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Everything posted by Muse

  1. Muse


    I agree with Juu,Eminem(My Favorite Singer:p )HAs gone through many things in his Life in his Singing Carer,He lost Hallie for a while(Listen to 'Hallies Song') His wife tried to kill herself,His Mom and Dad werent that good a' parents,HIs mom kept making him take drugs(listen to 'Cleanin' Out my Closet') Sure Eminem might be a Little 'racist',but overall,if you dont listen to those Lyrics,I think he's a good guy,he's always talken about how much he loves His Daughter and things,And..well..he can get sorta' emotional in his songs,but you need to listen to them to find out If you listen to,'Say goodbye to HollyWood''Hallies Song'Yes,and even in 'Square Dance'(my second favorite Song on ES)He talks about things that hurt him. P.SYeah...I'm an 11 year old who's Memorized Eminem:D
  2. Muse


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final Flash [/i] [B]Ugh, Beyblade is the worst excuse for an Anime i've ever seen. Can you say 'Marketing ploy'? By making a cartoon they're just trying to sell their lame, [i]lame[/i] toy. [/B][/QUOTE] Hear Hear!I watched that show one morning when MyBest friend was sleeping over. That show...Sucks more then any other show has sucked before...we both agreed that we should've destroyed the T.V right then and there.
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Katana [/i] [B][color=blue]It would be nice to see what Nintendo would do if they did put out a Pokémon game for the GameCube, namely Pokémon Stadium 3, but like SS said, they'd only be delaying the inevitable, even though Pikachu was just placed into the Top 50 Characters of All Time. (No. 12, if I remember correctly)[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Yes,But I'm pretty sure Pikachu was in the Top Ten,maybe 8 or 9,if my memory serves me right.If they Come out with a Pokemon Gamecube game,I'm most likely to get it,Since I love and always Will Love Pokemon.I'm in the mood for a game where you can create your chat\racter,what you look like,your personality and such Pokemon Game where you travel around only with better graphics and things:D
  4. Muse

    The Elementals

    One thing to Safer Cloud,I said your Only allowed to have One Weapon,so Edit that please^^ And to PyroMunkie:One word...whoa...Thats some awesome Discription^^
  5. Muse

    Blood Omen

    Name:Lauren Age:216 Appearance:Tall,Pale Skin,Lightt Black Pants and Shirt,(Very) Dark Cape,Dark Red eyes. Personality:Lauren is a Considerably nice Vampire(In Vampire that is..)She loves fighting,But she will protect whoever she think is right Bio:Lauren was Kain's Star General/Fighter in the Old War.Beliving it was right to attack the HUmans,so she helped,Lauren looked up to Kain like a Father she never had...That all chaged when the final War came.She was right infront of Kain,Shooting Arrow's that she had set on Fire at the Enemy,when Suddenly a Larger-Then-Usual Arrow struck her just below the Heart.Kain just jumped ahead of her and started to fight,Not even taking a Glance at his Fallen Comerade.She managed to crawl behind a Large boulder in the Battle Field to regain Strength,Planning ways to get Back at Kain.But obviously its not a Vampire's Way to help anything,But Lauren was realtivly Young Vampire,and she didnt know that.After the War was over and Kain was (sorta) defeated,a Warrior took Pity on her and nursed her to health after she told him how she was betrayed.She Then lived with the Soldier and came back to full strength.But,Obviously she had to drin some kind of blood,being a Vampire,so she fed on Chickens And cows,Not as good as the HUman Blood,But she learned to live with it. Dark Gifts: (1.Fang Expand:Makes Her Fangs Much Longer and deadlyier (2.Hatred:She Takes all of Her sorrow(The death of Her Parents who we're destroyed by a Clever human who had pounded stakes through their Hearts) And Anger(Kain for instanace) And turns it into a Ball of energy,Sending it a enemys.This gift is sp powerfull,She barely uses it because it make her Lose Consiounous or,if used to much,Can send her to the Underworld. Weapons: Bow and Arrow(She likes to set the Tips on Fire) And Fangs(In a Vampires Case,She can stab them with Fang expand and such.) If there's anything else ya' need,just tell me :D
  6. Muse

