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[size=1] All done! I wanted to give Henry a happy sort of ending, since in most of my posts I abused him a little bit... :animeswea So yeah. Morphia and Henry reunited, a totally sappy ending.. perfect love story. Except for all the killing and trauma and whatnot. Obviously my post takes place before a few other of the ending posts, pretty much right after the climax of the RPG, so hopefully that doesn't confuse anyone![/size]
[size=1] [center][img]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/henryavatar.jpg[/img][img]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/damegrimalkinavatar.jpg[/img][img]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/morphiaavatar.jpg[/img][/center] Henry drifted in and out of consciousness for a few days, put under thoroughly with the help of a powerful sleeping medicine taken along with the same injections he imagined Morphia had received for her injuries. He would wake, his fretful, sleepless mother would send for meals fit for a prince, and back to sleep he?d go. The pain in his leg had been so constant now he barely noticed it anymore ? but it was definitely there, and it was preventing him from leaving Eshe Rehema. One morning he woke to the hurried whisperings of a man and woman, one obviously his mother, the other he couldn?t place, though it had to be a healer. [b]?What do you [i]mean[/i] he won?t walk again??[/b] [b]?Ma?am, that isn?t exactly what I said-?[/b] [b]"Don?t mix your words with me, young man! Tell me the honest truth or you?ll be joining the bed next to Henry!?[/b] Henry, now fully awake but with his eyes shut, nearly snorted out loud at his mother?s forcefulness but managed to brush it off as a weak cough, despite the shock of terror that darted up his spine. The man coughed politely, slightly irritably, and continued. [b]?I said that Henry would not be able to walk again [i]without aid[/i]. He is a healthy young man, most of his injuries healed up better and swifter than we could have hoped, but his leg? there was only so much we could do.?[/b] There was a moment of painful silence. Henry could hear his mother breathe in deeply, heard feet moving towards him. He was doing all that he could not to break down. Had his entire career just been completely destroyed because of a stupid decision to play the hero? [b]?Thank you, that will be all.[/b] Anna murmured quietly, now much closer to Henry, whose eyes were still tightly shut. Footsteps signaled the healer?s exit, and Henry opened his eyes. The curtains were drawn back and sunshine was streaming into the white room, making him wince. [b]?Mother.?[/b] Anna smiled tightly, standing near Henry?s barely large enough bed, running a hand through his dirty blond hair. [b]?Good morning, Henry dear. Are you hungry??[/b] Henry stared up at her, eyes and expression blank. [b]?I?m never going to ride again, am I??[/b] It was the first time he had ever seen his mother burst into tears. --- By the next day it was decided that Henry was sufficiently healed enough to be taken off his strict sleep schedule. He had been filled in completely on the news of the rebellion and the Underdogs, the new government, the death count, Daedalus, everything. But the only thing that mattered to him was that he was now useless. And that Morphia was still nowhere to be found. He was sitting up in bed, staring out the window, watching the city be rebuilt right before his very eyes, wishing he could do something, anything, to not feel so utterly pathetic. There was a sudden, gentle knock at the door that startled Henry out of his quiet reverie. His head snapped round; his eyes lit up immediately. [b]?Morphia.?[/b] [b]?Oh, [i]Henry.[/i]?[/b] She darted forward instantly, her noticeable limp making Henry feel immeasurably better about his own new affliction. She stopped by the bed, looking him up and down worriedly, looking near tears. Henry reached up, hooking his arm around her waist and pulling her forward, causing her to fall ungracefully onto the bed and half on top of him. [b]?Where?ve you [i]been[/i]??[/b] He asked, his familiar Cheshire grin spreading across his face as he took in her long blonde hair, the blue eyes so like his own. Before she could answer his lips met hers in a much needed lingering kiss that left him feeling significantly less useless than before. --- As it turned out, not many members of the family knew of Henry?s whereabouts right away. Anna had not left his side, and Alexander and Alecia had been, understandably, too busy to alert anyone as to Henry?s condition. Not until the stories got out about both Henry and Alexander?s brave actions at the RPG Headquarters had the Almagests nor Markhams had known where Henry and Anna where. Morphia had spent a few worry-sick nights asking around, hoping for the best. That was all Henry needed to know. Now, with Morphia and Anna watching cautiously, Henry carefully swung his bad leg over the side of the bed, bracing himself on the bedpost. Morphia stepped forward, a small smile on her face as she held out a long piece of polished wood. [b]?Here. Now I have something to take away from you whenever you get on my last nerve.?[/b] She said dryly, handing him the cane, which he took with a grin. [b]?If by that you mean, ?Here, Henry my love, take this cane so I can hold you in my arms once more,? I?d be happy to take it.?[/b] [b]?Your mind is an odd place.?[/b] [b]?Thank you, [i]dearest[/i].?[/b] [b]?[i]Get up before I pull you up, Henry Grimalkin.[/i]?[/b] [b]?Yes, mother.?[/b] Henry, cane firmly in hand, shifted all his weight to his good leg and stood. With the help of Morphia, leaning heavily on his cane every other step, Henry managed to sort of get the hang of this new method of walking by the time they made it to the front doors. The two stepped outside, Henry feeling sunshine for the first time in days. He breathed it in, wrapped his free arm around Morphia, could nearly feel and touch the change in the air. [b]?Where to??[/b] Morphia asked, inching out of Henry?s grip but extending her arm to him instead, always so proper, which Henry gladly took with a clumsy flourish. [b]?Actually, I?d like to go and visit my father.?[/b] That word felt foreign to him, but he shrugged, looking at Morphia with a mischievous glint in his eyes. [b]?And then to the stables ? if I?m going to qualify for next year, I?ll need to start training now.?[/b] Morphia smirked. [b]?That makes two of us, doesn?t it??[/b] Henry gave her a quick kiss, and over the noise of reconstruction whispered, [b]?Yes, I suppose it does.?[/b] [/size]
[size=1] Alright, I'll be working on my final post tonight, wherein some sort of reunion with Henry and Morphia will take place. So if my post seems to backtrack in history a little bit I hope that's fine, since I figure it'll happen just after Morphia left the palace to find Henry. And Shy, I don't know if you were planning to do a final post with Morphia or not, but if you were and want to talk to me about what you want to happen between the two, I'm all ears :D [/size]
[size=1] All these super epic RPGs popping up lately are really making me think I stumbled back to OB at the right time XD This'll be great, since it'll go more into summer and there will be no more of my AP classes forcibly dragging me away from the 'net by the throat, so I'll actually be able to participate like a normal person :animeswea I think my favorite part is the fact that's it's going to be like one of those old Hanna Barbera cartoons where they showed all those "homes of the future" Anyone know what I'm talking about? I seem to recall watching those on Cartoon Network as a kid... XD [/size]
[size=1] This sounds really, really interesting. I love the idea of the characters all being related, it adds a sort of different level altogether that's always so much fun to explore. I'm anxious to see how this goes :animesmil. Love the name choices for Prometheus and Lazarus...[/size]
[size=1]I'm really quite embarrassed at how long that post took me... XD Oh well. I just wanted to make it clear that my post comes AFTER Alexander arrives at Eshe Rehema, but pretty much [i]right[/i] after. Just so SunfallE knows, since I think she'll be taking this next bit :) Bed now, thank god.[/size]
