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Everything posted by Schrat
lugy Species: Human, citizen of the Mushroom Kingdom Bio: *I'll edit this* Relation: Luigi and Daisy's son Description: Basically looks like luigi, but without the mustace, and he wears his hat backwards. He also wears jeans and a green shirt with a "l" on it... --- sry its short, im in a hurry, i'll edit this
wow, that looks really good. it seems to have a futuristic space/earth feel, with the ship in the upper right hand corner. Also the girl in the lower right hand corner...Idk, it just looks that way to me
Yeah your sig is preatty big, Isnt there a limit of 8 lines or something, i thought I heard about that rule when v.6 came out...Idk. Actually I dont even find your sig funny, just kinda childish...
[size=1]I totally agree with you Asuka( May I call you that?). Before Otaku, I was at another boards, sometimes two. A few people there said that those boards ( Will remain unnamed, unless someone askes...) were'nt that good, and they should be more like OB. So I was wondering how good this place was, so I signed up and was immediatly addicted. I tried going back there, but it just wasnt the same. Otaku will always be the best, It is truely special...[/size]
[size=1][color=blue]Nick awoke hours after swimming with Sil. He threw a beenie on his head and an Xavier School shirt, as well as some jeans on. Nick walked out of his room and down the stairs. He was heading for the weight room, he realized if there was to be another attack on Mutants of any kind, he would do his part ot be ready. "Iceman" as others had begun calling him walked past the lower dormatories to the weight room. He passed a room with the door open, Sil was standing in the doorway looking down towards the floor. [b]"Sil you alright?"[/b] Sil looked up and smiled at Nick [b]Sil: "Yeah Nick, everythings fine."[/b] She moved away revealing a Blue boy, with three long pointy fingers, and a tail. [b]Sil: "This is Craig, it's his first Night here"[/b] Nick walked into the doorway of the room, as Sil walked out of his way. [b]" Watsup Craig, My name's Nick"[/b] Nick put his hand out to shake Craig's, and Craig did the same. [b]Craig: "Hello Nick"[/b] Nick, Craig, and Sil talked for about twenty minutes, about powers, Magneto, the School, Xavier, and other things that had happened over the past few months here at Xavier School for the gifted. Finally Nick walked out into the hallway, Craig and Sil followed him. [b]"I was gunna head down to the weight room"[/b] Nick points ahead, to the room at the end of the hallway. [b]" You guys wanna join me?"[/b][/size][/color]
Gaming What games would you like to see for GCN?
Schrat replied to SaiyanPrincessX's topic in Noosphere
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Juuthena [/i] [B][color=deeppink] [size=1]Yay! ^_______^ [b]Kingdom Hearts:[/b] Who doesn't want this on GameCube!? Too bad squaresoft mainly works with Sony... If only. u.u[/QUOTE] Wont happen, it's already been stated that KH was made for PS2 and wont go to other systems. [QUOTE][b]FFVII/FFX:[/b] I've been watching my cousins play, and I think it'd be pretty kewl if it came out for GC. ^_^ The graphics would be awesome, not to mention GC really needs some more of those RPG's. ^_-[/QUOTE] Square is developing a new game called FInal Fantasy: Crystal Chronicals for the GC, FFX and XXVIII are being made for PS2 [QUOTE][b]Mario Kart:[/b] I loved Mario Kart on N64!!! It'd be sooo kewl if it came out with more levels and options! GC also needs some more two-player games. @_@; -more to come! ^^[/color] [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Already in development... --- Hope that helps... I'd like to see... 1.red faction 2.ANY gta 3.MGS 4. Devil may cry 5. Conker... -
[size=1]"I will also serve my duties to the fellowship, just as my father Baromir did many years ago." He raised his broad sword into the air. "Again, middle earth will not let itself fall to the evil of Mordor!" The council roared, the fellowship was almost complete. --- Sorry it's short, theres not much to say...[/size]
[size=1]Name: Raven What are you: Warewolf Description: Human Form- Tall, Dark, and Hansome...Women cant resist him Warewolf- A standing Wolf, Muscular and extremely deadly Occupation:Hunter Place in your society:A Loner, only few know of him[/size] --- Sry its short, im bust I'll add to it later
a tag-team feature would be cool, kinda like in the old marvel vs. Capcom games. You could press Z and your partner would come in. I'm hopeing it would maybe be able to play it online, I mean if they could run a game like Mech assault on the box, why couldnt they run SSB3 (or whatever the title is) on the cube, right?
Online play would be awsome. Also a custom Character mode would be cool, and then being able to take that character online,ohhh that would be great! SOme more characters too, like 50+?
I agree with you that there is no point in moving a thread then, but I think the point is so that people can know where that thread moved to, or else you would have to look in every section if you want to post there...understand what I mean?
oh my god, an Ent! I would have never thought of playing one, nice choice ff, this game is gunna rule...
My birthdays around 20 days from now, and Im asking for a home theater system, it comes with like 7 speakers, a subwoofer, dvd player, cdplayer, sound system, its gunn be awsome! Cant wait! Im also asking for some lacrosse stuf...
