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Everything posted by Muse
Now Now,Harlequin.Some people have a diffrent taste in things.But,Anyways.I shall join up. Name:K.K.(This is my new nickname in real life,I'm obsessed with it:D) Bio:K.K. is the Speedy,Brave Person of The Group.She likes to hang out With Gene alot.She is a Really Happy-Go Lucky Girl. Description:K.K. Has Spikey Black Hair.She Wears A Black Tee with a Blue Overshirt,Not buttoned up so you can still see her T-Shirt.She has Black Sunglasses so no one can see her Eyes. Weapon: Two Handguns(Cant think of anything else rightnow-_-) Attack:3 Defense:2 Jumping power:5 Speed:10 Dont worry,with me In your RPG,It'll Never Die unless I forget about it ;) So always remind me If I stop posting.:D
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by amibasuki [/i] [B][FONT=arial]my favorites are Bugs Bunny and Speedy Gonzales. just about all the episodes they're in are great. especially that barber shop episode Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fudd did, that's gotta be my favorite episode of all time. [/FONT] [/B][/QUOTE] I agree.That cartoon can allways make me laugh.And I CANT BELIVE none of you have said Pepe Le Pew Yet!He's the greatest of all time! "No,not Pew,LE Pew,Pepe Le Pew is meh Name" :D Those Cartoons are hilarious how he just pops out of nowhere and catches that poor White-striped cat.:D
Hey,YashamonMaster?Would you be willing to trade me Kirby,and you can pick someone else(Since you have no idea what Kirby's Attacks are and things)Then I can give Juu Zelda to make her happy.Sound fair?:D
[i] "Calm Down,Siren!we can go now!" Orlia said,grinning. "But first.Lets let some of us Practice our specialtys,we havent been moving for a thousand years." "Fine,go ahead,Water" Siren said,sighing.Orlia kept on Grinning and held up her hand.Sending out a Blast of Lava-Warm Water.Into the air.Taikura,who was at the wrong place at the wrong time,got hit in the face with the water as it thrusted down. "OW OW OW OW OW!" She cried,hopping around trying to stop the burn. "SOrry!" Orlia said,trying to hold back laughter.She held out her hand to Taikura's face and shot a Blast of Cold Water at her to soothe the pain. "Ohhh...wow...Can you shoot water of all Tempetures?" The rabit asked eagerly. "Erm...yeah" "CAN WE GO NOW PLEASE?" Cried everyone in Unison. "Oh,uh...sorry.Yeah,Lets go!" [/i]
[i]Lauren sighed then took out a Strange,White Card that was glowing with energy. "Biomerge Begin!" Lauren swpied the card threw her Digi-Transmitter,causing it to glow with the same strange energy. "Biomerge Begin!" Shouted Jokermon after his Tamer swiped the card.The Joker jumped up,floating about Lauren.Then,floating back so he was behind her.Lauren's body started to glow,then to everyone's(except for Chris) suprise,started glowing.The light shone so brightly that the duo werent visible. "Digi-Matrix Biomerge!" Shouted a New voice,a Combanation of LAuren and Jokermon.There was one more Blinding flash of Light,which caused everyone,Even Archangemon to shield their eyes.When they looked back up,a New Digimon stood.It was Jokermon,with RapidMon's armour,Gargomon's blaster,Terriermon's ears,and Gummymon's Loveable eyes. "Digi-Matrix,Complete!" MegaJokermon cracked Its knuckles and neck. "Time to kick some Archy Butt" MegaJOkermon turned to Chris and Rapidmon, "Your next[/i]
[i]Zelda sat back Lazily,waithing the other members of her group do nothing.Ness,was the only one doing something Constructive,Sitting with his legs crossed and eyes closed. "Does anyone get the feeling that nothing has happened for a while?" Peach asked everyone,twirling her Parasol absent-mindly.Grunts and "No Duh's" circled the room. "I do...Mewtwo,his Slave and Gannondorf havent tried to take over the world in a while." Zelda said casually, "THEY'VE TAKEN OVER THE MUSHROOM KINGDOM!" Cried Ness.His shiril Crymade everyone jump,and even made Zelda transform into Sheik. "Mama-Mia!" "WHAT do you mean!?" Yelled Fox,His tail twitching uneasily. "The've Multiplied themselves...Taken over the Mushroom Kingdom!" Peach Shreiked and fainted.Shiek quickly dashed behind her and Caught her swiftly "What do you mean...Psychic?" Sheik asked in her Misty voice,muffled behind her collar. "There are...millions of Mewtwos,Gannodorfs and King Bowsers..." Shiek dropped Peach... "So...what do you mean..." Captain Falcon asked. "It looks like we have a New adventure on our hands,People" Shiek Said,smirking standing to her full size. "As soon as the Princess wakes up,lets move out,shall we?"[/i]
