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Everything posted by Schrat

  1. ooc: wow wow, boba i mean nice post and all but stick to the story. Mace and the other living memebrs of the councel are on degobah. And I hinted in my last post the Bail Organa took Obi-Wan and padme to Alderan ( Leia and bail's home planet from the old trilagy)!
  2. ooc: mist in ur pm did u mean obi-wan or bail??
  3. Anakin spoke to General Tarkin for quite a while, as Palpatine took over the meeting with the Sepretists. Tarkin: I will do everything to find your wife, and former master Anakin: I believe Kenobi has kidnapped my wife, as she would not leave my side. Tarkin: I will find out Master Skywalker... Anakin walks into the Sepretists meeting Palpatine: ah master Anakin nice of you to join us. Anakin: Thank you sir Anakin sits down Count Dooku: Master Sidious if I may interupt, there are still many planets that are not in the empire yet. Many of them being Republican run, such as alderan, Run by Bail Organa. Ankain runs out of the meeting and right to Tarkin, Anakin: Tarkin send your troops to Alderan!
  4. ooc: I think she does, shes not answering my pm's... o, and storm wing, when u make an out of character post plz put ooc: next to it. thanks-
  5. ooc: where's lalaith and Mara, and the rest of u.. ---- *ignore my past post* Anakin changed over the few days he was with Palpatine. He adopted a new outfit, All black with a black clook( Spelling?, Like the outfit maul wears), He got rid of the blue crystal in his lightsabar and replaced it with a red one. He also was second in command of the empire, even higher then Count Dooku. -Palpatine walks into Anakin's room- Palpatine: Anakin, Ive got terrible news... Anakin: What is it? Palpatine: Some how both Obi-Wan and Padme escapted Anakin: No, my children must be taken from her. Padme is almost due with MY twins. Palpatine: I will do everything I can to find them. Anakin: But make sure you do not kill Obi-Wan, I want him to die from my hands! Palpatine: Yes Anakin - Two days later- Anakin is in a meeting with leaders from the sepretists. Palpatine walks in... Palptine: Anakin, I must have a word with you They walk out of the meeting Anakin: What is it master? Palptine: Ive gotten word that Bail Organa, a politican has helped The two run aways Anakin: Really.... Where did they go? A young man walked over Palpatine: Anakin, this is General Tarkin, he is going to take over the search for Padme and Kenobi Anakin: Thank you....
  6. ooc: o and a slave1 ship really does exist?? ANyway, just ignore my post ill post more later tonight. But can I just have a thing of where everyone is and what there doing, cause like duo im losy
  7. ooc: OK i edited it to make it in that ship.
  8. Nick Grabed them and pulled the mask off, but to his surprise they were robots, a hologram came up with a picture of the green goblin. GG: Hello heros, if you are seeing this then my robots have failed. Well, what can I say. You will all die. There are noe Seven Goblins, each unique in its own way. We are coming and you can not beat us..
  9. ooc: Sry guys, i havent posted much I had alot of things to do lately ic: Palpatine and Anakin sat in Palpatine's ship. They developed a plan to get Lalaith over and they set out to accomplish it. Anakin took out a Emperial space speeder and followed there ship.... Anakin pulled up next to it and yelled through an intercom system--- Anakin: Lalaith, I must have a word with you.. Lalaith: Anakin, I hate to say it but you've changed, leave us be Anakin: You and me are the last Jedi, we must stick together But without Lalaith knowing it, this conversation was a trap. Clone troopers circled, in ships, the ship and captured the three run-aways. Anakin grabed Lalaith and took him on the swoop bike... Lalaith: Anakin please, you must let Mara free. Anakin: Keeping Mara was not my desicion, but Palpatines....Please do not fight with me, The Empire is not a bad thing. The...We the jedi are no outcasts. As we speak we are being hunted. And Palpatine will take us in. We will be on top, the head. We will make the decsions, you and me... Lalaith: Anakin, I can tell you are not lieing. You and me together The men put there hands out and shake on it... ooc: Mara empty ur pm mailbox
  10. ooc: sry i had work...... ic: Anakin steps away and Palpatine stops striking with lightning..... Lalaith is confused Lalaith: WHy have you both stoped ANakin: there is nothing more to do, Mara is dead. Lalaith freind to freind join us Palpatine: Or you will die.. Lalaith: Then I have no choice...
  11. ooc: Guys im going out tonight ill post otmmorow mouring or maybe later on tonight! Dont go to far in the game
  12. A door opens , but no one is there. Anakin get up and walks out he follows a series of white lights til he reachs another dark room. Palpatine is inside, standing over the fallen lalaith Anakin looks down but fells no remorse Palpatine: Ah yes, you have become a great warrior. You fell no pain for the ones you love. Anakin: We must destroy the remaining Jedi, the time is now Sidious..... My time has risen
  13. -As Anakin shakes palpatine's hand- On a distant planet far away from the senete or the beautiful Naboo, a planet known as Degobah, there are four Jedi Masters medatating. Yoda, Mace Windu, Ki-Adi Mundi, and Plo Koon stare at each other at the same exact moment. Yoda: A great difiance in the firce, there is Mace: I felt it to, this is not good.....Not good at all
  14. ooc: guys can u tell me whats going on, im confused... and where the heck am I?
