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[COLOR=red][SIZE=1] Well... as some of you may know, I sucked at making banners- and I still do. But, I have been working on them for a while, and thought this one was alot better than my old ones... actually, I know it was better:) I know it's very plain, but I worked hard on it:D I know it sucks... give me tips and comments:) [img]http://i.xanga.com/DaisukeAngel/Daisuke%20Banner%202.bmp[/img] EDITL Ooops, stupid me, I ut Daisuke Banners. Its only one... hmmm...[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=red][SIZE=1] There have only been two movies that I have cried in: Simon Birch: [spoiler] Simon Birch is about a little boy who wants to be a hero when he grows up. He is very small and can't do alot of things. Well, when he is on a field trip, his bus swerves off the road, avoiding a deer, and plunges into a river. Simon helps everyone escape from the bus, but is too late for himself. In the last scene, you see him in a hospital bed, his best friend sitting next to him. They talk about how he actually did become a hero. Then Simon dies.[/spoiler] It was a very sad movie, and I saw it in theaters. I was very embarassed, but then I noticed everyone else was crying, too. I Am Sam: Okay, if you haven't seen this movie, you are crazy. This is a film of unimaginable... amazingness. [spoiler] It is about a mentally challenged man who's daughter is taken away from him because he has the intelluctual of a seven year old- his daughter is turning 8, I think. So basiclly, he is in a huge mess, because he loves his daughter, and she loves him.[/spoiler] This movie was so sad, and it also had plenty of Beatles Refrences:)[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=red][SIZE=1] OOC: It's okay, Wondershot;):D "Do you think he'll be all wight, Wichard?" "Yeah. He just fainted, Richie. He's gonna be fine." The voices whirled in Dai's head and he slowly regained consiousnous. "What happened...What happened," He groaned, his red eyes very dull. Bradley looked at him in relif, and then in sadness. "Uh... Your sister, Ruki. She died," He stuttered, not knowing how to brake it to his poor friend. Dai moaned and out his head between his legs. His friends could hear him start to sob. "Hey, Dai. Its time for dinner. It'll help you feel better." Richard said soothingly, patting him on the back. "Yeah. I am soooo hungry, howabout you, Dai?" Bradley asked hopefully, trying to get Dai's mind off of his sister. Dai didn't reply. He just looked up, his face as red as his hair and eyes. He slid off the bed and walked outside, the boys following carefully, incase Dai fainted again. Along the way to the mess hall, people stopped and taunted Dai, "Oh, what's the matter baby?" Of course, whoever did that to Dai recieved a punch in the nose by Richard and a slight punch in the shin by Richie. Just as Dai opened the door, he was knocked down by a girl leaving in quite a rush. He got up and watched her walk off, then headed inside. He quickly walked over to the boys table and sat down, laying his head on the table.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=red][SIZE=1] Whoa... hold on, Wondershot, pally. You just made a faint seem like a bug huge deal! Dai just fainted out of shock, all of his friends were there, I think he'll be alright;)I know this is kinda weird, but I just wanted to point that out: I am not rady to post again, lol.:D[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=red][SIZE=1] Dai watched, very confused as Ren sped off. A few minutes later, Richie came out, looking very shaken and angry. His leg seemed better, but he was limping. Dai figured the Millitary school was to cheap for crotches and casts. "You alright, Richie?" He asked, standing up and strecthing. "Yeah. My weg is kinda swoe, though." He smiled and led Richie outside. The sun was starting to set as they walked slowly towards the bunker. Dai was starting to get a liking towards Richie. An hour or so later, they reached their bunker. Richard ran over to Richie as soon as the door closed and starting looking him over. Dai has always thought of Richard as the tough boy, but when it came to his brother, he could be very caring and gentle. He turned around, only to face Colonel Clark. He had his stern face, as usual, but it seemed softer. "Sorry." He said, handing Dai a letter. He then walked out of the bunker. "Who's it from?" Richard asked. "...Home." He slowly lifted out the letter, which had already been read, obviously. "It says," Dai said, reading out loud. "Dear, Son." Dai snorted and said, "They probably are so ashamed of me they wont even call me by my name." "Dear Son," He started again, "We have mailed this letter to tell you... Riku has passed away this morning. She passed out into a comma a few days ago, and wouldn't wake up." As though getting over shock, Dai stayed very still. Then, he fell into blackness and fainted.