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YOu dont get what I mean,I origanally Said That Eight people Could Join,But Three More People Did,So I have eleven.Sorry for the Confusion.
Okay,I am going to start it,Peeps.But,Nefertimon please tell us your new Element in the RPG:DWhoa...I shoulda been keeping Track,There are 11!Oh well,I guess there can be three more peoples...:D
[i] Lauren nodded Weekly and Watched him Blow away. "I wonder...Who will come?" She asked Lalaith Slowly,Then she looked at Void,then to the others. "Okay,People.He said that more will come,so as we are waiting,Someone needs to distract Void."[/i] Sorry Its so short,Peeps.Its 7:50 here in Minnesota,Jeez...I dont even know why I'm up anyways:D
[i]Lauren laughed, "You forget we have a water Girl On Our side,A powerfull one at that" She said calmly. "YUkito Of Thw Waves!" She called.Her trustworthy YUkito stopped circling around the island and floated down to her.Quickly,without a word,She climbed on And the Yukito instantly flew,Above the Volcano! "First..." Lauren mumbled,Outstreatching both hands towards the Top.Two Icy Cold Blasts of Watercovered the top,Momentairly stoppping the Lava, "Masuket!" She called,Mauket Nodded.Using everylast One of her Ice Missles,She covered the Top as Lauren kept spraying water. "Now..." She said,Commanding Yukito to fly down next to the Lava Surfer. "Hiya" She said Calmly,Blasting him with a Huge Wave of Water.[/i]
Whoa...I didnt know how awesome this game was gonna be... Anyways.I am Getting a GameCube from My Mom in California this week,And My Grandma in Cali is buying Me Animal Crossing and (I think)Super Smash Bros.Melee.I was kinda wondering if you guys could fill me in on what excatly Animal Crossings is about and what the Hell It is.My Mom's Boyriend told her that Animal Crossings was like Harvest Moon 64(My favorite game of all time).So I'm excited about it,And that comercial for its funny.So if you could help,Id be really thankfull:D
OOC:OH...MY GOSH I've been a Member for about four Hours!W00t!This really cheers me up after my just recent Depression...:( [i]Lauren turned away from Lalaith to Void(Man...this woman really needs a name other than "void")Then realised that whenever she turned away,Lalaith regained his control,But when she looked at him... "Of course!" Shouted Lauren.She drew an Arrow as fast as Her father at Void. The evil woman was grinning evily as Lalaith was ready to Make the kill of Samantha,she didnt see the arrow. "AHHHH!" She cried,as the arrow planted itself straight in her Left eye!As she was clutching it with Pain,Lauren let loose another Arrow.Sure enough,It stuck itself in Void's Right eye.She plucked both out,BUt her eyes were permantly useless,This gave Lalaith complete control of his body.BAhumet didnt have to have Eye control because he had the Power(Which was given to him by void,Which stripped her of the power)To be inside Ryans Mind.Lalaith blinked,then helped Samantha up.Lauren then noticed something no one else did...Under each of the Soul Vials,Lay a dead Body,The ones that HAd there Souls Taken away,And,ofcourse,Legolas Lay underneath one,Motionless. "Hmm..." Lauren said thoughtfully,then talking to Void, "You never really kill these People...do you?" She asked calmly, "Hmmm...No.Souls are all I need.I find blood rather disgusting." She said,Even Calmer..deadly Calm,Like she was making some sort of trap for the Elf. "You can bring him back...you know." She said,Almost reading Lauren's mind. "All you need to do is destroy that energy ball,And his soul will be returned." Void said smirking.Lauren felt a great desire to do those simple things...A burning desire[/i]
[i]"Father!No!Dont Leave!" Lauren wailed as Legolas dissapered. "Lauren....you...have...to...kill...me....Void...in...my..he-" "Why would I-" Lauren couldnt finish.Lalaith had droven the Dagger into her Arm.He had controlled himself enough not to kill her,But he couldnt stop from attacking her,Lauren gasped in Pain and clutched her arm. "Lauren!The Void!Its controlling me!He-!" Before Lalaith Could finish,The Void made him Try to Stab Lauren again.But she had figured it all out....It was just like what had happened to Ryan.She ducked down,and as The Elf tripped Over her,He landed straight into the Void! "Argh!Whats the point of having a Weak Elf to control!" Void Screamed as She kicked Lalaith away.LAuren Glared at The Void, "Bring him Back.I know you killed him...it wasnt an Orc." Lauren said firmly, "Hahaha...YOur a smart one.No,I would never let a FDilthy Orc to my dirtywork.But,Alas.The Arrow was supposed to Hit you." She grinned evily.Lauren started to look like she could've killed Something. "YOU KILLED HIM!" She cried,Charging at the Evil,Laughing woman.[/i]
Sorry,Starlite.But Like I said,No one who is in my Elementals RPG on D_A's board can be in this one.And the only one left is Wind,like I said.
