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Mara, Palpatine was from Naboo, why else would he be a senator from Naboo then(IN ep. I)! --- Inside Obi-wan's cell there was no light, practicly no air, and the worst thing was that there was no faith. Obi-wan had lost all faith in himself. He knew Anakin was closier to joing the dark side and there was nothing he could do to stop him. Obi-wan knew that he had to get out and somehow get to Yoda and Ki-adi before Anakin turned. So Obi-wan used the force to knock out all the storm troopers aroundhis cell, he pulled there keys into the lock and ran out of the long hallway of cells. He made his way to the cargo area, but was seen by a few Storm troopers. Easily taking them out he got into a fighter and took off form the death star. Obi-wan put the ship into hyperspace and came out twenty mintues later aroung Degobah.
Anakin and Obi-wan land on COurscant and is meet by several Storm Troopers, they are taken by them into a ship and brought to a large sphere just on the other side of Courscant. They are surprisingly not thrown in a cell but taken to a room, Palpatine's room. Palpatine: It was so nice of you to come visit me. Anakin: Were not here to enjoy each other, my freind. Palpatine: Ha, young Anakin, do you think I dont kknow why you are here? Obi-wan: Palpatine, you have done wrong to the Galaxy for a last time. Palptine: I do not need you here, Master Kenobi. Palpatine throws Obi-wan into the wall. Anakin: You are one with the force? Palpatine: Excuse me..(turns to guards).. Get Master Kenobi into the Torture room.(Back to Anakin) Hello, my good freind. How are you? Anakin: Palpatine, I am not your freind! Palpatine: Yes you are. Anakin you must join me. Anakin: Never! Palpatine: Think of all the Sufferiing you have been through in your life, I can help you. I can be your father! Anakin: I dont have a father. Palpatine: Stay for the night on my Death Star and see how you like it. Palpatine walks out into the hallway, the door closes. -In the Empirial Military room, one hour later- Palpatine: I want the Planet of Naboo destroyed, now! Guard: Yes sir Men at the controls of the ship sim at Naboo, they create a green beam inside and then shot it at the planet creating an explosion that was felt by the nearing planets. - That night - Palpatine bursts into Anakin's room while he is asleep Palpatine: Anakin, unfortunite news! Anakin: (barely awake) What is it? Palpatine: The planet of Naboo was just destroyed, my home planet.... Anakin: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Palpatine begins to comfort Anakin.
Obi-wan: we must get to the ship, Me and Anakin will go, the rest of you stay here on Alderaan Anakin: Yes, stay here. We will take one of your ships bail Bail: Sure Anakin and Obi-wan say good-bye to the others and get into one of Bail's Space Crusiers. They make there way to Courscant through Hyperspace
Excuse me Supersayian, but i said that because I wanted to make sure I was FUTURE trunks not chibi, and I wanted ussj because I dont really care for his purple hair!!!
Anakin and Obi-wan awaited Bail, Padme, and Maras ideas about the senete. Obi-wan felt a disturbance, like someone was calling for him. He knew exactly who it was.... { The voice } "Obi-wan, we need you, after you were taken to Volca, we- Yoda and Ki-adi-Mundi have been being tracked by the Empire, we are now on a planet known as Degobah.... Do NOT come here, we just needed to contact you so you will always know were we are." Anakin: What is it? Obi-wan: Nothing....
Obi-wan and the others got on the Abob's ship. He took the ship into Hyperspace and gave them all some food. After about an hour he landed on the planet of Alderaan. They were taken to Bail Organa's home.
Name: Crash Bio: Has been trained by his father ever since he could walk, but unfortunitly his father was killed by an unknown force( about the same time as another hero's death..?), he now has developed a hatred for anything purely evil. Personality: Besides his hatred for evil, he is a natrual born hero... Strength: 200 Ki:700 D:50 Speed:50
SStrunks, when will you be giving the list of the "in" players?
Dude that makes no sense, u started the rpg, u should continue it. Get people to join ur army, dont be a quiter!
Gohan Age: 16 Description: Wears a grey shirt with Navy blue pants and white sneakers Bio: The son of Gotens son, he is a striking resemblance to Gohan so he ahs named after his great uncle. He has trained in Gohan's Dojo since he was able to walk and is very incontrol of his inner strength.
ill be trunks, future and ussj
o nm then, sry but I dont really know how good of an rp'er u are, and all the people on Boba's army are all freinds of mine, plus I know that they are experienced and stuf. No offence to you. Can you please take me off of your army
Obi-wan had had to much, he was getting angry. He grabbed his lightsabar, turned it on and swung at the bars. But nothing happened, so he conserved his energy and fell a sleep next to Mara.
umm, i dont think so, even if I was Id nather be on ur team
Id like to be on Boba's army, but I aint asking ::down on knees, begging::lol
Name: Luke Matix Age: 34 Race: Human Class: Jedi Master (As powerful as Mace Windu in Ep II) Weapon: Two Navy Blue lightsabars, and the force Ship: A newly developed Jedi Starfighter Bio: Luke was named by his parents, who were both Jedi, after the Great rebuilder of the Jedi way, Luke Skywalker. He was brought up in the Jedi Temple on Courscant. But unfortunitly his parents were captured and killed on the raid of the temple by the Empire. He has developed a great hate for the Empire and anyone who deals with them. Description: Looks like Obi-wan from Ep. II, but wears the cloths that luke did in Rotj. Personality: Besides his hate for the Empire, Luke is a natural born hero, very couragious, and will do what ever it takes to get the job done.
