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Everything posted by Muse
[SIZE=1][COLOR=green][FONT=arial] Erm, yeah, hi. Right, let me get down to business. Harry Potter is growing ever-so popular during these times. The Chamber of Secrets is obviously something HP fans would like to talk about, i'm sure. More and more people are begining to read Harry Potter, and it shows. Harry Potter(in my oppinion) might be a good idea, because HP fans can talk about "What was Harry thinking ____?" And share their oppinions with other Harry Potter fans on these boards. I'm just saying that a HP forum would really brighten up new things for OB, guests that are HP fans might find it more intersting with a Harry Potter forum instead of just Anime's! Harry Potter could be one of the most popular things across America right now, so i'm thinking that it would be a good idea. Right...So, what do you think?I know that this isn't such a good reason, but I myself am getting tired of talking about just News and Anime all the time, and I am on the verge of actually leaving OB(there is nothing you can do about it, I just bored), but a Harry Potter forum would really add some new things and possibilites to Ob. Thank You:D[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[COLOR=green][SIZE=1][FONT=arial] Okay, then.I'll join! A fellow Harry Potter fan is in need of help! Name: Ron Weasley House: Gryffindor Year: 5th year Personality: Ron is loyal to his friends and little sister, Ginny. He isnt the sharpest tool in the shed, but with a little studying ( and a little cheating of Hermione's paper) her usually does pretty good in his work. He hates spiders and loathes Snape as much as Harry. Appearance: Ron is tall, lanky, has plenty of freckles, and red hair. Type of wand: 13", Hazelwood with a dragon heartstring Subject Mastered: (i'm making this up, he hasnt mastered anything, lol) Charms Misc. Ron is the youngest male in his family. He has a pet owl( I dont have the Goblet of Fire around me at the moment, so I dont know his name) He is Harry Potter's best friend. I hope this helps, even though we still need a Hermione;)[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=green][FONT=arial] Okay, I changed my character, Rei. And are you planning to get ALL of the Sailor Scouts? Its most likely not going to happen, since people have sortta lost intreast in Sailor Moon(crazy lunatics...)[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
[COLOR=green][SIZE=1][FONT=arial] Name:Setsuna Sailor Scout:Sailor Pluto Attacks:Pluto Planet Power, Make Up Setsuna says this to transform into Sailor Pluto. Dead Scream Sailor Pluto produces a massive sonic scream which can disable opponents and destroy various structures. Dark Dome Close This is Sailor Pluto's forbidden attack, used to close the passage of time. For sake of fairness of using this attack, Setsuna will lose consiousnous for at least 7 hours, since this is her most powerfull attack. Looks:[img]http://www.baynet.net/~philip/images/characters/pluto/pluto01.jpg[/img] Personality: Setsuna is a quiet and sophisticated girl. She controls the power of time, so she only LOOKS like she's young, but she is over 20 years old. She is very helpfull and as smart as Amy. She usually likes to hang out with Sailor Uranus and Mercury, but she is friends with the inner Senshi as well. I hope this is better, Rei, 'cause I got kinda confused with SMoon anyways.;) [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=arial][COLOR=purple][SIZE=1] Thank you, Juu:D:D:blush: :D:D Okay, here is the status so far! [B]Gryffindor:[/B] *[i]Lauren Potter *Zachary McCloud *Unknown[/i] [B]Hufflepuff:[/B] [i]*Unknown *Unknown *Unknown[/i] [B]Ravenclaw:[/B] [i]*Lance Woodward *Tina Gias *Bremma Menir[/i] [/SIZE][SIZE=2][B]FULL[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=1] [B]Slytherin:[/B] [i]*Ariadne Kittana *Abob Ttef *Unknown[/i] Okay, we need to fill in all of those spaces, and are you sure you guys dont want to be in Quidditch? It wont be fun if me and Bremma are playing Quidditch and we have to play it against people we make up!;) Oh, and I am going to add one more thing to what you need: [B]What is you special gift:[/B] [B]How will this prove usefull:[/B] Yeah, everyone needs to have a special gift, like you know, transmgifying youself into maybe some kind of *small* animal. They will come usefull during when we all meet up and get to know eachother and things, [B]My special gift issss:[/B]Parsil Tounge inherited(sp?) by her father [B]How will this gift prove usefull:[/B] Voldemort has the power to control snakes with his own Parsil Tounge. With a little bit of practice, Lauren can call her own snakes. Okay, everything is good so far;) [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=purple][FONT=arial]There