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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=hotpink][size=1]I'm sorry, but Malfoy is never going to team up with Harry. After Voldemort returned to power, Malfoy and his little buddies were so gleeful about it. There is NO WAY Malfoy is emotionally distraught and has a hard life at home. He is SO spoiled. [/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1][FONT=arial]:rolleyes: MMkay...-_- We are all entilted to our opionions, but I am afraid I must STRONGLY disagree with you:) [spoiler]Yeah, that would be nice if Harry and Dumbledore got together... they seem so attatched, him all ways staring at him a such ;) But, I still think Ron's going to die(Or maybe Percy!:excited: ) But then of course, as someone said, Cedric was pretty important (I guess) and he died, so maybe he was the main character who was supposed to be? [i]shrugs[/i][/spoiler][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[COLOR=blue][FONT=arial][SIZE=1] Yeah, meh name is Lauren^^ I know part of the song that Gollum sings! "Jump in the pool, Nice and Cool!" Yeah, I was singing that all day! Oh, and Shinobi, what sonf where you humming there o.O?[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[COLOR=blue][SIZE=1][FONT=century] Yeah, mesa owns the soundtrack for ze first movie. "Concerning Hobbits" Is my favorite song, I can even play it on my Clarinet!(Well, part of it -.-) And I really like the one Juu is talking about. You can see me humming that song all day^^ Yeah, and the Enya song is pretty cool, only because she speaks Elvish in a part of it:shifty: [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[COLOR=blue][SIZE=1][FONT=arial] Well, I am a HUGE fan of the series, so I am going to put in my opionion. [spoiler]I really hope that meh favorite character, Draco, will turn his bad streak around and help Harry fight Voldemort. I mean, you have to look at the facts. Draco has one bad dad. Remember in the 2nd Movie when Draco crashed while trying to get the snitch from Harry? Wouldn't you want your parents to rush onto the field, help you up and tell you everything is going to be okay? Lucious didnt. He glared at Draco. What if he's done things worse to Draco at home that we neer know? Dont you think the boy has some emotional scars? Or maybe he was proud to be in Slytherin so he could gain his fathers trust and make him proud of him. Maybe in the final book, when Draco and Harry are 17, they will realise that what they are doing is wrong, and will team up against Voldemort. Oh, and I personally think that Harry and Hermione are in love, and I sadly think Ron is the one to die.[/spoiler] To end my opionion, Draco Is Not That Bad! *cough* yeah. I'll leave now.[i]stalk away[/i][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[COLOR=green][SIZE=1][FONT=arial] Misao stared in shock at the beeping PET, and very slowly, moving her shaking legs to the PET. Cutman was yelling about where Misai was. Misao shook her head and swore to herself. [i]"Roll. We are going to Higsby's to get new chips. Whoever took my brother will pay in a battle."[/i] Misao said shakily, turning off Misai's PET. [i]"Right."[/i] Roll noded as Misao slipped her laptop into her backpack with her chips. She dashed out the door with her PET in one hand, the other clenched in a fist as fast as her legs could carry her. Finally, the sign "Higsby's Shop: Come and trade me your rare chips, huh." and the green building with two windows came into view. With one push she dashed inside to the counter. A few other kids her age stared at her awkwardly [i]"Oh, Misao. Welcome. I have your chips you ordered, huh?"[/i] Higsby took out a small box from the counter and handed it to Misao as she handed him some money. She tunred around to leave, when she saw the kids, some of them from her class. [i]"Whats the matter Misao, you look...upset"[/i] Asked Iron. Misao's voice shook as she spoke [i]"My brother,"[/i] She mumbled, [i]"He's... gone."[/i] Sasuke looked startled, [i]"You mean... like those kids on TV?"[/i] Aerow asked, confused. Misao nodded and turned to leave, [i]"I'm going to go find the person who did it. I dont care if it takes me forever. But i'll do it."[/i] She nodded to the kids and walked out the door, [i]"Wait, Misao."[/i] Sorry its not as good as my first post. I just got back from a long day at school and I am tired-.-[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[COLOR=blue][SIZE=1][FONT=arial] Misao quickly ran out of ACDC school with her long blue hair blowing in the wind. She sighed, [i]"Another day of school... completed."