I'll Start Now,And people can still Join up if they want,and if peeps want to be one of your Partners they can:D
I Play the Clarinet,Which I named(Mine)Donut.any Problems with that?No,I dont think so,because if you did,I'd sick Little Pink Christina Agulara MOnsters on you!"RAR!":devil: Erm...Yeah.I play the Clarinet becasue Almost EVERYONE in my school Band plays the Alto Sax,So I wanted to be original:D
[i] Lauren rolled her eyes at TJ, "Are you sure,Tiger Boy?I've learned In my Past That Tigers cannot be trusted..." "GAH!Just shutup,Wolf!" TJ cried,shaking his head furiously, "Besides,you wouldnt stand a chance against me in a fight,fool" He said,regaining his posture..Lauren turned red in the face,He had crossed the line, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN,STRIPES!?" TJ laughed,He had already found Laurens weakness. "Oh well,Good bye" He smirked and leaped away. "ARRRRGH!" She groaned,making gestures in the air.She allowed herself to transform and leaped away,leaving her Unconsious Comrades to themselves.[/i]
Boba-I'm not sure If thats a good Idea.Well,Maybe we could get Three more people Because Jesus Chicken,Queen Asuka,and SS Trunks all quit.But...I think we have enough already right?Lemme check, Me,Duo,DOK,Boba,Schratn9,Kool I dunno...6 is enough,Righties?
Can I join still,Sir Flash?Yes,yes I know that my chances arrrre: 397,497,122,009,872,765 to onr But,Why not? I always take chances:D If I cant join,I'll just go sit in a corner and stare and laugh at people who walk by,slowly going insane...Being attacked by little Christina Agulara Monsters...:D
I say I'm an average RPG'r/RPG Maker. My Posts arent that long,And I can sometimes forget i'm in an RPG and stop:whoops: I dont really like using the, JImmy:WOW! Joey:I know! Stuff.I like, "Wow!" cried Jimmy excitedly, "I know!" Joey replied,Grinning. But hey,I used to do that to. And i dont think people Like my RPGs enough to keep going in them, Digimon:The Digi-Portals(Its barely hanging on by a Thread!Haha!Get it?Thread?Oh nevermind...-_-) Pokemon:Wraith Of Mewtwo Modern Magic(My first RPG...) Must I go on?Its depressing... And like most everyone else,I hate these, WhAtS Up,MAn? And,who can like this, I h8 You!And,I did i7 B4 that! [i]Shudders[/i]
[i]Orlia Sighed the Remaining Boys,still unwilling to touch their Staffs.She Put her arms behind her back and walked around,Leaving a Trail of sparkling Blue Water behind her. "Soo...How do we let theese boys know that this is for their own good? "She thought outloud to herself. "I know..." Said Siren calmly,hearing Orlia. [/i]
Of course,G/S/B.Oh,And Samus is a Girl,lol:D But here are her attacks: Charge Shot Missle Screw Attack Bomb :D
My PM's arent working,Kool...I dunno why.If you wanna talk,we can talk on the chatroom in secrecy:D
I'll Get them For you,Duo:D Hold on... Here: Fire Fox Fox Illusion(If you havent played the game,He starts to run,vanshis leaving an After image and reappears like a Few Inches away) Blaster Reflector :D
[i]King Koopa(Bowser).Gannodorf.Mewtwo.What do these Three Mighty Warriors have in common?Thats right...Evil.And you know what?These guys are getting preeeeety tired of getting beat by those "Darned Heros!"As quoted by Gannodorf. "We should have conquered the world By now!" Shouted Gannodorf,Poundidng his Gloved hand on the table, "Well if you would have let me kill that d***ed(Sorry,But like in all Nintendo Games,No swearing)Princess Zelda,She wouldnt have turned into that freak Sheik and knocked you out with her Needle Attack..." Said Mewtwo calmly in his "Hannible Lector" type voice,floating with his Arms crossed above King Koopa,His brainwashed Slave. "ROOOOOAR!" Was all Bowser could say,because Mewtwo had brainwashed him so he would be his loyal Bodyguard and slave. "She was lucky!If the Lizard over their hadnt gone after Mario,It wouldnt have happened!" "ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAR!" "How are we going to defeat them?We arent powerfull enough!We need help!" Cried Gannodorf,Standing