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Everything posted by Schrat

  1. [i] Nick stands alone in a room covered with solid ice, Andrew or anyone else had knocked through the frozen door he had made. But he knew that something was happening inside. Nick could hear the screams and the pounding from the interior of the danger room. He had to find out what was going on... Nick ran to the destroyed elevator shaft. He pointed his hands towards the floor and fired himself up, using the force from his Ice blasts. Once he reached the floor of the control room he ran to the window. Nick looked down in astonishment to what was going on, Craig was battling with the beast forerly known as Andrew and there was another boy in the room, dramaticly glowing with immense power.[/i] [b]"Who the........?"[/b] [i]Nick ran to the stairwell leading down to the opposite side he had been. He sees the Professor sitting in his wheelchair, mouth open looking at this other mutant, who was standing in the doorway....[/i] [b]"Professor, Who is that?[/b]
  2. I made a few Gundam wing models a few years ago, but used them as toys, and now there...gone. This year for christmad Im planing on getting a large scale one, and working hard on it!
  3. [i] Im gunna not pay attention to what "diego" and "omi" have done and play off the others... ---- Nick looked down into the room and saw chaos breaking out. Andrew, or the beast he had turned into, was reicking havok and nothing could stop him. He saw the three other boys run to the door, trying to hold him off until help arrived. Nick looked all over the danger room to find Xavier but could not find him, so he backed up and ran to the console. The frantic boy moved the camera right to left and up to down, not finding the professor anywhere. So he turned his view back to the boys, Andrew had began slaming through the others, tyring to escape...[/i] [b] "Oh god, If he gets out....Its all over"[/b] [i]Nick ran to the elevator, pressing the down button rapidly. The door finally opened and down went Nick, to "level B2". WHen the elevator finally stopped he heard a peircing sound, it was a warning sign, the elevator shut off, Nick was traped inside. But he knew he had to trap the doors, Andrew could not escape. Nick held his hands on the elevator door and frooze them. Then after the Ice had hardened, He kicked the door, causing the Ice to break, and allowing Nick to run through. He ran to the entrence to the Danger room, and felt the pounding from the inside. Since the first time he had seen this training room, he had wanted inside. Now he was making sure no one could get out nor in! Nick aimed both his hands towards the entrence and braced his feet. With all his might he fired a continious blast of solid ice towards the entrence. And he continued until the ice had covered the entire room, including the floor[/i] [b]"wow, I did not know I could do that...."[/b]
  4. shy, its your desicion to make....if you want to be homosexual, then thats your desicion. I dont agree with you at all, im actual a little homo-fobic, but i entitly you to your desicion. I think you should tell your freinds and family, they should know, they are the ones that love you, and you shouldnt hide something that big from them.... good luck~schrat
  5. i doubt its actually 10,000 men, mostly will be computerized. I cant wait eigther, Ive read the hobbit, and seen fellowship about 10 times, so im so ready!!!! God, cant wait!
  6. [i] Nick looked back to the japanese mutant who had been talking to him, Nick was not paying attention, he was concentrating on the danger room, its weaknesses. He was tudying the room, so when he had his chance to show Xavier his stuf, he would be able to impress his professor. Omi tapped Nick on the shoulder.[/i] [b]Omi: "Hey, you listening"[/b] [i]Nick turned around and looked at the younger boy looking up at Nick...[/i] [b] "What?" Omi: "I said, stay off my back" "haha, you've got to be kidding me. Just dont get in my way kid" Omi: "Kid!" "Yeah"[/b] [i] Nick turns around and faces the window, looking down at the training room, smiling at this "feud" he was developing with Omi... --- Orien_Xel, didnt Yoda tell you not to post?[/i]
  7. woooo, school ended early in Ny, it's snowing like crazy and isnt supposed to stop til tommorow, which means NO SCHOOL!!!woo im so happy
  8. dont be steppen...Ill have to lay the f-5 on your ***........hehe, thats my brock impreshon, not very good...
  9. [i] Nick looked down through the glass window, as his four class-mates tried to dismatle the numerous gigantic computerized metal arms. He looked to the left and saw craig, Xavier's prized student, charge to help the other three boys, Nick wanted nothing more to be down there training with them, but he couldnt. He then looked back to the right, to find Xavier, sitting in his chair, smiling. Nick knew somehing was odd, how could his professor be so sure that nothing harm-ful would happen to these four young boys. Nick stepped back and looked up at the monitor, and then turned around to Adriana, Omi, and the other arguing students...[/i] [b]"God, would all stop arguing about your past and friggen suits! Look at our classmates down there, fighting...training. You would rather be here bickering, I would give anything to be one of Xavier's choosen!"[/b] [i] The students lowered their heads and steped forward. As the approached the windows they all looked down in astonishment to the Danger Room, knowing they would get there chance...[/i] --- [b] Hopefully ill get my chance soon, maybe?[/b]:therock:
  10. Schrat

