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Everything posted by Schrat
Anakin walks in just as the Jedis are taking there seats. Yoda raises and begins to speak... Yoda: This is a time of darkness for the jedi. We have lost half of our freinds in the Clone wars, and the sith will make there move soon, my freinds we.... Anakin stands up Anakin: master yoda, I was seen as the one who will bring balance to the force.. Yoda: This is true Anakin: Well, I will be the one. The Sith is ruled by Palpatine. I was about to read his mind and then he told me " there was much I didnt know about him". I was kicked out of his mind, He knows the ways of the jedi Obi-wan and Mace stand up Obi-wan: Can you tell us that you... Anakin: Master kenobi, I am not lieing! Mace Windu: Anakin, the dark side clouds your mind. Do not scold your higher Anakin: I surpassed Obi-wan when I was fifteen! Anakin storms out of the councel room and into the hallway where he starts to cry....
ooc: gryphon the goblins arent introduced yet, the only reason the team is being called together is because Nick is telepathic and he felt an evil coming
hey guys, I just remmebered e3 was this past week and i went insane. I love all the new games and im glad I waited to get a gamecube, is the price cut confirmed. and how much is it now. Will the games be going down in price. And is there any word on the new conker game? Any other surprises?
I hope I can be this... Donkey Kong (teen... older then baby but younger the regular) special item: his strgenth item: 2 stars, 1 mushroam, feather, fire flower moves: anything he wants to do alliance: good(mario)
hey why dont he play this game like a prequal to my game, with lauren and boba fett and ill be anakin and stuf, we can get the other people in the ep III game to join in
Anakin flew his Naboo Starfighter to Courscant in about one hour. He laned and immediatly ran to the Jedi Temple. Inside he meet with severel jedi padawans, who wanted to learn from him. he talked with them for several minutes until yoda came out and pulled Anakin to the side. Yoda: A great danger has emerged Anakin: What is it yoda? Yoda: The darkside has grown, the senate and the sepratists have joined. We.... I can not Anakin:(interupting yoda) I will lead the jedi to victory, along with Master Obi-wan and Master Windu Yoda: Both of them, as well as every known jedi will be meeting here in about one hour. I will inform them then Anakin: I will be back, I must meet with an old freind... Anakin leaves the temple and takes his speeder to the Senete house. He gets out and walks into Palpatines room. Palpatine: Anakin it is great to see you! Anakin: Im here to talk.... about the sith and the sepratists Palpatine: I dont know what you are talking about? Anakin: You dont fool me, I know that the Sith now rule the Senate and the Sepratists have joined with you. Who is in lead of the Sith, is it Dooku... Palpatine: Dooku is no where near the head of the... Anakin dont use your Jedi mind trickes on me! Anakin: How did you stop me Palpatine: There is much you dont know about me, now leave. You will find out all tommorow, when I call the seneate to an emergency meeting. Bring your jedi freinds Anakin is taken by guards out of the house . He gets into his speeder as soon as they let go of him and he goes back to the temple. Just as Yoda begines to speak...
Nick walks into Central Park and awaits the other heros. He remembers the days at the X-mansion when his father created X-men teams, but this was his turn. Nick knew no one would understand what was happening, but he knew something was wrong ..... The time was now noon and the heros should be arriving...
does anyone stil wana play this game, cause ill start it if u do
Anakin's ship lands on naboo, he gets out and walks to his pregnant wife. Anakin: Padme, we have own Padme: Anakin we are going to have twins Anakin: You are kidding me right Padme: Yes, one boy... one girl Anakin and Padme talk throughout the night. Until Anakin gets word from Coruscant, Yoda has called all remaining Jedis to the temple. Anakin gets in his ship and flies off...
Star Wars Episode III Demise of the Jedi It has been two years since the start of the Clone Wars. Many heros have come out, including Anakin Skywalker, now jedi Knight. His wife Padme Amidala, is still a senetor for naboo. Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi is now a general for the jedi and he is about to win the war for the Republic. But all is not good there is a Darkness rising, the Powerful Darth Sidious and Darth Tyrannus are now ruling the Senete as well as the sepretists, an empire is taking shape. Anakin Skywalker walked off the battle feild, his cloths now rags and blood dripping from all over his body. He falls into the arms of a head Clone trooper. Clone Tropper: Sir, you did it! The Clone Wars are over... Anakin: I know I know, finally. After two years of fighting it feels good to be able to go home, back to Naboo... Clone Trooper: I thought your home was tatooine? Anakin: Id never call that Poor excuse of a planet my home! Another Clone trooper, this one a pilot walks to the two men... Pilot: Master Anakin, your flight is ready Anakin: Thank you The men walk into his ship and the shuttle asends into the air...
Im gonna start today, infact right now.... So lets play!
Nick Summers lifts his body off the roof of the building, he makes his way over time square and on through New York. Until he reachs the Daily Bugile (spelling??) building. He flies to the office of J. Jonah Jameson and telekineticly opens the window. Nick walks inside of the window... Nick: Jameson... JJ: Summers what are you doing here! Nick: I need a favor from you JJ: again, what is it... Nick: Ive felt a disturbance for about a week, and I need to find some Spider- wannabes who can help. I want the front page to say.... Meeting for Super Heros that can help in time of great need, 3:00 tommorow at Central Park JJ: I cant promise you front page, but it will be in the paper. Nick: Thank you JJ.. Nick flies through the window and goes back to his apart and falls a sleep..
yea, everything looks great!!!!!!!!!! Im gonna have the play thread up tonight or tommarow afternoon...
1st of all thank u dbzman, and gluegender kinda. And krillen my sn does spell sumtin, if u knew me u would know. I think im just gonna leave this rpg(mmbn), toooooooo much drama
o well, im just mad im not in
Nick: Spider, if u dont care... dont join with me Shadow-spider: How did u know I thought that.... Nick went into the boys mind, and told him his powers... Shadow-spider, ur more powerful then I thought....Weve got to figure this thing out, and get some more help..
dude, u learn ur story too, u have nothing to do with this......
Nick stood on the roof, thinking to himself -* maybe this could be the beginning of the team i was thinking of* Nick: Im Nick Sumers, son of Cyclops and Phenox of the X-men. I live in New York and help fight crime and stuff... Shadow-Spider: Really? So what do you want with me.. Nick: There is something coming I felt it a couple of days ago, and im gonna try and put together a team of "Super heros" to stop it... You know anyone that could help. Nick felt the disturbance erupt -[I]whats going on...[/I]
maybe two or three more people, and can we maybe get some known characters..... anyone who is known on otaku get some of ur freinds to join.... we need more people
umm yea im gonna just wait maybe a few more days and then we can start
U know he just picked people he knows, no newbs or anyone with probually less then 1000 posts made it lol!
Nick took his usual walk around the city, looking for trouble and problums but there was none. He noticed a black object flying on webs through the city. Nick immediatly raised himself into the sky and followed him. The object landed on a roof, and Nick ran up to him.. Nick: Hey you! shadow - Spider: Who are you, I didnt do anything The kids mask retracted from his face and Nick could notice that this was just a boy.... Nick: You, you swing and look like Spider-man....... Who are you?
1st of all I may be new at otaku but I aint a newb.... Ive played many rpg's before and i know what im doing. I got into mmbn and I thought this rpg sounded like fun, so i joined. I had no idea what was going on, so I tried to get in with everyone else. But then they wouldnt let me so I tried to make up a storyline that I could play in and maybe other people would join and get to know me....... Shut ur mouth until u learn the story ok noodlez... what the hell kinda sn is that anyway!