[/i] She smiled and looked around, kids were talking with one and other if they weren't going home. She spotted her friend, Akimara, or Aki as Misao called her. She walked over to her and smiled, [i]"Sup', Aki?"[/i] She said to Aki, [i]"sigh... Hi Misao..."[/i] She said sadly and quietly, looking at Misao with her big, green eyes. [i]"Erm... Whats the matter, Aki?"[/i] Misao asked confusedly(sp) lening her head on one said so her Burea' almost slipped of her head. But Aki simply shook her head and walked away. Misao sighed. Aki was having one of her nervous breakdowns again. She rumaged through her yellow backpack with the keychain of her favorite cartoon character, Spongebob Square pants dangling of the zipper. With a loud [i]"AHA!"[/i] She brought out her PET and the image of Roll, her Navi, grinned up at her. [i]"Hiya, Misao."[/i] [i]"Hi, Roll. Any new E-mails?"[/i] Roll thought for a second, then walked off screen. Then, on coming back,she was holding an envolope, [i]"Its from your friend, Hideki from class,"[/i] Roll said as the text box appeared over the screen, [i]"hey, misao.u kno y Nick wasnt in class today? i think he disappeared! ive sent every1 else a copy of this email. try n find sum info, k? this is getting serious someone needs to solve this thing soon or were all gonna disappear! from hideki"[/i] Misao read slowly off the screen. [i]"He's probably just sick today is all."[/i] Misao said hopefully, [i]"I'll jack you in when we ge- Oh, DANG! I've got to babysit Misai today! Mom's going to kill me!"[/i] She quickly threw her PET in her bag and ran as fast as she could to her bike. Fumbling with the chain that bound it to the fence, she finaly unhooked it and jumped on the bike, racing down the street home. Within a few minutes, she reached the small-but-cozy white house, threw her bike on the lawn and walked inside...to find her mother waiting by the door. [i]"WHAT TOOK YOU!? Well, anyways,"[/i] Her mother shouted, [i]"I need to go right now. Order Pizza or something, put your brother to bed at around 8:30. Love you, bye!"[/i] She kissed her daughter on the cheek and walked out side to her car, quickly driving away. Misao slammed the door behind her, took her PET out of her backpack then threw it on the ground. She truged upstairs into her room. Her brother, Misai was sitting on her bed with his PET, talking with his Navi, Cutman. [i]"What're think your doing in my room, shrimp?"[/i] Misai looked up to his older sister and stuck his tiny tounge at her tauntingly, [i]"Mom said I could Netbattle you if you called me shrimp again, Misao"[/i] [i]"No she didn't"[/i] Misao added dully. [i]"SO! I can if I want! Cutman can kick your 'Girly Navi' anytime!"[/i] Misao raised her eyebrow and smirked, [i]"You only have three chips, all minor defense chips. Chips that I gave you, actually. Now if you dont leave, you're banned from the T.V. for the whole night, AND you wont get any pizza tonight."[/i] Misai's brown eyes went wide and he dashed out of the room. Misao Nodded victoriously and collapsed on the bed. [i]"So Cutman thinks he can kick my but, eh?"[/i] Said Roll annoyed. But stopped when an earspliting scream was heard from downstairs. Then complete silence. The T.V. was off... Misai was not making any noise. Misao sat up and grabbed her PET and dashed downstairs. On the couch, were Misai would sit, was empty. Only his blinking PET was there. Misao's eyes filled up with tears as she realised, her brother, like so many others she heard about on TV, was gone.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=arial][SIZE=1][COLOR=royalblue] Okay, I am kinda like Kenji, I haven't got a clue how to play Megaman, but I have been in another Megaman RPG, so I am going to try this one. Name: Misao Makimachi Age:11 Navi: Roll[img][/img] Description: Misao has baggy black pants with silver bottoms. She has a red burea'(like the American people in the winter olympics had) with a blue ring around it. She has a green over shirt and a gold shirt underneath. She has a yellow backpack and red sneakers. She has large, blue eyes and long blue hair. Bio: Misao lives with her mother and younger brother Misai(Mesa). Her father was killed in an accident by the WWW, which made Misao go into her "tomboy" type and be a rebelious young child. She loves Net battling and is usually happy-go-lucky. Okay, I hope that will do!