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Everything posted by Schrat

  1. Schrat


    lmao....you got to be kidding, good for talking....buddy, you need aim or yahoo mess.
  2. Schrat


    lol, kinda chilidish but funny, nice job!
  3. Hey guys, I can't wait for tonite...While were all waiting I thought I would hit you up with some 'Rumors' that are surfacing around tonite's show.... [i]Courtesy of Wrestlezone.com[/i] [QUOTE]Kevin Nash will return to WWE as Diesel either tonight at WrestleMania or tomorrow night on RAW. The current plan right now is to bring him in as a face to side with HBK. Many are expecting Chris Jericho to get the clean win over Shawn Michaels tonight as a way to show HBK 'passing the torch'. Expect Kane and RVD to win the World Tag Team title belts tonight on Sunday Night Heat as a way to get WrestleMania off to a hot start. -------------- The pre-WrestleMania festivities wrapped up tonight with the final session of Fan Axxess, and I thought I'd give you a run down on how things have gone. Firstly, there are tons of people in town for the show from all over the United States and the world. In my small hotel alone there are guests from Ireland and several Japanese fans. As well I have met people from Australia, England and New Zealand. The city is definitely buzzing about WrestleMania as it is hard to walk a block in down town Seattle during the day and not see at least one WrestleMania T-shirt. I took a tour of SafeCo Field yesterday with several other fans and got to see the preliminary set up for the big show. Stadium workers were covering the field with plastic mats, about 2'-by2', that have air holes to let the grass breathe. A stadium official said it will be the first time the field is completely covered. Suffice to say the stadium looks great and should look fantastic on TV. The ring has been set up on second base with the entrance stage around centerfield. The stage features several screens of different signs converging in a pyramid shape ad displaying a loping blue WrestleMania graphic. the graphic is also displayed on the two-tone scoreboard ad another big screen n the stands. As well, WWE has brought two additional big screens that will be hung in the air. There's a huge vertical pole, shaped like an inverted triangle that reads WrestleMania. The lighting rigs above the ring are huge and quite elaborate. WrestleMania merchandise has taken over a large fraction of the Mariners Team Store at the ballpark. A couple of other notes about the ballpark: although the weather in Seattle has been surprisingly dry and pleasant for the last week, the forecast for Sunday calls for pretty steady rain throughout the day, so stadium officials said the roof of SafeCo will most likely be closed for the show. The stadium does have its own weather forecasting instruments, so if the weather turns for the better, they could open the roof at any time. It takes about 20 minutes to do so; Limp Bizkit could be heard outside the stadium doing their soundcheck today; the WWE crew has pretty much taken over the nearby Grand Hyatt hotel. The wrestlers have been working out every morning at the Gold's Gym in Downtown Seattle and have reportedly been pretty accessible; Local TV stations and newspapers are still advertising that tickets are available to the big show. The Axxess shows have drawn huge crowds - certainly at least the double the supposed 2,000 limit WWE advertised. The lines outside the Axxess shows have stretched for blocks. Although scaled down from past years, the shows have been mostly enjoyable with pretty much the entire WWE talent roster on hand in some capacity for pictures and/or autographs. Austin, Angle, Triple H, Brock, Booker and pretty much the entire A-level crew have been at the two autograph booths, with the one notable exception being The Rock, who never did a stint at the autoharp booth, but did do an in-ring interview, answered fans questions and did an angle with Austin while he signed autographs. The biggest lines were for Hogan and Austin. The A-level guys didn't come out for the last two Saturday shows. While all the wrestlers, with a couple of exceptions, have been pretty cool, the Heat and Velocity-level guys have really gone the extra mile to accommodate fans. Kanyon, Funaki, Ivory and Steven Richards are just a few names that come to mind. Kevin Nash signed autographs and looked to in great shape, and has dyed his hair dark brown again. A couple of wrestlers were asked their feelings about not being on the Mania card. Test said "It sucks" and that he was very disappointed, especially since it was his second consecutive year without a match on the main-card. Adversely, Spike Dudley said it did not bother him at all and that he recognized it was a team effort. [/QUOTE]
  4. yeah youre definnitly wrong, becuase theres thousands of efeds out there and tons of members in each of em
  5. that is simply brillient!!!!! Thumbs up! 100/10
  6. Nothing special, I just wana know what you guys think.... [img][/img]
  7. yeah, Diesal will be cool, especially if he teams with HBK, which will msot likely happen. I actually have an idea that after the Booker/HHH match, 'The March' hitz ((You know the song)) and the sparkz start flying, out walks Goldberg and just stairs down the new World heavyweight Champion, whoever it is. I also actually heard that 'Gilberg' will make an appearence, which would be HILARIOUS! "The streak's on the line!"