is only onr movie that has really had an affect on me, and I can't remember its name. It's about a little boy who wants to be a hero when he grows up. He accidently kills his best friend's mom by hitting a baseball to hard and it hits her in her head. In the end, on some school trip, the bus swerves off road and into a river. The little boy saves everyone by getting them out, but he is to late for himself. In the last scene, you see him dying in a hospital bed with his best friend sitting next to him. They talk about how the little boy became a hero, then he dies. It was the only movie I ever cried in. It was really touching:) P.S. I think I almost cried when I first saw Orlandy fall out of the helicopter in Black Hawk Down, but not as much as the other movie;)[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=arial][COLOR=purple][SIZE=1] Right, I mad an RPG about this before, but the only people who were actually posting were me, Boba Fett, and Sacred Warrior, so here is another try at it... [i] A shadow has spread, across the wonderfull, wizard+witch world of Harry Potter. A shadow that sends a strange, tingling feeling down your spine. That feeling was once felt before...before Harry Potter, the saviour of the Spell-Casting world finally deafeted Lord Voldemort in his seventh and final year in Hogwarts(I have no idea if that happens in the 7 and last book, but i'm hoping it does;) ) After he left Hogwarts, he was even more of a hero. After three years of going "steady" with Hermione, he finally got married and had a child. A girl, infact. As she grew, she turned out to have the same looks, personality, and loyality of her father. She was tall, skinny with messy black hair. She inherited only one thing from her mother, and that is her knowlagde of Sorcerey. She was named Lauren. When she was finally 11 and recieved her Accepting Letter for Hogwarts, Voldemort, unbenoest(sp?) to everyone, had regained much of his streangth, and was ready to rid the world of Mudbloods, and of course, everyone, and all the kids('cept for Slytherin) in Hogwarts. Why the kids at Hogwarts? Because they could grow stronger and someday oppose him. Thus, he decided to start with the Potter family. He wanted to get rid of both Lauren and Harry, for they are the two wizards who could stand up to him. And he knew it. So, he transmogified himself to look like a diffrent man and became the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher at the school he hates so much. When he regains the rest of his deadly powers, he will eliminate...[/I] [B]And of course, you are the children of Hogwarts...[/B] And this, of course, is what you need to fill in: [B]Name:[/B] [B]Age:[/B] [B]Year of Hogwarts you are in:[/B] [B]What house are you in:(Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin)[/B] [B]Looks:[/B] [B]Personality:[/B] [B]([i]If you are in Quidditch. I am only allowing 3 people in each house,so you will have all those positions to chose from. But you have to prove your self in post quality in the sign-up sheet if someone else in your House wants to be the same position,Unless all three of you want to be chasers, of course[/i])What is your Position:[/B] [B]What type of wand do you have:[/B] [B]What type of pet do you have and what is it's name([i]Cat, Owl, Toad, Rat, Dog[/i]):[/B] [B]My sign-Up sheet![/B] [B]Name:[/B] Lauren Potter [B]Age:[/B] Eleven [B] Year of Hogwarts you are in:[/B] First [B]What house are you in:[/B] Gryffindor [B]Looks:[/B] Tall, lanky, messy black hair, brown eyes splattered with green specks, wears the Gryffindor robe with khakies. [B]Personality:[/B] Loyal, humorous, brave, caring, basicly just like Harry Potter [B] What position in Quidditch are you:[/B] Will be Seeker after she proves herself in quidditch practice. [B] What type of wand do you have:[/B] Unicorn Hair, Willow, 10 inches [B]What type of pet do you have and what is its name:[/B] Lauren has a snowy Owl name Hedwil, the son Owl of Hedwig Okay... Okay...Okay.. I think that is enough. But please, people, I want SERIOUS RPG'ers. Like I said before, I made a Harry Potter RPG before and only three people posted in it, I swear. Have fun, and remember, only three to a house!:):D:D:D:)[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[SIZE=1][FONT=arial][COLOR=purple] [B]Otakuboards Name:[/B]ChibiTrunks [B]Favorite Character:[/B] Wolfwood! [B]Favorite Episode:[/B] Paradise( The sad episode when Wolfwood dies:bawl: ) [B]Favorite Moment in Trigun:[/B]Wolfwood stumbles into the town's church with a trail of blood following him. He collapses before the alter and begins to reflect on his life, wondering if he should have lived it differently. He is ready to accept his imminent death when he remembers Vash, Milly, and Meryl. He then becomes determined to live, but it's too late: Wolfwood's eyes eventually close and he dies.~~Taken from Theotaku [B]How I got into Trigun:[/B] Theotaku's Trigun website. After I checked it out, I imeaditly fell in love! Cooliez! I hope this is enough to join, this would be my first fanclub('cept for my old Gatomon Guild, but that failed a looooooong time ago-_-) [/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
