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Everything posted by Schrat

  1. Anglicmon and Nick flew over the city they saw and explosion down on the street. "Lets go" They landed to find a Lopmon laying on the ground with a young girl hovoring over it. They walked to it.. "Are you ok" Girl: "yes yes....watch out!" Nick and Angelicmon turned and were hit by a whip like leaf thing. Nick fell but immediatly stood and screamed... "Digivolve" Angelicmon: "oh YEAH! digivolve to...." MagnaAngelicmon:" MagnaAngelicmon!!!!!"
  2. "Lets go Angelicmon!" Angelicmon flew over Nick and down towards to evil digimon slicing him into two pieces. and then landing on the ground, absorbing his energy and walking to Nick. "Nice Job" Nick hoped onto his back and flew off towards the south...
  3. [color=blue][size=1]Nick walked out of his room and then down the hallway to the main stairway. he looked around and smiled that he could freely walk around the mansion, not afraind of others looking at him oddly. Nick hadnt been out of his room for weeks, except for food and bath, so he needed to find out what has been going on. He walked down the stairs and to the main doorway. He steped outside and looked across the front yard to find Sil, standing alone crying. Nick walked to her and put his arm on her shoulder. "Sil, is everything ok?"[/color][/size]
  4. [size=1][color=blue] "NO!" Nick,in his room, inside the massive ice body built over him tried to get to his feet. He pushed off his bed using his gigantic arms and reached the floor. He threw his arms into the air and layed out a feriocious scream, that could be heard for miles. "This will not ruin my life...AGAIN!" The Ice grew, increasing his body mass, and engulfing the entire room with ice. "I WON'T LET IT!" Then in an instant the Ice was gone. Nick was returned to his natural state, a 16 year old boy. He walked to his bed and sat down. Nick held his hand infront of his body and created a ball of ice in his palm. He then covered his hand in ice and returned it to its normal state. Everything was fine, hopefully it would stay that way... --- ooc: Just a quick note guys, im not trying to get into this game's plot, its to late for that. Basically im trying to make my character grow and get him ready for the next game....[/size][/color]
  5. [size=1][color=blue][center][b]Sleep...[/b][/center] Nick Pequa, known in his school as "Ice-boy" or "frosty", or the kid that always wants to be number one, isnt. When Nick witnessed the birth of his first mutation, it basically destroyed his life. Weeks ago, one week after the "Andrew incedent", Nick saw the birth of his second mutation, a stasis of a constant ice bulk on his body. Causing his mind, body, and life, to be trapped inside of a monster of Ice. How could this happen, Nick askes himself. How could he get help...[/color][/size]
  6. yoda, im realy sorry i haventrp'd much in season 1, ive been busy with school, sports, and the holidays...this is actually my 1st chance to get on ob in about a week, so...im sry, but i definitly am going to go into season2 with Nick(iceman), if thats ok with you?
  7. I am too, plus now you can have a good vacation... happy holidays everyone! God I love this time of year
  8. Nick walked up to the school with a "Football team" t-shirt on. He began walking through the corridor behind an Over-weight looking girl. A kid runs past her and knocks her books over, She bends over and a few "popular" girls begin laughing. Nick looks over at them and they smile at him, he smiles back and bends down to. he helps the girl with her books and then stands up... Girl: "Thank you so much..." Nick begins walking and looking at the other girls. The heavy girl taps him on his shoulder. Girl: "Im Leigh" Nick: "Ugh, yeah..no problem" He walks over to the other girls and begins talking to them...
  9. Ok, I have many many freinds, but about three or four really good ones. Well anyway, My best freind James and I have been joking around with my other freind Andrew, manly because he got supervised lunch for failing a subject. it was all in good fun, but Andrew seems preatty upset. he called my house and imbarised me on the phone when my parants were standing next to me, he was saying stuf like "Why r you making fun of me" and stuf, but screaming. Now I go into school and james tells me he invited him and tom (we used to be freinds, long story dont ask...) to see 2 towers, and I had no problem with that, id love to patch things up with everyone. So i come home and start talking to Andrew online, but he wont stop cursing me out, then he signs off. but before he did he said i wasnt going to go see 2 towers, a movie ive been waiting like 3 years to see. And Im worried, hes done this before and not wanted me to come, But i feel so bad and dont know what to do... Can you guys give me advice on what to do in school tommorow...?
