokeball near it and the charmander got caught inside. Nick picked it up and ran toward ABob and Craig. He finally caught up with them... Nick: Guys guess what Abob: What?!?... Craig: (looking up) What is that? A dark cloud appeared over the boys and they begain to get scared...
Luke took command of the second ship. Which consisted of fifteen Jedi knights, five padawans, and luke. He sat in the co-captian seat, he wasnt going to drive the ship. All of a sudden ships started takeing off, but Luke kept the ship grounded until Master Xanko told him of his mission. --- Sry about this short post I need to find out my mission
Ryo, jumped back in, and the children stared at each other. Crash stood up and looked at Mr. popo. Crash: Whats up with his tail? Mr. Popo: He's a sayian, why? Crash: Sayian? Mr. Popo: Yes, they are an alien race. Far superior to humans... Crash: Hmmmm, I had a tail removed from me when I was about 5 years old, Could I be a sayian? Mr. Popo: I would have to speak with your parents young Crash. Crash: My parents are dead....
Palpatine walked into Obi-wan's cell. Palpatine: What do you take me for, a child? Do you think I dont know of your little conversation with my little traitor, kei? huh? Obi-wan: How could you turn Anakin.... He was just a boy Palpatine grabed Obi-wan's neck squeezing... Palpatine: I asked you a question.. Obi-wan: get your hands off of me old man! Palpainte: Oh no no no, you will now pay! Palpatine walks out....
Luke looked down at his clock Luke: Damn! Im late. He ran down to the arena area where Master Xanko had just addressed the crowd. Luke looks down at a young Padawan. Luke: Do you know where Master Xanko has gone? Padawan: Yes to the ship The young jedi points and luke Matix runs in that direction. He meets up with them in time. Luke bows infront of him... Luke Matix: Master Xanko, I request an invitation to join you? Master Xanko
Obi-wan hung practicly dead by his legs. Storm troopers fired practice shoots at his chest, takeing everyong Obi-wan never gave up hope, he knew maybe some how Anakin would return to him and the others. After hours of torture, the troopers finally left Obi-wan alone. -Obi-wan hanging in darkness- [I]Obi-wan! Its Kei, me and Mara have terrible news. Padme gave birth to twins, but when we turned away she and he twins were taken...[/I] Obi-wan: Ohhhh, but how....(think of him being hurt badily and trying to speak) [I]Are you ok? Wheres Ki-Adi Mundi?[/I] Obi-wan: Anakin....Anakin killed him, and im practicly........ You have to rescue me, im about to die, kei! [I] Were coming now[/I]...
But really Kakarott, that would make no sense in the way Dragon Ball Z was made, Akira Toriyama(think i spelled that right) Wanted it that way beacause he had reasons, unfortunitly we will never no them...
Schni Arpeq!! Thats sooooo weird
Crahs stoof and watched as one by one each child was flung back into their world. Only Crash was left. Raditz: So your the last one huh? Crash: Guess so.. Crash ran toward Raditz giving him a quick upper cut, but nothing could stop him, Crash flew back. He put his hand up into the sky and screamed " Genesis Conduction!" A dark cloud formed around Crash's hand and he aimed it at Raditz, he let go and the cloud turned into a beam, which Hit Raditz, and knocking him down. Crash: Yes, it worked! As Raditz got up Crash noticed something on his back, a tail. He remembed something like that. He had something like that when he was a child, a very young child. It hurt so much his parents got it removed. Crash knew exactly what to do. He flew towards Raditz and grabbed his tail, Raditz screamed. A quick punch to the gut and he was down, Crash stood over him. Radittz got up and ran towards Crash. They ingaged in a massive battle, which took very long to complete. But finally Crash flew up and elbowed Raditz in the head. Hurt badly Crash fell back into Reality. Crash: Is he...... dead?