^^:D[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[SIZE=1][FONT=arial][COLOR=green] Aratmacil looked at her mother as she whispered the words "Aratmacil?". The young Elven princess stood up and nodded. [i]"I have known Frodo since my birth. This quest will not go on without me."[/i] She nodded again and walked over to her parents with her long green Elven cape flowing behind her...[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[COLOR=green][SIZE=1][FONT=arial] Okay, mesa start it. But we only have 7 Gym Leaders-.- But thats fine. I'll think of something near the end. See you in the Adventure Area![/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[COLOR=green][SIZE=1][FONT=arial] Aratmacil's long, blong hair blew gently in the wind as her horse, Silverstar made its final trots to Rivendale. She had been sent to Northern Mirkwood by her parents to spread the message of evil. She quickly jumped of Silverstar and walked to Elronds Porch. Laitina and Legolas noticed their daughter quickly, [i]"There you are, Aratmacil. You have come just in time"[/i] Came the soft voice of Laitina, beckoning her daughter to come and sit next to her. Aratmacil nodded and stealthy and gracefully swept over to her parents, noding to her friend, Elsyan. [i]"HAs Lord Elrond spoken yet?"[/i] She spoke in gentle elvish, [i]"No, not yet, daughter."[/i] Legolas said uncomfertably in english. As soon as he spoke, however, Elrond stood to speak. [i]"Friends from afar. You have gathered here for a reason, as you all know. Frodo Baggins of the Shire, the original Ring Bearer has indeed been kidnapped."[/i] Aratmacil's soft skin suddenly paled in color. She knew Frodo had been captured, but she looked like it had come as a new problem. [i]"I have chosen you,"[/i] Elrond continued...[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[COLOR=red][SIZE=1][FONT=arial] Yeah... Start now, pweety pwease^^ I need to RPG! I need, I need! [i]Sits down and waits. Laughing insanely at people who walk by.[/i] o.O p.s. Start now-.^:D[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[COLOR=blue][SIZE=1][FONT=arial] Okay, I am kinda confused about whats going on... So this is what I have. I'm somewhere, being controlled by someone taking advantage of my Parsel Tounge, and know I have minions? That correct?o.O I'll do my best. Lauren was sitting on a large chair with snakes swarming around it. Her eyes where supposed to be large with fright, but her face was cool, calm and smirking. Something was in her mind, squeezing and bringing her pain. She screamed loudly and her two main minions came to her. [i]"Get out! I have no use for you!"[/i] She cried in Parsel Tounge. But she didn't say anything, her mind did. [i]"HELP!"[/i] She thought in english in her mind, hoping someone could hear her. [i]"Be quiet, Potter!"[/i] Came a new voice in her mind. [i]"As soon as I am done with this, I will destroy you! So shut up!"[/i] Lauren gasped and screamed help in her mind again. This time it reached all of her friends. Then she realised something. She had a necklace on that she had never seen before. [i]"HEDWIL!!"[/i] She screamed in her mind, hoping somehow her owl could hear her. And, in minutes, the swooping sound of wings drifted into the room and Hedwil appeared with a dead snake in his mouth. [i]"Hedwil! Help! Get the necklace off!"[/i] The owl turned to her and nodded. [i]"Minions! Help me!"[/i] Cried the other voice. All of the minions stormed into the room. [i]"Get the ow-"[/i] But it was to late. Hedwil unhooked the necklace. The minions stared at Lauren, still thinking she was their leader. [i]"Umm.. Everything is fine. You may leave now"[/i] She said, trying hard to keep her Parsel Tounge from going to english. The minions slowly left the room. Lauren sighed with relif and ran out of the room, down the halls and finally back into regular Hogwarts. She ran outside into the grounds and collapsed, unconsious. Mostly all of her life had been drained...