[size=1][right][img]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/henryavatar.jpg[/img][img]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/alexanderedward-chronicle.jpg[/img][img]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/damegrimalkinavatar.jpg[/img][img]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/alecialeanna-chronicle.jpg[/img][/right] As Henry ran there was only one prevailing thought going through his mind: [i][b]"This is NOT the right thing to do."[/i][/b] But in times like these, when adrenaline-fused blood rushed past your ears with such a fury as to block everything sane and reasonable, the mind seemed to be ignored. Henry knew only one thing. Altheo, [i]his[/i] chimaera, had been brought to this blood-stained battle field and was being used as a tool of war. He had only barely caught the glimpse of the night black chimaera out of the corner of his eye, out in the front of the headquarters. Something must have happened in order to cause the Chimaera to skid out into view of the alley. Injured, blown back, or trying to escape. Ignoring the fighting around him, and ignoring Alexander's shouts, Henry took off at a dead sprint towards the front of the building, something like a second wind propelling his aching legs and keeping his stolen sword up high. He was not prepared for the sight he found as he burst out into the open. Bodies of men and chimaera alike were strewn around the sweaty, bloody ground like decorations. Unlucky guard members who had managed to stay alive thus far were still fighting, hiding behind giant debris as both winged and ground-dwelling chimaera charged. Some had managed to locate pistols, which were doing a world more lot of damage, but they could only last for so long... Henry, unnoticed, was immediately drawn to the front doors of the headquarters. Hugo Black, seated upon his small, nimble and powerful featherdragon, watched the pathetic attempts at defense with an expression that could only be classified as pure glee. A sickening crack - a yellow lizard chimaera had ducked behind a barricade and all but snapped a young guardsman in half with it's tail - threw Hugo into fits of maniacal laughter. All the other jockeys, though... none of them showed any remorse. If Henry could see their eyes behind their thick helmets there would have been no emotion. That alone terrified him. Henry's fear escalated as he took a step forward. A few of the jockeys located along the front door, along with Hugo and the rider upon Altheo, noticed him suddenly. Hugo held up a hand to halt anyone who might have tried to rush forward and attack Henry, though in truth no one was planning on it - they all knew Henry well, and figured he was just showing up late. [b]"Henry, my dear boy."[/b] Hugo's voice boomed over the courtyard, his dark eyes shining from behind his helmet. [b]"How good of you to join us."[/b] Henry took a deep breath. There would be no turning back now. [b]"Get that man off my beast, Black. You had no right to bring him here."[/b] Hugo's mouth twisted into a sick smirk. [b]"Now, now, Henry. I merely thought,"[/b] with an invisible urging of his thighs, Hugo's chimaera slowly began to move forward towards Henry, [b]"that I would bring your chimaera along, in case you decided to make the [i]smart[/i] decision and join us."[/b] Henry's heart rate shot up, in a combination of mounting terror and anger. He held up the sword defensively, despite knowing it's potential uselessness against Hugo's chimaera, hell, any chimaera. [b]"You thought wrong, Black. Tell the man to get off."[/b] Henry's eyes darted to Altheo, who, at the sight of his true master, had begun to shuffle anxiously. Hugo ignored the younger man, inching forward ever closer, his chimaera's powerful long legs rippling with trained muscles, it's clever yellow eyes locked on Henry. [b]"Tell me, Henry. Have you changed your mind? Have you decided to live, and join us? Because in that case, I would be all too happy to-"[/b] Henry brought his fingers to his lips, emitting a loud, shrieking whistle that startled even Hugo. Altheo reared with a mighty roar, raising onto his powerful hind legs with such a speed it astonished the man riding him, causing him to lose his hold and crash to the ground with a yell. Altheo darted towards Henry; big, terrifying paws slamming against the ground, sliding to a halt in front of his owner, half turned, fangs bared to Hugo and his chimaera. Several other jockeys, at that moment, made to move forward and attack the rebellious Henry and Altheo, but were once again halted by the Dynast's once favored rider. [b]"Too bad, Henry."[/b] Hugo's voice was distinctly hard, one hand running along the length of his chimaera's neck. [b]"I really had such high hopes for you."[/b] Henry, gritting his teeth, took this time to jump smoothly onto Altheo's sleek black back, legs falling into perfectly place behind his beast's shoulders. It felt so right, so perfect. His free hand took the rein, his other kept his sword close to his body. [b]"You are a fool, then, Hugo. A plain old washed-out fool."[/b] Now he just had to decide when to make a run for it. There would be no way, despite Altheo's formidable speed and strength, for him to fight off each and every attacker. Before he could decide, Hugo gave a tremendous shout, and the featherdragon burst forward, humongous wings unfurling to add speed as he barrelled towards Altheo and Henry. Henry, however, was prepared. [i]This[/i], for now, he could handle. With a quick tug of Altheo's rein the canine chimaera jumped nimbly to the left, spreading his hind legs wide to spin around instantaneously. With a loud cry the featherdragon, at Hugo's urging, charged forward again. Henry leaned down low against Altheo's back, both on the defensive. He knew he couldn't dodge forever. Just as the two were about to collide, Henry pulled sharply on the reins, and Altheo leaped. In a sort of slow-motion, or so it felt to Henry, Altheo soared past the featherdragon's right flank. Henry stared down at Hugo, who locked eyes with him in cold-hearted fury as he yanked his reins to the side. Altheo's teeth sank down into the featherdragon's right wing just as the other beast spun around with unnatural speed. Altheo did not let up his hold on the wing - as the huge featherdragon spun, the black chimaera and Henry spun with it. As it came to a halt, inertia carried Altheo with an invisible force, tearing the wing clean off as Henry and Altheo were thrown into a nearby building. The featherdragon's pained cry could be heard throughout all of Czenovia. Altheo spun wildly in mid air, hitting the side of the building on all fours and jumping, staggering heavily onto the ground. Henry gasped, as he had been holding his breath the entire time. The bloodied wing fell to the ground as Altheo reared his head challengingly. [b]"Grimalkin, you'll pay for this!"[/b] Hugo screamed, desperately trying to steady his chimaera. [b]"Don't go near him!"[/b] He screeched, as the other jockeys once again tried to intervene and help. [b]"He is mine!"[/b] [b]"Not so calm and collected now, eh, Black?"[/b] Henry grinned, despite the complete terror and panic he felt in his chest. But he needed Hugo to make a mistake, and riling him up seemed the best idea. An attack like that last one would not work again - luck could only get you so far in this business. Hugo finally managed to get some sort of control over his beast. It surged forward, it's one wing pressed against its side. It took Henry one second too long to realize that Altheo's back right paw had been severely twisted in its encounter with the wall. He yanked the reins, and Altheo was slow to respond. Too slow. Altheo roared in pain as the dragon's long teeth sank into his right side. It took Henry a moment to realize that the razor sharp teeth had also gone straight through his leg. Hugo had clearly noticed, and let out a triumphant shout and laugh. There was a sudden, blinding pain, worse than any Henry had ever felt before, but he didn't cry out. Altheo turned his head and bit the dragon on the neck with all his force. The chimaera pulled away, retracting it's fangs, nearly making Henry pass out from the second wave of pain. Altheo, at Henry's weak urging, leapt away from the wall, keeping his injured leg up, so as not to be cornered against it. If Henry was feeling at all coherent, he might have noticed that the other jockeys had begun to move away, down alleys and roads. He did notice, however, that it had started to rain. It felt so very good on his warm, sweaty face and gaping, bloody leg. Hugo moved his beast slowly towards Henry, who was now panting from exhaustion and blood loss. [b]"Come on, Henry. You cannot defeat me. Give up now, and I'll let you off easy."