up,Glaring at Mewtwo. "Consider it done..." Mewtwo said,not blinking, "What?" "It is done...follow me." Mewtwo held out his Three-Fingered Hand and started glowing with Purple-Black light,And in no time at all,They were standing in a Strange room with pods everywhere.Mewtwo turned and faced Gannodorf,flashing his evil smile at the look at his Partners eyes.Inside the Pods,were Him,King Bowser,and Mewtwo,But with difrent Colors! "I...HAve created...Clones of ourselves." "Your a Genious,Mewtwo" "...I know." "ROOOOOOOOAR!" Know,With Millions of Exact Replicas of themselves,The Super Smash Brothers Heros have learned(From Ness,Who was the spy for the Good Guys)About the dangers the World of Games they live in.The threat of Mewtwo,Gannodorf and King Koopa,times a Million![/i] [B]You are one of Those Heros.[/B] This Is Your Sign-Up sheet,you can choose from, DR.MARIO MARIO LUIGI PRINCESS PEACH YOSHI DONKEY KONG CAPTAIN FALCON FALCO FOX -DuoGod Of Death NESS ICE CLIMBERS-Nana and Popo KIRBY SAMUS -G/S/B Master LINK YOUNG LINK PIKACHU PICHU JIGGLYPUFF MR.GAME AND WATCH MARTH ROY Name:Zelda And Sheik Occupation:Princess of Hyrule Bio:Zelda-Zelda is unlike many of the other characters in this game. She is actually two characters in one. By using her Transform attack, she can turn into Sheik. Zelda can reflect projectile attacks with Nayru's Love, and use the same attack as a weapon too. Zelda has many magical attacks to help her in fights such as Din's Fire or Farore's Wind. Shiek-Sheik is more acrobatic and faster than Zelda. She can also Transfom into Zelda, and vice versa. Sheik has a few long-range attacks like Needle and Chain, but she laks magical ones (the only magical attack she has is Vanish). Together, Sheik and Zelda each have their own set of moves which makes them a really good choice for battle. Attacks:Zelda:Nayrus Love,Dins Fire,Farores Wind,Transform Sheik:Needle Storm,Chain,Vanish,Transform. Special:Zelda:Magic Shiek:Speed Partner:Princess Peach(Your partner is the person you have Two Player Battles With,But you still are with the other Heros) After People Join,I'll Post the Details of Battling And Such :D
[i]Sits down,Crosses her legs,bits her lip then falls off the chair.[/i] SURE!If you guys wanna have another RPG,we could just make the Plan then play!we dont need a sign-up or anything.You guys want to have a vote or something?I'm just glad that both of my Lord Of The Rings RPG's were succesfull:D
I GOT IT TODAY!WOOT! I must say...I am toally Hooked.My favorite Character would have to be K.K. Slider(Or Totakeke for some of you;) ) As you can see from my Avatar!If you guys want to trade stuff with me and things(Which I would appreciate alot,Being I dont have much)Heres meh Info: Name:lauren Town:sea town I've payed 80 dollars of my Debt already becasue Nook wont give me a job because I havent talked to everyone yet(I cant find their Homes!) Although the Game doesnt have the Greatest Graphics,I say its the best game known to mankind,Even if I've only played for a Half an Hour!!:D
[i]Lauren yawned.Today was the day that she was going fight The Ocean spray City Gym Leader Hinako.She had been Training with Jinkio for four Monthes Straight.she hadn't got much sleep lastnight becasue she was very Nervous,Oh...and because Jinkio snores...loudly-_- She gently rolled over and serched for her Alarm clock, "1:00 AM" She read quietly.She rolled over again and Roused her Companion. "Jin,Jinkio!(What,Lauren?)" Jinkio whispered in the darkness,ruffling his wings. "I cant sleep..." She said dully "Jin?(So...?) "Can we go outside and train a Little bit?" "Jin...Jinki Jinkio!(Its One O'clock in the Morning!)" Lauren put on her best Puppy Dog face,her big Brown Eyes glowing in the moonlight. "JIN!(:demon: Fine!)" "Tank You,Jinkie :angel:" Jinkio sighed and fluttered out of Bed.Lauren rolled off and Slipped on Her Burae' to cover her always-Like Harry Potter Hair.She put on her Over shirt with the Scanned Photo of Jinkio on her right shoulder,followed by her pants.Jinkio scurried up her back and onto her shoulder.Lauren,grinning,walked over to her window,Slid it open and jumped outside.As soon as her feet touched the ground,She sped over to the "Workout Tree",A tree that was almost torn to pieces. "Make sure you keep it quiet,Jinkie" Lauren told her Pokemon, "Ji!(Duh!)" "Shuddup"[/i]