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=red][SIZE=1] Dai groaned and looked up from the pit- climbing wasnt his thing. He looked over to see Bradley staring thoughtfully up at the sides of the hole. Richard was kneeling by Richie, who seemed to have twisted or sprained his ankle from the fall. Tears were streaming down his face, but he was very arrogant and tough, so he tried to act like it was nothing. Dai looked up and called to Seth, "Uh, Lt. Akashi, sir! Richie seemed to have hurt his ankle, sir!" "Good for him," Said the Lt., very unenthusiasticly. Dai glared up at him. He hated every single teacher in this school, excpet for that girl one, she seemed very nice to Dai. He felt very sad about the death of her fiance. "Go an idea." Bradley said, dodging Ren who had just been pushed back down by the Lt. "Me and you, Richard, will kneel down. Dai, you climb on our backs, and help Richie on yours. He shoulb be able to get out with our help, and since you are pretty light, Dai, we'll help you out and you can take Ritchie to the sick bay." They all nodded, knowing not to argue with Bradley. Richard and Bradley both kneeled down and Dai climbed on their backs, then helped Ritchie get on his. Very easily, considering Dai and Ritchie were both very light, Richard and Bradley slowly went up so Dai could help Ritchie climb out. Using his light weight and acrobatic skill, Dai easily climbed up himself. Lt. Akashi seemed very pleased and looked at Bradley. "Good tactics, son. What is your name?" "Bradley, sir." Akashi smiled, then turned to Dai, "Take him to the sick bay, now," he said coldly, and went back to pushing the kids off the ledge who didn't use tactics to climb out. Dai helped Ritchie on his feet, put the younger boys arm around his back and lead him off.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=red][SIZE=1] Dai stood in line with Bradley on his left, and Richie on his right. Afraid to be pushed by Colonel Clark, he stood very still, not breathing or moving. "Now, maggots. I am Colonel Clark. Hand To Hand combat is my game, and I dont expect you to be good at it, becase, quite frankly, you are all little pieces of ****." Dai stared at his feet, but soon he foud himself looking up at Colonel Clark, who had pushed him down again. "Look at me while I am talking, scum." He grabbed Dai by his sleeve and pulled him up with great ease. "What is your name anyways," he asked with a very scary, hissing tone. Dai, who had watched the Ren boy get stripped of his nickname, knew better not to say 'Dai'. "Daisuke, Sir." Clark spat on the ground, "Daisuke? What the **** kind of name is that?" Dai's fists clenched and he felt himself starting to feel sweat of hatred gliding down his face. "Japanese, Sir." The Colonel glared at him for a second, then threw him back on the ground, allowing Bradley and Richard to help him up. As The Colonel walked away, picking on the other boys, Dai watched in hatred. Some gudges were gonna start real soon. -------------------------------------------------------------- I hope I captured the personality of your charcater, Dragoon;)[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] His eyes blurry, Dai kneaded his sore pupils until his sight was back. He looked around. He wasn't in his room. Or his house, for that matter. He was in a grey, blunt and boring room. There were several beds that were all very neat and made. He heard giggling behind him and looked backwords. Three pairs of eyes were all staring at his flamming red hair. "I see you finally woke up, Carrot Head," one boy laughed. A smaller, clone (or twin, Dai couldnt tell) of him laughed too, even if he couldn't understand. Dai stared at them shyly. "Uh, uh, uh, where am I?" The two brothers fell down laughing, but one boy with brilliant blonde hair and blue eyes sat next too him and kicked the two boys, who each had brown hair with brown eyes. "I am Bradley, nice to meet you. Anyways, this is Millitary High." As Dai look around, astonished, Bradley took a glance at him. "Oh!" He yelled, "Your that kid with the weird illness, right? The Sgt. told us about you." The two boys on the floor seemed to take pity on Dai, and stood up. The smaller one seemed to copy whatever the brother did. "I am Richard," the older one gretted, "And this is my little brother, Richie." The little brother waved. Bradley then asked, "I bet you were sent here for no reason too, right?" Dai looked at him, puzzled. "Well," Bradley explained, "We were all bribed to steal something, then sent here. I almost stole a really expensive suit. The only reason I accepted the bribe is because..." Dai though he was ashamed, "My family is poor. If I was really going to get the money, I could've provided for my family." He sighed, and turned his glance to Richard and Richie. Richard caught his look and stated their story, too. "We were sent here because we tried to steal movies at a movie store. But we weren't helping anybody." He put on a grin, "We bad boys." "Yeah, we bwad bwoys." Said Richie with a lisp. He couldnt be older than 5, Dai thought. "Well," Bradley said, might as well get unpacked, class should start soon.