Lol, to go beyond ussj. Ever hear of a guy named Gohan, he saved the world from Cell right after he went SSJ2!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can someone wo is on the JEdi councel introduce my Character, i always find it kinda hard? --- Luke takes his Jedi Starfighter out of Hyperspace and into the airfeild around the city planet of Courscant. He gets pulled in by the planet's gravitational pull and lands on a hanger near the Jedi temple. He walks out and down onto the a flotting platform. It takes him into the temple. Young Padawan: Hello Master Matix, how was your trip? Luke: Excellant, how has your training been coming along? Padawan: Not that good... Luke: Keep it up and you'll get the hang of it. Luke Matix walks into a small training room, he takes out his two lightsbaras, he ignites them and two Navy blue blades come out. He starts to train...
wow wow, kei plz dont post like that, pm me or Boba or someone to find out the right story. And yes the Death star COULD have been built, didnt you see it in Ep. II, this is an Rpg anything could happen. --- Obi-wan and Ki-adi Mundi came out of HYperspace right infront of the Death Star, they were pulled into it by inorganic Gravity and were docked. They easily took care of many Storm Troopers, and finally made there way to Anakin's room. To there surprise, Palpatine was inside. Obi-wan rushed in first. Obi-wan: Anakin, are you ok? Anakin: IM fine Obi-wan, palpatine is treating me great! Palpatine: Yes, he is very happy here. Obi-wan: Dont listen to him, he wants you beacause of your power! Ki-adi: How can you dismay the Jedi Order!? Anakin: The jedi never took me in, they were to busy making sure I didnt surpass them!!!!!! Anakin uses the force to throw Ki-Adi Mundi into the wall, he gets up and ignites his lightsabar. Ki-adi Mundi: How could you Ki-adi runs to Anakin. Anakin turns turns on his lightsabar and instantly cuts Ki-Adi Mundi's head off. He falls to the ground dead. Obi-wan: ana......kin? Stormtroopers rush in and grab Obi-wan Palpatine: I'll diside what I want done with him later...
Nick walked up to the tabel, he grabed the Blur topped Pokeball and pulled it into his chest. He turned around and threw the ball letting his Dratini out. It jumped into his arms, and Nick hugged it back. Nick then walked over to the Proffesor who would tell him about Dratini. Professor: Nick you are a very lucky young man... Nick: WHy? Professor: Your Dratini is going to be very powerful as it evolves, and luckily for you it is very very close to evolving into Dragonair. Nick: Yes!...
Nick Redips AGe: 25 Height: Six foot, 5 inches Super Power: Charles Xavier's Bio: Nick was brought up in the Big City of New York, not knowing of his powers he fooled around with many people, but one day he went to far. He got in a fight with a gang on the streets. They cornered him into a dead end alley, and started to beat down on him. Right before he was about to go unconcious, his mutent ability kicked in. Nick telekinticly threw five of the kids into the building and went into the other kids minds, telling them to walk away. Nick walked away with his head held high, he has been protecting "underdog's" ever since. Description: Nick wears a Navy blue t-shirt with the sleeves ripped off, he has Jeans and white sneakers. Nick has brown eyes and brown hair.
Im not sure, u think u can, U know the story better
-this happened before the last post- --- Nick leaned against the wall of the Lab, watching the "choosen" children arrive, he awaited the entrence to his new journey into the world of Pokemon. Abob: Hey Nick, whats up? Nick: Nothing, just waiting. Abob: Yea, me too, I cant wait. All of a sudden the door opened and the CHildren ran in...
im positive he was a senator from naboo --- Obi-wan landed on Dagobah and sent a message out to yoda and Ki-adi to find him. Almost an hour later, they arrived. Yoda: ggod to see you Master Kenobi it is. Ki-adi Mundi: As well from me too. Obi-wan: yes yes, but we have things to discuss. Yoda you must stay here, you are the only hope for the jedi if me and Ki-adi fail. Ki-adi: What? Obi-wan: We must get anakin back, he is being turned to the Dark side by Palpatine. Yoda: you must not let this happan, must not. After a breif discussion on tactics, Obi-wan Kenobi and Ki-Adi Mundi, two out of the three remaining jedi get into the fighter jet and take off.
i dont really like pokemon, but u got a great story so.... --- Nick Redips Age: 10 Height: 5 foot 8 Description: Brown hair, brown eyes, very strong and willfull. He is also very couragious. Nick wears, Jeans with a Navy blue shirt, with the arms riped off. 1st pokemon: Dratini Bio: .....writers block........soon