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Everything posted by Muse

  1. [FONT=arial][SIZE=1][COLOR=red] [i]looks around to make sure only the hundreds of people on Otakuboards and reading,[/i] Deep, deep, deep, [i]deep[/i] down inside of my scary tomboy body, i'm pretty emotional. I get hella mad if people call my dad fat, and if someone hurts my friends in anyway, I can get pretty mean, which I dont like to be at all. And, also, I have imaginary friends to make up for my brother(Half) and sister(Half, we all had diffrent dads). My current buddy is a Kirby thing named Archy. Me and my friends made this thing up called "Kirby Wars" and we have special Kirby's to be our partners. He has Butterfly wings, a demon tail with a halo on it, demon horns and spikes on the top of his feet. He's a half-angel half-demon Kirby with a heart of gold... [i]please don't laugh...[/i][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [FONT=arial][COLOR=red][SIZE=1]Lauren waved good-bye to her dad and shot inside the hotel, accidently bumping into a teenager, [i] "Watch where your going!"[/i] Bliss cried, shoving Lauren off.Lauren paid no attention, [i]"Hey! Are you going on that motor home thing to!?"[/i] She asked, standing up, dusting herself off, waiting for an answer... Sorry its so short, i'm bad at intros...[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  3. [SIZE=1][FONT=arial][COLOR=red]After defeating Bahumet and The Void, we had another journey ahead of us. We had to travel to Angband to defeat Morgoth, the true "Master" of evil. But, we all knew that 6 was not enough to defeat Morgoth. So we retreated back to Rivendell, hoping to find recruitment. Elladan made us rooms to stay until our helpers came, me and my husband, Lalaith Ril had our own room with a lovely view of the patio of Elladan. [i] "Lalaith..."[/i] I asked one night as we were getting ready for bed, [i]"Do you think that our new help will... you know...be able to help us enough to fight Morgoth?"[/i] Lalaith smiled warmly, [i]"I am sure of it, Lauren. Elladan is in contact with all of the great kingdoms around the Middle-Earth, he has chosen two of the best fighters from all of them. We'll be fine"[/i] He answered kindly. I smiled, this helped me feel alot better. With a kiss, I blew out our candle and I fell into a deep sleep filled with dreams of my father, Legolas. And of our new adventure about to happen...[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
  4. [SIZE=1][FONT=arial][COLOR=red] Hmmm...well...I dont know...maybe?...nah...OKay!:D [/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  5. [SIZE=1][FONT=arial][COLOR=red]Oh, darn! Both \¤~NoodleZ~¤/ and Blanko joined while I did! Does that mean I cant be in?:([/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
  6. [FONT=arial][SIZE=1][COLOR=red] Name:Terriermon[img]http://www.dltk-kids.com/anime/episode3/terriermon.gif[/img] Partner:K.K. Bio:Terriermon likes to hang out with his Digi-pals alot, and he likes to eat... alot!:D Digivolutions: Gargomon-[img][/img] Rapidmon-[img]http://digital-monsters.iespana.es/digital-monsters/images/rapidmon.jpg[/img] SaintGargomon-[img]http://www.digimoncity.de/pics/digitation/saintgargomon.jpg[/img] Hope thats enough Schratn9:D [/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
  7. [SIZE=1][FONT=arial][COLOR=red]...With one swift swipe of her sword, the Vampire fel to its knees, blood pouring out of gash. It screamed its horrible cry and slumped to the floor. It twitched once, then twice, then lay still. Syae glared at it, blood dripping down her face. With another quick movement she sheathed her sword and sat down between Lacroix and Raellyra. They were sitting in a ship tumbling its way through the waves and towards America, the place where Sharon the Chiropteran was ready to destroy next. Syae hated the idea of having guardians...but even she knew that it was for her own good.She ripped off a piece of cloth from her black uniform and wiped off the blood with it. [i]"When the he**(Sorry, dont like swaring, you can though if you want) are we going to get to this place? Those vampires wont kill themselves"[/i] Mumbled Syae impatiently, kicking the dead vampire in rage. [i]"Soon...very soon i'm sure"[/i] Said Lacroix, yawning.The others nodded in agreement. [i]"fine...just fine"[/i] Syae lied, it wasnt fine. Vampires were fast and liked to kill quickly.They needed to hurry to America... [/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
  8. Sorry, QuantumCore:( But six really is alot of people to keep track of, really sorry:( [i]hands Quantum some flowers and chocolates[/i]:DTime to start! Look for it in the RPG section
  9. And I need to add Sere for giving me my Leggy plushie! Yay!I'm on three listy lists!:D
  10. Of course you guys can in this:D I dont know what happened to your character in the other one [i] shrugs[/i] oh well:D We just need: One more new person, DarkOrderKnight, Duo Godof Death, and Boba Fett then we can start!:D
  11. Muse

    Wolf Pack

    [i] laughs at Calumon_Luver[/i] Right, I think this would be a great idea, but your asking a wolf lover, so obviously i'd think this is cool:rolleyes:
  12. Muse

    Rubber Bullet!!!