[i] "Not Bad.Although staying still in the Red Sea for about a Thousand years does get a little boring" Orlia Says Calmly,Grinning at Dragoon.Then she turned to the boys Called:Edgar,Lacroix,Indrid,Craig,and Quatre, "Really,You guys are not scared of Geinudo,Alqwerik,Lament,Glacien and VooDoo,Are you?" She asked,puzzled, "Who are they,And where Is Lauren?" Quatre asked shakily,Orlia smiled, "Lauren is Inside me,Dont worry.And you...you are..." Suddenly her eyes started going diffrent colors,Misty,Icy Blue,Hazy Black,Yellow and Silver.She blinked and her Big,Alert Eyes became their Regular Blue. "VooDoo Has chosen you,Quatre." Orlia then turned to her fellow elemental Guardians. "How are you,Aerin?I havent seen you since the time we were called together for that Meeting a Thousand years ago,to talk about who we were going to be Elementals for on this 'Adventure'" "I'm fine,Water." She mumbled. "And how are you,Taikura?" The rabbit stopped prancing around the Room and grinned at Orlia, "Being a Rabbit means your always fine!" Then she continued hopping around.Orlia turned back around to see that the boys still hadnt transformed.[/i]
[i]"No,Lalaith!Dont worry About Me!Dont be an Idiot!" Lauren cried,Kicking and puching,Trying to get free of Shiva's Grasp, "I Have too,Lauren.Its the only way..." Lalaith said gloomily,then turning to look at Shiva, "What Must I Do?" [/i]
[i]Lauren nodded at Iondarc.She put away her Bow and unsheathed her Long Sword that gleamed in the Lava's Glow. "Your Time Is Now Short,Shiva.You grow weak" She called out to her Enemy. "So!After me Will come More that Avenge me!" She cried,Clenching her fists,But suddenly,Like a Flash of Lightning,Shiva ducked over to Lauren,Grabbed her By the head and shouted, "If You Shoot,She dies!" With a Wave of her Hand,She created a Magical Forsefield that Repelled Magic, "If you want your Little Princess Back," She smirked,even without out eyes She could sence fear, "You Must..." [/i]
[i]Lauren stared at her Staff Suspiciously,not willing to touch it. "My Father told me once that Kiout has the power to Control People..." She said to her friends, "Lauren...Your father was a Nut" Siren said Calmly. "Oh,Yeah I forgot." Lauren said strangly,scratching her head;But her hand Quickly snapped away as the Staff Smacked her right on the spot, "HEY!" Cried Lauren,backing away.But,As soon As Lauren moved,The Staff secured itself in her hand.ThenWithout Warning,Like a puppet,Lauren Held the staff up in the Air. "Lauren...?" Quatre asked Nervously,Backing away.Lauren didnt hear him,because She had turned the Staff Sharply so the Starfish was facing up,The crystals Reflecting in the Sunlight.Then,Without Warnig,Two HUGE Jets of Water Parted out,One going left,one going Right.The Others watched in Awe as the Jets sprang up,almost colliding,but at the Last second going Down,Ingulfing Lauren. "From the Dark Depths Of the Sea,With Your Mighty Waves,Orlia Of The Ocean,rivers and Streams,I summon You!" Cried the Blue Glowing Figure Visble.Then,Like Nothing Happened,The water quietly Floated up and into the Staff,Held by No Longer Lauren. She was Just the Same height As Lauren,But she didnt Slouch like she did.She Had Long,Blue Wavy hair with..Real fish Swimming up and down through the Beautifull Hair.She had Large,Blue Eyes That seemed to Sparkle just like the Ocean did when the Sun hit it just Right.She had a Plain Baby Blue T-Shirt On And Dark Blue Pants.Around her neck hung a Light Blue mixed with Dark Blue Cape with Amazingly Real-Looking Sea Animal Creatures Sewn on.The Figure Lowered her Staff and turned to the others, "Hiya!Man,Its great to be in Human Form again.Orlia at your Service!" She beamed at them.After no one said something for quite a While,Orlia realised what was happening. "I am your Friend Lauren's Eleemntal Form.You all Have one of your Own,All friends of mine." Silence.Everyone was to afraid to turn into someone else, "They all want to help you destroy Kiout." She added Quickly.Sighs of relif spread through the room as the othe Ten Members of the Group slowly reached for their Staffs,Now knowing what might happen to them...[/i]
I know,My PM's Arent working.I cleaned it out with only TWO MESASSGEs in itr,and its still not working...[i]Sigh[/i]