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Everything posted by Schrat

  1. I can't see the brand extension ending in a few weeks. Now that vince has decided to drop KOTR and replace it with a Raw only brand PPV and have 4 SD ppv's and 3 other Raw ppv's(then 4 together) I cant see the brand extension happening for along time. theres even a rumor that WWE will create another brand, and ECW brand and place all hardcore wrestlers in there, which is a great idea, because 1, RVD is NOT a tag team wrestler, and 2, people like dreamer and Rhyno need that hardcore element. So the brand extension wont end for awhile. Now onto Wrestlemania. This is how I see it going down. I have an idea that maybe Goldberg will show up next week on Smackdown and jackhammer Angle to help Lesnar win, setting up a match at WM between the two. I see Booker T wining next week on Raw and will also win at WM. The Rock will face Stone Cold at WM. And I see a few other matchs that will go like this. 1. Goldberg vs. Lesnar- WWE Championship 2. Booker T vs. HHH- World Championship 3. Stone Cold vs. Rock 6. Vince vs. Hogan 4. Rey Mysterio vs. Matt Hardy- Cruiserweight Championship 5. Dudleys vs. RVD/Kane vs. Unamericans- TLC World Tag Team Championship 6. HBK vs. Y2J 7. Trish vs. Victoria vs. Jazz- Womens Championship 8. Los Guererros vs. Team Angle ???vs Benoit/Rhyno???- WWE Tag Team CHampionship 9.Taker vs A-train 10.???Nathan Jones vs. Big Show
  2. nomad could u plz put spoiler warnings up.....
  3. well you guys might of been disappointed with the rock/scsa showdown because u only saw about 25%. After raw went off the air Rock ripped his vest off and ran back down into the ring. Him and austin fought for a minute and then austin hit rocky with the stunner. Austin climbed the turnbuckles and left. Rock got up and started making fun of this asian camera man and then made fun of "skank-island" some more before leaving, i thought the show was great!
  4. yo guys, everyone watch raw tonite and look in the fourth row to the right and look for the kid with the sign that says "you bet your candy *** Austins back!", cause thats me!!!!!!
  5. Schrat


    omg Jackass is one of my favorite shows, saw the movie- it was great! Guys if you want to see something better then jackass, buy some CKY videos, or just download them... -Especiall "Guy takeing a **** while running full speed"....hilarious!!!
  6. Liek Sem said, It needs a little while of getting used to, but I like it...nice job Both James and Syk!
  7. Man get the cube, its the best system out there. Metroid Prime, Mario Sunshine, Mario Party, Super Smash Bros...You cant go wrong with the cube
  8. well i think your problem is that your considering this girl, your "girl freind"....Try just being freinds, believe me it will develop into something...
  9. Planet GameCube is definitly the most reliable, Ive been going there since I got my Cube and have gotten great information!
  10. [size=1]General Awards Overall Member of the Year:Juuthena Honorable Mention:James Male Otaku of the Year:James Honorable Mention:Deathknight Female Otaku of the Year:Juuthena Honorable Mention:Mist, only cause she left...:( Most improved Member of the Year:Umm, Me, You all remember how I used to be, hehe Honorable Mention:Juuthena Thread of the Year:Juu's picture thread (I froget the name) Honorable Mention:Who would you want to meet in real life Silliest Thread of the Year:What do you do when your bored? Honorable Mention:... Funniest Member:CrazyWhiteboy Honorable Mention:PiroMunkie Silliest Username:... Honorable Mention:... Member most likely to be here in two years:James Honorable Mention: Kinetic Avatar of the Year:Crazy White Boy, all of his are great! Honorable Mention: James, all of his are great! Signature of the Year:Kinetic, always great Honorable Mention:James Best Otaku Couple:Juu and Lalaith Honorable Mention:... Best looking Otaku:Babygirl Honorable Mention:Juuthena Otaku clique of the Year:Juu, deedlit, and Lauren Honorable Mention:... Best Newbie:S@bertooth Honorable Mention:BigCajonas Best Oldie:Raiha Honorable Mention:James Best Otaku-Related site:... Honorable Mention: ... Most likely to become a Staff Member: Juuthena Honorable Mention: Raiha Otaku Writers Poet Laureate: Honorable Mention: Writer of the Year: Honorable Mention: Role-Player of the Year:Raiha Honorable Mention:Boba Fett Brawler of the Year (sparring):Raiha Honorable Mention: Role-Playing Game of the Year: The 2nd Lotr game, I froget what it was called Honorable Mention: Digimon Journey *~I'll edit all this...