Oh,Darn.I dunno...Guys. Ok,Wait...I've come to a decision,Raiha,YOu can be Spiritual Or whatever,And someone can be wind,Then Two more peeps can make up there own element:D
[i]Lauren quickly Turned around to see Bahaumet Charging at her,Fist raised with a Ball of Black energy in his fist, "You May have come close to destryoing me,Elf Girl.But now its your Turn!" He Shouted.Then,like a Perfect Pitch,He threw it at Her.As it collided with its target,Something amazing Happened.She started to glow Faintly,Like A Ghost,As did Lalaith.They started glowing brighter...and brighter until even Bahumet had to sheild his eyes.Finally,The Light Left them,but formed another Being beside them. "F-f-father?" Lauren sputtered as the Light took shape of Legolas Greenleaf,he Father.He didnt come in Perfectly clear,But Lauren could see his old smile. [/i]
[i] As Lauren Was about to Shoot another Arrow,Iondarc called her over, "Lauren...He" Lauren knew what was coming,She could tell by the look of IOndarc's eyes.Suddenly,by their selves,he own eyes started to fill with tears.Clenching them Tight she turned to Bahaumet, "You!You can Bring him Back!" Bahaumet Laughed... "So?" He said evily, "Like I'm going to to," He laughed,But Lauren remebered Something.This was his last form,With all Her Strength She threw her Bow at The Monster,Ditracting him,Then.Crouching down on all Fours,She sprang at Him.Not stopping,She rammed straight into him,Causing Both of them To Fall over the Pit! "Fool!This will Kill us Both!" "So!I'll be able to be with Lalaith,My Father,And YOu will Be gone!" Lauren cried as the Headed down to their Fate.Bahaumets first form was killed by the Lava,And so would he now.[/i]
Name:Lauren Age:11 Starter:Jinkio Starter Description:Jinkio looks like a Mouse(Sort of like Pikachu,But diffrent looks)But he is shorter then a Normal Pikachu.He is Blue with some green to make it look like he has an 'Ocean' Type color to him.He has little angelic Wings which he can fly on,But since he is so small,Hee can only stay in air for about 3 Minutes,Like a Spearow.Jinkio is a Water/Flying Pokemon who Loves to swim like his owner.He Isnt that Speedy on land,So thats Why Lauren(Most of the time) is carrying him around.He Weighs 10 Pounds and is 5 inches High. Your Description:Lauren is tall for her age,And loves it.She has messy Black hair and Big,Shiney alert Brown eyes.She wears Blue Khakies with an Overshirt With a Scanned photo of Jinkio on the right shoulder.She wears a Blue Burae`(You know.like those Hats they wore at the Winter Olympics?I dunno how to spell it.)With a tear Drop on it Symbolizing her love for water. Bio:Lauren Is Comedic and Loveable.Her parents died when she was Six in a fatal Car crash,Which she survived when her Mother threw her onto the Grass outside the car to save her as the were about to jump off the cliff.She watched the whole thing with her huge eyes,then ran back to her village.She lived in an Orphanage for Five years Until the Ocean Spray City's Gym Leader came to gather all of the 11yearolds who Missed the chance to become Trainers at Ten. wanted to become Trainers.Lauren was left with the Reject of the Pokemon,Jinkio,who nobody wanted because of how strange he looked,But Lauren fell Imeaditly In Love with the Creature. Hometown:Ocean Spray City Gym Leader/Trainer:Trainer
Uhm,Arikel?Can you change your height Please?SS Trunks has chosen to be the 'Tallest in the Group'At 6 feet 2...So you can be 6 One or lower.