[FONT=arial][COLOR=purple][SIZE=1] Paige, her eyes filled with tears ran away from Flash. With a growl I spun around to face the alpha. [i]"What was that for!?"[/i] I screamed, my fur on end, my tail up. [i]"You, if you are going to be in my pack will do well to respect whatever I do! I am Alpha!"[/i] He replied, his tail in threat mode.And then...I dont know why I did it, but I did. With a sickining crunch I rammed myself into Flash's jaw, breaking it without a doubt. He fell down, out cold and lay there. I started to shake from fear, I had just HIT the Alpha male. I backed away and turned around. Paige was there, staring at me with fear in her eyes. I had to leave...and I did. I looked back at the other wolves, the dashed away, using my tail to brush away my footsteps. I took another glance at Paige, the ran away. There was no doubt that Flash was going to track me down. I had to become a lone wolf again...[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][FONT=arial][COLOR=purple] The year was 77,777... In this year more than humans roamed the earth... oh yes, much more. In the year 70,000, a new land was discovered next to North America, it had just appeared there. Leto, the name of the stunning land, was itself inhabited by more then just Redwood trees and beautifull flowers... Dwarves, Mages(Wizards), Half Dragons, evil monsters, and the fairest of all, Elves lived in Leto. Humans made friends quickly with the Lords of Leto, and they lived in peace with them for 7,777 years. Untill, on that fatefull day of January 1 of 77,777, Rizno Cazito, dictator of France rose up against the seven contants(sp?) with his army of imported monsters from Leto and took control of Earth, along with Leto. He took control of all the humans and made them build castles and temples for himself. The eight ancient gods of Leto decided, even though they held the keys to the Elements of Earth: Earth, Wind, Water, Fire, Shadow,Moon, Ice, and Lightning, to give the powers to young warriors. These warriors would save the world from Rizno Cazito. All of the warriors would have a lightning bolt shaped scar on their body, so everyone would know they were the chosen ones. The most powerfull of the Elements, earth, was gis given to a young enslaved Elf with a lightning bolt scar going through his eye. His name is Zach Kiuryun. He was given a sword called Ragnarok, the weapon of choice from the Godess of Earth, Gaia, and amazing skill for it. He will have to find the other chosen. He himself would set the destiny of earth... Okay, you guys can be either : One of the other seven chosen(You can be a Dwarf, Human, Half something, ect. ect.), or Rizno Cazito, obviously I am Zach.:D Here is the character sheet you need to fill in to join up;) [B]Name:[/B] Zachary(Zach) Kiuryun [B]Element: (Rizno has no element, he has monsters and he himself is extreamly powerfull)[/B]Earth [B]Weapon(Your Magic is already a weapon, so you already have one, just think of a weapon and name it after your god or something;)):[/B] Ragnarok [B]Age: (Rizno can be any age under fifty, and fro the chosen 16-20 please)[/B]16 [B]Biography: (Short if you want, I hate em' to)[/B] Zach is the kid who can find funny stuff in everything. The common hero. He has been a slave for 3 monthes and will do anything to stop Rizno. He got the strange Lightning bolt shapped scar overnight during a dream. Gaia came to him and told him his quest(Your guys's god will do the same) and he is very eager for it. He is extreamly loyal and extreamly good with Ragnarok. [B]Looks/Description:[/B] Zack is tall, has long pointy ears(like most Elves) and messy black hair. He wears black pants and a black shirt, the standard uniform for a slave. He has a plain Brown with an earth-green scabbord for Ragnarok. Lesse... I hope this is enough! Now, people. If you are going to join this, be for real about it... I actually drew a picture OF Zach to get the idea of him... it took forever, I swear. So promise to be for real about it, then we wont have any problems:D [EDIT]Oh, I forgot. It will take a while for us to actually get to Rizno, so he was monsters scattered around everywhere, so we fight them to gain spells:D[/EDIT][/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
Monty Python's The Holy Grail Trivia! Swallows and Fun!
