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Everything posted by Schrat
ooc: Mist I puy that in as a joke, just froget about it.... --- Obi-wan: This one, im not sure where it's going but... They all ran on and the door closed. Shots were being fired from all over. As the transport took off many injured Politicans struggled to get on, as they were being persucuted. Obi-wan and Anakin looked out the window and saw the remaining members of the Jedi coucel being killed. Anakin: PAlpatine!!!!!!!! The two jedi jumped out the closing door, grabing three jedi, the only ones left, and got back on the transport. Anakin looked down, in his arms was the dead Mace windu. In Obi-wan's hands was Yoda, and the injured Ki-Adi Mundi. As the transport lifted off, the planet of Courscant was in ruins. Clone and Storm troopers were everywhere, killing everone from the old Republic....
this happens way way before ep. I, padme is not in it
ooc: Anakin, i have seen ep. I many many times, what I meant was he didnt sound dignafied, like yoda usually does. Just make him sound like yoda plz. --- As the transport landed on the city planet of Courscant, Obi-wan was quick to take a speeded, which he actually "took" from someone, and made his way alone to the jedi temple. Running inside as fast as he could he stumbbled into the Councel Yoda: Master Kenobi, good to see you it is. Obi-wan: What is going on, the dark side, the power ( out of breath) Mace Windu: Channcellor Palpatine was just voted to be Emperor of the Republic Empire. Obi-wan: But no one would vote for him! Yoda: The force is strong with that man, it is. -meanwhile- Padme, Anakin, and Mara ran into the senete house Anakin: Clone troopers here? (looks around) The look up and see "Emperor" Palpatine Palpatine: As my first act of duty I will appoint my second in command, Count Dooku. Dooku steps out and his pod flies to the middle. Up on the monitor of everyone's pod is a round sphere. Palpatine: Dooku has been working on the ultimate military Base and weapon, what is being called the "Death Star". We have also been working on a new type of trooper. Able to upstand any type of Weather climat and far surpasses the CLone trooper, is the Storm Trooper! A storm trooper steps up and the crowd goes wild. Mara gets into her pod and Padme and Anakin in Padme's. Both of their pods fly forward. Padme: This is no Empire it is a comunistic! Mara: And I agree with her! There is no way all of these good people would vote for such a devil like you! Palpatine: DO not defy me young Mara!!! ( turns to a Storm trooper) Teach her a lesson. (ooc: I hope dgod doesnt mind, lol) A shot is fired threw the chest of Mara's love Lalaith. Mara falls on top of him Mara: (begins to cry) Nooooooooo!!!!!! Many of the "Good" Republicans take out guns and start fireing at all troopers, Blasts are flying everywhere and so is Anakin. He jumped on to Palpatines pod Palpatine: Ah young Anakin, now where have you been Anakin: Thats none of your bisness (looks at his mechanical lower arm, then at Dooku) I should of done this along time ago. Anakin pushes his lightsabar down onto Dooku, slicing him in half and pushing him over the pod. Anakin jumps back into Padme's pod, grabs her then Mara. And runs out of the Senete, just before a fierce battle begins. -In the Jedi temple- At the same time, all the Jedi members of the councel stand and ignite their Sabars, they begin to run to the Senete(*they felt the battle threw the force*) but hear a blast fired and a shattered window. Its is fired right threw Master Mace Windu's head. Killing him instantly. Everyone runs over to him, but it is to late. Obi-wan looks out threw the shattered window and sees Slave I flying off. The wind blows and Obi-wan knows this is the begining of a dark dark time...
The transport lifted off, luckily for the group they were the only Civilains on board, only them and two pilots. Anakin and Padme sat close next to each other, Obi-wan across from them and Kei and Mara next to Obi-wan. Obi-wan looked out the window at a near by planet. Anakin: Master Kenobi is anything troubling you? Obi-wan: I just felt a great surge in the power of the Dark side. Somethings wrong... -while this is happening, on courscant- A Representative for Courscant flies in ot the center of the Senete house. Rep.: You now vote for your choice of Emperor of the Republican/ Imperial Empire. -after 10 mintues- Rep.: The votes are in. The first ever Emperor is....... Chancellor Palpatine! The crowd erupts with joy... ~ooc: Anakin, ur making Master Yoda sound like Jar jar Binks! Make him speak like yoda plz
Obi-wan awoke to the sound of Anakin jumping on a nearby roof. He ran out side and jumped on the the roof next to Anakin's. He ignighted his lightsabar. and looked around Obi-wan: What is it Anakin? Anakin: A droid wa son top of this roof, and fired a shot at Anakin. Obi-wan: I suggest we all leave now. We should spread out all over this galaxy. Anakin: I want you and I to go with Padme Obi-wan: Nevermind my last idea, we will all travel to Courscant. Leaving now! Leave everything, only take yourself and your weapon of choice. They run to Mos Eisley hoping to catch a transport...