[i] "IOndarc?" Lauren asked,Rubbing the Back of her Neck, "Yes?" "Can you heal Lalaith?we need more then four people to fight him.My Elven Magic might be able to stop bleeding,But I cant fully heal." Iondarc nodded and rushed over to Lalaith. "Now..." Lauren said,turning to Abob and Ryan. "How are we going to fight him?Got any Plans,Fellas?" They exchanged uneasy looks as Bahaumet got his feet and yelled at them, "Time to finish This foolery!"[/i]
[i] on the way to the Hospital,Lauren bumped into a woman.Obviously One of Lauren's Kind.She said nothing,though.Just pierced into Siren's Eye with Her Red eyes.She wasnt afraid to show them infront of a Vampire.She continued on,and in minutes,She was standing infront of the Medical Center.With the greatest of ease,she climbed up the Hospital's White walls and crawled t\like a gecko to one of the high windows.She flicked it open and crawled inside... "How lucky can you get..." Lauren smiled...infront of her 10 people having about "TAke Me away from this World!" Or, "Kill me now God!" She was in the Insanity Department.She floated silently to the ground and walked over to a Man with no Left Leg and a Missing Eye. "Excuse me..sir.Did you just say you'd like to leave this Cruel World?" Lauren asked poliltly. "Yes!This world has done nothing for Me!Please..." He begged,Grabbing onto the collor of Lauren's Cloak, "Pl-" "No Problem..." She said quietly.She pointed to the other people, "Leave...Now" They were all transfixed by her voice,and in a solitary manner,They left the room like Mindless Zombies. Lauren smiled and Removed the Hood off her Face.Her eyes glowing like Rubys,her Pale skin glowing.She let her teeth grow out and lowered herself to the Man's Neck. ******Five Minutes Later****** Climbing out of the Window,Satisfyed,Lauren made her way back to the Barn,Promising herself that she would never drink the blood of A good Human...Just Psyco's and Evil Dudes. ******Inside the Hospital****** "Ol' John Kiko Must've finally lost it..." Said a Doctor,talking to his assitant while Draping a White sheet over the now dead Man.None of them cared to look at the Bite holes on his neck. Lauren sighed and climbed up into her 'Nest' 5 dead Chickens lay scattred around.Harold Filliard might've been losing plenty of Hens,roosters and Cows feeding Lauren.But..She was a Vampire...And Vampire's Need to be fed with blood when they want it.[/i]
[i] Lauren runs over to Lalaith and Sits him up,Racking her brain for some kind of spell to heal...Aha! "Otiy'io Like'm!" She yells,Pointing fingers at Lalaith's Major Wound.Blue sparks started to flow from them and started dancing around the Wound,Patching it up.His bleeding stopped,but he was still unconsious.Lauren jumped up and aimed oner of her Arrows at Bahaumet's eye,Hoping it would distract wim For long enough to think of a plan.She fired with amazing acuracy,infact...with all the acuracy of her Fathers traight into his eye.But,To Their horror,The Arrow simply melted away. "Darn..." Was all she could say,Because Bahaumet Kicked Iondarc away and and did some kind of Magic spell to freeze her in her tracks, "Take this,Elf!" She smirked as it sailed towards the defencless Elf.[/i]
Darn...I didnt want this to end so fast...I know what to do... [i]Lauren finished slaying the last Orc and wiped the sweat off her brow.She looked around...Where were the others?The only one she saw was IOndarc laying unconsious on the ground for using to much magic.As she was about to run over to him,Something caught her attention,the blast of energy that had blasted skywards, "what the..." She said.Before she could realise what she was doing she ran to the closed door.With tremendous elven Magic,It bursted open and she ran down the hall to where Lalaith,Ryan and Abob were staring down into the lava, "What...happened?" She asked slowly,Walking over to them.When she peered down,evil Laughter was heard everywhere "DID YOU THINK I NEED THAT RING TO SURVIVE!?HA!" The voice of Bahaumet boomed, "I AM NOTHING LIKE THAT FOOL SAURON,WHO ADDED PART OF HIS SOUL INSIDE!" He laughed.The Same blast of energy shot back through the roof.The Four Fellowship members quickly backed away as the Light touched the ground infront of them,Taking the shape of the master of Evilonly he looked much diffrent "You may hace defeated my Other Half,But i Can resist Most Magic!Prepare to Die,Fools!"[/i] I never let my RPGS die so fast ;)