Muse replied to Dragon Warrior's topic in Noosphere
[FONT=arial][COLOR=purple][SIZE=1] Thank you so much, Dragon Warrior so this quiz![i]bows[/i] [b]1.)[/b]Coconuts!( I love the conversation they have "And how do you suppose those coconuts got here,hmm? Or something like that) [b]2.)[/b]"Whats your name?" [b]3.)[/b] A cat [b]4.)[/b] The Nights who say NEE! [b]5.)[/b]The French!("I fart in your general direction!") [b]6.)[/b]The Rabbit(The really fake looking rabbit...) [b]7.)[/b]Castly Anthrax [b]8.)[/b] Meaning of Life, Lify of Brian [b]9.)[/b] King Arthur, but the Black Knight's hillarious ("Its just a fleshwound!") [b]10.)[/b]Nope, Arthur and them got arrested, but before that they decided not to go in;)[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE] -
[SIZE=1][FONT=arial][COLOR=purple]OOC:I dont know if the Wolf you wanted to meet was me, c_l, so i'll edit this later if you wanted it to be someone else;) =============================== With my body low to the ground and my feet to my chest, I was ready for the kill of a lone Deer. It was an old one, that was for sure. There were about six horns on each antler. But all didn't go as planned. It lifted its head and looked around. With a quick movement it dashed away. [i]"Man! That was huge!"[/i] I grunted, slapping the snow. I looked around and saw a beautifull Wolf coming towards me, she looked pregnant. I stared at her as she walked up the hill, she was having trouble by the looks of it. I ran out to help her. Well, what could I do? My parents always tought me to be helping, before they died, that is. I let her lean on my back and I helped her up the hill. [i]"Shouldn't you be resting, Ma'am?"[/i] I asked cautiously as she grinned, [i]"Why arent you a polite young wolf cub!And no, i'm fine. What is your name, and where are your parents might I ask?"[/i] A spine tingling feeling swept up my spine. [i]"My name is Crunch...And I haven't any parents..."[/i][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by amibasuki [/i] [B][FONT=arial]they're replacing Dexter with POKEMON?! Dexter's Laboratory is 10 times better than Pokemon, dagummit! [/FONT] [/B][/QUOTE] [FONT=arial][COLOR=purple][SIZE=1] HOW DARE THEY!? Pokemon(although stil one of my favorite shows) can't even mach up to Dexter! Even Yu-Gi-Oh! Can't help replace it! Dexter must stay! AND JHONNY BRAVO!? It cant be replace either! [i]faints[/i][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][FONT=arial][COLOR=purple]My cave was very cold this morning...usually it was very hot because of that great big round firey circle... I cautiously lifted my nose from my chest and sniffed. It did not smell like it was supposed to smell. I carefully lifted myself onto my paws and walked next to the wall, so if any hunter was trying to trick me and shoot me, he would not be able to see me. When I reached the entrance, I looked outside and saw the most amazing thing i've ever seen. White fluffy stuff was drifting on the ground, which was also covered with white fluffy stuff! I happily leaped out of the grimy cave and started prancing around in the snow. But, when the stuff touched my thin coat of messy fur, I realised this is what was making me cold, and I liked it. I looked over and saw a black wolf,an alot bigger and stronger wolf staring at me, his muzle had white on it. But eversince my parents death, I became very anti-social, so I ignored him and walked away... looking for something to eat...[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
[FONT=arial][COLOR=purple][SIZE=1] Sorry i'm so late in signing up, C_l! [B]Name:[/B] Crunch:D [B]Age:[/B]3 Months [B]Gender:[/B]Male [B]Color:[/B] Light Blue for the main color, but around his tail are three White rings, and the same thing around one hind leg(Left to be exact) and one front leg(Right) Crunch's parents where killed in a huting accident when he was one month old. But he didn't know that because he was in his room(cave) while it happened. Once he realised his mother and father weren't coming back, he hid in the unseeable(SP?) cracks in his cave, eating rats until he was old enough. Angered by his parents death he is now a Lone Wolf, hunting at day... and hunting at night. Him being such a small and young Wolf, he can dodge and hid from almost anything.[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][FONT=arial][COLOR=purple]Mesa too, Blanko;):D:)[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][FONT=arial][COLOR=purple] [i]"Aight. I'd better digivolve, then!"[/i] I said,smirking. It was time for my other way of digivolving, since K.K. was in the Digital world now. [i]"Gargomon digivolve tooo!"