[/b] Henry lifted his head with some difficulty. [b]"Oh, [i]easy?[/i] You'll let me off easy... what, I'll only have to [i]watch[/i] you murder my family?"[/b] Hugo was getting closer. [b]"Think of your mother, Henry. Think of Morphia."[/b] Hugo grinned suddenly, taking off his helmet with a flourish and throwing it to the ground. [b]"If you give up, I'll let you choose which one of them gets to live."[/b] Henry felt a surge of anger rip through his body, like hot lightning. He forgot his leg, forgot his exhaustion. Altheo felt it too - the sleek black canine/feline chimaera stood up straighter, licking the blood off his fangs. [b]"You'll regret saying that, Black!"[/b] [b]"Prove it."[/b] Before either could make the final move, however, a sound like the earth opening up caught Henry's attention. With a giant explosion, the RPG Headquarters burst into black burning flame. Henry gaped as the windows shattered all the way up the building, debris began flying like giant projectiles every which way. There was a sudden burst of hysterical laughter, and before Henry could turn a great force had barreled into Altheo - Hugo had taken advantage of Henry's distraction to send his chimaera flying into Henry's own. Henry was knocked like a rag doll onto the ground, the wind knocked out of him completely as his injured leg hit the curb. Altheo had disappeared. Hugo was coming straight for Henry, lying defenseless on the ground. He could hear the featherdragon's feet hitting the ground as he bounded at him. He waited. The sword was still in his hands. He locked both hands firmly onto the hilt. He waited. He drove the sword up, mustering all the strength he had left, and then some, just as the small featherdragon showed its teeth, inches from Henry's face. The sword went up through the chimaera's jaw, through the top of it's mouth, and just into it's skull. Henry gave the sword a strong wrench, and the featherdragon went still, unable to open its mouth and make a sound. It collapsed upon Henry with an anticlimactic thud. Hugo, invisible to Henry, screamed in frustration and pulled out his own sword, getting ready to jump down and finish the younger jockey off. Altheo darted in from the left, a silent black assassin. Henry could see him just barely in his fogging vision from beneath the dead chimaera. Altheo jumped at Hugo, fangs and claws bared, and knocked him off his mount. Henry closed his eyes and ears to the sight and sounds of Hugo Black's death. He felt the hot flames of the RPG Headquarters and smelled the stench of death all around him. Felt the unbearable pain in his leg and unbearable tension in his mind and body. He didn't know what he could do now, with a dead chimaera on top of him, with men and beast's blood on his hands. He didn't notice the weight of the featherdragon roll off him, but he did feel Altheo's wet nose against his neck. He managed to crack open an eye. [b]"Nice work."[/b] Altheo nudged him again. [b][i]"Sooner you get back, sooner you get to Morphia."[/b][/i] Came a soft voice in the back of his head. [b]"Good idea..."[/b] He moaned out loud. That was reason enough, he figured. With a lot of help from Altheo, Henry managed to get up, leaning heavily on both his chimaera and his good leg. The odd couple staggered awkwardly down the street, Henry pointedly ignoring Hugo Black's undoubtedly mangled corpse, away from the flames, not noticing as the building began to collapse in earnest. People were also starting to gather, finally, as the jockeys had all cleared out in time. No one noticed the limping young man and his beast, however. Henry liked it better that way. Henry all but hopped into Eshe Rehema, leaving Altheo outside. The place was really filling up now with wounded guards. Three familiar faces; Alecia, his mother, and Alexander, looked up at him with varying degrees of shock and relief on their faces. Henry, mind fuzzy, looked at Alexander, and saluted him sarcastically. [b]"Mind you never let me do that again, mate."[/b] He sighed, before collapsing to the ground, contentedly slipping into unconsciousness.[/size]
[quote name='Rachmaninoff']....doing his part on how the rpg mess goes down. [/QUOTE] [size=1]-coughcough- [i]She[/i]! ;) We'll just pretend you're talking about Henry. And I'll have that post up by later tonight (Brawl tournament/party during the day), so Gavin, if you are going to write about the military driving off the Underdogs, could you wait until after I post, please? Just so I can get Henry's big post finished :p[/size]
[size=1] [right][img]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/henryavatar.jpg[/img][img]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/alexanderedward-chronicle.jpg[/img] [/right] There were only a few choices, and most of them ended in death. Stay here, die. Go out and fight, probably die. Go with Alexander, and only maybe die. After all, Alexander was family, even if only barely. In times like this maybe trust didn't matter, only family. [b]"Alright,"[/b] Henry muttered finally, but Alexander was already out the door, pausing to look back questioningly at him. Henry eyed the baton in his hands, judged its weight, and followed. The pair sprinted down hallways, Henry following Alexander's lead, eyes darting from side to side lest he need to defend himself from some attacker. To his very mild surprise, the halls seemed almost empty - every guard, at least every Dynast loyal guard - must have already moved outside to hold back the Jockeys. The Jockeys upon terrible, huge creatures with long claws and sword-like teeth to match... Henry shuddered as he ran; as much as he wanted to get out of the building, he did not fancy going out the front, now. [b]"What's your plan, exactly?"[/b] Henry muttered, just a step behind Alexander. [b]"Hope to god that we can sneak by an entire revolution-sized group of terrorists without them noticing?"[/b] In spite of themselves, both men cracked a grin at the image. [b]"Pretty much, yes. And if we can't sneak by, at least you've got a standard issue piece of polished wood at your disposal."[/b] Henry laughed, loudly, at that. He was about to reply when the pair turned a sharp corner and Alexander held up a hand, stopping Henry abruptly. [b]"Wait."[/b] Alexander mouthed silently, walking slowly down the new hall and stopping at the end, where a dark room revealed a stair case that winded down and down, lost in the gloom to Henry's eyes. Henry held his breath as Alexander looked up at the jockey, nodded once, and then crept down the stairs. Presumably, this was the way out. Unfortunately, this was also the way in for the Underdogs. Henry could hear screaming and shouting from outside. He closed his eyes against the images the noises brought him. He found himself thinking of, oddly enough, Morphia Markham. He hadn't noticed, until now, in what could only be described as mortal peril, how much he missed her. And how much he'd like to survive this whole ordeal, at least to see her again. All thoughts were interrupted, however, with the sudden sound of loud shouting in the very near vicinity, from the room at the end of the hall. [b]"Henry! Retreat, back to where we came from! Go!"[/b] Alexander's voice preceded him, but quickly enough the young guard appeared. There was blood on his unsheathed sword. [b]"What happe-!"[/b] [b]"Just go!"[/b] Alexander cried, pushing Henry forward with his free hand. [b]"We need to find another way out, just run..."[/b] He said, almost to himself, as the pair took off running yet again. They did not get very far, however. Three men, furious, had rushed out after Alexander, crude swords drawn and shouting. Alexander, with a deep, determined sigh, spun expertly around, sword up and ready. [b]"Keep running, Henry... Get out the front door, anything."[/b] In the sudden face of danger, however, Henry discovered a newfound strength. An almost exhilarating sort of power. And if there was anything Henry craved most in life, it was [i]exhilaration.[/i] He stopped short. [b]"Don't be a fool. I've got my polished wood, after all."