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Everything posted by Muse

  1. Thanks SexyNickMan;) And thanks again for both of you joining,we only need three more people then we can start:D
  2. [i] Saya was the mysterious young woman who rid the Yokoto Air Force Base of those Blood Sucking beasts called The Chiropterans Otherwise known as Vampires[img]http://www.production-ig.com/images/blood.020.jpg[/img].After she "supposedly" killed the last remaining of the Chiropterans,she retreated back to her own domain,far beyond the reach of humans.She started training day and night for fifty-years,not knowing what dangers were just about to happen. In 1966,the year Saya defeated the Vampires,she missed. just one,The Girl named Sharon.Saya managed to kill Sharon's friend Vampire,but Sharon quickly escaped the scene and hid, Regaining Strength by drinking the blood of unsuspecting humans. Soon,Having the power of 43 Vampires,she started to regroup the old fashioned way...Biting the necks of humans and only drinking little blood,letting them transform into Chiropterans.Soon,After 50 years Sharon had an Army of 5,000 Vampires at the Least.Finally,Sharon was ready to set out on her quest of elimanating all humans. Saya recieved Word From David,the "Secret Organization" Leader from America.But,both knew that Saya was in no condition to fight,she was to old.So,After much yelling at from David,Saya agreed to have children,they would have the all the skill of their mother.Unfortunatly,All did not go as well as they had planned.Only one child was born,one girl.Saya Died soon afterwords,leaving David to take care of the child.Originals,grow old fast,so in a matter of weeks,the Girl Was sixteen.And yes,indeed.Syae Did have all the skills of her mother,the looks,and the attitude.Not beliving that Saya was her mother,She set off quickly to destroy the Chiropterans.David,who he himself was erady to pass on,did not have the strength to protect her from harm,So he hired 5 of the greatest of the living fighters to go along with her on her quest to rid the world from Evil...[/i] You Are One Of Those Fighters Here is My Character(Obviously I am Syae:rolleyes: )Just Follow This Character Sheet And we'll be ready:D [B]Name:[/B]Syae (Pronounced Sy*Ai) [B]Age:[/B]16 [B]Weapons(Up To Three)[/B] Samauri Sword. [b]Appearance:[/b][img]http://www.videopremiereawards.com/ReviewPics/Blood.jpg[/img] [i]You Have 30,000 Points To Spread Over These,I Have 40,000 since I am an Original.So Dont Get Mistaken!;)[/i] [b]Speed:[/b]10,000 [b]Attack:[/b]10,000 [b]Defence:[/b]10,000 [b]Jumping Ability:[/b]10,000 [b]Short Background/Bio[/b]:Syae is the only daughter of Saya,The vampire hunter,although she doesnt want to belive she is.She wants things done her way,and she'll kill for it.She is calm and strong,exactly like her mother. Thats all you need.And People?This took alot of time to think of ,so if your going to join,dont quit halfway through,Okay? :D
  3. Is it okay if I try out to be that girl:D ? I'm a big fan of the Zelda series:D Name:Lauren Age:16 Race:Hylian(I was going to be a Zora,but that probably wouldnt be a good idea,since I would have to be in water most of the time) Appearnce:(See Attachment For Head appearence)She wears a black tunic instead of the usual green tunic.She has her Sheath and sword hung over her back like samuri's.And,lesse....yeah.Thats all I can think of for now:D Bio:Lauren is the kid who was shunned out by every kid she knew.People thought that she was evil by her scary appearence,and she sometimes acts it... to get some laughs for herself!She is really, deep down a nice little girl who would do anything to help. Some people think that she is a part of Link's heritage because of her great skill with her sword. Since she has no friends to do things with,all she does is train all day,and it shows!Permanent scars on her face from early experments from her sword really show. Weapons: 1.)Samauri Sword 2.)(Just incase her sword fails her for some strange reason)Long Dagger(Long for a dagger,to short for a sword) Mystical Artifacts: So we use real mystical items or made up ones?I'll edit this later Dragon/Mount:none :D
  4. [i] "And what do you mean?" Asked Mushu Casually,slumping on my shoulder. "Mulan was takin into the Darkness." I replied shortly. "Wha-" Mushu started but was quickly inturupted because I turneed sharply on my heels and he fell off. "K.K.!Where are you going!?" He yelled as we walked into my room,I was just sliding my Chi Sword into its sheath dramaticly. "I have to find her..." I said,turning to my Guardian. "And how do you plan to do that?" Mushu asked,a tint of nervousnous in his voice. "Well..." I stuttered,Mushu smiled. "Well...it OBVIOUS your going to need me to help you on this,K." With a sudden movement,He was sitting on my shoulder.Its not the Move "Speedy Delivery"That bothers me.Its just when he uses it on me. "Right." I said,Nodding with a smile.Our journey was about to begin[/i]
  5. Erm...there isnt a "Light" Aspect actually.I think you have to choose off the ones Yashamon made:D
  6. OF COURSE I'LL SEE IT!Who is the Man I'm in love with,the Man that got me the nickname"The Ultimate Lover Of Leggy!"My Dad says I get to play hookie the day it comes out,I'm seeing it,even if I have to sit in the front seat,even with my neck aching. I am currently Reading "The Return of the King"But the begining of the book is sorta boring,probably since I'm not a big fan of Pippin.Gandalf's Pretty cool,though:D But,By no doubt,"The Two Towers"Is the best book out of the Three(Not counting the Hobbit,which I despise):D
  7. Muse