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=blue]....[SIZE=1]Anime...[/SIZE] [SIZE=3][B]Anime...[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=1]Anime...[/SIZE] [i]Its not real, right? They are just some Japanese shows created to entertain you, right? Wrong. You are just some mediocre liitle kid who believes everything that sprays out of loose lips. Anime.... Oh, there could never be such a real thing. You live in a land where peace, and love, and all of that exisit. Ever seen that "Movie" The Matrix? For all we know, you're probably living inside of it. Anime... The land is for real. There is no peace. There is constant war. Sure, there is love. But only for making sure that we dont get bored and stab ourselves with the blades we use to protect us. We are under fixed watches... unbeknownst to the rest of them, of course. Who is watching us? Who would want to keep an eye on us? Who... has the power... to destroy us all? Only I have the key to their survival. And... it seems, that they wont believe me.[/i] Who is this man? Is he good... or evil? Well, most of that was true, you know. Anime charcaters are at constant war for who knows what reason? Well.. atleast most of them are friendly to their friends. And I really have to strain the [i]friends[/i]. Anime characters only seem to live in peace with their own kind, or their own Anime, that would be easier for you, perhaps. Infact, I have even seen an Anime character from .Hack//SIGN destroy an Angel Sanctuary character for coming to close to him. Talk about a messed up world. Well, anyways. That isn't the point. The point is, something is about to happen to this Anime characters, and their coldness toward eachother will... not change. To give you an idea of whats going on, you can read this diary expert of Daisuke Niwa (from the Anime DN Angel). He was very luckily keeping a diary when the ahh,'incident' happened. [i] Those strange black clouds are starting for around the outskirts of town. The one over Town Square is getting darker... and darker. I asked Dark about this curiosity. And he was as stumped as I was. The wind is blowing to hard! The clouds... they began to release energy, bad ones by the look of it. I have been wathcing and running at the same time. People are being hit by the energy... then they disappear. I am afraid-[/i] Daisuke was then hit in the head with a large stone being blown about by the strong winds and knocked unconsious. Soon, the "Dark Energy" Daisuke described found his body... and, well. To put it simple. He vanished. Soon, the same thing began to happen everywhere. People started to vanish. How did I know this, you ask? I am AdamKadamon. I look over the Anime world with the other all powerfull beings. While the tragedy happened, we were unable to help our people. Something... or someone was restricting us. We can no longer sense them. Our greatest fears.... Have been answered. And that, my friends. Is the story line. Sorry if its a bit boring and long, but I am trying to make this my best RPG yet. Basically, YOU are an Anime character. YOU have vanished, like Daisuke. YOU are confused... and very dangerous. This is almost like .Hack//SIGN. There is a world. You cannot get out. You are powerfull, sneaky, and dangerous. After you wake up, you realise you arent in Kansas anymore. The land around you changes, from lush valleys to dark caves. You want to get back home, but it seems you cant. And even worse. When your character realises that all of his/her so called "enemies" are walking around... confused and dangerous. You feel like if you are ever going to get out of this place, it seems to your character, you are going to have to fight your way out. But soon, very soon, will you realise that the only way to get out, is to do it together. [B][U][SIZE=3]RULES[/B][/U][/SIZE] There will be fighting people because like I said before, Anime charcaters hate each other (unless they are in the same Anime) FIGHTING: Fighting. You may call fights by saying at the end of your post "DAISUKE WISHES TO FIGHT FAYE" or like that. The winner is decided upon how well the posts are and the type of moves they use. I will choose several people who will help judge fights. If one person wins, he gets a level up and something to boast about. The loser will only lose consiousnous for a while and will walk away with a head ache. But the cool thing is, I am going to let