[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[COLOR=green][SIZE=1][FONT=arial] AIEEEEE! Juu, can be your daughter? Pweety Pwease^^ I'll edit later if I cant:D Name: Aratmacil Greenleaf Age:20 (Extreamly young for an elf) Race: Erm... Elf o.O Weapons: Long Bow, long sword with the words (in elvish) Elven Princess going down the middle of the sword. Description: Long, golden-blonde hair with one fish-tail braid on the the back, like her mother and father. She has a long green cape and a white silk shirt underneath[img]http://www.saintseiya.ch/~ilithye/Images/sats-legolas.jpg[/img] Bio: Aratmacil is the daughter of Legolas Greenleaf and Laitina Kittana. She is the princess of Northern Rivendale, as her father, Legolas is prince. She is a skilled warrior, and she has the power of minor healing, taught to her by her mother. She is friendly, but dangerous during battle. She is deadly accurate with her bow, and the same with her sword. She had met Frodo many times in her 20 short years of life, and became deep friends with him and the hobbits. Her anger overpowered her when she heard the news of the problem and agreed to help. Against her parents own will, for they thought that Aratmacil was far to young for a quest this dangerous. Aratmacil ignored Legolas and Laitina and when the time came, set out to rescue Frodo. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cyko [/i] [B]::Looks at own avatar:: Of course I like Zim! Invader Zim is the best cartoon ever. I have every single episode on 4 discs. :D My favorite episode is "Walk of Doom". I have 3 Zim shirts, and I know almost every episode by heart. I am getting the inflateable chair for christmas. ^ ^ I can't wait... [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=green][SIZE=1][FONT=arial] Whoa... I may be a GIR Junkie... But I don't think anybody compares to Cyko^^ Man, you guys should hear me. I can do an almost-perfect impersanation of Gir when he says me favorite line^^[/COLOR][COLOR=silver] "I love this show:D"[/COLOR] [COLOR=green] Man... My friends can do GIR sounds to, put I am the best^^ If I know Invader Zim is on, I go out of my way to watch it:D But lately it hasn't been on much:( But, anywho... As some you can maybe tell I am a GIR fan^^ Lets go GIR Junkies!:D[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[COLOR=red][SIZE=1][FONT=arial] Name: Kathrin "Kit" L. Age: 15 Nationality: English Powers: Shadowcat's. She can phase her molecules and walk through anything. When she walks through machines, they short circuit and brake down. Bio: Kit was born like any other child. She had a father, a mother, and a brother. She was born into a mighty wealthy family and grew up with great education and power. But Kit didn't care about her money. She had other problems and things to think about. Like the fact she had horrible parents who only payed attention to her younger brother and sister. They made her do the dishes and work for the taxes. They blamed everything on her. Kit grew up shattered with a broken heart. There was one more thing that bypassed the fact she had bad parents... Her "power" to phase her molecules, which lets her basicly pass through solid objects. She also could phase other's molecules like her only friend who promised to keep her secret safe. Thoughts like "I could run away from them. Be free..." Overpowered her. One night she quietly packed a bag and slipped through her wall, leaving her known world behind her. As she walked down the cobbled streets of London something tugged at her mind... a voice... Description: Kit wears black Khakies and a silver hoodie. She has long, silky brown hair which is ususally in a ponytail. She has large, alert blue eyes and wears a silver necklace with a black cat on it. She has vast knowladge and she is a tech. wiz. She is outgoing with a heavy British accent. There we go, I hope this is enough^^[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[COLOR=royalblue][SIZE=1][FONT=arial] Ohhhh! Thanks, Juu^^ I deleted all of my PM's that were hidden from me:D [i]Steals her Leggy Plushie away fom Juu and sits in a darkened corners rocking back and forth muttering "He's mine..."[/i] No matter what either of you say, I was, I am, and always WILL be the Ultimate Lover Of Leggy^^ [QUOTE] She thought Leggy was a girl!!! [/QUOTE] Eeep...:faint: [QUOTE]I hope I can understand it a little better for my second time. I noticed alot more in the Fellowship of the Ring when I saw it the sixth time. ^^[/QUOTE] Yeah, same for mesa. But it took me only one showing of the movie to understand what a hottie Leggy was:luv: Did anyone else think that part at the end where Sam was talking to Frodo about the stuff was a horrible ending? It was boring. Anyone else feel this way? [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deedlit [/i] [B][color=009966]No way! Legolas is MINE!! ^^ [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] :therock: :nono: :evil3: :twitch: [COLOR=red][FONT=arial][SIZE=4] You lie![/SIZE][SIZE=1] But anywho, it turns out we arent seeing movie again today:( I really wanted Legolas to say my favorite line again and I want to see Gollum arguing with himself again. But maybe we'll go on thursday! [i]crosses fingers[/i] :D [/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Juuthena [/i] [B][color=deeppink] [size=1] Oooh and the dwarf jokes were funny, especially [spoiler]where he said, "Toss me." And Leggy stared at him oddly, "Toss me. Just... don't tell the elves."