    The Elementals

    Erm...Chris?Your with us already... [i] "Well...I'm going to bed." Said Orlia,Slowly transforming back to Lauren. "Me too.I'm Tired beyond all means." Said Nepenthe,her and Siren walking back to their room without another word.Everyone else said "'night" And went back to bed to enjoy someore sleep before they set out early in the morning to avoid the manager.[/i] Sorry its so short,I cant think of anything.And i'm still kinda depressed that I cant be in OBII.[i]Sighs and go sits in a corner,sicking little Christina Agulara Monsters at people who walk by her,Her laughing insanely[/i]
  8. Of course not,Arikel.:D Anyways,who can resist the pleasure of being in a Sweet Silver Diablo GT?:D ;) So,howmany people are you hoping for,Angelus?
  9. I'm going to try a new perscpective in RPG'n.:D [i]Where was I?Darkness...Drakness Everywhere. "Mulan!?Mushu!?" I cried,Nothing.But as My eyes got fixed to see the drakness.Mulan was visible. "Mulan!?Where are we?" "HELLLLLLPPP!" She cried.Something was pulling her into somewhere.I tried to run out to her,but my feet we'rent moving.With a sickining POP!She vanished and I Awoke,sweating with warm Beads and cold beads of sweat sliding down my face. "Rise and Shine,K.K.!I made you Egg's Benidic-" MUshu started.He was standing on My stomach,waving a Plate of breakfast in my face.But,with no heed to Mushu,I threw away the blanket and jumped out of Bed. "K.K.!You forgot your Sword!" Cried Mushu after me,waving my ChiSword in the air.I Dashed into Mulan's room.Nothing but a pile of Black goo lay in her bed. "Mushu!Didnt you here anything last night!?" I yelled at the Little Red dragon as he dragged himself into the room. "Of course I did,K.K.Mulan was screaming last night,Probably having nightmares again." He said calmly,Climbing up my back and sitting on my shoulder. "Where is the Girl anyways?I made her breakfast to..." Mushu asked,looking around curiously. "She's Gone!"[/i]
  10. Well,Here at my[Horrible,stinking,rotten]School,we have a student council,they choose the avents.Last year,we had: Pajama and Hot-Chocolate Day-I choose this one.Unfortunatly,We were taking a picture of all of us with our Hotchocolate in our hands,And my [Spaz]Friend dropped his and it soaked into my bottoms.So obviously,I didnt want to look like a pooped my pants,so I wore jeans the rest of the Day...Wasnt much fun,Pajama tops and Jeans dont go together well-_- And thats all I can remeber...But on wednsday,we have this"Rainbow"day thing where each grade dresses up in a diffrent color.Fifth Grade is stuck with Red...-_-I wanted the Source Of All evil colors,WHITE!Its so...plain and evil:devil:
  11. :D Name:Lauren "K.K." Gender:Female Age:Sweet 16 Car:!Lamborghini Diablo GT!(Check attachment!) This sounds Fun:D
  12. Muse

    The Elementals

    [i] Cadet and Lauren slid into the Tavern where Nepenthe,Craig,and Siren we're standing. "Everyone okay?" Cadet asked cautiously "Duh..." Lauren sighed and looked down at her staff.Strangly,Orlia's face was looking out at her from the Crystlizied Starfish.Orlia spoke quietly but urgently to Lauren, "More are coming!Gather everyone.Much more powerfull ones are coming.Hurry!" Lauren quickly turned to the others, "Hurry!Rouse the others.And transform!" "Why?" Asked Siren slowly, "More are coming!" Lauren said urgently, "Hurry!" Within Seconds,sleepy people walked into the room,clutching their staffs. "Everyone,hurry!" Everyone quickly went through their Transformation forms. "Why did you pull us out of bed at 12:30 at Night!?" Cried Laqroix.But,he quickly got his answer when 100+ atleast Monsters poured in.With a Quick wave of her staff,A huge blast of water shot out upwards.Then another and they started to swirl together,creating a large water-tornado.With another wave,the Tornando charged at the Monsters,sucking them up and sending them through the ceiling.But no doubt about it,more came.[/i]
  13. Really?I think Six is enough(Of course its only my oppinion).Because Once everyone gets together,You dont want to leave anybody out,which will obviously be hard becasue there would be so many people. Then again,Its just Mu Oppionion!
  14. Muse