[/i] As I said these words, a white buble came up from underneath us and surronded me. I started floating up with the help of the ballon-like bubble. With a shattering noise, the bubble well...shatered. But when I fell to the ground, I was no longer Gargomon, but Rapidmon! [i]"...Rapidmon...Time to get things started..."[/i] My green armor was shining strangly in the dim street. Everything was quiet... to quiet. [i]"Where the heck is this guy..."[/i] Exveemon asked, looking around. But I felt a strange change in the wind. With a sudden movement I pushed Exveemon, MagnaAngelicmon and myself away, from Judgementmon. He was ready to attack, [i]"You will suffer dearly, my foes. YOU WILL NOT WIN!"[/i][/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
[SIZE=1][FONT=araial][COLOR=purple] Sorry it took so long to reply again, peeps. I've been really busy.:D I was currently flying through K.K.'s town. Instead of pretty trees and flowers, there was debris and destruction. My ears and body were filled with joy when I heard a familliar name calling out to me, [i]"Terriermon!!Terriermon!"[/i] I looked down, and sure enough, there was K.K. with tears in her eyes. She was wearing ragged clothing and her sniey black hair was untidy. I let my ears flap down to my body and fell into her arms. She felt the same as always. [i]"Oh, K.K.! I though i'd neva see you again!"[/i] I cried. Literally. But, our happiness was soon ended by an evil voice. [i]"You! Human! Get back to work!"[/i] Filled with rage I jumped out of K.K.'s arms and faced the Digimon. It was a Ladydevimon. [i]"K.K.! You have yo D-Thwee, wight?"[/i] I asked, trying to sound tough. [i]"Yeah! Time to Digivolve!"[/i] She whipped out her white D-3 and swiped a card through, all while yelling, [i]"Digivolve Activate!"[/i] I was surronded by white energy. When it cleared, I was Gargomon! [i]"Hah! You think you can beat me! Devil's Whip(OOC: I dont know her attack, this will do;))"[/i] Ladydevimon lashed out her whip and almost smacked me in the face, but with digivolving comes more speed! [i]"Gargoooooo Pellets!"[/i] I yelled, jumping up and hooking my guns together so the right looked like it was punching the left. With a ripping noise Tiny bullets came out of them and rained on Ladtdevimon. She was knocked into a wall, and I found this the perfect time to run. I landed on the ground and grabbed K.K. by the hand and started running. [i]"Gargomon!? Where are we going!?"[/i] I grunted. I couldnt tell her now. It was to early. As we ran, I accidently bumped into a fellow comerade Digimon, MagnaAngelicmon...[/SIZE][/COlOR][/FONT]
[FONT=arial][COLOR=purple][SIZE=1] Here is my listylist:D [B]Friends/Family:[/B] This is pretty much a given. Friendsand Family are the only things that make me want to live each passing day. [B]Otaku Boards:[/B]Well...its Otakuboards...Nuff' said. [B]Food/Water/Essentials:[/B]Well, doy. You need all the "Essentials" to live, dont ya'?;) [B]Leggy:[/B] Well, okay. Maybe I could SORTA live without meh Leggy, but it would be pretty hard;) And that, my friends. Is the end of this Listylist.[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
[FONT=arial][COLOR=purple][SIZE=1] I twitched in my sleep. I heard Ryan screaming, but I was to tired to get up. I heard the muffled footsteaps of Abob running into his room, but I quickly fell back into sleep. I couldn't tell if Lalaith was sleeping or not, but he sounded silent. It seemed like forever until the young Elf maiden came in to rouse us. We quickly dressed, and packed our bags, saying nothing to eachother. I guess we just didnt know what to say. After we picked up everything that was ours, the room seemed extrwamly bare. We went out to breakfast and where quickly joined by Abob, Samantha, Ryan, Iondarc, then finally Strider. Our plates where filled with a most glorius breakfast. After half-way through the meal, Elladan stood and spoke his final words to us before we left...[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