[/spoiler] And also, I liked that part, as someone else mentioned, where he said, [spoiler]"I've got seven!" (or...two), and Legolas said, "I've got nineteen."[/spoiler] [/color] [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=green][SIZE=1][FONT=arial] AIIIIIIEEE! [i]Jumps on Juu's head[/i] He's mine! My own... my [i]presious...[/i] Oy. Sorry 'bout that^^ BUt, Juu, its was Aragorn who did that;) And Gimli said [spoiler]"Oh, and dont tell the elf
[COLOR=blue][SIZE=1][FONT=arial] Yup. We need two more Gym Leaders and no more Trainers^^ And Nefertimon, I said Gym Leaders need to be over 15^^ So if you could kindly edit your post you will be fine:D[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[COLOR=silver][SIZE=1][FONT=arial] OOC: Also, Sheikahmon, if you looked, someone already has Rika as a mother. I think you should get your priorities straight;)Lol:D [i]"MMMMMMMMMMMMMOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMM!"[/i] Screamed Lauren as she back away from the talking cat. Kari quickly rounded into Lauren's room. [i]"wha- Oh my god. Gatomon?"[/i] Gatomon turned her gaze from Lauren to Kari. [i]"..."[/i] [i]"Is it really you?"[/i] [i]"Moooom... Can you please tell me whats going on?"[/i] Just then Davis rushed into Laurens room. [i]"Whoa... Is that a digimon?"[/i] Gatomon scowled at the two adults. [i]"Will you please tell me where this Lauren is, puh-lease?"[/i] Lauren meekly raised her hand, [i]"Uh... that would be me..."[/i] Lauren said, standing up. Looking closer, she could see this 'Gatomon' had yellow and and orange striped gloves. And a tail 10 times her size with a golden ring, [img]http://digimon.dahz.com/images/gatomon_2.jpg[/img] Gatomon turned back to Lauren, and suddenly smiled. [i]"That means your my tamer!!!"[/i] With a quick hop she jumped into Laurens hands. [i]" Mom. Dad. You've told me stories about these things... HELP'[/i] Lauren said franticly. [i]"well..."[/i] Started Davis, but was inturupted by a glowing light floating into his daughters hands. Lauren pulled an arm out from underneath Gatomon and let it form in her hands. It shaped into a D-ark with white as the main color with blue stripes. Lauren looked up to her parents. [i]"Ahh, man! Howcome Lauren couldn't have Veemon!"[/i] Moaned Davis. [i]"Gatomon! Its great to see you again!"[/i] Cried Kari, grinning. [i]"And who... may I ask. Are you, woman?"[/i] Gatomon asked impatiently. Kari looked suprised, then saddened. [i]"You arent... my Gatomon then. Well, honey. This means you were chosen as a tamer, than."[/i] Kari said. [i]"Yeah... This means your probably going to have tosave the world somehow with Gatomon..."[/i] DAvis added simly, scratching his head. Lauren went over this quickly in her mind, then noticed a small beeping from her Dgivice. [i]"Hmmm... Let me remember... Oh yeah! It means there is another tamer near by! Maybe you are supposed to meet up with them and go on from there..."[/i] Lauren nodded. She grabbed her deck of Digimon cards and put them in a small backpack. She turned back to her parents. [i]"Always keep your goggles nearby, Lauren-san. They brought me goodluck"[/i] Said Davis as he hugged his child. [i]"Remember not to push Gatomon to hard to Digivolve."[/i] Added Kari as she hugged Lauren too. Lauren smiled at them and walked outside, following the beeps of her D-Ark, following close behind was Gatomon... OOC:Sorry these haven't been two of my greatest posts in the world, but I swear i'll get better:D:D:D:D^^[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[COLOR=blue][SIZE=1][FONT=arial] [i]"MMMMMm! Dad! These noodles are delicious!"[/i] Lauren cried, gulping down a bowl of her father, Davis's noodles. [i]"Lauren, baby. Take off your goggles at the table"[/i] Said Kari softly, eating her noodles with chopsticks. Lauren sliped off the goggles and set them on the table. Lauren had several more bowls, than ecused herself from the table. [i]"Goin' to play the CPU"[/i] She shouted after slapping her goggles back on and marching up the stairs. Lauren looked mostly like Davis, except her hair. It was Kari's style, only black. She wore Davis's old goggles and jacket. She wears the brown shorts, too. Underneath is brown vest and blue-white striped shirt. She rounded the corner and jumped onto her bed. Her father was now extreamly wealthy from making Noodles, so obviously she had her own Laptop. She logged in and started surfing. But, with a little "voooom" the screen slowly turned black. Lauren smacked it on the side and moaned, [i]"Maaaan! I just recharged the bat-"[/i] But before Lauren could finish her complain, a digiegg developed on the screen. [i]"uhhh..."