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Everything posted by Schrat

  1. Im not sure what that comment meant, but thanks for joining...
  2. ooc: Hybrid, idont know why you wont let me into ur "group", bacause that post was 1line long????? Well, I guess ill just play as if that never happened.... The class bell rung and the students ran out of the class, Nick was last, he walked calmly and waited around until no one was in the school. He walked home and went right up to his room and onto his computer. Nick sat down and jacked in his pet. Nick: Starman.EXE! Starman transported into the network and walked around, until he got in some trouble..... Nicks comp frooze and Starman was stuck inside. All night long Nick tried to get Starman out but nothing worked. The next mourning, he got dresed very quickly and ran to school, maybe someone there could help him... but something was wrong, when he got to school he found out that all the students Computers frooze at the same time, and all there Navis were inside...
  3. Anakin Skywalker 21 Neutral Jedi Bio: *ill take this from after ep. II* After becoming a Hero in the Clone wars, he got very cocky. He became a Jedi Knight, and is now no longer Obi-Wans Apprentice. He turned to Palpatine as a "Father" figure. Palpatine turned him from the "good" jedi. He had twins with Padme, and they are staying with her on Coruscant. Personality: Was good, now the darkness inside of him is growing, he is also very cocky Weapon: Lightsaber, now red in color Vehicle: naboo, star fighter... but rairly uses it.., he also has a swoop bike
  4. Qi Jinn or simply Jinn Age: 30 Species: Human Homeland: Coruscant Weapon of Choice: Light Saber, Grey in color Alliance: Neutral Vehicle: a modifidy x-wing, black and navy blue in color. Much more fire power then a normal x-wing... Force Capablities: 1) telekinetic 2) telepathic 3) increase Power of an explosive Description: He wears a Black cloak, underneigth he wears black boots and gloves, Grey shirt, and Black Pants. Bio: Jinn is basically a jedi for hire. Some call him a bounty hunter, while others call him a hero. He is well known on Coruscant as one of the last remaining Jedi. His uncle was a well known jedi named Qui-Gon Jinn. But Ki Jinn did only took after his uncle in skills of the force, he mostly took after his father who worked under the great Darth Vader. Ki would have took after his father's job but after the descruction of the second Death Star, where his father died, he made his way to Coruscant, and got his name known. Other: Jinn is neigther Good nor Evil so dont catagorise him.... ooc: This game looks like it is gonna be really good, When is it going to start
  5. Nick sat down in his hotel, after getting a cup of coffee and the newspaper. He opens it up and takes a sip of his coffee. " Spidey's back".... Nick: hmmm, I thought Peter died years ago... Dad was even at the celebration for him. His daughter, im preaty sure she died as an baby. I dont think he had any brothers or sisters. So I guess this is just one of those super hero wannabes. Nick stands up and gets dressed. He walks down the stairs of his apartment and into his car. He takes a trip upstate to the new Xavier Mansion. He talked to his Parents for a few hours and then drove back home. Nick learned many things from his visit. He had to meet with some heros to develop a "team", to protect the city of New York...
  6. [B]Star Wars[/B] Episode III Demise of the Jedi It has been two years since the start of the Clone Wars. Many heros have come out, including Anakin Skywalker, now jedi Knight. His wife Padme Amidala, is still a senetor for naboo. Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi is now a general for the jedi and he is about to win the war for the Republic. But all is not good there is a Darkness rising, the Powerful Darth Sidious and Darth Tyrannus are now ruling the Senete as well as the sepretists, an empire is taking shape. ok, heres what I need form you Name age side ( good- jedi or good politican, or evil- sith or evil politican, or neutral- politacian, jedi, or bounty hunter) Bio personality weapon of choice vehicle of choice (if you have one) Id love to see new chacters, but we need some known characters. Im going to play as anakin, ill post my bio and stuf later....
  7. Nick sees three students sneak out of the classroom, Nick follows them...
  8. Nick summers powers: telekinetic and telepathic bio: son of scott and jean summers, very powerful Nick wears a tight blue shirt and black baggy pants with white sneakers..... NIck walked into the institue, "havent been back here in a while."...