[/b] He threw a wink at Alexander, his trademark grin spreading slowly across his face. Alexander had no time to argue - the two front runners, both of average height and build, nothing terribly remarkable about either, collided with him, crashing their own swords down. It was like watching a professional jockey racing a few amateurs – the difference was incredible. Alexander spun this way and that, his sword blocking the first attackers’ before kicking out high and catching the second man in the shoulder, causing him to reel back in pain and surprise. The third man reached them just as Alexander was pulling his sword out of the first rebel’s stomach with a swift [i]slick.[/i] [b][i]”Well, now or never…”[/b][/i] Henry thought, pulling his arm back and bringing it around, crashing down on the third rebel’s head with a sickening crack. He toppled to the floor, lifeless, just as Alexander finished off the second rebel with a satisfying slice. Alexander looked down at Henry’s victim with an almost comical look of shock on his face. [b]”…Thanks?”[/b] [b]”Don’t mention it… Ever. Again.”[/b] Henry trembled, his face pale and his hands shaking in the slightest. Surely he hadn’t meant to hit him [i]that[/i] hard… [b]”Deal. More will be coming up soo-“[/b] He looked back down the hall as more shouting made its way up the stairs. [b]”Now. Go!”[/b] [b]”Did you git ‘im, lads? Lads?”[/b] An inquiring voice drifted its way down the hall and Alexander took off running. In a quick spark of genius (he hoped) Henry stooped down and grabbed the sword out of one rebel’s limp hand. Even though it had been years, Sword Training was a requirement for him at CHAOS, as a son of (sort of) nobility. Hopefully a few lessons would come rushing back to him at the proper time, if needed. [b]”Sorry, mate.”[/b] Henry whispered to the fallen rebel, patting the man’s chest softly before following Alexander like fire was on his heels. Down more hallways; Henry felt very much like no progress had been made – they were going back the same direction they came. The sounds of shattered glass and terrified cries reached their ears all too soon. The pair slid out into the opening foyer, where the bewildered RPG Guards had retreated back into. The Jockeys had followed, Chimaeras and all. It was absolute chaos, bodies strewn around, broken glass littered the floor, giant unnatural beasts flying and clawing around, men and women alike shouting orders and threats around the now crowded foyer. Both men gaped in complete awe, two unnoticed bystanders, as a giant, fearsome beast stood back on its hind legs in the middle of the room, glowing yellow eyes blazing as it clacked its razor-sharp beak threateningly at the guard members surrounding it. With a sudden, terrible sound like wind rushing past ears at a speed entirely too fast, the monster’s wings opened sharply to their full length, nearly taking up the entire room. Every man surrounding the Chimaera was thrown back like a ragdoll against a nearby wall. Alexander pulled Henry away from the disorder just as a small Chimaera with five foot claws, its Jockey laughing hysterically, bounded towards them. They ran, again, turning down a new corridor just as they heard shots ring out from where they had just ran from. The Underdogs had arrived. Henry was devoid of nearly all thought, except [b][i]”Please god, don’t let them have Altheo, not him, don’t let them hurt him.”[/b][/i] His legs were cramping up like mad, he had just killed a man, and yet he followed Alexander, no longer caring about whether or not he could trust him. He didn’t even notice when Alexander stopped, grabbing Henry’s shoulder almost gently when the younger man kept running. [b]”Here.[/b] He gestured to the door in front of him. [b]”Holding cells. If we just… get inside and block them up, we should be safe. There’s only one way in. We can wait this out.”[/b] Alexander was explaining this as if to a young child, though Henry was thankful for it. Henry stumbled in before Alexander, very surprised at how dark and musty the holding cell area was. He couldn’t see past his nose. Alexander slammed the door shut, making Henry jump, and the pair waited for their vision to line itself up in the darkness. [b]”…I didn’t mean to kill that man.”[/b] Henry whispered, mostly to himself. [b]”It’s alright, Henry. He wouldn’t have thought twice about it if he had done the same to you.”[/b] Alexander sighed, moving forward blindly to put a hand on Henry’s shoulder. Once they were able to see, even if slightly, they began moving whatever they could in front of the door. A bench and a few chairs were about all they could find. Henry and Alexander each sat down heavily against the makeshift barricade, breathing heavily and lost in their own silent thoughts. [/size]
[size=1][right] [img]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/henryavatar.jpg[/img][img]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/alexanderedward-chronicle.jpg[/img][/right] As much as Henry was confused as to who's side he was on, something inside him was telling him that this was the right thing to do. He didn't have much time. He was outside like a shot, leaving his bewildered mother behind, hoping it wasn't the last time he would be able to see her face. The carriage to take them to the Coronation was indeed waiting nearby. [b]"To the Royal Police Guard headquarters, on your life, my dear man!"[/b] Henry shouted breathlessly as he clambered inside. [b]"But sir, the ceremony is about to-"[/b] [b]"Just GO!"[/b] Henry pleaded, already feeling a sickening twinge in his stomach. Was this the right thing to do? It had to be. It was too late, now. The carriage had set off in the direction of the headquarters. Henry breathed in, and then breathed out slowly, trying to calm his nerves. He would simply notify someone, and then leave. He would be gone before the fighting started. These were not his affairs to be getting caught up in. [b]"Please, please let them not be mine..."[/b] He whispered softly, staring, wide-eyed, out the window. ---- Just a short while later, Henry tore into the headquarters, frantically searching for someone, anyone, who looked trustworthy enough. Who knew, these days, who could be trusted and who couldn't? [b]"How can we help you... sir?"[/b] A secretary asked the panting young man, skeptically raising a finely plucked eyebrow. Many officers of varying rank were wandering around, working, talking to each other, some even recognizing Henry's face and whispering to one another. [b]"Please... I need to speak with someone, anyone. Someone high up, please, this is important."[/b] [b]"Sir, I'm sorry, but civilians are not-"[/b] [b]"I am Leonhart Almagest's youngest son!"[/b] Henry roared, pounding his fists on the desk in front of him. The whole place went silent, each and every face locked on Henry. The young woman clearly had had enough. [b]"Please remove yourself, sir, or I will have to call for security."[/b] Henry opened his mouth to protest when a clear, loud voice rang from somewhere to his side. [b]"You will do no such thing, Lydia."[/b] Henry spun around, suddenly face-to-face with none other than Gaul Rosier himself, dressed in his finest uniform, obviously on his way to the coronation. His long cane and age detracted nothing from his strict and foreboding appearance, causing a shiver to run down Henry's spine as he looked the man in his eyes, so cold compared to Henry's own. [b]"Although I cannot accept that you are really Leonhart's true son, you were raised as his own, and so I will grant you a moment of my time, as Leonhart would have wanted."[/b] Gaul drawled slowly, looking the young man up and down. [b]"Do make it quick though, boy. The coronation will be starting any minute."[/b] [b]"Thank you, sir, thank you."[/b] Henry took a deep breath, so very aware of all the eyes upon him now; it seemed like a whole crowd had gathered now that Rosier had granted him audience. [b]"The Underdogs, sir, they're going to be attacking in,"[/b] he looked up at the clock mounted on the wall, and his heart sank. [b]"...Oh, no... ten minutes, sir. At noon."[/b] There was shuffling and loud whispers now, some laughter, and some outrage at the very idea. [b]"Attacking where?"[/b] Rosier asked quietly, looking at Henry over the rim of his glasses. [b]"Here, sir!"