This game is the one reason I would buy a Ps2, Im obsessed with wrestling and this is the best thing next to watching it on TV. My freind has it and we played it for hours....Its great...
Did anyone see the interview with that lady Brigette on CNN last night? Nothing much, they just talked about cloning, she would'nt say much about the baby, "EVE". Well If anything is interested in this whole Raelian thing, "Rael" the ringleader is going to be interviewed on CNN at 11 am eastern time.... Im gunna watch it....
[size=1][color=green]Naromir, Son of Baromir, a member of the original fellowship rode towards Rivendale. His cloak raised over his head, and his sword by his side. Naromir learned of the eye's rebirth and of Sarumon's reclaim of the land of Isenguard. He knew his father failed to destroy Sauron and let man gain its richous spot in the specoes of Middle Earth. Naromir would do what his father could not. Naromir rode to the gates of the elvish land of Rivendale, but was stoped immediatly by guards. He got off of his horse and walked to the guard. "I am here to speak to Elrond." He droped the cloak down to his shoulders... Guard: "Baromir?" He opens the gate. Naromir gets back onto his horse and pulls the cloak back up as he looks down to the elf. "No" He begins riding in and immeditly makes his way to the meeting of the elves. He stepped off of his horse and into the meeting. Elrond looked down at young Naromir, as he slipped his hood off of his head. Elrond: "Baromir?" "No Elrond, I am Naromir, son of Baromir..."[/size][/color]
umm....I dont really see the humor in that pic, its cute and all but umm......Spam! This is gunna get closed....
When I woke up yesterday I saw the press conference on CNN and I was ....idk, laughing! Just look at the womens face, and then she's like "Extra-terrestrials gave us the information"...comeone... I don believe that there is some other life out there in the galax, but...idk, it just all seems odd
[center][size=1][color=green] [b]Name: Naromir, son of Boromir[/b] Age: 22 Race: Human Weapons: One Broad Sword, custom made for him by the best swordsman in all of Middle Earth. Golden Shield, made of adamantium, "give me power of command" is written accross the front of it, He carrys it on his back. Description:Tall, dark hair, grey eyes, Broad and muscular. The Spitting image of his father, Most can not tell Haven from Boromer, except for the one scar he has across his right eye. [img][/img] Bio: Born in exile, Haven was left to be brought up by his grandfather Denethor II. He only saw his father twice before his death, and both times were for short stays. The last time was before his father left for Rivendale, he was supposed to return shortly. After learning of his father's death from his grandfather, Haven trained fierosously until his twentyith birthday, when he left Gondor to live on his own. He later meet up with Faramir, Boromir's brother and fought by his side in the War of the Ring, but left his soon after... --- How many years after "Return" does this take place? I neeeeeed to be in another LOTR rpg, lol...[/center][/size][/color]
you know what, I feel the same way, its wierd...Like im so excited for Christmas but its just not the same, I think its because im getting oldier...But its still christmas so im excited
[color=blue] Nick threw his shirt on the ground and dove into the water. After a moment under he came up for air laughing. "30 degrees" Sil:" Yeah!" Sil splashed water at Nick and Nick dove under. He swam under her legs coming up for air behind her and splashing water at her head. Sil:" Oh my God!" Sil swam towards Nick. Nick looked up towards the ceiling and fired himself up there using an Ice blast. Sil: "Hey!" Eventually Nick fell down and formed his dive into a cannonball, creating an enormous splash. Sil and Nick continued playing for over an hour...[/color]
[color=blue]"Relax for a change sound Nice" Nick stands up and walks around the table to Sil. He stood next to her and looked into her eyes. Sil:" Everything alright Nick" "Yeah, just umm...distracted" Sil blushed... "Whata you say we head over to the pool for a quick dip?" Sil: "Sure" They walk out of the messhall and towards the olympic size indoor pool...[/color]
1. I want a six pack by lacrosse season- that will NEVER happen...hehe 2.Become the Wold Champion in the Backyard Wrestling fed im in... 3. Get rid of the dead weight i call freinds...
[color=blue]" Love desnt have to involve touch Sil" Sil: "I know Nick, its just..." "I know it's just not the same right?" Nick walked towards the mansion still with his mind and eyes on Sil. He stoped when he reached the door. "Cmon Sil lets get something to eat and talk" Sil, with her head towards the ground walked towards Nick. They both entered the mansion and down the northern corridor and into the messhall. Nick walks up to the soda machine and grabs a can of coke, he turns around. "Whata you want Sil?" Sil:"umm a diet please" Nick grabs a Diet coke and brings it to Sil. They sit down and begin talking...[/color]
[color=blue]"Pain, why does there always have to be pain..." Nick looked down. Everyone or thing he touched turned to pain, why! "WHY!" Nick erupted with pain. His body began covering itself in ice, like it had earlier in the day. He was turning into the monster once again. "NO!!!!" The monster stomped its enormous foot on the ground and begna walking towards Sil. "no, i cant hurt her. I must calm..." In an instant his body was restored to normal, what was this new power nick was discovering, how could he get rid of it...[/color]