    The Elementals

    [i] "This room is Freaky..." Lauren said as she walked into the room,Cadet followed.There we're two tables,a Small Table with two Wooden Chairs.Cobwebs lined the corners. "They excpect us to sleep in here?" Asked Cadet,trying to brush away a Web.Lauren shrugged and Sat on the Left Bed,Not even comfertable,probably made of wood. "What a Crappy Town" Lauren said, "They could atleast get some maids to clean these things up..." Cadet Agreed,On the right Bed. "what time is it?" Cadet asked,Yawning.Lauren turned to the Micro-Clock on her bed stand. "10:30.I dunno 'bout you,But its past my bed time" Lauren laughed then yawned.With a Quick Blow,she blew out the Candle and snuggled underneath the badly woven quilt. "'Night" "Good Night" After about two hours,The two girls were fast asleep,Until something that shook the hole Hotel woke them up. "what the heck was that?" Cried Lauren,sitting up. "It sounded like a Lion Roar...but bigger" Peeped Cadet,shaking. "Lets go see what it is..." Cadet nodded and the two Kids jumped out of bed and slipped on their Clothes.Cadet took her staff and tapped it on the ground,making a Bright light emit to guide them.They slowly walked out of their room,to be greeted by the others,all with the same question...[/i]
  15. Muse

    Rubber Bullet

    Well,I really do like it,Psycho,But I'm getting a Banner soon(I hope-_-)And I cant have to images in my Sig at one time,so I decided to use it as my Avvy:D
  16. [i] As Lauren continued On,She was startled by Voices In Her ear. "Yooouuu mmmuuussttt cccooommme ttoooo ttthhhheee issssllland" "WHAT?Who's there?" She shouted,turning around.Nothing.Lauren was so frieghtened she started to run,fast With her eyes closed is Freight,The voices still in her head.She kept running until she Bumbped into a Boy[/i] Sorry its so short,I dun have any Ideas:D
  17. Muse

    The Elementals

    :drunk: :drunk: :drunk: :drunk: :drunk: Nope...sorry.I've Got no idea. [i]Orlia Dashed after Taikura,which was obviously hard,Being as Taikura is a Bunny. "Come Back!" Orlia Shouted,panting of Exhaustion from Both running,And Being in elemental form for to Long. "Nobody Wants me!" Cried Taikura,Her voice also slowing dow with Pants. "But We Need you!We cant go without you!" Yelled the Water Elemental. "Uthwine and Siren Dont Think So!" "Who cares!?Your The being of Light!You brighten our Pathways at night!You bring the cheer into the Group!" Silence. "AUGHH!" Screamed Orlia as Taikura Appeared infront of her out of nowhere. "Really?" Asked Taikura Timidly,Orlia Smiled "Really" With a few more Encouraging Words,Taikura and Orlia walked back to the Group.Orlia,feeling dizy,almost Collapsed but was causght by her staff. "are you Okay?" Asked Taikura,helping Orlia up. "I'm Fine...I need to Transform back." And Without another Word,All the Water sprayed out of her body and into The Beautifull Staff,And Lauren was standing there again.[/i]
  18. Name:Only Known As K.K. Age:16 Description:(See Avatar,Its mY Rubber Bullet Character,but They look the same,just Ignore the Guns)She is 6'4 and she is very fun-Loving What Side YOur On:Good Where You Are From:China(Mulan's World) Weapon:ChiBlade(Its a LongSword With the Power to Hurl Small Fireballs at Enemys(They start small but they get big as I go on) Who You Team Up With:Mushu![img]http://www.rpgamer.com/games/other/ps2/kinghearts/screens/kh034.jpg[/img] Powers: K.K.-Fire Hurl-Not Much to Explain K.K. Spin n' Jump-She curls up into a Ball,Spins and Jumps up to Avoid an Enemys attack. ChiBlade Powerslice-She Holds her Blade above her Head and it starts to Glow,Then she brings it Down and it has 5x The Power it would normaly have. Mushu- Mushu BBQ-Mushu Sends a Blast Of Fire at the Enemy PowerTail-Tail glows with the same stuff K.K.'s ChiBlade does then SLAPS the Enemy! Speedy Delivery-.He Starts to Run Fast to Avoid Enemy Attack. Reason-K.K.'s Best Friend Mulan was Captured,so She wants to find her,And Destroy what took Her friend.
  19. Righhhht...And If we were to join,Whats the RPG?All you did was take the Stuff from The Fellowship of the Ring,didnt tell us anything...Whats up?Oh,And if I want to join and we use old characters,I Call Legolas!
  20. Muse