[/i] She said dimly. She moved her finger on the pad and clicked on the egg. The egg shook three times. Then, a crack sprang down the middle. Than, with an earsplitting crack, something shot our of the computer, straight into Lauren! The blow knocked Lauren off her bed. [i]"@_@ what in the world?"[/i] [i]"I heard that. It was the exact landing I would have hoped for."[/i] Lauren was scared then. Something just talked to her. She looked up, and saw a white cat with big, blue eyes staring at her. [i]"Oh... hiya kitty."[/i] Lauren was greeted by a stinging pain to her face. [i]"AIIIIIIEEE!"[/i] Something had scratched her across the face, with lightning speed. [i]"Never... call me kitty..."[/i] [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[COLOR=sandybrown][SIZE=1][FONT=arial] Mewtwo.... One, strong, powerfull word describes this Poke'mon. [i]Evil[/[]. After the chosen child, Ash Ketchum, and his faithfull Poke'mon Pikachu destroyed Mewtwo in their final battle they returned to Pallet Town where they were worshiped as heros. But one person was not happy with the defeat of the almighty Pokemon. Giovanni(sp?), leader of Team Rocket. He called for Rocket Grunts to go to the scene of the destruction. They found one piece of Mewtwo still remaining, the left eyeball. They brought the eye back to their leader. He quickly gave the eyeball to his scientists with one command. [i]"Make a Poke'mon so powerfull... No man with his Poke'mon could defeat it..."[/i] The scientists, all afraid they would be fired unless they did this task, set to work straightaway. After 30 years of struggle and work... One of the many clones they created finally opened its eyes, unfortunatly sending the scientists crashing into machines and to their doom. With one, simple flick of its finger, the cage opened, or rather blasted open. Giovanni quickly ran to the spot of where the new Poke'mon was floating... [i]"So. Are you the new Poke'mon I had created..."[/i] [i]"...."[/i] [i]"Speak when you are spoken to! You are my Poke'mon now!"[/i] [i]"I... am no ones Poke'mon."[/i] With another swift movement, the clone picked up the aged Giovanni, psychic energy holding his neck. [i]"I...willl... Have you destroyed!"[/i] Where Giovanni's final words. The clone smirked eviliy, [i]"You even said yourself that you wanted me to be stronger than any other Poke'mon. So powerfull I coudn't be destroyed. I, Mewthre (Pronounced Mew-Three) Am fufilling your wish. Good bye."[/i] With that, Mewthre squeezed his hand together. Giovanni took his final breath, than choked to death. Mewthre droped the lifeless man to the ground, and floated out of the room. [i]"So... The one that destroyed Mewtwo is dead now of age. Then it should be easy to take over this puny planet..."[/i] Mewthre floated over to the other cities of Kanto, slowly destroying them all. The people have made an agreement with Mewthre, they live under his rule, and he destroys no more people. But, Mewthre did not live up to his word. He captured all of the Trainers Poke'mon and turned them into his brainless slaves,all except for wild Poke'mon, who lived in the woods, hiding. But, the prophicies also helped. A Poke'mon Professor, Prof. Redwood, descorved an ancient slab wich said, in translated, [i]" If the world is ruled by the third, The world will turn its mighty head, And look down upon the Six The Six who have the powers Of talking to the animals(Poke'mon) These chosen Six, will save the world With the Six chosen Poke'mon"[/i] Word quickly spread out of the slab, and the world searched the world for the Six kids. They found them all in small Copper Town, the "Town of new Beginings". Traviling to each of the Chosens homes, Redwood explained everything in detail. The Six no now what they must do. Save the World. Okay! Mesa finished with that hella-long post^^ You can either be a Chosen, or Gym leader. The purpose of the Gym leaders are to train us for Mewthre. The Gym leaders badges allowed them to protect their Poke'mon from Mewthre (dont ask why, as we get on in the RPG, i'll explain it more;) ) Here is the sign-up