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Everything posted by Schrat
Anakin gets up and holds lalaith using the force Anakin: Im sorry my freind, but do not defy the force! Lalaith: You cant hold me Pushs Anakin back also using the force Obi-wan helps anakin up and look at each other Anakin: Whats come over him...
ooc: Ok, when do ur posts take place before or after the 5 months? IM confused, lol
Anakin and the others arrive on Naboo, they immediatly settle at Padme and Anakin's home, on the outside lakes of Naboo. -This ends Stage One of our Game- - Stage Two- It has been 5 months since Anakin, Obi-Wan, Lalaith, and the senetor Mara arrived on the planet of Naboo. The feud between Obi-wan and Lalaith/ Anakin has been growing worse by the day. Padme is now 6 months pregnant. Lalaith and Anakin have become very good freinds, as well as very good jedis, even tho lalaith is not a true jedi. The other lasting members of the Jedi Councel have not been heard from The senete, trade federation, and the sepretists have joined and become the New Empire. They have been enslaving citizens of all the planets, Naboo is last on the decreasing list of non- enslaved planets. Darth Sidious and Tyrannus have drafted many new sith apprentices. But all is not bad in the galaxy, there is two unstopable loves. Lalaith and Mara, aswell as Padme and Anakin. Caught in the middle of these two loves, Obi-Wan Kenobi.... --------
Obi-wan walks with Ginco and talks about the ways of the force. Ginco: May I ask, how is master Skywalker? Obi-wan: Anakin is doing fine, with his WIFE. He has defidedthe jedi order, but he is doing fine... Ginco: ok?....
Anakin: Many years I said to myself that I would be the most powerful jedi ever, and I will be the most powerful. If you say you will become a jedi then you will. I will be glad to train you, in becoming a true jedi. Lalaith: It would be my honor Anakin: (Looks out the window and sees Courscant ravaged, like a battle ground) But not here, we will return to Naboo. Miss. Mara will you be joining us. Mara: I would love to.... ~One hour later, with the other Jedis~ Mace Windu: We Jedi must leave this place Yoda: Far, we must go. But where is the question? Ki-Adi Mundi: Near my home planet, there is a swamp Planet, known as Degobah (ooc: I think i spelled that right). It is not known well. There we will go? Yoda: Yes, Master Anakin will you be joining the rest of us? Anakin: No, Lalaith, mara, and I will be going back to Naboo Mace WIndu: I must warn you, that is not safe. But go if you must. Obi-Wan: I will join you three Anakin and Lalaith look at each other The four run to a jedi transport and make there way to Anakin's new home of Naboo.... ooc: Each of you make one more post each and then we will start stage two of the game, where there are more battles and stuf... ok?
Anakin: I believe young lalaith can be a jedi, but we have other problems. The sith,....palpatine and dooku......Sidious and tyrannus.... Ki-Adi Mundi runs into the room with the other Jedi warriors. Ki: I just got word, we are the only jedi left...
Obi-wan grabs Mara, and Anakin grabs Lalaith. Obiwan and Anakin create a tunnel through the Clones, using the force and they run out of the senete building. The run to the jedi temple, and create an opening using their Lightsabars, They walk inside ooc: lets wait for the other players
Obi-wan: Master Yoda, I beleive Anakin does not need guidence, He is ready for the trials Yoda: Then you will take another appretice, you will? Obiwan: Yes... Both Yoda and Obiwan see Ginco carring Lalaith out of the gym, they walk to him and bring him to the jedi er
Anakin: im sry masters but Lalaith was my freind, and Obi-wan my former master. I must go back Yoda: Young Anakin, lalaith betrayed the jedi order, he is truely in love. Anakin: And Master Obi-wan? Mace Windu: There is a rage inside of him, I sense it in you as well. Anakin Skywalker takes out both of his lightsabars, one blue one green, and slices through the window of the temple. Anakin jumps from over 1000ft up and lands on his feet. He runs to the battle at the Senete building. By then all the senetors were gona and only clone troopers were left. Anakin ran threw the crowd of Clones, until he reached Lalaith, Obi-wan, and the Senetor Mara.
ooc: IM sry i missed ur posts and played on, im sry. IM gonna edit my posts so that anakin, yoda, mace, ki, and plo just left not obi and lalaith update: alright i edited my last post, u guys r just sop fast, i cant keep up
ooc: I know, just play on as if u wana go get Mara
Anakin: ( sees lalaith being dragged)... Anakin runs to him and erupts in anger destroying all the clone troopers around him. Anakin, Mace Windu, Yoda, Ki-adi Mundi, and Plo Koon are the only Jedi left. Besides the battle with lalaith and Obi-wan.They all retret to the Temple. Yoda seals the temple, so that no one can get in... Anakin: What now?, Why would we leave them...