  9. Nick walks down the street, he looked around to see if anyone was doing anything "suspicious", but there was nothing. UNtil Nick saw Seven dark shadows fly across the skies of New York City. He looked up and knew right away something was going on.....
  10. im guessing most people here are good writers, im not that good. I definitly think we should have a game that is basedon the clone wars... I just saw aotc and it was amazing, but the ending leaves it open for many stories. I would love to be Anakin, could someone maybe create a game for the Clone Wars....
  11. Nick walks into the class, and sees all the new students run over to him *thinking to himself* Maybe this move wasnt that bad of an idea....
  12. [I]age: 15[/I] [I]Bio: New student... Nick is surronded in mystery, nothing is known about him. He wears Black pants and a navy blue shirt, with a black trench coat...[/I]
  13. Matrix walks around until he finds an opening in he street. He jumped in and found a door, there was some papers from the year 2500, but nothing that couls help him. He walked around the sewers but again nothing he found could help him. He climbed up onto the streets. There was no people in sight, the city of Chicago was in ruins, and Matrix needed to find someone to help him...
  14. [I]Name: Nick Summers[/I] [I]Net navi name: Starmon ( he looks like zero from the x games but colored navy blue and yellow[/I] ooc: ok now where do I start?
  15. Matrix turns to Repulse matrix: Im sorry dude, but I gotta go off on my own for awhile... Repulse puts his hand out, The two men shake hands matrix: Ill see you again Matrix runs into the street and walks around for hours trying to get to know this place.... Until he meets a young boy. Boy: Who are you? Matrix: Im Nick matix, where am I? Boy: This is Chicago, the last city not ruled by the heralds horsemen... Matrix: Thanks Matrix walks around looking for clues as to where he could find the herald..
  16. o man im real sry, can u just keep it and say that I will play off, matrix finding out that apocolypse is dead, edit: nevermind, ill edit my posts to make that the herald..
  17. ill join, but are people gonna play?
  18. Great someone joined, hopefully more will.......
  19. [I]ooc: who is representing the X-men, or who is in the X-men so ill know who to meet...[/I]
  20. Matrix: hmm, The X-men, there still around Repulse: Yea, and we need to find them. The Herald... Matrix: I know he must be stoped Matrix turns to his left and pushes Repulse out of the way, As five blasts from some sort of machine comes flying towards him. Robot: Nick Matix, you are to come with me. The Herald wants to personally kill you. Matrix jumps into the air and kicks the robot to the ground. He punchs both arms and legs off and ripps the laser gun off the robots shoulder. Matrix: Repulse, I got to go there not after you, I dont want you to get hurt. Repulse: No, WE are going to find the X-men, this has to stop. Matrix: Then lets go!
  21. [I]Hey everyone, is it to late for me to join, i just started playing mmbn and i love it![/I]
  22. Matrix: Follow me! Repulse and Matrix run behind an over turned car, The Horsemen come up out of the sewer and look around for Matrix, but luckily they do not find him or Repulse. Matrix: Who are you?..... [I]ooc: dx or knitey, whatever, are characters gotta meet and become freinds *sighs, as he remembers Nick and kenneth* lol![/I]
  23. Matrix runs throw an abandonded sewer line below the city streets. He is being chased by 2 of apocolype's Horsemen. All of a sudden things slow down. Nick jumps up and the horsemen go under neigthe(spelling?) him. He climbs up a ladder and out onto the streets...
  24. Nick Matix Mutant Name: Matrix Age: 21 Sex: Male Ability: Can see things in slow motion (sorta like a Spider sense, from the new game), He also knows when things will go wrong. He also has enhanced strength, speed, and agility. Bio: Matrix discovered his mutant ability when he was about to be in a car crash. Things were slowed down and he jumped out, throw the other car into the other lane, but the car he was in swerved and his mother and father were killed. He then joined a group of misfit mutants and served cities as a group of "x" men... Description: Matix wears a tight blue t-shirt, blue jeans, and white sneakers. He has spiked up brown hair.
  25. lol, D x Sabre ( gotta get used to sayn that). I know that a person on otaku owuld even dare! some1 from hype!lol, but i dont wana get into ur fights......
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