    [i] "Go Nutmeg!" K.K. cried, eating the cherry out of her KIDDY Cocktail, waving her glass around, trying to toast Lugnut "For last time, the name Nutmeg does not compute." beeped Lutnug who's eyes we're flashing red with anger at K.K., who just simply threw her glass in the sink and yawned. "Righty-o." K.K. said, walking over to her friends. "I will go get the car..." sighed Nutmeg, walking out of the base. "Okay.Lets go, everyone ready?" Asked Gene, cracking his knuckles.K.K. smirked, sliding on her 'Shades. "Ready as always!" Said Sather, smiling, putting on his white cap. "Same here" copied Shin. "RIght...but where are we going?" Asked K.K. confused. Gene, Shin, and Sather all :bluesweat: together. "K.K....werent you listening? He said Maryland..." Said Shin, sighing. "Oh...really? Cool...lets go!"[/i]
  13. Muse

    Rubber Bullet

    WWWWWHHHHHOOOOOOOHHHOOOOO! Lets dance! [i] Grabs Nutmeg (Lol, howabout Lugnut doesnt really like me but K.K. doesntt notice, oh, And I call him Nutmeg:D) and starts dancing with him.[/i]
  14. Can you repost your stats,Schratn so people know what your like?Thanks:D
  15. Okay, cool. Now we only neeed one more person:D Oh, and Neil_The_One?I really need a Bio from you.:D
  16. [i] After defeating Bahumet and The Void,the six heros:Samantha,Abob,Iondarc,Ryan,Lalaith and Lauren all thought their journey was over but.But one of the wiser of the group, Samantha had a suspision, as quoted here: As they walked away, Samantha talked aloud to herself. Samantha-It just doesn't make any sense... Abob-What doesn't? Samantha-We assumed that the Void was the source of all evil, am I right? Lalaith-Yes, but what are you getting at? Samantha-Try to think: Does the name "Morgoth" or "Melkor" ring a bell to anyone? Everyone thought for a long time. They all shook their heads. Samantha-Alright, what about the Valar? Lauren-That word does sounds a bit familliar. Samantha-It should. Thousands of years ago in Valinor, which is the land west of the Grey Havens, were several Great Spirits that were called the Valar. However, one of them, Melkor, became evil and was cast out from the Valar. To cut a long story short, Melkor then went to Middle-Earth and is said to dwell to the far north in his fortress called Angband, and he was afterwards called Morgoth. Ever since then he has gathered servants and creatures to do his will. Sauron was one of them, as I assume the same for Bahamut and the Void. Lalaith-Come to think of it, that story does sound a bit familiar. Lauren-Do you think it's really Morgoth that's causing all this trouble? Lalaith-It sounds like that. Abob-I guess we're not finished, are we? Exactly.Their journey is far from over.But six people are not enough to travel back across the Ocean that is filled with strange,dangorous beasts, the beats that almost destoryed the fellowship on their journey across. Morgoth has been sitting quietly in wait,peering in his Palantir (one of the seeing stones) watching the Fellowship. The great evil Morgoth thinks this is all just a game. He will destroy the fellowship. And he might even bring somepeople back from the dead to help....[/i] I hope this is enough:grumble: Oh well:D You can either be aaaa: Human, Hobbit, Dwarf, HALF Elf(We have enough elves,Duo Godof Death,Kool_aid13 and I are enough) Hlaf HUman half something, half something half another thing, or you can be Morgoth:D Here is the Character sign up sheet for ya;) Name: Lauren Greenleaf Age: 120 Race: Elf Weapons(Up to three):Long, Crystal Dagger(To short for a sword, tall for a regular dagger)Long Sword, and the Bow and Arrows of her father, Legolas Greenleaf. Biography: In Lauren's first adventure, her father died from a posionious arrow of an orc, Being over come with sadness thorought the hole journey.But with help from her friends, she did defeat Sauron again in his time of power. After adopting Nevorille(SP?) and marrying Lalaith Ril, she set out on another journey to destroy the evil "Master" Bahaumet,and The Void. And again with the help of her friends, she avoided being tricked by the Void (who said that she could help Legolas come back to life) and eventualy they destroyed her. She has no other choice then to go and destroy Morgoth to bring peace to Middle-Earth. Appearance: Lauren is tall and is the only-known Elf that has short black hair. She wears Black pants and a Black shirt. She know wears a white clock with red underneath. Hope this is enough, Sorry it took so long, i've been busy:D Hope this is as succesful as the first two:D
  17. Ohhhh,Lalaith:D [i]Hugs Lalaith[/i]I'm Repected!I thought the only people who respected me where my scary,semi-evil friends! Duo GodOf Death-I'll give you something you want badly someday to! Well,Its hard not to think of Lalaith as my romodel.He's been in both of my most succesfull RPG's, and he's just a fun guy! Chris00k-He was my first buddy on these boards!He's been in(I think) all of my Digimon RPG's,and we even made one together!I cant not respect him either! Kool_aid13-Another one of my best pals on these boards.Like Duo,she was in both of my LoTR rpg's,and she Kool_ai13!Duh:rolleyes:! BobaFett(Otherwise known as Abob Ttef):Again,one of my LoTR buddies.And he is a fellow Star Wars Fan:D The Harlequin-I dunno...I just respect him and his awesome post qualities:D DarkOrderNight-Although he was only in one(And soon to be two as soon as I am ready for the third) of my LoTR rpgs,DarkOrderNight is one of my favorite people. Juuthena-She just Juuthena!'Nuff said(
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Circéus [/i] [B]Canada is often called Land of a millions lakes, I believe:D Besides, I'm not really (okay, not at all) into sports in general, and baseball in particular. Which city do you live in? [/B][/QUOTE] I live in the tiny city of St.Louis Park.Its preeety boring here,but atleast their arent many people here like some places *cough*St.LOUIS*cough*:D
  19. Oh,I'm Sorry,ElvenFoxNight,And also sorry to Neil_The_One.I was a little tired today:D :bash:
  20. Muse