[/b] Henry shouted impatiently. Why wouldn't they understand? Why weren't they rushing to arms? [b]"At noon, Commander! The jockeys, I was there last night, many Chimaera jockeys, last night, I was there! I know! I hear-"[/b] There was a loud, resounding crack, and Henry hit the floor before he knew what hit him. Rosier's face was red with absolute rage as he lowered his silver cane. Henry, on his back, dumbly raised a hand to his face, where a trickle of blood was making its way from beneath his thick mop of blond hair and dripping onto the cold floor beneath him. [b]"How [i]dare[/i] you, you filthy little bastard. How dare you come into [i]my[/i] building, on [i]this[/i] day of all days, and feed me and my men these [i]lies?[/i]"[/b] [b]"I'm... I'm not-"[/b] [b]"SILENCE."[/b] Rosier turned to the crowd, snarling, [b]"Someone get this [i]bastard[/i] out of my sight. I will deal with him after the ceremony."[/b] Someone instantly piped up, a familiar voice. [b]"Yes, Commander. Right away."[/b] Alexander. Strong hands hauled Henry up off the ground. Others made to move forward to help. [b]"No, no, I've got him. Get back to work."[/b] Alexander steered Henry away quickly, down a few hallways, letting the jockey lean on him heavily as he nursed his head, mumbling just loud enough so Henry could hear. [b]"That was a bad idea, Henry. A very bad idea. Stay close to me. It's about to start."[/b][/size]
[quote name='Malkav']Can Jack give Henry a proper thrashing?[/QUOTE] [size=1]He can try. In the emotional state Henry is in now, don't expect him to take anything from ANY member of Jack's family without a fight, verbal or physical. And, actually, I think some sort of a fight WOULD be a good idea, since Henry has, in all honesty, [i]no[/i] idea what this is all about. Poor naive boy. So that would be a good chance to find out, I reckon.[/size]
[size=1][center] [img]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/henryavatar.jpg[/img][img]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/ladybavariaavatar.jpg[/img][img]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/damegrimalkinavatar.jpg[/img][/center] Henry stood, quivering in anger, though it felt like his body had reacted much faster than his brain - he could hardly comprehend what Bavaria had said. He felt his mother pulling him away, but he had gone numb. With a sudden realization, he violently tore himself from his mother's grasp, facing Lady Bavaria with uncharacteristically cold eyes. [b]"You can't do this. Rosengard is our [i]home[/i], certainly far longer than it has even been your own!"[/b] The crowd around them went silent as they watched. Anna desperately tried to pull her son away, to no avail. Bavaria tilted her chin back, staring Henry down with a glare to match his own. [b]"Control yourself, Henry Grimalkin. If you have any respect left for your mother, or Leonhart, you would leave, [i]now.[/i]"[/b] [b]"[i]Respect[/i]?! You must be joking. My mother cared for this place, years before you arrived, and for years after that! She not only raised me, but she raised half of [i]your[/i] step-children, [i]and[/i] kept Rosengard running! Do not talk to me about [i]respect.[/i]"[/b] Henry spat, his rant earning him quite a few gasps from the crowd. Bavaria simply smirked, obviously pleased that her plan of revenge was working well enough to get Henry so worked up. [b]"Continue, Henry, please do. Just know that if you go any farther, I shall have you and your [i]mother[/i],"[/b] she glanced sharply at Anna, [b]"forcibly removed."[/b] [b]"Henry, please, just come with me. You're only making things worse."[/b] Anna pleaded, tearful once more. Henry's resolve seemed to shatter, then. [b]"This is my home. My family."[/b] His voice cracked, noticeably. Bavaria remained silent, unmoved. Henry looked pleadingly at Morphia, standing by her sister's side, for some sort of help, and was shocked to see her watching, completely apathetic to the situation. No one else spoke up. There was nothing but silence. Henry never felt so abandoned in his life. His head dropped and his shoulders slumped in defeat. Anna, noticing her son's sudden weakness, wrapped a strong arm around his shoulders and gently turned him around, guiding him away from the silent crowd. --- OOC: Sorry it's so short, it's 3'00 in the morning. Just wanted to get Henry's reaction in quick, I'll post again later today with them leaving. [/size]
[size=1][center] [img]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/henryavatar.jpg[/img][img]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/damegrimalkinavatar.jpg[/img][img]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/morphiaavatar.jpg[/img][/center] [b]"Mother-"[/b] [b]"Hold still, boy!"[/b] [b]"Mother, please!"[/b] Henry just barely managed to sidle out of Dame Anna's vicelike grip, something he had not been able to do with any semblance of skill since he was four years old. [b]"I am perfectly capable of dressing myself, thank you!"[/b] Dame Anna glared at her son, looking quite sharp in a black trousers and a matching suit jacket, with only the middle clasped together to show a pristine white dress shirt underneath. He looked exceedingly uncomfortable, but at least somewhat fashionable. The shirt was left unbuttoned near the top to show off Henry's favorite necklace, a Grimalkin family heirloom that was considerably less priceless than anything to be found within Rosengard. [b]"Capable of dressing yourself to look like some filthy street urchin, yes, but not for a dinner with the Dynasts."[/b] Henry refused to back down, however, fixing his mother with a smirk and a raised eyebrow. Dame Anna threw her hands up in the air, finally backing off. [b]"Fine, fine. But when the poor old King places a bounty upon your head, and [i]mine[/i] for all my trouble, after you've thoroughly disgraced yourself in front of the Royal Family wearing an outfit like that, don't come crying home to me!"[/b] Henry chuckled softly, brushing his hair into place as he looked at his mother in the mirror. [b]"Mother, after everything Juvenus Courageous has been getting himself into these days, I doubt, highly, my presence will cause much of a stir."[/b] Before Dame Anna could reprimand Henry for his blatant disrespect of one of the heirs to the Dynast throne, there came a small knock on Henry's door. [b]"Yes, come in."[/b] Anna ordered impatiently, opening the door. Lucius, the servant, stood waiting. [b]"What is it, Lucius?"[/b] [b]"Lady Morphia is here for you, Master Henry. She says it is urgent, and that you must hurry."[/b] [i]"Perfect timing, Morphia."[/i] Henry thought to himself as Lucius excused himself. He took one final look at himself in the mirror, straightened his jacket, and turned around to kiss his mother on the cheek. [B]"Be home soon, Mother. Don't wait up."[/b] Dame Anna sighed to herself as her smiling son left the room, calling out just before he got out of earshot. [b]"You make sure to behave yourself, Henry Grimalkin!"[/b] --- Henry quickly exited Rosengard - he could see or hear no one, which was odd, but also a relief; he didn't feel the need, or desire, to explain where he was going tonight. Morphia's carriage stood waiting, the door opened for him. He climbed in nimbly, taking Morphia's hand and brushing his lips against it like a true gentleman. [b]"Morphia, you look absolutely gorgeous. Is this all for me? I'm truly flattered."[/b] The tiniest hint of a blush crept across Morphia's calm face. [b]"Enough of that. Driver, hurry please. We don't want to be late."[/b] Henry settled down next to Morphia, looking out the window as Rosengard disappeared quickly. This was going to be an interesting night, indeed.[/size]