ooc: Umm boba, cleig is dead I said that in my post. Why dont you edit that to be Beru or something. Mara: But what, what should we do. Obi-wan: We need to return to Courscant, but not all at once. I suggest I return with Mara. Then Kei, and finally Padme and Anakin. Anakin: Yes, I need to reach the councel. Padme: And Mara and I must speak with the Senete. Mara: Yes, I will wait til you join me though... Obi-wan: We must not use Padme's ship, to many people know of your ship. We can each take a transport from Mos Eisley. Mara: We will leave in the mourning then? Obi-wan: Yes..... Two days later Kei, you will leave. And then two days after that, Anakin and Padme you will leave. Kei, Padme, and Anakin: Yes Each person goes into their home and goes to bed
Anakin and Obi-wan arrive at Padme's ship and quickly get all the supplies they will need Padme: Anakin, what are we doing? Anakin: We must abandon the ship, we will take your speeder to a city not far from here. The group gets all the supplies together and then ready the speeder. Obi-wan takes the wheel and starts to take the speeder to the city. When they arrive no on is in sight. So they each pick out a home and get settled. After a few minutes of getting settled they all meet in Obi-wans abopted home and start talking of plans.
The two Jedi walk until they reach the farm of Owen Lars, Anakin is excited and walks right in. Obi-wan quickly follows and they both are welcomed in excitment. Owen unfortuinitly told of his fathers death from his leg injury but he gave some excitment with his Marrage to Beru. They talked for many hours but at sunlight Anakin and Obi-wan kept walking and searching for a place to stay. Owen suggested his farm but Anakin didnt want him in any trouble. Beru told them of an abandoned city not far from Mos Eisley so they wanted to check it out. Anakin and Obi-wan reached it before night-fall It looked succure so they headed back to the ship to get the others
ooc: umm, Im just gonna ignore that Anakin guys post.. Obi-wan and Anakin walk a few miles until they reach a large sand dune. They start to climb over it but Anakin stops and ignites his lightsabar... Obi-wan: Anakin, what is it? Anakin: Tuskan raiders! Anakin flies into the air and lands on the other side of the dune. Obi-wan turns his lightsabar on and runs up the dune. But by the time he reachs the other side all 50 of the tuskains and lying dead on the ground. Obi-wan: .........Nice work.......
Anakin turned around as Padme's ship gets pulled in to the plaent's Gravity. Anakin: We are coming in for a landing. Everyone ran to the window but only saw dust everywhere, no sky, no ground just dust. After several minutes the dust settled and the ship opened up, Anakin and Obi-wan steped out first, then the rest. Padme: I frogot how disereted this planet is... Anakin: Just to think I used to call this place home. Mara: So now what? Obi-Wan: Umm, well this should be our home for tonight (looks up) the suns are almost setting. Padme: So we go searching tommorow Obi-wan: I suggest you let me and anakin do the seaching Anakin: We wouldnt want anything to happen to you girls... The group gets on board, the door closes and they rest for the night...
Obi-wan and the others reach a public transport but is surrounded by Clone troopers, looking for them. They run behind a building and take Padme's personal speeder back to her Home. After resting for a while, they get inside of her Ship (You know the one im talking about) A crew comes on board but obi-wan waves them off using the force Padme: Why can they not travel with us Obi-wan: No one can know where we are going, spies... Anakin: Good thinking master. the ship takes off and heads for the Outer Rim of the Galaxy
ok, this is gonna be hard to do, but we can pull it off. Does anyone wana change there character's sign up sheet? if anyone doesnt ill post who gets into the game. Can everyone maybe play as two chacters, I think ill play as plo koon and tyvokka.