thing-a magig^^ Name: Age: (If you are going to become a Trainer 10-13. Gym leaders cam n be anything over 15) Height: Weight: Description/Personality Bio: (Optional) First Pokemon: Trainer/Grymleader: Heres mine:D Name: Lauren Age: 11 Height: 5'4 WeightL 105 Description/Perso.: Tall and skinny. She has black, uncombable hair. Brown eyes and a little bit of freckles. She wears a black shirt and Khakies and a Black Baseball cap with a ligthining bolt going down the middle. She is fun loving, outgoing and funny. Though she can be tough and serious in battle. First Pokemon: Bolt the Pikachu Trainer Okay, sign-up^^[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final Flash [/i] [B]Back then? This is set in modern days... I'm assuming you're a girl, and if you want to be a chick, you're more than welcome. There are plenty of Female commandos on the battlefield. (Tanya, anyone?) ;) [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=orange][FONT=arial][SIZE=1]Oh, really? MIssed that part.:blush: Sorry, forgive my stupidnessnessness:(Mesa go edit that^^[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
[COLOR=blue][FONT=arial][SIZE=1] Name: Lauren M. Allegiance: Allies Millitary: American Army Age: 27 Description: Lauren is 6'4" and skinny. She has black hair in a ponytail and brown eyes. She wears a black tanktop and camoflouge pants. She wears Star of David earings and necklace. She wears black boots with silver edges. Bio/History: Lauren is happy-go-lucky, outgoing, and friendly, though serious when it comes to hand-to-hand combat which is her speciality. She was born in California, but she moved to South Carolina at age twenty and registered in the army. Lauren took a class on how to speak forgein languages. She is a mechanical genius and can crack codes easily. She was trained in the art of Martial Arts and Airplane handling. She is interested in drawing her secret obsestion, Anime, which she will sometimes do while she is bored, as she always carries a pencil and a notebook with her. Thats all I can think if for now! Hope this is better:D [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[COLOR=red][FONT=arial][SIZE=1] Name: Lauren Pokemon: Chik the Chikorita(refuses Pokeball) Rocky the Onix, Brownie the Ferret, Shrewzy the Sandslash, Tigi the Togetic, Spearman the Ferrow. Other Pokemon: Lauren is a pokemon master and has all 16 badges, she has collected one of every Pokemon except Mew, Mewtwo, ect.;) Professor: Professor Elm. Type: All around! _____________________________________ The still, peacfull dinner was quickly interupted by the doors opening with a start. A girl on the back of a large Ferrow burst in and slid down on the floor. [i]"Whoa! Are you okay????"[/i] Yelled Mina, who by the looks of it was getting ready for a Pokemon battle. Lauren moaned and slowly stood up, looking dazed. [i]"Uhhh... Why was I here again?"[/i] She said looking around. [i]"OH! RIGHT! That thingie, with the thingie and that other doo-hicky! Return, Spearman!"[/i] She said, returning her Ferrow. She smiled and kissed her Pokeball, something she always does for luck and when she returns her Pokemon. She clipped it back on the inside of her vest and turned around to Oblong and Mina looking very confused. [i]'Dont worry, thats Lauren. She always acts like that"[/i] Said Emrald, smiling. [i]"HIYA! I am Lauren."[/i] [i]"CHIK!"[/i] Yelled a small, funny voice. The head of a green Chikorita popped out from atop her head. [i]"Come, Lauren. Come and eat!"[/i] Said Emrald softly. [i]"Oh, otay..."[/i] Lauren walked over to the table and sat down. With a few quick movements she threw all of her Pokeballs on the ground and five Pokemon appeared. Shrewzy the SAndslash, Rocky the Onix, Tigi the Togetic, Brownie the Ferret, and Spearman. Lauren poured several diffrent type of food into empty bowls and her Pokemon without a word began to eat. She turned back around and introduced herself a little better to Oblong and Mina, [i]"Hi! I am Lauren Ketchum, who are you?"[/i] She asked, grinning. [i]"I'm Oblong, nice to erm... meet you."[/i] [i]"And I am Mina, pleased to meet you"[/i] They both said, smiling. [i]"Oh. are you guys having a battle?"[/i] Lauren asked intentivly(sp?) [i]"Why yes, they where."[/i] Replied Emrald, [i]"Can I watch?"[/i] She asked, [i]"sure, why not?"[/i] Said Oblong as he and Mina both chose their first Pokemon to battle... Sorry its a crummy Intro-.- Intros are my worst^^ I'll get better as the story moves on:D[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]