[size=1][center][img]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c135/Minneymin/henryavatar.jpg[/img][/center] Henry's grin had been forced, but that was a fact that none but the most keen of eye and perception would be able to detect. He walked slowly through the long halls of Rosengard, careful to avoid any family or servants alike. His mouth was set in a straight line, emotionless, starkly different to his characteristic smile. After his glorious wins at the Circuit he had returned home - news had not reached him, and he had returned to Rosengard expecting the usual congratulations from his relatives and the wide-eyed children, eager for details. He had walked in to a somber home and somber faces who barely noticed the last son of Leonhart arriving. After working out the details from his mother and Catherine, Dame Anna stared at him searchingly, trying to find some sort of emotion other than that embarassing calmness in his impossibly blue eyes. But Henry was a good actor, and a goor liar. He had excused himself to his quarters. He never quite made it there, however, taking the wrong turn purposefully to get himself good and lost. Though lost wasn't the best word - he probably knew his way around Rosengard better than anyone, due to a childhood dedicated to exploration. When he was the youngest child in a large family, and a different child at that, he didn't get much attention from the older members of the Almagests. Except Leonhart. When his surrogate father was around, it seemed Leonhart loved to do nothing but follow the precocious young Henry around. When Henry's prodigious skill in transport alchemy became apparent, Leonhart was the one who showed him how to use it properly, better than any professor Henry ever had. While Fauntleroy called him the servant boy, Beatriste kept her distance, and Macey and Eva left Henry on his own, Leonhart treated Henry as the son he wasn't supposed to be. [i][b]"A bastard child. That's all I am. God knows why such a man would even bother with trash like me."[/i][/b] Henry thought to himself, his emotionless musing revealing his long repressed longing - to be a true Almagest heir. He stopped suddenly. The corridor he was in was completely deserted. There were no sounds but his echoing footsteps. But he had just realized; this was the corridor, coincidentally, where the portraits of the Almagest children were hung. Unblinkingly he examined each until he reached his own, the very last one, even after the grandchildren. The striking blonde hair, bright blue eyes and the white-toothed grin making a mockery of him. But still. At least his portrait was up. [b]"An Almagest by after-thought only."[/b] He chuckled softly, feeling the tears well up and his legs go a bit numb. He sat down with his back against the wall, directly underneath his portrait, and rested his head against his knees just as the bell for dinner began to ring.[/size]
[size=1] Eep. I'm so sorry I haven't posted in so long, guys... Real Life (lol whut?) has been crazy hectic lately, but I've been keeping up with the story so I'm not TOTALLY lost. Hopefully I'll be able to post when I get home from school today or by tomorrow. Henry's not a part of the main action right now, so hopefully I'm not bringing anyone down. [/size]
[size=1] [right][img]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c135/Minneymin/henryavatar.jpg[/img][/right] Henry's smile betrayed nothing that he was truly feeling, what was running through his head. His outburst at Fauntleroy from earlier that morning, his splitting headache from the night before, the distinct butterflies fluttering around his stomach. His brief encounter with Morphia had been something of a relief from his 'inner turmoil', as it were, despite her rather chilly disposition towards him. Her chimaera had been extremely intimidating, exceeding even the size of Henry's own formidable beast. He wondered to himself what could make such a beautiful girl so angry, so bitter. He had seen Fevrus's mistake, the one that had almost cost Morphia, but he knew this sort of pressure could make even the most experienced crack. But any sort of compassion quickly disappeared for now, as he remembered how she had treated him the night before, and from there, how Fauntleroy had [i]always[/i] treated him. Though he could never, ever reveal it to anyone, most of all himself, Fauntleroy had always been the one Almagest Henry strove to impress. He, Beatriste, Macey Ellen and Eva had all been treated as siblings, grew up as so. Beatriste had a sort of indifference towards him, as she was the oldest, but showed some affection towards the young man. The twins arguably had the better relationship with Henry, as they had only a few years difference. But Fauntleroy had been the only boy he had been told to call a brother, and the man couldn't even stand him. [b][i]"I wonder if they realize none of this is my fault, that it has [/i]never[i] been my fault.[/b][/i]" He thought bitterly as he entered his stall, his grinned greeting an expertly fine-tuned mask. His stable hands all mumbled their Hello, Sir Henry's, busy at work; polishing Henry's saddle, trimming his chimaera's long talons - leaving them long and lethal, but manuverable. Altheo stood proudly in the middle of a stall, one large, golden eye turned upon his master. His short, black hair, much like that of a panther, lay sleek and shining, well brushed to look like liquid night. His sturdy paws were wide and positively giant, the only physical indication of his canine genes - the claws were every bit as feline as the rest of the beast. [b]"Is everything ready Kenneth?"[/b] A tall, brown haired man, close in age to Henry, nodded distractedly, glancing down at his watch. [b]"Yes, he's looking fine, Henry... you've half an hour, forty five or so until the race starts."[/b] Henry winked at him. [b]"Get the lads together, eh? We'll go out after we win, celebrate."[/b] Kenneth, one of Henry's closest friends since childhood, was the son of Dame Anna's friend Karen Ultina, wife of one of a prominent politician in High Czenoble. He raced in the circuits in the amateur level, helping out Henry the rest of the time. [b]"Don't do anything stupid out there, and we'll have ourselves a time."[/b] [b]"[i]Stupid?[/i] Me? I never!"[/b] Kenneth just shook his head, grinning, and excused himself, going to claim a choice seat for the races. Henry moved forwards, placing one hand on Altheo's forehead. [b]"Hello, boy. Are you going to win these for us?"[/b] He whispered softly, the hands nearby quickly dispersing, knowing full well they were intruding upon something personal. Altheo yawned hugely, giving his impossibly long tail a wicked flick, cracking into a bucket full of soapy water. Henry's grin widened as the stable hands quickly moved to clean up the mess. [b]"My thoughts exactly."[/b][/size]
[size=1][RIGHT][img]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/henryavatar.jpg[/img][img]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/morphiaavatar.jpg[/img][/RIGHT] Henry was careful to step into the hall, light blue eyes ever on the lookout for his mother. He was a bit shocked, however, to find the hall occupied. [b]"Oh. Hello, there."[/b] He greeted congenially, looking down the hall towards the great hall. He could already see it was filled to the brim with people he was supposed to know. He turned his attention back to the woman sitting in the alcove. She looked familiar. [b]"Morphia? That [i]cannot[/i] be you."[/b] Morphia looked Henry up and down with heavy-lidded disdain. [b]"Henry. It's a pleasure, I'm sure."[/b] Henry's grin widened as he took a seat next to his fellow jockey, regarding her coolly despite her obvious annoyance with him. [b]"You look marvolous, Morphia."[/b] He said cheerfully, feeling not the slightest bit of guilt at his outfit - still the same, messy outfit from earlier. [b]"Well, thank you, Henry. You look... charmingly messy. I see you were going for the 'just rolled out of bed, onto the dirt' look."[/b] [b]"Now, Morphia. Is that sarcasm? I put a lot of thought into my appearance, you know."[/b] [b]"I'm sure you do. I'm glad you put so much thought into it today, especially. For the man who practically raised you and all."[/b] She said, throwing him a look. Henry knew how important Leonhart was to Morphia. He coughed uneasily, smile breaking for a second, his calm facade breaking for just a moment - there was the guilt, just a tiny bit. He dismissed it with a wave of his hand, changing the subject. [b]"You had a race this morning, didn't you? I tried to make it, but I was... a bit hindered, if you catch my meaning."[/b] He winked, easing back into the alcove. Morphia's mouth set into a grim line as she recalled the event. [b]"I did, actually. And I won."[/b] She ended it, very finally, looking ahead grimly. There was something, obviously, she was refusing to tell Henry. But that was okay with him - this was a good distraction to keep him away from the actual party, and she hadn't told him to bugger off [i]yet.[/i] He could remember Morphia's rather frequent visits, starting from just a few years ago, at Leonhart's marriage with Lady Bavaria. He knew all too well that Morphia felt little love towards his siblings, and those feelings had passed on, by simple means of association, to Henry. He figured this was only because she didn't know of his true origins, or she just didn't care. [b]"I hear you're quite good. Making a name for yourself and all. I suppose soon we should be racing in the same circuit."[/b] Henry paused, remembering fondly his race from the night before - he had pulled in from second; Altheo, his feline-canine hybrid Chimaera, had slid in from the right at Henry's urging, all but tripping the first place holder on their faces, only to be trampled by those behind them. It had been naught but a breeze. His opponents these days had no real urge, it seemed, to get down and dirty to get the job done. He knew Morphia played dirty. She could actually pose a challenge, which was exactly what Henry needed.[/size]