    What's the best

    umm i think this should go in the ANIME forum...but thats just me... oh by the way....DBZ
  11. Name: Nick...thats it Age:16 Looks: Brown eyes and hair, muscular...if i do say so myself What are you like in person: sarcastic, funny, a good freind talants: sports, computers, drawing Boy.....
  12. does anyoen know what happening tonite? I was watching reruns on sunday, the one with Butters getting balls on his chin, and the one with butters thinking everyone is the simpsons
  13. Id suggest Linkin park, save your money, or try the new Sum41 cd, i heard its really good!!!!!
  14. [i][size=1] Without Otakuboards, my life would be different. I've diffenetly learned alot about Computers, gaming, Anime, Rpg's, Freinds, and Life. I've meet sooo many peopl here, everyone being so nice. Well not everyone, heh. But most! There's been a few fights, and a few special freinds that ive meet. God I dont know where I would be, probuably on another board, like I was before Ob. I'd like to say thank you to EVERYONE here, not just a few people, thats why I dont have a buddy list anymore, i cant leave anyone out....Even the Newbies, Like I was (and still am In a way ;))... And this is why im using my 1000th post on something special....thank you everyone![/size][/i]
  15. Magus Element: Shadow Weapon: Doom Sickle Home town: Not sure.... --- sry its short, but this game sounds good, so I wana reserve a spot!
  16. hmm blockbuster gift cards are always good ideas. i used to get that...
  17. a few weeks ago, my parants told me i woke up in the middle of the night, ran into my brothers room, shoke him and screamed "THE ROBOTS!". Then went back to bed. My brothers been locking his door since...
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Matt [/i] [B][color=red][b]We are supposed to get alot of snow up here in massachusetts tonight. :( I don't like snow. But I hope you get some so you will be happy. :)[/b][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] ah, I live in Ny, were supposed to get tons tonite, well not tons, maybe 6 inches! Hopefully school will be closed :smirk:
  19. [i]As Xavier escourted the four "choosen" boys into this Danger room, Nick immediatly was annowed. he knew he could keep up with anyone in the school, but he knew he would have to wait. So he followed Xavier and the other students into the large box shaped elevator. As it lowered he looked around and gave sinister smiles to the four children that were entering this room. [/i] [b] Xavier: "Ok, level B1"[/b] [i]The elevator stopped and the doors opened to a round room with electronic computer panals all along the sides. There were numerous large monitors floating above the panals, on them were video stream from what looked to be like a large metal wearhouse. The floor and walls were lined with metal sheets and gigantic doors were scatered among this room. Nick stepped out into the room and looked out through the glass windows, to the room he had seen on the video screen. He turned back to smile to Xavier, but the elevator door was shut, the four "choosen boys were on there way...[/i]
  20. juu, I totally agree with you. I go with what i feel is right, and what is best for the country
  21. my first name means Victory of the people, and my middle name means mighty protector, Which is wierd because Ive always loved to be the leader and lead people to victory
  22. 1. X-Factor Gel II Lacrosse gloves 2. Warrior Lacrosse Bag 3. TimeSplitters 2 for GC 4. Madden 2003 for GC 5. 2 Wave Birds for Gc 6. Various Dvds 7. Hulk Hogan's AutoBiograohy 8.Various Action Figures 9.Cloths.... -Long list....prolly wont get alot...
  23. [i] As Nick drops his pants and pulls his shirt over his head, he can hear the students talking outside his changing room. He picks up his "X" suit and looks at it. He crabs the top and pulls the skin tight turtleneck black short sleeve shirt over his head. And then the matching pants. Nick sits down and ties his black boots up and then looks in the mirror. He flexes and then runs his hand along the yellow"X" shoulder pades that were made to be part of his shirt. Nick grabs the leather jacket that the proffesor gave him and throws it on. As he is about to enter back into the room, Nick turns and smiles into the mirror, he was getting a kick out of this mutant team stuff. Nick walks out of the changing room and back into the "suit" room with the other students. He turns to his left and sees Sil and Adriana laughing with each other. The boy looks up and down at both of them and then turns the other way, saying to himself "woo, not a good day to be wearing spandex"(;) ). Nick walks up to the professor and noods... Xavier: "Everything fiting fine?" Nick: "Yes, great. Everything's great" Nick looks down and blushes... Xavier-*telepathicly*: "Weve all gone through puberty Nick" Nick smiles and walks over to Omi. Nick: "Thats some Mask" Omi: "I am a ninja you know" Nick: "and your point is?..." Omi: "Dont start anything frosty" Nick: "Frosty!" Nick makes a fist and points it at Omi, and Diego grabs his arm... Diego: "Hey buddy calm down!" Nick walks past them, laughing under his breath, "They'll see..."[/i]
  24. [i]Next in line was Nick. He smiled as Xavier put his hand on the see-through pod with Nick's Suit. Inside was a Black skin-tight turtleneck shirt with yellow "X"'s on the shoulders, and skin tight pants, with Black boots. Over all this was a Black leather jacket, with a large X accross the front and back. Nick: "Wow" Xavier: "Yes, Nicholas, your suit was simple to design. Your body must get used to the decreasing of your internal body temperature. The Material your suit is made of will help to keep that coolness inside, which will stonger your ice blasts." Nick: "Thank you professor" Xavier Smiles... Xavier: "Go try it on" Xavier pressed a small X on the right side of the pod, and it slide open. nick grabed it and walked into the second changing room...[/i] --- [b]OOC: Just a note. Nick's suit looks alot like Bobby's from X-men: Evolution. Except for the leather jacket which is custom to the current team in New X-men...[/b]
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