  10. I think we should plan out the beginning and end of days.... --- Nick sat in the deans office next to James, Joe, and the kid he beat up. He looked out the window and saw his team beggining practice. All of a sudden his coach walks in... Coach: "What the hell do you think your doing!?" Nick: "He was in a fight with..." Coach: "I dont care who he was fighting, Now go get your stuf on..." Nick: "Thanks coach!" Nick grabed his books and ran out of the deans office, down the hallway, and into the lockerroom to get changed for practice...
  11. Nick walked out of his fifth period class smiling while talking to Joe. They walked down the stairs and up to there locker, but it seemed there was a large crowd near it. Joe: "Whats goin on?" The pushed there way through the crowd to find two kids fighting each other... Joe: "Who is it?" Nick walked around the other side of the circular shape of the kids. Nick: "Holy **** its James!" Nick and Joe jump into the fight, joe immediatly grabs james and pulls him out as Nick grabs the kids shirt and begans punching his face... --- I thought there should be a fight, theres never a 1st day without a fight, so this could be a major thing in the school, most kids would hear about it or see it...
  12. oh I see, your there secreat weapon for next year...Well at least ur playing for a good team!
  13. Well I like basketball, im only in hs though...I dont play in a league or anything because I gotta work out for lax and football....Hope u have fun, if it is fun...Its going to be hard, but you could do it
  14. [i] Nick entered the school like he does every first day of school, decked out in his football jersey, and ready to take over like he did as a freshman. He walked through the corridor and nooded at a few kids on his team. His two best freinds and captains of the Jv football team ran up to Nick. They began talking as they headed towards Nick's Homeroom... James: "Yo Nick, ready for another year?" Nick: "Always" Joe: "Mister Popular" Nick: "Watch it. What we you should be consentrating on is getting your team ready for saterday." Joe: "Yeah well, we all cant be as gifted as Varsity here" The boys laugh as the head past a few Cheerleaders... James: "Ah, the first day of school, always the best"[/i]
  15. Nick Age: 16 Class:Sophomore Description: The resident "Jock" on campus. He's Captain of the Varsity Football team, he plays Middle Linebacker & Fullback, and plays Defense on the Jv Lacrosse Team. Everyone knows who he is...
  16. WELL IT DOES SAY, "WHO WILL WIN OBii" so that means win....I voted for dk!
  17. i LIKE SCHOOL because I see freinds and girls (oh baby!)...But on the other hand, I fall asleep most of the time... --- [spoiler]JOIN THE NWO![/SPOILER]
  18. wow that sux! Well at least there wont be many kids in that day, I doubt teachers will make you do much work... --- [spoiler]JOIN THE NWO!!!![/SPOILER]
  19. i saw a few commercials for it, nothing to big. I never went to see it, but it sounds interesting, i might cetch it on dvd. [b][size=1]Please do not attach erroneous images purely for the sake of hosting. --Elite[/size][/b]
  20. [i] Nick looked through the solid dome of ice forming around Amara and getting thickier by the minute. He saw two hands press against the ice and then seem to drop to the ground, and he knew there was no battle left. Nick stoped the fireing of ice out of his hands and lifted up the dome using all the strength he could find in his body. He threw it aside and picked up the nearly life-like amara and placed her over his shoulder. Covered in sweat Nick made his way back into the mansion. he threw off his cut up shirt and called out, [b]"SOmeone...Professor, this girl needs help, quickly"[/b]...[/i] --- ooc: sorry its short, i dont have anything really to say...