[i]Lauren is Swimming in her and Quatre's Pool.Staying underwater for long periods of time.As she surfaced,Gasping fo r air,The Pheonix landed infront of her.Lauren knew imeaditly that her brother needed help so she jumped out and shouted, "By the Power of Water!" The Pool's Water crashed into her,causing her to glow blue.When it cleared,Lauren stood there with her Blue Ninga Outfit on. "Yukito Of the Flying Waves!I summon you!" She sent out a blast of water and created her Yukito.The Pheonix cocked its head sideways, "Oh...YOu know if I touch you,I'll make your flames go out,which will surely kill you" she said,Climbing on the Back of her bird. "Lead the Way," She said the The Pheonix.It noddded and took flight.The Yukito senced it's masters command and took off after it.[/i]
[i] Lauren sat in a Pile of Hay in a Dirty Barn lined with Dead Chickens and Cows.She was gnawing on a piece of Wheat when Someone entered, "How was your feast,Lauren?" The man asked Cautiously,Standing in the shadows so Lauren couldnt see him.Although he knew she was on his Team,No Vampire could withstand the thirst of Human Blood is He Or She is hungry. "Very Nice..." Was all she said,Her Red eyes glowing in the Darkness to the Man.After the Silence Harold(Yeah...thats his name) left silently.Lauren knew something was wrong in her old world.She didnt know what,though,She could only feel evil through her Veins,Since she knew what it was like. "You know what..." She said outloud to herself, "I'm gonna take a walk." She spit out the wheat and jumped of the Hay.Pushing open the doors she swept out,Draping a Hood over her face to Cover her Pale hiding and her Fangs from anyone who looked upon her... "Maybe..." She thought aloud, "I can sneak into the hospital...And find someone who has just died..." She said,trailing off,Turning the Other direction to the hospital.[/i] Sorry for the short post,I've got to go.
[i]Lauren was walking down the Sidewalk,Twisting her New Staff around like a Band Leader.Suddenly, "Whoah!" She cried,Tripping head over heals on something,landing on her bottom. "What the he-?" She said but before she could finish,She saw something glowing on the Ground behind her,a circle of some-type.Before she could do anything,The circle floated up and over to Lauren.She cried out in disbelif and started to back away,BUt managed to snap onto her Card Pack(Its a tiny backpack that holds her Duelist Disk...I forget what its called,The thing Seto Made,and her Cards)It clipped onto the bottom of her strap as Lauren found out what it was, "Oh!Its to hold the Millenium Staff!" She picked up the Staff and slid it through.Suprisingly,It glowed and locked itself in.Something made Lauren Jump again,A Kid her age dressed in black who resembled Bandit Keith(God I hate that Freak)Jumped in her path and smirked, "Pretty Golden Stick YOu Got there,Girly.HOwabout I duel you For it!" He yelled,Pointing his finger dramaticly at Lauren as she sighed. "Sorry...little Boy,I wouldnt want to hurt your feelings when you lose." She winked, "Maybe later-!" But before she could finish,The kid takled her and started pulling at the staff,But he got more then he excpected. "OWWWW!" He cried as the Staff sent a Bolt of Lightning at him,He ran away,crying.Lauren smirked at the staff, "Awesome"[/i]
Looks Like I'm the rebel,Eh? Lol,So is this going to start soon or do you need more peoples?:D
No,Chris. I've had this RPG going for a While on D_A's board,But I got bored here so I posted it here.:D Oh,And 00k and Siren,PyroMunkie is already Shadow,YOu'll have to have a Diffrent Element. AND Nefertimon,The Harlequin is already Moon.Please,You guys,Look these over before you choose.