    Project Gamer

    I'm sorry for Inturuptting,But...Where is Ash?I've been Very Busy(Making New RPGs and I'm in about Five of them,inclusing this one)So can someone fill me in?Thanks:D
  21. Muse

    The Elementals

    [i] "Wait,Taikura!" Cried Orlia,running after the Bunny. "They are both Morons...But we Need Orlia" Said Unthwine. "COME BACK!LEAVE THE STUPID RABBIT!" Cried Siren.Silence. "Crap,Man!" Yelled Glacien. "We can go without the Rabbit.And we can go without Orlia.Whats so special about her?" Asked Geinudo.Siren,Glacien,Unthwine And everyone else Shrugged. "Theres...just something about her." Said VooDoo, "All we can do is wait..."[/i]
  22. This Sounds Cool,Yashamon.I'll Give it a Go!;) Name:K.K. Age:21 Description:K.K. Is Tall with Black,Spikey Hair.White Baggy Pants and a Misty-White Over Shirt AND a White Tee Inside(The Overshirt Isnt buttoned up so you can see the shirt)She Has a Strange Necklace with a Symbol,That looks like a K,But The Lines are longer and There is a Line threw it (In her Strange,Native Tounge it means K.K. Keeper of the Soul) Bio:No One knows Where K.K Came from.And neither does She.All she knows is that her Old Planet Was destroyed,And the Only thing that Helps her Remeber is her Necklace.When the People Of Caris Found her,she was speaking a diffrent lanuage(Kind of like the Movie"The Fifth Element"Girl)But they taught her to speak english fast.They also found out that she likes to Meditate.And the strangest thing is...Her Necklace Glows when she does. Aspect:Soul
  23. Muse

    Rubber Bullet

    An Overshirt is a Bigger Shirt that Covers the Regular shirt :cross: And My Special Skill is...K.K. Can Run Like there is no Tommorow.So that means(If Gene is out of Comission)She can out run Ceiling Lasers,Jump up and kick them away ir something like that. That good Enough?:D P.S:Black Pants.Regular Black Pants P.S.S:If you still dont know what an Overshirt is,uts like a Trenchcoat only shorter.
  24. [i] "And Peach and I Shall take my Castle" Zelda said. "How can you Take an Unconsious Person?By the Time she wakes Up,Your castle might be destroyed" Said Ness gloomily,nodding towards Peach. "No Problem" Zelda said,Smiling.She walked past Ness and Dr.Mario(Who was trying to find a Pill to wake her up) "Where-a The Heck-a Is it!?" Zelda kneeled down to the other Princess and put both of her hands over her face.She stared to mutter something in a Strange language and Red Sparkely stuff started to flow from her finger-tips.After about a Minute Peach Sat up,looking Dazed. "Now Now!I wouldn't be much Of a Fox to let Two PRINCESSES go by themselves.Me and Captain will go with you guys." Fox said,Fingering his blaster. "If you wish.And you others split up evenly.Some of you will go with us.But,Ness.You go with them to Saffron City.You can contact me with news,I'm pretty sure that I am the only one here with Magic." Zelda said,Standing up.She grabbed her companion by the hands and helped her up. "And it would be best if we Bring Dr.Mario with us,Incase Peachy decides to fall asleep on us." Said Fox Loudly so Peach could hear him.Zelda ignored Peach(Who was now Slapping and Throwing Turnips at Fox Madly)And transformed into Sheik. "Now,You others decide which way ypu want to go.And Make it even..."[/i]
  25. Muse

    The Elementals

    [i] "Um...Does anyone remember the way that Kiout came when he was attacking and When he left?" "No..." Everyone said.Stareing at Orlia.She grinned again, "He came from the North-East.And Left North-East" She said casually. "he sends many spies to gather information on how the Village is doing.So If we follow the spies." She snapped,sending Ocean water out of her Fingers. "We find Kiout"[/i]
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