~* Social Otakus Otaku Social member of the year:Juuthena Honorable Mention:James Entertainment Otaku of the Year: Honorable Mention: Otaku Gamers Gamer of the Year: Metroid Prime Honorable Mention:GTA:VC Nintendo "Mario" Award: Semjaza Azazal Honorable Mention:Me... Otaku Artists Best Graphic Designer (Banners, wallpapers, etc.):Kinetic Honorable Mention:Kenji Best "Traditional" Artist (Drawings, paintings, etc.): SSJ3 Honorable Mention:Me... Best Spriter:DBZman Honorable Mention: [/size]
  11. [size=1]Name: Schrat Magic Type: Water Type: Mech Picture: [img][/img] 2 Effects: 1. Typhoon- Washes away all cards back into deck and causes player to reshuffle. 2. Hot Ice- Destroyes Two Cards in play, causeing player to set them aside. Description: Giant Mech, With Schrat at the Wheel, hehe...[/size]
  12. [size=1]Yoda, Im kinda in a rush right now, but I definitly want to be in the game, so I'd like to reserve a spot with iceman's power...thx (ill edit this)[/size]
  13. [size=1][color=green]Naromir drew his sword and walked towards the lead of the group. He looked out to the now peaciful Rivendale. "Raiths are not immortal." He turned back to the group. "We will not let the calm Rivendale fall to Mordor's spies." He looked back at the approaching RingWraiths, and smiled. "Our first battle is upon us"[/color][/size]
  14. lmao, thats the funniest thing, besides the girl dieing... It is definaitly the parents fault
  15. wow, thats awsome that you two meet. Im guessing you live in the same area. Do you guys go to the same school?
  16. i missed the first episode, same time as raw, but i heards its hilarious... Fox ruining another persons life...so great!
  17. [size=1] When um bored..hmm..lmee think... *looks down at lap* :angel: hehe, nothing...i do nothing *looks over shoulder*[/size]
  18. lol hehe....i remember that convo...The beginning of the "feud", well yeah it kinda is...
  19. [color=green][size=1]Leggy walked outside. it was a nice, typical day in the Mushroom Kingdom, not much going on. He looked up and saw a few coins, leggy always wanted to be the best, so he had to have the coins. He was about to double jump up to them when his father walked outside. Luigi: "Mama- Mia! Bowser's back Leggy, we must get to the castle!" Daisy ran outside and Luigi grabed her and ran down the hill to the castle. Leggy followed, and when he arrived, he was in pure shock. his parants were in the arms of Bowser...[/color][/size]
  20. wow thats very cool...to bad it wont fit the new GBA-SP
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rain [/i] [B][color=blue][size=1]I hope so...man, I'd kick *** in that catergory! Ok, probably not...[/size][/color][/quote] No, I definatly would...none knows what my Name means...hehe, my little secret (actually if someone asked I would tell)
  22. An actual good wrestling game... ::crosses fingers for Smackdown 5 or Raw 2::
  23. omg! an Actually WWE game for gamecube, besides w x-8, but it sounds kinda crappy...I wish they would just make smackdown for gc...maybe raw 2...
  24. I was reading on Planet Gamcube, that it's been comfirmed that theres a Gamecube Pokemon game ocming out in Japan this summer. It will require a GBA and a copy of Polemon Sapphire or Ruby, and it will sell for about $40. Not much is known about the game but it is rumored that it could be an online version of Pokemon Stadium...Sounds Fun!
  25. Are you talking about Video games? Sport Games? Board Games, hehe? Plus I dont even think this belongs here...Not trying to be mean, this is actually a cool thread just in the wrong spot, and alil to broad...
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