[FONT=arial][COLOR=purple][SIZE=1] Oh, i'm sorry I didnt read this sooner, Asuka! Of course you can join! Another Leggy lover is always welcome;)[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lalaith Ril [/i] [B]Ok well the story behind my new name: Lalaith Ril I used it, and had it for that whole trilogy. I also used it in two other RPG's. Well some people...[b][i][u][size=2]LAUREN[/b][/i][/u][/size]...couldn't get past calling me Lalaith Ril...so well I decided to change it, so vua la. My name. [/B][/QUOTE] [FONT=arial][COLOR=purple][SIZE=1] [i]shrugs[/i] Well, so what! [i]pouts, then notices everyone staring at her new name[/i] Oh, right. My name...:D Okay, pretty plain and simple here. Chibi must be my favorite Anime word known to mankind, so after I saw James'eseseseses Announcement I decided I wanted something with Chibi in it. First, I was thinking Kirby, but Kirby is already a Chibi(For those of you who dont know, Chibi eans small) so obviously that wouldnt work. So I started thinking. ChibiShuichi? Too long. Chibi...to boring. So, then it came to me. Take my favortie anime character, turn him onto a Chibi, and vuala! ChibiTrunks is now my nick^^ And the good thing is, there really is ChibiTrunks, so my name makes since! [img]http://quicksitebuilder.cnet.com/michiru1/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/kawai.jpg[/img] Oh, and P.S., dont worry, i'm still the Ultimate Lover of Leggy;)[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
[FONT=arial][SIZE=1][COLOR=red] [i]"Bunny Bwast!"[/i] I cried, blasting the wall. The wall where K.K. would usually come out of to see me. But, I haven't even seen her for two hole weeks. With a sigh my long ears drooped and I walked out of the cave. When the bright sunshine reached my eyes I strechted out my ears, ready to take flight, when I was suddenly stopped by a large Digimon. [i]"excuse me, are you Terriermon?"[/i] It asked and I shrugged. [i]"Well, thea(There) awe(are) a hole bunch of Twwiewmon's(Terriermon's) that live hea(Here)"[/i] The Digimon ferrowed(SP?) its brow, [i]"Well, is your partner K.K. if you have one?"[/i] This caught my attention, [i]"Yeah..."[/i] [i]"Good, Pixiemon has summoned for you."[/i] He replied, stretching out his wings, [i]"Why?"[/i] I asked smiply, [i]"To long to explain. You can fly, right?"[/i] I nodded. I stretched out my ears again and let the wind catch me. I decided to go with him. I was bored, and besides, they might know what happened to K.K....[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][FONT=arial][COLOR=red] OOC:I was talking with Juuthena everyone, she said she wants to come in late so we can leave withiout her;) IC: I didn't eat much from the feast. It appeared anxiety was taking hold of me. Eating only a few bites, I excused myself from the table and walked back to the hallway of rooms. I heard Ryan and Iondarc talking about spells, then I realised i've barely even talked to them since we've gotton to Rivendale.With a polite knock I called, [i]"Can I come in, Ryan and Iondarc?"[/i] with a call back from Ryan, [i]"Come on in, Lauren!"[/i] He called cheerfully. Its a good thing he was happy, because after he was possesed by Bahumet, he wasn't very cheerfull at all. I pushed open the door and walked over to the two wizards who were hunched over a desk with a large piece of paper with a long list scribbled on it. [i]"Soooo...Whats this a list of, Ryan?"[/i] I asked curiously, [i]"This is my list of spells my Master Unets would like me to learn."[/i] He said, backing away so I could see. I studied the list quickly, as I was growing tired. [i]"Very impressive."[/i] I said, smiling to Ryan and Iondarc. [i]"Well, I best be going to bed, big day ahead of us."[/i] I nodded goodbye to the wizards and walked into Lalaith's and I's bedroom and looked around. [i]"I think... I am going to write a story of our adventure."[/i] Nev my adopted daughter wanted to hear all about our last adventure, but I couldnt summirize it up for her. So I went over to my own desk, took out a peice of parchment and a pen, the with a wwave of my hand the candle beside me was set aflame. I started to think of a name...Suddenly, a good one came to me, [i]"Quest for Angband, The Fourth Fellowship's Quest"[/i] P.S.:Deedlit, how did you change your name!? I wanna change mine to!:D[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[FONT=arial][SIZE=1][COLOR=red] I sighed. Everyone had went to bed and I was left alone. I decided to take a stroll through the vast gardens of Rivendale. Walking down the street with a lantern provided to her by one of Rivendale's many guards. I walked past the fountains, the cute little white houses with flowers blooming around them and all of the beauty of the fair town. On the way past the horse stalls a shady figure walked past me and into the stalls. [i] "Howcome nothing ever happens here!?"[/i] I suprisingly heard myself say. It was true. I wanted adventure. EVEN after I was almost killed by the Void, EVEN when I almost fell into the fires of Mt. Doom. I needed adventure. [i]Badly[/i] ------------------------------------------------ Sorry its so short, i've got writers block...[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]