you guys roam around, finding creatures and monsters, fighting, that sort of thing before we get to the seriious stuff, so when you lose a fight, you can follow the one who beat you and try to fight them again. MAGIC IN FIGHTS: You get to use all your spells once during a fight. Also, make sure that you fight well in the fights (good posts and grammar) because that is what the judges are going to be looking for. Dont go "Boom. I hit you. Your out cold. I gain a level." Godmodding is out. Any of that and the judges will give the other person a win by default. If you want to be a judge, tell me on your post. Thats all for the rules for now... [B][U]Character Sheet![/U][/B] Name(ANY Anime charcater out there) : Anime From: Special Powers/Magic Maximum: 6 (Optional. If you choose magic, you only get one weapon. Also, no healing stuff) Weapons Maximum: 6 (You know, One long sword, some dagger,a broadsword strapped to your back. You can get to six.) (Optional. If you choose Weapons you only get one spell/magic) : Description (Post a picture, or describe your character really well) Small Bio (Optional) : Thats all. Add anything else you want up there, like if your from Card Captors or Pokemon or Digimon or whatever, you can only have a few monsters. If there are any questions, ask me, please. And just so you know, you dont have to fight every character you come across. You can pass them by with a dirty look. Anyways, the point of the game isnt just to fight, its to find answers. By the way, be any Anime character you want to be, just not Daisuke (not the Digimon one). Have fun :D[/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue][SIZE=1][B][U]Sign Up[/U][/B] [B]Name:[/B] Daisuke [B]Nickname:[/B] Dai [B]:][/B]14 [B]Personality:[/B] If he isnt fainting or being scared to death, Dai is fun person to be with. He is very funny and social and will do anything to make sure that his friends are out of harms way. [B]Bio:[/B] Dai was born sickly with an illness that made him sensitive to the world around him. If something bad happens, he doesn't run- he faints. His younger sister, Ruki, who he cares for alot, also has the same problem. But hers is much more serious then Dai's. She has been known to faint- and not wake up for quite a while, like she goes into small comas. She needs a very expensive treatment. And Dai's family doesnt have the money. One day, as Dai was walking home from school, he met a very shady man standing infront of a computer store. The man said to Dai that there was a computer that he was looking for right next to the door of the store. He told Dai that if he went in a got it for him, he would give him a very large sum of money. Dai, who so badly wanted to help his sister, agreed, thinking the money would pay for her operation. He snuck inside, tried to pick it up and was caught. Security guards charged at him, he fainted and woke up in the Millitary School. I hope this is good enough.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] [i][u]Category One[/i][/u] [B]Name:[/B] Orlia [B]Character Base:[/B] Wave Master [B]Weapon:[/B]Long, Blue staff with 3 curves going in each direction at the end. Where each curve makes the "curve" there is a small blue jem. Orlia prefers not to fight alot, so she has no swords or other weapons. [B]Appearance:[/B]Long, grey skirt to just above her brown boots, baggy grey/black shirt with many ripples around the bottom. She has long, Blue hair and greenish/blueish eyes. She has blue cat ears and tail. She is very tall, 6'0" to b exact.People tell her that she may just be the weirdiest player in "The World" But they usually dont get an answer... Orlia doesnt talk often. [B]Sex:[/B]Female [I][u]Category Two:[/i][/u] [B]Name:[/B]Lauren [B]Age:[/B]11 [B]Occupation:[/B]5th Grade Student [B]Origin:[/B] Minnesota, U.S.A [B]Personality:[/B] Humourous, Social. She is that person you can tell things. She can be very hard and cold to people she knows are hurting other people. [B]Biography:[/B]Much unlike her alternate "World" Player, Lauren is very social. She loves to hang out with friends, only if she isnt playing Azure Sea. Lauren has a horrible addiction to Azure Sea and has been known to play for over 8 hours a day. Her parents have stopped trying to reason with her, because when she is yelled at, she threatens to play for even longer. But sometimes Lauren catches herself and plays outside with friends. But only sometimes. [B]Intrests:[/B]Anime, Baseball, Orlando Bloom, and Lord of The Rings. Sorry this is such a bad post.... I am at the Library and I need to get off soon -.