[size=1] [RIGHT][img]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/henryavatar.jpg[/img][img]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/damegrimalkinavatar.jpg[/img][/RIGHT] In a remote corner of Rosengard, in an even more remote room, Henry Grimalkin was sprawled across a dusty red, warm old couch. One arm hung loosely over the edge, thin hand curled gently against the floor boards. One leg was literally thrown up and over the couch's back, dangling in the air ever so elegantly. The unmistakable sounds of a grand party's setting up could be heard even through the closed door, but Henry was completely oblivious, deep in sleep. Even in sleep, the corners of his mouth were twitched upwards into a slight smile, a shadow of his trademark grin that didn't leave his face in his waking hours. He was still dressed in his Jockey Uniform - high boots, stained black trousers, long sleeved shirt rolled up past his elbows, and his sleeveless orange coat-tailed jacket, a symbol of status amongst the other jockeys. [B]"Henry Grimalkin, if I find you sleeping in, on a day like this, so help me..."[/b] The door flew open with a mighty crack, Dame Anna's booming voice only adding to the shocking noise. So shocking, in fact, that a now wide-awake Henry literally rolled off the couch in surprise, landing, rather bemusedly, on his bottom on the dirty floor. Henry grinned up at his long-suffering mother, her gray hair pulled back in a strict bun, glaring at him with an intensity only she could give. [b]"Hello, mum. I don't... [i]quite[/i] remember asking for the wake up call, but the thought is well appreciated."[/b] [B]"You wouldn't remember anyways, would you, you great oaf? What did I do to to be cursed with you?"[/b] Dame Anna muttered, moving forwards and grabbing her son by his lapel and lifting him up, all under her own power. [B]"Wouldn't remember anyways...? What on earth could you be implying, mother dear?"[/b] Henry winked as he mockingly dusted himself off, one hand running through his platinum blonde hair. [b]"You know very well what I'm implying. Out until lord knows when, drinking with your [i]jockey[/i] friends."[/b] The strong emphasis on "jockey" nearly made Henry wince. He put his hands good naturedly on his mother's shoulders, looking her in the eye. [b]"Yes, yes. I know. I apologize. But, you know, I did win, mum. It's hardly my fault if my peers wish to go out and... er... celebrate a victory."[/b] Dame Anna sighed, grabbing her son's wrists in a vice like grip and lowering his hands sternly, turning to leave. [B]"Of course it isn't your fault, Henry [i]dear[/i]."[/b] The sarcasm was nearly tangible. [b]"Now clean this room, clean [i]yourself[/i], and get dressed. You need to be [i]presentable[/i] at the party tonight."[/b] Henry's grin didn't falter as the door slammed shut, stretching his arms above his head lazily. He could be presentable if he needed to - the telltale redness in his eyes would be a bit tougher to get around.[/size]
[size=1] Alright, I changed my picture. And I like the new one better anyways, so win-win. Another question, though. Are we going to get any more info on the occupations? More in-depth, I mean. Like a Chronicles addition or something like that. I realize (or I'm assuming) that a lot of the RPG's details are going to come from the players themselves, but... yeah XD Just curious. [/size]
[size=1][center] [b]Your name:[/b] Henry Grimalkin [b]Your age:[/b] 22 [b]Your position inside the Almagest family:[/b] Son of Dame Anne Grimalkin, honorary member of the Almagest family. [b]Your portrait:[/b] [url="http://www.rpgfan.com/pics/talesoftheabyss/art-006.jpg"]Henry[/url] [b]Your occupation:[/b] Henry, for his young age, is especially adept at Transport alchemy, and has subsequently been offered a job at Artemis Air Transports as an airship engineer. However, at this point Henry is unsure as to whether or not he wants to take the job. So he spends his time as a Chimaera Jockey, working his way to the top of the Circuit. [b]Your story:[/b] Henry is the illegitimate child of Dame Anne Grimalkin and Leonhart Almagest. This information, however often gossiped upon, is denied by both parties, and thus, Henry does not know for sure who his father is, nor does he particularly care. Due to the nature of his birth, and his mother’s status, Henry grew up inside of Rosengard and was raised alongside the Almagest children. His mother, being the House Matron of Rosengard, never paid Henry any extra attention, as she cared for the other Almagest children at the same time as he was growing up. He has never felt any special attachment to any one of his “siblings”, not even his adopted brother Benny. Instead he has a fairly congenial attitude towards each one, despite what they may think of him. He has, however, been known to indulge in jealousy streaks towards his family, and when prompted, Henry can be extremely competitive in any field. He has always been treated just as a regular member of the family, for which he has always been (albeit secretly) grateful. He feels little resentment towards his rather confusing upbringing and childhood, even now. In fact, he feels little resentment for anything; his mood goes from carefree to raging, nothing in between, though the latter is very rarely evoked. He is, generally, extremely laid-back, to the point of being utterly lackadaisical when it comes to important matters. He can almost always be seen with a lazy grin on his face and an easy retort to any hostility. The grin could very possibly be a simple facade to trick those around him, but if it is he hides it well. Although he lives for excitement and craves adrenaline, his cool and seemingly collected exterior gives him the perfect disguise as a proper aristocrat. Due to his attendance of the finest schools available, and his inherent talent for Transportation alchemy, Henry has every possibility in the world to do something great, to have his name written down in history along with the other members of his family. Despite his love for airships he is, as of now, climbing the Chimarea Circuits as a Jockey, much to the disdain of his mother and surrogate family. [/size][/center]
[SIZE="1"][COLOR="Indigo"]Lord, have I been out of the game for a while. But one intriguing RPG is enough to being me back, apparently XD I have a quick question, though... is there any chance of creating a character who is the child of Anna Grimalkin? I know in the Auditions thread it says that you can make a character who's a very close family friend, and I figure the child of a woman who lived with the family counts, especially if said child was raised in Rosengard with the Almagest children. Would that be do-able? I don't know, obviously, what relationships Anna could have had. It's just, all the Almagests ALREADY are confusing me to the point of no return, so I'd like to do something a bit different, y'know? I'd be more than happy to spend another few hours figuring it out, if need be. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