    Project Gamer

    [i] Lara lounged back in her luxioury seat on deck, looking out into the ocean.She had raided all of the pyramids worth raiding.She was bored.She hadnt looked at the map to where the S.S.Anne was going.She loved suprises. "Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep!" Rand Lara's small,very portable celphone.With a swift movement she reached into her pocket,opened it and Hillary's (her butler) voice was heard. "Ma'am!That filthy Bryce is letting his robots loose in your mansion!He's wrecking everything!" "Thats because I let him.He never gets to do anything fun,Hillary." Lara said calmly,staring out into the ocean. "Ma'Am-!" Hiallry started,but was quickly intureuptted by Lara. "If,Hiallry.You did not notice,I am on this thing called a vcation.Relax time.GoodBye." She said shortly, clicking off her portable phone,stuffing it back in her pocket. "Ahh...it sure does feel nice to actually stop going into pyramids for a while.No adventures for a while..." She said,trailing off,lo8unging her head on her hands.But,she was wrong.She was definatly going to have an adventure soon...[/i]
  21. Um,excusweese me?I have compleatly lost my place in Project Gamer,so I am choosing an(Unused) Character. Here is my joining thing over again:D : [img]http://www.detikinet.com/images/detikinet/infogame/lara-dalam.jpg[/img] Name: (Lady) Lara Croft Reasons For Choosing This Character: I am a huge,HUGE fan of Lara Croft.I have seen the movie many,many times and I have mastered her personality.For instance, She is stubborn and adventurous.In real life,I can almost perfectly imitate Lara's voice. My Knowledge Of This Character: Lara is:From England,a tombraider,she has gueststarred in many comics,like guns:devil: and is very adventurous:D Starting Location:I cant thinkof a Place to start,So is it okay if I just be on the S.S.Anne and think of somewhere to go?:D Sorry for changing chars,Crazy White Boy.I just kind of need to:D
  22. Muse

    Rubber Bullet

    How about we have some freaky robot dude drive the jeep?If this is supposed to be a funny RPG,we should have a robot:D
  23. Erm...If you read correctly,ElvenFoxNight said that he was the only MALE descendant of Link.And he also said you can have Three Mystical Artifacts.So,If I were you,i'd edit your post;)
  24. 1.)Land of 10,000(And More)Lakes,Minnesota 2.)Erm,Our Baseball team the "Twins" Almost made it to the world series,but Anaheim kicked our buts...:( 3.)Well,Not much stuff really does happen here...The only really exciting things I ever do are:See Movies,Play Pinball,Otakuboards and Video Games. 4.) Dicuss?There really isnt much to discuss...None of our Sport Teams have done really good this year 'cept for the Twins...Erm,Yeah...Really Nothing to discus...[i]Shrugs[/i] All I know is,i'm proud to live in MInnesota:D
  25. [i]Prays To Get In[/i] Name:Can ya' guess?Lauren! Age:11 Gender:Female o' course! Looks:Tall,about 6 Even,Short(sorta)spikey black hair.Wears a Tee-Shirt that says "SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS!"And a Picture of him surfing on top.She wears regular khakies and has tiny Saphire(Her birth Stone) earings. Personality:HYPER!(This means if I get in,Blanko's character's going to be very annoyed,heh heh:devil: ) She loves making friends,being hyper,Orlando Bloom(If she gets in) Her room is covered wall to wall with posters of him.(Thats like the first time I've actually called him Orlando instead of Orlandy here,eh?)She obviously can get very annoying at times,but she has a heart of gold. Bio:Lauren was born in California but grew up in Minnesota,always rootin for the Timberwolves!(I didnt need to add that,did I?)She lives with her dad and likes to read the Trioligy of LoTR.She doesnt have ALOT of friends,but the ones she has stand for atleast 2 friends(True Fact!)HEr dad has tried to reserv her a spot on the Motorhome so she can see the world. Hometown:St.Louis Park,MN Likes:Making New Friends,Being Hyper,Orlandy,Leggy,LoTR,Being Hyper Dislikes:SPIDERS! Anything Extra:Erm...She's Jewish?:D
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