[B]ooc: It would be alot easier if someone could find me, please?[/B] Niki in wolf-form ran through the city being chased by five hooded men with heavy, larde guns. Niki turned a corner but it was a dead end. He stops and is surrounded instantly Hunter: Give in you freak Niki: Really are you kidding me? Hunter: Get on your knees! Niki drops down and then jumps up into the air, fliping over the five men. He lands and grabs one of them, throwing him up into the air and then pushing him down into the concrete. The men back away and then aim their guns at Niki. One man fires a shot, Niki falls down and back into his human form. The men look at each other in shock. As they do Niki runs down the next street and up onto the top of a building
Obi-wan: What about Tatooine, Anakin's home planet? Anakin: I would rather.... (cut off by Obi-wan) Obi-Wan: It is run by the Hutts, Imperial forces have no scouts or guard son that planet. Padme: It would be a good chance to see your brother, anakin? Anakin: Step- brother, But it would be a good hide-out for now. Obi-Wan: So we go to Tatooine?
I never recived that pm, can u PLEASE send it again. As well as the ending, i wont release it to the rpers...yet
Crash Age: 16 Weapons: Large sword, used by one hand or two if needed Good Personality: Very very stong willed, he is couragious, and believes in him self very stongly. Crash is a born hero... Apperance: Crash wears no shirt but baggy black pants. He has two platnuim arm bands. His hair is silver, as well as his eyes. he is about 6 feet tall, and very hansome. Bio: Crash was left in the woods by his parents when he was only one year old, He raised himself and has fought hardly throughout his life, now at the age of 16, he has gone searching for other humans...
amazing boba, can u tell me more about the hyperspace wars?
Obi-Wan finally reached Padme's house. He was greated at the door by a young women who brought him to Anakin Anakin: Master Kenobi, what brings you to Naboo? Obi-Wan: I have got great news, the councel are going to let you take the trails! Anakin: Yes, this means I will become a jedi OBi-Wan: If you pass the jedi trails, you will become a Jedi. But I must speak with you alone on another subject. ( Obi-Wan points to an empty room) May we? The two men walk into the room and shut the door Anakin: What is it master? Obi-wan: The councel is worried about your time being spent with Chancelor Plapatine Anakin: Palpatine is just a freind of mine, what is there to be worried about. Obi-wan: What do you two speak about? Anakin: That is none of your bisness! Obi-wan: I am still your master! DO not disregard me... Anakin storms out of the room. Obi-Wan walks out calmly and up to Padme. Padme: What is wrong with him? Obi-Wan: We need to talk.(pulls out chair and Padme sits down) Padme: What is it Master Kenobi? Obi-Wan: Has Anakin meet with Palpatine recently?? Padme: Not since the last time we were on Courscant, why? Obi-wan: Im not really sure....
Obi-Wan landed on the Planet of Naboo. He immediatly took a speeder to Padme's old throne room, since he had not been here since the battle many years ago. The present queen told him of Padme's where abouts and OBi-Wan made his way there
Niki landed in the City of New York, he immediatly made sure he wasnt followed to his old apartment on the lower east side. For the days ahead would be a very glooming peace. Niki knew he was being watched but from who, and from where?
Obi-Wan walked to his room in the temple. After a short rest he is awoken by master Mace Windu, wanting to talk with him. Obi-Wan: May I be of some service. Mace Wincu: No, just wanted to talk Obi-Wan: Your mind is clouded Mace Wincu: It is, Chancller Palpatine, has visited severl times, all times for young Skywalker Obi-Wan: Anakin, why? Mace Windu: I am not sure, I fear Palpatine is leading him away from the Jedi order Obi-Wan: I would doubt that, anakin loves his place as a jedi Mace Windu: I was going to ask you to meet with him, tell him of his trials to become a jedi, and get some info from him as to what Palpatine wants. Obi-Wan: I will find his location, and meet with him as soon as I can Mace: Thank you...
I have no anger towards any of you, even Boba.... I hope all of us can work together in the new epIII rpg
Niki awoke in the city of Japan, unknown of his next mission, Niki Jinn sat in his room until he heard a women scream. Niki Jinn transformed into his beast form, a standing wolf. Niki ran through the hotel building down onto the streets, he grabed the screaming women and she told him of her robber. He ran up to the robber and threw him into a near by building. Niki: Sins of your past have caught up with you. -Two days later- The news of the Werewolf in Japan traveled all over the world, the anti-freak group known as the hunters, were now on Niki's trail...