  8. Im split on this Idea, because I liek an other wrestling fan want to get into the buisness, and I can feel the struggle that some superstars feel when they want o get these high caliber matches. But i also think that people want to see both superstars in a ppv each month...Idk, I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens in June
  9. well I dont know If any of you heard but starting at [i]bad blood[/i] The PPV's are going to be split down the middle, 4 raw ppv's, 4 SD ppv's, and 4 for both. So its a great shot for some mid to lower card wrestlers to build up feuds and get PPV matches.
  10. wow thats retarded, I highly doubt Wrestlemania is going to "suck" just because Nathan Jones is in a tag match. Sure I'd love to see Taker do something bigger, but I dont think hes capible of carrying a higher caliber match. I've actually seen Jones wrestle a few times about a year ago in WWA, he really isnt that bad.
  11. Rock-Austin: I honistly think this match can go either way. I dont have a favorite in this match, so I dont really know whose gunna take it. Angle- Lesnar: Lesnar, Will take this one. Its ugnna be one of the best wrestling matches of all time, I cant wait! I actually think that Goldberg might pop out during this match, setting up a match with Lesnar at backlash. BookerT- HHH: BOOKER! There is no way HHH wil take this one. Booker will win with ease. I have a feeling He will face the Rock at backlash, which is why they didnt face each other a few weeks ago. RVD/Kane- Storm/Morely: RVD and Kane will take this one. I dont see Storm and Morely winning a Wrestlemania match, and RVD/Kane have been on such a role lately that they will light up Seattle. I have a feeling the Dudleyz will interfere during or after the match and 3D Morely through a table... Mysterio/ Hardy: Mysterio, even though I dont want to see him as Crusierweight champ, I think he will win this. Hardy isnt really doing anything with the belt, like Kidman didnt do anything with it, like Noble didnt do anything with it....I hope Mysterio can bring so prestige to the belt, even though I want him to reach for higher things. WWE Tag Team Titles: Since Angle will be out a year, I dont see Team ANGLE winning this match, I hope the Guerreros wiin this cause they are the best Tag team in the WWE and deserve it. I love Benoit and Rhyno but there just not tag-team wrestlers so I dont think they will win. Womens match: trish, I dont know why... Taker/Jones- Show/Train: Taker and Jones will win, even thought Jones doesnt deserve this match, WWE wont tarnish his WM career. HBK- Y2J: Y2J because HBK is most likely retiring after WM, ven though Id liek to see him go out with a win, I dont think he will. Hogan- Vince:Hogan will win this, just because I have a feeling he isnt going out like this.....