-[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] Happines is having a mind-blowing crush on someone and knowing they have one on you, too. Sure... I may not really [i]know[/i] what love is... the only thing I know is what it feels like. There is a boy in class who I love... and so does he. Although he wont admit it, he has told my best friend and well... she told me. I... dont think I can describe the way I feel when I see him everyday. It's like a warm feeling. I feel like I would die for him... I just wish that he would express his feelings towards me a little better. Yeah.... maybe it is only a Puppy-Love type thing... but I dont care. Maybe I am a little bit to young to know what love truely is, but I fell like I am in love with him... my whole world would be shattered if I could never, like Elite said, hold him in my arms for 5 minutes. Yeah...I'm guessin' no one cares what I think :D [/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] I have always admired your work, James, and these arent an exception. The Azure Sea banner is plain and simple, I like it like that^^ The text, though... maybe a dark blue to go with the banner? A.I. Banner and Combo... I loved the movie. There were some parts in it though, that made me feel like it was going to end. The ending suprised me, though. Anyways, the Banner is awesome. THe whole silhouette of David is cool, and the text really makes the people who haven't seen A.I. think. The Avatar is kinda plain, I like the rippling affects, but like Mitch said, it gets boring. They are all great^^ Save me a spot in your RPG![/COLOR][/SIZE]
im shipwrecked on a desert island. where did this CD player come from?
Muse replied to treton_noir's topic in Noosphere
[SIZE=1][COLOR=blue] [U]The Beatles:[/U] Yellow Submarine [U]The Beatles:[/U] Hey Jude [U]The Beatles:[/U] Maxwell's Silver Hammer [U]The Beatles:[/U] I am The Walrus- Best Song EVER! [U]The Beatles:[/U] Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band [U]The Beatles:[/U] Let It Be [U]The Beatles:[/U] All You Need Is Love [U]The Beatles:[/U] Hello, Goodbye [U]The Beatles:[/U] Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds [U]The Beatles:[/U] Oh, Darling [U]The Beatles:[/U] Rocky Racoon [U]The Beatles:[/U] Wild Honey Pie [U]The Beatles:[/U] Yesterday [U]Paul McCartney:[/U] Maybe I'm Amazed See a pattern? Yeah... There is a perfectly good explanation for choosing all Beatles (Except for my man Paul McCartney) and that is I can listen to a Beatles song and listen to it forever without getting sick of it.(Oh, and because The Beatles are the best band in the world. I would have killed myself sooner if I got stuck on an island with my Eminem CD) Yeah... so... thats my list:D[/COLOR][/SIZE] -
[SIZE=1][COLOR=blue] Its very very good^^ The only thing I dont get is that this really doesnt look like the type of drawing you used to make your Rei picture. Its probably just my imagination:D Great job[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] Schratn's original character was a wizard, he was Iondarc. But anyway, Schratn, its fine if there are 3 wizards^^[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] Hey, thanks for signing up^^ As long as Orien posts the sign up sheet before someone else (who wants to be new) we have our three new warriors. And, me being an idiot, I forgot to put in Races, so if you would kindly state what race you are, everything will be fine^^ Even though in the posts so far, alot of people can tell what race you are anyway:D [/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] After defeating Bahumet and the Evil Void, the six companions, Samantha, Abob, Iondarc, Ryan, Lalaith Ril And Lauren thought their long and horrible journey was over. But, as they say, evil never rests. Samantha, one of the wiser of the group, pointed out something that none of them would expect: Samantha-It just doesn't make any sense... Abob-What doesn't? Samantha-We assumed that the Void was the source of all evil, am I right? Lalaith-Yes, but what are you getting at? Samantha-Try to think: Does the name "Morgoth" or "Melkor" ring a bell to anyone? Everyone thought for a long time. They all shook their heads. Samantha-Alright, what about the Valar? Lauren-That word does sounds a bit familliar. Samantha-It should. Thousands of years ago in Valinor, which is the land west of the Grey Havens, were several Great Spirits that were called the Valar. However, one of them, Melkor, became evil and was cast out from the Valar. To cut a long story short, Melkor then went to Middle-Earth and is said to dwell to the far north in his fortress called Angband, and he was afterwards called Morgoth. Ever since then he has gathered servants and creatures to do his will. Sauron was one of them, as I assume the same for Bahamut and the Void. Lalaith-Come to think of it, that story does sound a bit familiar. Lauren-Do you think it's really Morgoth that's causing all this trouble? Lalaith-It sounds like that. Abob-I guess we're not finished, are we? Abob was correct. Their journey was far from over. They had