[size=1] Jacob Dorsey pulled into the Longfellow estate sometime in the early evening, his dusty red Chevrolet sputtering as he eased his foot onto the brakes, coming to a halt outside the main gate. For a few minutes he sat in the drivers seat, nervously tapping the steering wheel and staring up at the huge house. Did he actually have any reason to be here? He guessed not, but any chance for him to play to an audience was good publicity, especially to a group of aristocrats. He finished the quick drive up to the mansion and pulled up behind a line of other cars, thoroughly confused. After a minute or so, a valet walked up to him with an outstretched hand. Not used to this, Jacob stared blankly at him. [B]"Your keys, sir?"[/b] The valet offered, voice cheery but his eyes clearly impatient. Jacob's eyes narrowed. For a rusty, beat up 1960 Chevrolet? That was a little much. [B]"...Why?"[/B] He asked suspiciously. The valet eyed the car with obvious distaste and glowered at the musican. [B]"I honestly don't know, sir. It [i]is[/i] required of me. If you would give me your keys I will be sure not to let anything damage your...vehicle."[/B] Jacob rolled his eyes, opened the door abrubtly as to frighten the valet, and unfolded his long legs, pushing himself out of his car. At full height Jacob towered over the valet, but his extremely thin frame made him no more intimidating. He thrust the keys into the guy's hand and trudged off to the party. In a form fitting suit, Jacob wasn't entirely out of place, but his embarassment was easy to see. Out of nervous habit, Jacob kept scratching the side of his nose, trying in vain to hide it. It was always the first thing anyone looked at while speaking to him, but usually the gaze would drift upwards into Jacob's impossibly blue eyes. But there was always that nagging feeling that out of the corner of their eye, the nose was still being closely watched. In his haste to keep his nose out of sight, Jacob nearly bumped into Mrs. Longfellow herself. [B]"Oh! I'm sorry...!"[/B] He mumbled, not realizing who the elderly woman was. [B]"Don't worry about it, dear. I take it you are Mr. Dorsey, correct?"[/B] Jacob blinked, eyebrows arching. [B]"Uh, yes. And you are...?"[/B] [B]"Alice Longfellow."[/B] She said, smiling slightly. Jacob groaned inwardly and kicked himself. [B]"Of course, Mrs. Longfellow, excuse me-"[/B] [B]"Alice, dear. Just Alice."[/B] She corrected, sounding impatient. She probably had to point this out to many a person. [B]"Yes, Alice. You're free to call me Jacob.. I mean, if you want. You don't have to, but... You know... I left my guitar in the car, I should go grab it."[/B] He finished awkwardly, after realizing a few attractive, richly dressed women giggling at him. Or just giggling, faced towards him. Either way his hand reached up to attempt to block his nose again instinctively. [B]"You don't worry about it. I'll send someone to go and fetch it for you. Now, the food is on the opposite side of the room. I want you to eat as much of it as you possibly can."[/B] With a bright red face, Jacob nodded stiffly and spun around. He tried to contain his excitement when he saw the large table piled high with food; he hadn't eaten anything more than cereal and cocktail cherries in a week.[/size]
[SIZE=1][center] Character Name: Jacob Dorsey Age: 23 Profession: Singer/Songwriter Brief History and Description: Jacob is fairly well known among the New York clubs, praised for writing clear, perceptive songs and playing a mean harmonica and guitar. He dropped out of art school at 21, due to lack of interest, and hasn't looked back since. He is tempermental and easily distracted, though often he can be calm and sociable. He is very smart and has a large vocabulary, but his awkwardly nasal, high pitched voice makes him sound like a teenager who has no idea what he's talking about, only listing off big words from his English homework. Jacob is tall, 6'0", and very skinny. He has clear blue eyes, a distinctive nose, large, clever hands, dark hair that seems to do whatever it wants, and pale skin. His big nose, skinniness, and lanky tallness adds all the more to his likeness of a 16 year old. He wears dark clothing, usually tailored suits that cling to his body or baggy clothes to hide his embarassing thin frame. Depends on his mood, what time of day it is, etc.[/center][/size]
Bah. Curses for taking so long on that bloody biography. Good luck with the RPG ^_^
[CENTER][SIZE=1] [B]Name:[/B] Michael Darling [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Age:[/B] 14 [B]Sexuality:[/B] Homosexual [B]Appearance:[/B] [img]http://www.chartattack.com/pics/2005/12/f-rhettmiller.jpg[/img] Michael stands at 5?8?, with a slim body and exquisite features. Usually he wears fashionable, chic clothing that fits his skinny frame well. [B]Personality:[/B] Michael is the perfect example of poetic. He can be quiet and introverted at times, but can switch at any second to being a complete extrovert who screams and shouts for attention. Poetic? Probably bipolar. Generally he?s bitingly sarcastic with a vicious tongue who would just as soon insult you rather than talk, but he?s also rather nice, charming, and easily trusting. At times he can be a total closet queer, checking out boys from far away. At other times he can, and will, flaunt his beauty for any guy who spares a passing glance his way. Some days he can be violent, but luckily most of the time Michael is more of a pacifist who prefers to stand in the back and encourage the fighters. Michael is clever and witty, maybe not a book-smart genius, but he can get around on what he has. Often times Michael is very affectionate towards anyone who loves him, pretends to love him, or has said maybe just a few words to him. Other times he is cold and bitter, placing himself at a distance from those who care about him. But not too far away. No one really knows how to deal with Michael Darling, and chances are he doesn?t know how to deal with himself. [B]Biography:[/B] Michael Henry Darling, born last of three children, did not have an easy upbringing. Although all three Darling children, including his sister Wendy and brother John, suffered through some sort of abuse from their parents, it is known that Michael was subject to copious amounts of verbal abuse from Father, especially after Mary Darling walked out on the rest of the family. Michael had always been the pretty boy. He was born with soft, feminine features and a lithe, slim body. His father?s constant reference to him as either ?Queer? or ?The Queen? at such a young age would cause most boys to take up sports and act as butch as possible. But not Michael Darling. Michael took it and ran with it, possibly as a way to get back at his father. By the age of ten Michael was being sent home for kissing other boys in the bathrooms and sometimes out in the open almost constantly. By then Michael was also developing a terrifying tendency for frightful mood swings. One moment he could be smiling and laughing with his friends in class, the next crying and curled in his chair, screaming for his mother or, better yet, Wendy or John. At thirteen years old Michael was openly having sex with the other outed/curious boys in school, and he happily discussed it with his father around the dinner table. Father never hit Michael as far as he can remember, as most of the physical abuse was left for Wendy and John. Michael had always been close to his brother and sister, as they were the ones who generally took care of him as a younger child. Wendy especially found it her responsibility to care for unnaturally needy child, reading to him, feeding him, etc, even when their mother was still around. Michael would alternately follow John around school like a leech or ostracize him, leaving his brother alone and sometimes embarrassing him in front of his peers viciously. John, however, never said anything or got his revenge on his brother ? Perhaps he knew something Michael didn?t? Maybe he felt he needed to be extra lenient with his younger brother. He was with his brother the day Mary Darling dropped in at school to collect them early, with promises of a theme park. [B]?Oh, my baby, my beautiful Michael?"[/B] [B]Vices:[/B] Michael has crippling monophobia, the fear of being left alone. He is known to have severe panic attacks, no matter what mood he?s in, if he feels as if he?s alone. Michael is, like all teenagers, a sex fiend. Luckily, he?s a beautiful sex fiend who could possibly attract straight males if he played his cards right. [B]Useful Items:[/B] [WILL FINISH (in a few hours, I promise.)] [B]Notes:[/B] Definitely bipolar. Michael has never been treated for his disease, probably because his parents never bothered to notice his increasingly disturbing symptoms. [i] Almost done! Expect it within a few hours. I hope that's okay! I've got cleaning to do...-grumbles-[/i][/SIZE][/center]