Anakin, Obi-wan, And Mace Windu stand there in shock Mace Windu: I hate to say it, but the boy is in love. Obi-wan: (laughing) yes he is... Anakin: But, palpatine and dooku.... Yoda walks over Yoda: The Sith has risen once again my freinds
Nick: Hes an assasin, sent by....by..... The Green Goblin Man: Yes, and you all will die by the hands of my master. The man pulls a gun out and blasts his own head off. Nick grabs him but it is too late, the man is dead. All of a sudden the heros look up and see a Goblin fly over. They try and see who it is, but by the time they get a good look he is gone.
Anakin ingnites his lightsaba and begins to run to lalaith as he sees Obi-wan and Mace Windu run to the boy. As Anakin runs he is stoped in his tracks, Anakin looks at Palpatine who is pointing at Anakin. Palpatine jumps over to him and pushs Anakin against a wall. Dooku, Darth Tyrannus, follows Palpatine and turns on his lightsabar, Anakin drops his and falls to his knees in pain. Anakin: Why....! argh! Palpatine: You know what will be your fate, do you not Anakin:..... I will become the most powerful.....jedi...EVER! Dooku: Ha, after you join us Palpatine: yes yes The two sith lords walk out of the room, but turn around one last time. Palpatine: Meet us on my ship, if you make your desicion... Anakin falls down as Ki-Adi Mundi runs to Anakin. Ki: Master Anakin, what happened? Anakin: I...I.... Dont know (thinking to himself- " No one heard what they said, no one knows what I must do") Ki-adi lifts Anakin up and the both turn their lightsabars on and run to the battle with the clone troopers...
Obi-wan walks out of the councel room and down to the Jedi training room. He opens the door and immediatly walks over to yoda. Obi-wan: Now who do we have here?
Palpatine raises his arm and the uproar of the senete stops. His Pod flies to the center of the room and he stands up. Palpatine: Contrary to many of your beliefs the Clone war is over. Because the senete has joined with the sepretists and the trade federation! The people of the senete again begin roaring. Palpatine: and we have joined with the most powerful force in this galaxy, the sith. Count Dooku steps up and raises both of his arms. All of the jedis ignite their lightsabars. Dooku: I am Darth Tyrannus, known to many of you as Count Dooku. (Looks at the jedis) If any of you dare to hurt me or any of us, the clone troopers around you will open fire on you! Palpatine: Yes Yes, they will at my command, because I am Darth Sidious! There is a new era coming in this galaxy, an era of an Empire!....
ooc: ok..... I dont really get what you meant by. Hey you were mocking.... ahh never mind! Play on
ooc: Did u guys read my last post, it is the morning the meeting will be starting in less then one hour!
Anakin awoke very early, he took his speeder to the jedi councel and spoke breifly with Master Mace Windu. Anakin: What exactly are we looking for today? Mace Windu: Besides assacination atempts, and anything suspicious, we are looking for the Sith. Anakin: Then we will be looking at Palpatine Mace Windu: If he is truly a Sith lord, we will just have to wait. Not that long ( Mace looks at the large clock over head on the wall) the meeting starts in one hour. Anakin and Mace Windu walk out of the jedi temple. They get in Anakin's speeder and fly over to the Senete building...
ooc: I didnt know this was the beginning of the clone wars, if it is then indeed he will look the same as in episode II. And I said the LATE Qui-gon Jinn, which means he is dead. Remember when luke talked to obi-wan when he obi-wan was dead. he was still kinda his master
Obi-wan Kenobi Good Age: 35 Height: 6 foot Description Obi-wan now has a greier beard, but wears the same cloths as ep. II Master: The late Qui-gon Jinn Bio: You all know his story ooc: aries, hoe bout Anakin becomes a Jedi alittle into the story and someone could then become my apprentice, I was thinking lalaith
Anakin leaned against a window not far from the Jeid councel room. As the meeting broke many Jedis and Padawans left, none of them said anything to Anakin unitil a boy walked out... Lalaith: Master Anakin, what wrong... Anakin: I do not know young Lalaith, something inside of me, its growing! Lalaith: Is there anything I could do to.... At that moment Obi-wan walks to the two and grabs lalaith Obi-wan: What do you think you are doing?!? Laliath: I was just talking to.. Obi-wan: What did I tell you, now lets go! Anakin: Obi-wan, I dont know whats come over you lately Obi-wan: Over me! ha ha! You have been hot-headed since the day yopu developed your link to the force, I dont know what Qui- gon saw in you. Now lets go Lalaith... As obi-wan and lalaith walk away anakin is in some sort of shock. Lalaith turns around Lalaith: I'll see you tommorow at the Senete's meeting Anakin nodds.
ooc: Vegetto, and everyone else... I pmed sstrunks and he told me that he lost intrest in the rpg so he put me in charge... Just wanted to let everyone know that.... Nick stood in the middle of a circle of heros, most of them dressed like the late Spider-man. Acid pulled the man in the trench coat over to us. They threw him on the ground and Nick ripped off his jacket Nick: Who are you!!!!!!
Can I play as Anakin?