to cross the ocean to Valinor, but this they can not do alone. They will need new help. And that is why we begin in Mirkwood, where the new 3 new warriors will be chosen to help the Fellowship on their journey. Right. I am back from a long vacation from the boards, and I hope we can finish this one unlike the original. Here are the stats you need to have to sign up: [B]Name:[/B] Lauren Greenleaf (Imbedil Greenleaf in Elvish, but she likes her Human name better) [B]Age:[/B] 120 [B]Weapons:[/B] (Have three only, please) Elvish Long Sword, Crystal Dagger, A Lothlorein(sp?), The Long Bow her father gave to her and a quiver full of arrows(Counts as one weapon, remember) [B]Biography:[/B] Lauren's father, Legolas Greenleaf, was killed on her first adventure by Orcs, and ever since then, whenever she fights the foul beasts, she kills them with more passion for revenge. After she and her companions destroyed Sauron in his second time trying to destroy Middle Earth. After, she became very much in love with Lalaith Ril, and they married soon after. Then, she set out again on a second journey to destroy Bahumet and The Evil Void. She was saved by her husband after almost being tricked by the Void after she said she would bring her father back. After that, she has made sure never to be tricked again. She knows her father is dead, and she has learned to live with it. She has no choice but to save the world once again. [B]Appearance:[/B] Lauren wears the Green Cloak of Lorien and a Legolas type outfit, only it is much looser and it is a lighter green. She has short Black hair with brown eyes. [B]Personality:[/B] Lauren is a very caring person who would not let anything bad happen to her friends. Her only problem is, she has the tendancy to not think things threw before going to do it. There. Please make your character reasonable, no imortal stuff, kay? Have fun^^ We need 3 new characters as you read, and I need to see who in the old RPG will still be in this one^^[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=red] I guess this sounds okay... Name: Myojin Yahiko Age:10 Weopons:A Shinai(Bamboo Kendo Sword) and a Bokutou(Wooden Sword) Appearance:[img]http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Pagoda/8264/yahiko12.jpg[/img] Personality: Yahiko is a real comedian, constantly annoying Kaoru by saying rude jokes to her("This is pretty good... for such an ugly chick like her")hE is always looking up to Kenshin and he strives to become stronger. He is very headstrong and does not like people helping him with his own problems.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=green][SIZE=1] I'm going to change what Drix said jus' a little bit because i've been gone for so long^^ I hope this is alright with him. Aratmacil gently slid off the great eagle, patting its glossy feathers gently. [i]"Vedui? il?er, mani nae lle umien?"[/i] She asked brightly as the fellowship greeted her. Latina embraced her daughter, whispering something in her ear. But Aratmacil could not hear. Her heart was beating fast. A great ringing sounded in her ears. She raised her hand, touching the spot where Eonwe had touched her softly. It felt... cold. [i]"... Eonwe."[/i] She turned to her eagle. It nodded, as if it had read her mind. As swift as they had landed, the took off. Aratmacil shouted, [i]"Meet us in Lorien..."[/i] The eagle flew soundlessly towards the dark fortress. Aratmacil kept her eyes keen infront of her. Eonwe was in trouble. She knew it. She had to help him... In Barad-dur... Eonwe thrust his sword into the Dark Lords leg with dificulty. He grunted and jumped back. He knew that even in his alternate form, the Dark One was too powerfull... for now. The Dark One laughed and pulled the sword out with ease, throwing it to the Maiar. [i]"Come now, Warrior! Fight to you full potential! I know you can!"[/i] Eonwe glared at the Dark One infront of him. [i]"He is playing with me,"[/i] He thought. Sauron/Saruman smirked, [i]"Or.. are you already there, warrior? No.. You can grow stronger"[/i] Eonwe grimaced [i]"I will not fight to my full potential to you, Dark One! Not Yet! You do not scare me!"[/i] She shouted boldly. He knew that if he stalled any longer, he would be in danger. But something told him that he should wait. A feeling. [i]"Hmmm. You speak bravely, Maiar. But perhaps... the death of the one you love will be enough to make you fight harder?"[/i] Eonwe jumped back in gasp, [i]"No...[/i] If this troubles you, Drix or makes it harder for you to post, tell me and I'll think of something else^.