Erm..No.Actually,You need to be one of the Elements; lightning, fire, wind, earth, water, ice, shadow and moon.
Hey Hey Hey!Me and Sub-Zero have to have Our Battle First,Right?
[i] Lauren was currently Dueling her Best freind,Molly.Who,Lauren had to admit,wasnt very good. "I summon,Kuriboh!" Molly shouted triumphntly,Sliding the Card in the Disk,the throwing it out.As it span like a top,an Image of the Furry Brow Creature,Kuriboh appeared. "Molly!Just because Kuriboh IS cute doesnt mean you should play it!YOu dont have anything to multiply it!" Lauren laughed,Molly grinned, "I've got a trick up my sleeve,Though,Laur!" She cried,Placing down another card, "I summon the Magical Hats!" She smirked as Four Hats appered,Covering Kuriboh.The started to switch places with eachother,going almost as fast as the speed of light,hiding Kuriboh.Lauren did her -_- look at her friend, "Moll...I have Four Monsters on the Field Anyways..." "Oh..right" [B] Current LP's for both: Molly:2000 Lauren:7100(She got Lucky when She drew her Yamatano) [/B] Lauren sighed and Smiled.She had her Beloved Witch Of Black,The fusion between Abyss Flower and Dancing Elf.With an Attack power of 1100 and Defence 1200.The witch's Third eye was glowing mysteriously at the Magic Hats.Second she had her Zombie Warrior,the Fusion of her SwordsMan and Shadow Spector with an attack Power of 1200 and Defence of 900.The warrior Sword was glinting Menacingly in the sun,Thirrdly,her Boo-Koo,although it is nowhere near as Powerfull as her others,it might be her favorite.With and Attack Power of 650 and Defence of 500.Boo-Koo's pages blew sillently in it's holders chest in the breeze.And Fourthly,she had her Yamatano,another of her Favorites.With an Attack Power of 900 and Defence of 300,The painting of a Dragon stood as still as ever,waiting.Lauren smiled as she looked over the Hats...The Third to last one Looked peculiar, "Boo-Koo!Attack the Third to Last Hat!" Lauren commanded to her Book-Type Monster.It obeyed and sent a Blast of red energy at the Hat.It disenegrated at the Blast,And Molly lost 300 Lp! [B]Current Lp's For Duelists, Molly:700 Lauren:7100 [/B] "No!Kuriboh!" Molly wailed,But it was still Lauren's Turn,And Molly Had Yamatano Out Still! "Sorry,Moll.This Duel went fatsre then Excpected,Witch Of Black!Attack Yamatano!" The Witch Nodded at Lauren and Glared at Molly's Yamatano,Sending a Rainbow Colored Blast at her MOnster! "Nooo!" Molly Cried,But the Dragon Painting was hit,and it disenegrated at the touch,Molly's Life points dropped to 0. [B]Current LP's For Duelists: Molly:0 Lauren:7100 [/B] "Good Match,Moll.Thats the longest Duel you've lasted against me since ever!" Lauren winked.The two girls said Good Bye and Molly Left for Home.Lauren gathered Up Her Deck and Slid it in her Backpack,But something floated infront of Her.A golden Staff,With a Golden Pyramid With an Eye in the middle ontop! "Whats this?" Lauren asked curiously.She shrugged and took it in hand,It had the Pyramid that One of her Relatives had about Three Hundred Years ago ontop,She had seen it in pictures.She grasped the Beautifull Staff and Walked home.[/i]