The airspeeder from alderaan rushed into the City planet of Courscant. Anakin was first to jump off and run into Palpatine's building, followed by Obi-wan, and then the ladies. Just as Obi-wan caught up with Anakin at the door, there was a crowd of fiftey Storm Troopers, Anakin and Obi-wan destroy them in a matter of seconds. And run into Palpatines office. Palpatine: Ah, the great Jedi warriors have arrived! Obi-wan: Palpatine Let the lady go! Palpatine: I think not Master Kenobi. Anakin: Then I will make you!!!! Anakin runs to Palpatine, ignighting his lightsabar and swinging it at Palpatine, but it is blocked by the Emperor's crimson red lightsabar. As the two ingage in battle, obi-wan runs over to Padme and unties her. Kei and Mara run into the office and take Padme, they then run out. Palpatine strikes Anakin down and Stormtroopers run in to capture him, Obi-wan was then captured and they were both thrown in a cell onboard Palpatine's personal ship "The Star Destroyer". UNfortunitly Mara, Padme, and Kei were also inside that cell. The guard locked the door..
Obi-wan got up and pulled Anakin up awell. Anakin looked at Padme, she was holding a blaster aimed at the bounty hunter. Obi-wan reached for his lightsabar, but it was not there, and neither was Anakin's. They ran behind Mara, she had tied up the bounty hunter and pushed him into the corner. Before Obi-wan event thought he took the Jedis lightsabars from the man and gave one to anakin. The group turned there backs. But to everyones surprise the Bounty Hunter got up and Grabed Padme. Abob: Sorry to keep you all on suspense, but I dont need any of you except Padme. He pulls her onboard his ship. It unattached itself to the transport, Abob pushes the ship into lightspeed. The transport is unable to track The Idiots Array
A small aircraft from Alderaan landed aboout a half a mile away from the heros. A pilot got out and handed them new cloths, and new weaponry (blasters for the ladies, not sabars). The desided to dig a hole and fill it up with there old stuf, ooc: dont ask me y?. After that they got on board and took off. About one hundred miles from the planet of Volca they desided to stop the ship and rest. Which they did. Obi-wan: Im so glad were off that terribile planet. Anakin: Hopefully we'll never have to return there! Padme and Mara laugh Anakin: So whats Alderaan like? Pilot: Oh, its incredible! Anakin: great! After a night of talking and resting, they start the ship up again and take off. After a little less then a light year of traveling- Anakin: sir, theres anunidentified ship flying our way. Pilot: Master Kenobi, upload that ships filies. Obi-wan: yes.......... Its a bounty hunter, the idiots array......
I knew about this episode years ago, it was on like every news station, and then the sep. after that it came to the us and the rest in history! btw- that seizure thing in the simpsons was making fun of that episode!
Crash walked through the lost woods, after walking for about two hours he noticed a burn mark on the ground, he looked up and a beam knocked him down, Crash was in a white world and then he fell, landed in the same spot as before, but something was different. Crash noticed a man running along an alley, he picked up his sword and ran behind the man. After a few minutes, crash caught up to the man and tackled him. Crash: Where am I? ((looking at the man's face)) Link?
ooc: this may find very "newby" but can someone plz find me or put me in the game, i love this story but dont know where to go with it, plz --- Niki jumped down stomping on one of the hunters, killing him instantly he lashed out at another one. After several minutes he had killed the group of five. Niki ran into the woods, falling down transforming back into his human form
ooc: lol yaddle and Palpatine, lol!!!!! --- OBi-wan looked up and saw a sky of red. He felt the heat of his skin, he grabed Anakin. Obi-wan: They wont find us here, but this planet.... Anakin: Where are we supposed to go! Obi-wan: Dont give me that... Padme: Hey hey, you two stop... Mara: Yea, we have better things to worry about. The group heard a ring, they looked down Padme's intercom. On the screen was Bail Organa. Bail: Miss Padme, we need you on Alderaan, as well as you Miss Mara. A few of us have returned here. Courscant is in ruins! Padme: But how, that beautiful planet, we have no ship, no supplies, no way of getting to Alderaan. Bail: We will immediatly send a ship for you four.
Anakin laid the fallen Mace WIndu on the cold floor of the transport. Yoda walked over to him and kissed his forehead. Obi-wan: Master Yoda, can I suggest an idea. Yoda: You may Obi-wan: Palpatine is after us, and he will take this ship down to get to us, we must split up, theres a swamp planet up ahead, I suggest you go there. Ki-adi Mundi: I will go with master yoda After ten minutes they say good bye for now, and Masters Yoda and Ki-Adi Mundi head off to the planet known as Degobah. After a few light years, he transport passes a Volcanic planet known as Volca, Padme, Mara, Anakin, and Obi-wan get off and settle down on this planet.