^[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=red][SIZE=1] [U]The Yellow Submarine[/U] ( DONT LAUGH!) Old Fred: What would your friends be doing here? Ringo Starr: Displayin' Old Fred: Displayin' what? Ringo: Dis Playing Around. Mayor: My! Your faces! Paul McCartney(My favorite): We're quite cute, really. [U]The Grinch[/U] (The Grinches outgoing machine) If you utter so much as one syllable, I'll hunt you down and gut you like a fish! If you'd like to fax me, press the Star Key. [U]Lord of The Rings: The Fellowship of The Ring[/U] Leggy: You have my Bow Leggy: There's a fell voice in the air Considering all of my Leggy's quotes are my favorites, i'll leave it there;) [u]Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers[/u] Gimli: Couldn't you have picked a better spot? Whats happening!? Leggy: Would you like me to describe it to you, or would you like me to find you a box? Gimli: C'mon, we can take them! Aragorn: Its quite a long way there Gimli: ... Toss me! Oh, but dont tell the elf. Gimli: HAh! I am at two, Legolas! Leggy: I am at seventeen. Leggy:(After Aragorn appears)You look terrible. Samwise: PO-TA-TOES Smeagol: Stupid, FAT Hobbit! You keep your nasty fish and chips! More to come![/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=purple][SIZE=1][FONT=arial] This sounds good. And as you can see from meh nickname, I will be my favorite character;) Name: Trunks Appearance: [img]http://www.dragonworldz.net/dbz/trunks193.jpg[/img] Bio: Trunks is the son of Bulma and Vegeta and best friend of Goten. You should know the rest, right? Attacks: Burning Attack, Kamehameha, Galactic Donut (All though it is the same attack Gotenks uses, Trunks himself has mastered it although it is not a powerfull and many powerfull warriors can break out of it easily.) Weapons: A long, crystaline(sp?) sword. Very powerfull and effective, but since it long, Trunks has a hard time using it. Other: Fuses with Goten to become Gotenks[img]http://www.geocities.com/dk14agdi/gtk5.jpg[/img] I hope that is enough^^[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[COLOR=blue][SIZE=1][FONT=arial] [i]"Weasel. Weasel. WEASEL!"[/i] Dom yelled impatiently at his sister, shaking her. [i]"WHHHAT DOM!?"[/i] She cried, hoisting herself up on her shoulders. [i]"Its dad, he's gone! Get dressed!"[/i] He said, backing away from the blue bed. This startled Lauren so much she did it again. She vanished. [i]"Oh great. Another power. Weasel Girl? Where are you! We need to get going!"[/i] Lauren reappered(sp?) [i]"Whoa. I think i've got the hang of this."[/i] She smirked at her brother and "Melted" again. [i]"WEASEL! Come on! This is serious!"[/i] [i]"I know. I dont want to get dressed infront of you, Dom."[/i] Said her voice in the air. Dom jumped as his sister's cabinet opened and clothes floated out. They were put on an invisible body then they too vanished. Lauren came into veiw again holding her pajamas. [i]"Lets go."[/i] She said, tossing her pajamas away. Dom nodded and they ran out the door to their other siblings.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[COLOR=blue][SIZE=1][FONT=arial] [i]"Keep it down, DOM!"[/i] Shouted Lauren down the hallway... She had been awakened by Dom's startled yell. As she slowly stepped back into her room, her sleepyness made her a bit clumsy, so she stumbled into her wall. But something wrong happened. She looked down at her feet. Gone... She looked at her hands. Gone... [i]"Hmmm..."[/i] She said, as if nothing was the matter. Then her eyes bulged [i]"AHHHHHHHHHH!"[/i] She lept away from the wall and slowly she began to reapear. As her alarm went off, she glared at it angrily. [i]"Cant you see I',-"[/i] She stopped. The Colck was floating towards her. As she grasped it in her hands, she grinned. [i]" I'm dreaming. Yup. Well, when i'm tired, i'm tired. Even if I am in a dream."[/i] She stared at the clock again and made it go back to its table. [i]"Well, I sure am getting used to this dream power"[/i] She shrugged. She knew this wasnt a dream. But hey, she could think it was. She climbed back into bed and quickly fell into sleep. She figured she wouldn't worry about this until her siblings were awake. Then she'd tell her father...[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[COLOR=blue][SIZE=1][FONT=arial] This sounds good^^ Name: Lauren Taro Ridell Age: 13 Special Powers: Melt: Lauren can "Blend" into anything. Silent Transportation: If Lauren stares at something, it will silently fly to her hands. Description: (Her head is in attach.) She wears a light blue baggy shirt and khakies.She has a blue tattoo on her right arm. She has black shoe-boots and has a silver chain from her right pocket to her belt loops. Bio: Lauren was cloned after her brother, Dominic, and is the first female Facet. She is happy-go lucky and has a sweet tooth. When everyone is down, she is usually the first to cheer everyone up. Her siblings usually call her either "Weasel Girl" or just plain "Weasel" Because of her attitude towards things. There we go, I hope that is enough^^[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]