  12. Just to let you guys know, Raw is gunna be huge tonite, so big that TNN has given WWE an extra 1/2 hour for RAW. Its expected that Goldberg might primere, do to the fact that he is OFFICIALLY a WWE superstar.... [i]From Wresltzone[/i] [QUOTE]For those who haven't heard yet, Bill Goldberg is now a contracted WWE superstar. Goldberg signed his deal with WWE a week or two ago and was asked by Vince McMahon to keep it quiet. Vince, at the same time, plans to do the same. This is why he didn't reveal much at the WrestleMania XIX press conference despite the fact that Goldberg was at the time under WWE contract. According to friends of Goldberg, he has been spending the past few days at the gym trying to get back into the best shape he can possibly get in without actually stepping foot in a ring. WWE has already started working on scenerios for his imminent debut. It isn't really known what compromises were made on both the dates per year situation, although it's rumored to be around 100 anually. As far as creative compromises, that could be a tricky situation. Goldberg had made it clear originally that he wouldn't job to Triple H or Brock Lesnar, among many others. He actually gave WWE a list of wrestlers he would and wouldn't job to and seemed to be a list set in stone as he didn't show any signs in compromising on that front. As things stand currently, Bill Goldberg won't be wrestling at WrestleMania. There is always a chance that he will if plans change at the last second, which would pretty much obligate WWE to announce a match for him on RAW tonight or SmackDown! Tuesday, which I can't see happening. However, there is a good possibility that Goldberg will make an appearance on March 30th. [/quote]
  13. Its actually for an EFED I am in. Its kinda like a big RPG, where people chose wrestlers you play as and then theres matchs and you have to out Roleplay the other person, Im the Undertaker in the fed. If your interested, heres the link... [URL=http://wwewrestling.8m.net/index.html]http://wwewrestling.8m.net/index.html[/URL]
  14. Hey guys I was wondering whta you thought of this new layotu I ve been working on, its for an efed im in.... [URL=http://www.angelfire.com/wrestling3/schrat/uttest.html]http://www.angelfire.com/wrestling3/schrat/uttest.html[/URL]
  15. The game looks good, and theres nothing really interesting coming out for GameCube lately, besides WindWaker, I might just have to pick it up...
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Harry [/i] [B]I don't see what's the big problem, I mean would Optimus Prime allow anyone to do anything evil? Of course not. [url]http://www.wkyc.com/news/news_fullstory.asp?id=3828[/url] [/B][/QUOTE] Thumbs up to you!:D
  17. I never said theres anything wrong with laughing, or releaving stress. i do it all the time, but making fun of war is not 'cool' and I dont think its appropriate
  18. I think Maven has incredibile potential, as does Nowinski, and the TE3 winners. Its just time before they get there shot...
  19. Guys, I seriously don't think its time to be Jokeing around about War...
  20. War...I love it! No Im serious, I mean I am sick of Saddam Hussein. He has been having his way witht he Iraq and its people for to long. I thank god that Bush had enough balls to step up to the plate and push for War. The thing is were not goin after Iraq, or the people, were going after the DICATATOR, Saddam. So all you pansy Anti-War people just shut the hell up, Im sick of seeing you on the corner of streets with your signs, were in WAR. And taking out a evil man, whats better then that! Good vs. Evil, like always...
  21. Sure guys, your in, just put it in your sig... Now onto WWE. I was wondering what your thoughts are on a subject I've been deiscussing on the WZForums. Whata think it would be like if Rey Mysterio won the World title. How great would that be, just haveing HHH not be champ would rule, but it looks like thats gunna happen at WM, when Booker takes the title. And then The ROck is likely to face Booker at Backlash...
  22. [QUOTE] [i]From Wrestlezone...[/i] WWE sent Bill Goldberg a contract prior to their No Way Out pay-per view in February. Apparently, at this point both sides are really close to an agreement. The money issue is seemingly settled, but creative and date issues still remain. However, unlike before, the sides are not as far apart in negotiating those issues out. If and when Goldberg does come to an agreement with WWE, it is expected that WWE will immediately debut him on their TV. [/QUOTE] So there you go guys, I have a feeling Goldberg will be seen on Wrestlemania, maybe not [i]interfering[/i] in the lesnar-Angle match, but just being there, and then maybe beating Benoit the SD after Wrestlezone, becoming #1 contender.... Nomad, wana join the nWo, its a little clan for peopel that like Wrestling....
  23. Yea, that might be setting up a match at Backlash with Austin, since Rocky will likely face Booker at Backlash for the title. And maybe giving HHH a break, which I would LOVE.
  24. hmm, never happened to me. You sure it was'nt just a pop-up?
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