  21. [i][b]"Omi, stand behins me NOW!"[/b] Omi ran towards Nick and kneelt down behind him. Nick pointed his arms in the air and created an Ice dome around the two mutant boys. The torando's came towards the dome crashing into it and flying off, dieing out in the air. Omi stood up and cut the roof of the dome off and the two boys looked up at the floating girl. [b]"Is that all you could do, make wind come after us" Amara: "haha, I can do much more" Omi: "Not today"[/b] Nick points his body towards the girl and makes his legs ice, he extends them to fire him into the air. At the same time, Omi becomes immaterial and goes into the ice, with his sword. Once they reach the girl Omi jumps towards her slicing her chest open, causing her to fall to the ground. Nick jumps down landing near her, fireing ice on top of her, he continues the blast so she couldnt get out... [b]" omi...run...i...cant keep this ice blast on for long...GO!"[/b][/i]
  22. [i] Nick continued his exercises. He shot himself into the air again but this time he landed about twenty feet from where he had shot himself up. Nick looked into the sky and had noticed numerious extremely black clouds forming above him. All of a sudden large bolts of lightning began fireing down around him. [b]"Oh my god. Whats..."[/b], One bolt had struke Nick and sent him flying back over fifty feet. After landing he rubbed his head and got back up to his feet. He ran forward towards where the bolts originated and slide accross the ice he had formed before. He shot himself up while running again and was meet by a young floating african-american girl at the pinnacle of his flight. Nick fired a solid block of ice towards the ground to inable him to stand in the air, infront of the girl. [b]"Who the hell are you?" Girl: "you X-man?" "I wish..."[/b] The girl had grabed Nick's neck. He grabed her arm, frooze it, and jumped back down to the ground. The girl had followed and landed infront of Nick. She lunged for him but Nick moved out of the way. He smiled and knew this is just what he needed to eb noticed. Nick fired several blasts at the girl, which were meet by lightning bolts. [b]"Nice"[/b] Nick looked at the girl, smiled and ran towards her, icing his upper body and raming himself into her. The girl was ired back but stoped and flew towards Nick. [b]"wow"[/b] He jumped into the air, just before she hit him and landed behind her. He fired Ice on her hands and feet. The girl fell and screamed, [b]"for MAGNETO!"[/b], Nick laughed and covered her entire body with ice, traping her in a cage-like structure. [b]"Can I get some help?"[/b][/i]
  23. [i] Nick woke up after about three hours of sleep ready for some action. He jumped out of bed and immediatly took off his pajama pants and sliped into the shower in the bathroom connected to his room. He turned on the hott water and jumped in. The room immediatly began steaming up. Nick looked down and Ice was fallign off of his chest. [b]"What the hell?"[/b]. He had began developing Ice formations on his stomach and chest during his nap. He did'nt think much about it and just knocked the ice off and let it melt at the bottom of the shower. About fifteen minutes later he turned the water off and dryed off. He walked back into his room and droped the towel around his waist. nick went through his drawers and pulled out a pair of nylon navy blue pants, a grey shirt, and a navy blue beanie. He dressed quickly and put on his white sneakers. Nick exited his room and ran down the stairs to the main lobby. He looked around to the few students that were studying and laughed. Nick was never the type of kid to spend his extra time studying, so he went outside for some "fun". He went out to the grass area to the left of the main entrence to the mansion. Nick layed a single layer of ice along the ground and began running sprints firing blasts of ice all around him. He fired one below him and shot himself straight up into the air. At the pinnacle of his flight he dove forward, flipping about ten feet above the ground and the blew himself back with anothershot if ice to the ground. He continued doing these exercises all day long. --- ooc: Just a note, this Extra Ice Nick is growing during his sleep is going to be a kind of "2nd mutation"...but this is just the beginning[/i]
  24. lol the windows 95 one is great, And i dont think it breaks any laws, plus how would they find out......
  25. [i] With the beast known as Andrew out of commision, the warning siren faded out. The doors to the Danger room slowley opened and a burst of light filled the room. Ken and seifer first emerged from the room, there faces covered in sweat. Thye were meet with greatings of happiness and thankfulness. Xavier wheeled into the room and over to Craig, who was standing over Sil, who was kneeling over the falllen Andrew. They began to speek but the conversation could not be heard by the others, who were outside in the hallway. Nick slowley steped into the danger room and looked around. He saw the carnage that this place had caused and the pain the four people inside felt as they left. Nick walked up to Craig and shoke his hand...[/i] [b]"That was amazing, I would of loved to be by your side..."[/b] [i]He then knelt down next to Andrew and Sil. Nick and Sil smiled to each other and then he roose.[/i] [b]"Professor, were going to have to have some kind of containment unit get him out of here..." Craig: "I'll take him" "No, you've had a long hour or so, let me get him" Professor: "Boys, leave it to me"[/b] [i]Both boys nooded and helped Sil get to her feet...[/i]
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