  15. Can someone give me confermaton on the price cut? And another question does anyone know when the gta3 gc game is coming out And what about the new conker game?
  16. Anakin is put into a black cloak by a trooper. He is then taken to a main throne room on the ship. There is a dark object siting in the chair. Anakin is let go and he walks up to it. Palpatine turns around Palpatine: Hello, Anakin. How are you feeling? Anakin: That was you wasnt it, talking to me and lalaith Palpatine: Your very smart young Skywalker, and so is your freind... Anakin: He has a name, and it is Lalaith. We are jedi and you will respect us. Palpatine laughs Palpatine: Jedi! Half the jedi were killed in the Clone War and the other half on Courscant when I made my "announcement", You two are the only left. Though we have not found the bodies of some of the members of your councel. What are they hiding? Anakin: They will come out when they need to... Palpatine: Anakin your a smart man, you need to be with me. The jedi guide each other. You dont need guidence. You are second only to Yoda. Anakin: That little green... Anakin goes for his lightsabars but they are not there Anakin: What did you do with my... Palpatine: Lightsabars, just a little insurance that you wont try to kill me. Join me Anakin, you and me would make a great team. Anakin: You have been very kind to me Palpatine, but I just... Palpatine: Anakin, think of all the evil that must be destroyed. Think of your mother. Palpatine puts his hand out. After a long pause, Anakin shakes his hand.....
  17. Anakin sat up and looked at the incoming droid Anakin: 3po, Whats going on...Please freind tell me C3po: Master Anakin, u presince is requested by Emperor Palpatine A clone trooper come in and Takes anakin in shaclles Lalaith: (yelling to Anankin) Be careful!
  18. ~As this ^^^^is going on~ Anakin and Padme stand together about to unleash on Palpatine Anakin: You will leave now Palpatine Palpatine: Oh no I wont, and call me Darth..... Darth Sidious. Anakin: Why, why would you turn to the Sith... Why not.... Sidious: The Jedi, my choice to become a Sith was made up along time ago, before you were even born young Skywalker. When will you make your decsion. Padme looks at anakin in shock Padme: What! What are you talking about? Sidious: Well, see good old Anni will become... Anakin runs to Darth Sidious, turning on both of his lightsabars and ingaging in battle with Sidious as he turns his blood red sabar on. Obi-Wan sees the battle and runs to them turning his lightsabar on as well. Padme is thrown down by a Clone trooper, and knocked un-concious. An infiltry of about 100 Clone Troopers run to the scene and start fighting with Obi-Wan. Kenobi, being the jedi he is, takes them all on, but can not hold them all off. He falls after 5 minutes of fighting. About a Quarter mile away, Sidious and Anakin are still clashing their lightsabars together. Even though Sidious is more then twice the age of young Anakin, he is victorious. Another ship lands and thousands of Clone troopers come out enslaving the people of the naboo. Darth Sidious grabs the unconcious Anakin Skywalker and walks on the ship. Two Clone Troopers come and grab the knocked out Obi-Wan Kenobi as well as the un-concious Padme Amidala. They all are locked up on the Ship, except Anakin, who was taken to the hospital and his wounds are healed by no one else but C3po. C3po: Master Anni, are you ok? Anakin: 3po, it is good to see you. Where am I? C3po: You will find out soon enough Sidious' ship rests on the ground of Naboo as the Clones destroy the planet as they know it.
  19. Anakin also jumps out and holds lalaith in his arms. Anakin: Stop, if he is the one who was taLKING TO US then we must approach him... Padme jumps out as well Padme: What has come over the two of you? Padme approachs Palpatine as he looks over at the crowd Palpatine: Miss. Amidala, it is a pleasure to see you again, and a pleasure to be back home. Padme: Get off, of.... Palpatine: No my dear, Naboo is part of the empire now. Anakin: Palpatine, what are you doing here... Palpatine: Have you not heard, the jedi are extinct... Which means you are supposed to be dead. And you two young Lalaith.
  20. Obi-Wan struggles to hold as he tries to get inside
  21. Anakin: We both will do what we must, but we will not come out til the right time There is a knock at the door padme runs in Padme: I think both of you should get ready. Palpatine's ship is landing in the city. A speeder is taking us there right now. All of them get in the Speeder and begin to head to the city
  22. Obi- wan ignighted his lightsabar and ran to the man. he swung at him several times but he dodged each one looking at mace Obi-wan: Who is he!
  23. Anakin looks at Obi-Wan Anakin: May you... Obi-Wan noods leaves the room shutting the door. Anakin look back at Lalaith and puts his hand on lalaiths shoulder Anakin: Whats wrong? Lalaith: I dont know, hate is inside [COLOR=red]Yes, yes.... Hate is growing in both of you[/COLOR] Both of the yound jedis look around " Who said that..." Both of them say... [COLOR=red]The evil inside of both of you is good. Young Lalaith, why wont they let you become a jedi, Because they hate you. [/COLOR] [COLOR=red]And Anakin the killing of your mother, the hating of everything you do. Obi-Wan not leting you surpass him, all of this. Let it grow and you both will become the most powerful beings in the galaxy.....[/COLOR] Lalaith: What.... Who are you? Anakin: Yes and what should we do... [COLOR=red]The time will come... actually the time is very soon. You will know, both of you[/COLOR] Anakin and Lalaith look at each other. Evil looks on both of there faces...
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