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Everything posted by Schrat
After reciving a message from master Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi flies in his Jedi Starfighter to the City planet of Courscant. -2 hours later- Obi-Wan's ship lands on the outer docking bay of the Jedi Temple. He makes hsi way to the main temple and take the elevator to the top. He immediatly makes his way to the councel and Opens the door... Yoda: Madter Kenobi good to see you it is Obi-Wan: And you the same, as well as all the members of the councel. Mace Windu: Obi-Wan as you can see we are missing one member of the Jedi Councel, Oppo Rancisis, Hge was a driliant Military mind, And lost his life in the Clone Wars. Ki-Adi Mundi: What Master Windu is trying to say is that their is an open spot on the councel Plo koon: And the spot is yours, if you want it. OBi-Wan: If you all dont mind, I would like to think it over. Yoda: One other subject address we will, is of Anakin's trials Obi-Wan: He is more then ready to become a jedi Yoda: then the trials he will take...
I deleted everything i said that wasnt relative to any sign up so, idk what he was talking about anyway, lets just get the game started...
ur gonna have to edit that into ur first post and then DELETE the last post, thanks
i definatly need more info- bio: there is no such thing as sith at this point, u need to be alot more descriptive description: also no such thing as sith then... side: u have to be on the republican or seprtists, and the reason u are on that side ex: how ur parents brought u up or someone helped u or somehting like that
Name: Niki Jinn Age: 30 in human form, unknown in wolf form Species: Werewolf, but in wolf form he stands, think d2:lod.. Birth: Born as a werewolf attacks: Fire claws, maul, fury looks: human form- Niki wears jeans and a black t-shirt, with a long black coat wolf form- The jeans are now ripped to be shorts, the t-shirt has no sleeves and he does not wear the jacket Bio: Nick was raised in the city by two normal parents, they never told him of his powers. At the age of 17 his parants were killed by a manhunter, looking for "freaks"(What his parents were is unknown). He went after the hunter and when he fought him Niki found his powers to become a wolf.... He now hunts these "manhunters" all over the world
- Some of you may of heard of these wars. They happened about 30 years before Phantom Menece. Plo Koon, who I will be playing as, is a major played in these wars. Qui-Gon jinn is also a big factor here But i couldnt find that much info on the hyperspace wars so some stuf i had to make up - The is no Jedi Councel, all the members from episodeI are warriors in the war. It is between the Republicans, the good guys and jedis, versus the Septretists, thats it no sith or anything like that, there can be bounty hunters but you must choose a side... sign up: Name age Bio Description Side and reason why *remember I am playing as Plo Koon, but i need people to play as Qui- gon, Mace Windu, Ki-Adi Mundi, and maybe even yoda.. I think im going to pick who can play in this game, i think im starting to know how good of rpers the people here are*
When r we gonna start?
Padme dont u have Anakin, id rather u have him then the other guy, no offence
nice idea boba... y r u playing as abob and not boba?
yea ok lol OBi- Wan Kenobi Age: 46 Species: Human Side: Jedi Bio: (ill take it from the end of aotc) Obi-Wan fought couragiously in many battles during the Clone Wars. He has been asked to join the Jedi councel, but has not given them an answer yet. Since Anakin has become a jedi, Obi-Wan has no Padawan learner (so hes open, if u wana be my padawan). Description: Obi-Wan wears the same as he did from A new hope, he has a beard like in aotc, but it is alot greyer. Weapon: Same lightsabar as in ep.II Vehicle: Jedi Starfighter as in Ep.II
lol, thanks.....Why does spaming always go with me? lol, not being mean or anything but talk abotu a spam look at mist and duo, they only make 2 line posts, well not really duo
Hey, i was that creator.... Just to let everyone know other people did spams they just deleted them!!!! And i didnt, dont ask me why not, lol idk! But anyway I would really like to get into another ep. III rpg, If u would let me I would love to be Obi-Wan Kenobi? so Can I, plzzzzzzzz!
ooc: Even stormwing said it, what the *u know what* is going on with mara, lalaith, boba, obi-wan, and padme!
ooc: Why not, i read them many times, and read the pages before that.. I just think u are moving toooooooooo fast .... Maybe its just me but the plot is losing its....its... idk how to say it but the plot's plot! I mean this Mara and Lalaith loving each other then hating then loving, its getting old!
ooc: Im soooorrrrrrrryyyyy!!!! im gone for less then a day and u guys do 3 pages im totally lost!
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Schratn9 [/i] [B]ooc: WOW! You guys went far, and im very confused. Can u all tell me whats going on before I post? [/B][/QUOTE] ooc: See whats going on!.... not where is obi-wan and mace. Read alright, now can someone answer me
ooc: Mist or duo or boba, or whoever can u answer my question...plz!
ooc: WOW! You guys went far, and im very confused. Can u all tell me whats going on before I post?
ooc: I guess no one is gonna answer my question are they, lol?
Anakin sits in his room, thinking about his lost freinds creating more anger in his mind, his heart being destroyed, Anakin is being destroyed. Palpatine walks in... Palpatine: Anakin, I would like to let you know if you will be joining me in the opening of the most powerful weapon in the Galaxy... Anakin: The Death Star is complete, master Palpatine Palpatine: Yes, our ship is leaving any minute now... Anakin: Then lets get going The Two men walk to the boarding station and get inside Palpatines Star Cruiser... ooc: I guess i'll ask this again, does anyone know where Obi-Wan and Mace Windu
ooc: alrighty, just answer my question. all answer then we will both delete our posts! ok?
ooc: Can one of you, maybe all, play Padme and Obi-Wan as prominant players in the game? --- Palpatine laughs... Anakin: Whats so funny master Sidious? Palpatine: While talking to the young lalaith, I traced his mind. We are now on the trail of young Mara's Ship.. Anakin: I sense Padme on this ship? Palpatine: Yes, as well as Obi-Wan and Mace Windu.. Anakin: Excellant (turns to General Tarkin) Follow that ship, amximum speed...
[COLOR=red]O really Lalaith, we will pay![/COLOR] Lalaith: Yes Palpatine, you will pay and so will the rest of your imperial scum! Mara: Lalaith, who are you talking too Lalaith:.....(interupted by the voice) [COLOR=red]Dont you even dare, they will see me sonn enough...[/COLOR]
ooc: Boba nice post! ---- Palpatines personal ship got out of Hyperspace and approached the planet Marion. Anakin and Tarkin watched as hundreds of imperial ships left the planets atmosphere. Anakin turned to Palpatine. Anakin: Why are they leaving? Palpatine: The group we are looking for got away into hyperspace....We have no need for this planet. Young Tarkin will you do the honor Tarkin: Yes my master Tarkin presses a button on a near by console. A beam comes out of Palpatines ship hitting the core of the planet, Marion is destroyed in a matter of seconds. Anakin looks down at the floor, " What was that for, there was inocent civilains on that planet" Anakin said to himself... Palpatine: Anakin, get used to it.... Palpatines ship goes into hyperspace following Mara's..
ooc: Alright, so give my an over view, whats going on right now?