    Project Gamer

    [i] as Ash,Pikachu and Sub-Zero walk outside,they realise that the S.SAnne was just Leaving!They could go somewhere else!But,then Ash realised, "Hey,Dont Worry about the boat,We can use Ho-oh!(For purposes I am saying Ash captured Ho-oh)Gooo,Ho-oh!" Ash cried,throwing an Ultra Ball into the air,realising the Silver Energy,which formed into the Rainbow Bird,Ho-oh "Make sure you dont touch him with your Icy Hands,He'll get spooked," Ash told his compainion "Right..okay." Sub said as Ash led him onto the Birds back.Ash Climbed ahead of him and nudged Ho-oh with his heels,commanding the bird to take off, "where Too?" Ash Asked ocer the screaming wind...[/i]
  7. [i]Lauren fired an Arrow at the Creature's eye to distract it. "Lalaith,Get up!" She yelled,it was to dangrous to be sitting at a time like this, "Father..." He said,dazed at the broken sword.Lauren then remebered how special that sword was to him, "please Lalaith!" She cried, "I can get it repaired for you in Mirkwood!" "father...his sword.." He obviously wasnt listening.The Bahamut Creature Pulled the arrow out of it's eye and turned toward Lalaith,Trying to Pick out the weaker ones,and since Lalaith was totally Zoned-Out,he was the perfect target, "Get Up Now!"[/i]
  8. Sorry,Cloud!lol So,jah.You have to be sometink else,c_l^^
  9. [i] The year is 4000,The beggining of what most Psy Readers Predicted The Time Of Peace.Of course,Kiout would be smart enough to Protect his mind of Destroction from these Psychic Peoples.In the Year 3000,the Time Of Magic,Powers were descovered by the most Common People.By the Year 3987, Every Person Known to Mankind Foun these Hidden Powers,Except Eight Teenagers.Psychic Use is the Most Popular of the Many Forms of Magic found in these Times.Kiout,Also Known as Master of Darkness,had found this time of Peace and Love of the New Year,As the Perfect time to Strike. After the Attck From Kiout,He destroyed most of the land and returned to the Mountains to Regroup his MOnster Army,preparing to Destroy all Living People and turn them into Monsters to help him eventually take over the entire World Fortunatly,The Grand Elder,the one who has watched over the peacefull lands of Katae,the one who has never spoken to the Public,the one who Controls possibly the most Powerfull Magic known to this world,HAs spoken..to the Eight Teenagers.He told them of the Coming Evil of Kiout,and of the Powers Destined for Them.He told them of the the Eight Elementals:,lightning, fire, wind, earth, water, ice, shadow and moon.At the End of his Speech,Light Emited from the Grand Elder,Several Colors,Infact:Yellow,Red,Misty White,Blue,White,Black,And Silver.The lights floated above their Heads for Seconds,the dropped down to their Chests,One color for every Child,The stared in Awe as the Formed into Rods,No Staffs.They looked up to the Elder to ask what these were, But he said only this"Your Staff's are the Key to your Power of Elements,Brake these,You lose all Power...and your Life will go with it..."With that,He smiled weekly at them,and fell limp with death This is were our Story Begins.Each Staff has a Pendant Otop it,Symbolizing Your Elemental. [/i] Okay,I know I have this going on D_A's board,but I'm sorry to say that I'm not letting the people who joined there in this one,YOu guys post in the other one and diffrent people here,kay?:D Real Name: (This is your 'Out of Elemental Name')Lauren (duh:rolleyes: ) Elemental Name: (This is your name when you have summond the Power of your Elemental,your name,clothes,and Attire will change when you summon you Elemental.Make up your own):Orlai(Prounounced Or-Li-A) Elemental:Water Brief Dis.Of Regular:Is Tall,Lanky with Short Black Hair.She wears a White Over Shirt with Black Khakies.She has tiny Golden Earings and is considered a Tomboy in Many Ways.Although she isnt the Brightest Person in the group,She is Extreamly Brave and Will Do anything to Pretect her friends. Brief Dis.Of Elemental:Orlai Is a Natural Born Leader.She is the kind of Girl all the 'Popular' Kids at school would call a freak,But the regular type would be all over her,but of course,She would teach Those 'populars' with an Icy spray in the face.She is the same height of Lauren,only she doesnt slouch or doesnt act Lanky.She wears a Blue silk Cape with Fish and Other Craetures that live in water Sewn on.She has Dark Blue Pants with a 'Baby Blue' Shirt.She has the power to swim the speed of light,and also to breathe underwater. Staff Discription:The staff is Long and Blue.Halfway up the middle,there is a Machine-type thing that if Lauren puts her mouth on it and She has no more power left to Summon,she can breathe through,so she can breath under water for a short time.On the Top is a Bubble and inside it is a Beautiful Crystal decorated Starfish. Summon Phrase(You say this when you would like to turn yourself into your Elemental Counterpart)"From the Dark Depths Of the Sea,With Your Mighty Waves,Orlia Of The Ocean,rivers and Streams,I summon You!"(Dont worry,it doesnt have to be that long!) Summon Scene(What you do when you Transform):Lauren Takes her Staff in hand and holds up her hand.She turns it so the Bubbly Starfish is facing upwards.Then,Water shoots out of it from both sides,Parting like the Red Sea.The both shoot upwards and,just as they are about to collide,they shoot down,ingulfing Lauren.The Water soaks into her body,only showing an eriee glowing Blue figure.The Figure Screams,"from the Dark Depths Of the Sea,With your Mighty Waves,Orlia of the Ocean,rivers and Streams,I summon You!"and the light fades away,Reaviling Orlia. Weapons: (I'm only letting you have one because Most Likely you will be fighting in your Counterpart during Battles,but If you run out of Strength and you cannot Summon,You use This):Long Sword Ok,I think I explained Everything Clear enough.You can Shoot your Magic from your Staff,Hands or Both.If you are in Summon Form for to long,You run out of Juice and are forced to fight in Regular.Basicly we have to set out on a Journey thorugh the Land to Destroy Kiouts Monsters and HIm before they can return to destrot Katae.There are many Monsters scattered around our Journey,so We can gain lots of Levels before we face Kiout.Have Fun!
  10. Again...I'm already Water...So I think yo can be wind,unless you can be both.
  11. I'm Not sure if anyone has said it before,But its my fav., "Live Live to the Fullest,'Cause you never know when YOur last breath,will be your last." so...uh...erm...yeah...bye:D
  12. Hmmm...after musch consideration... Name:Lauren Mutoh Age:11 Number Of Cards In Deck:52 Deck Theme:Shadow Zombie Magicians:devil: Millenium Item:Staff Breif Bio:Lauren is a (Very!) Distant Releation of the famous Yugi Mutoh.She gets her duel skills from him(Which means she's hella good:devil: ) She doesnt work out plans and stratagies that much,though.She takes things head on! Favorite Cards:Zombie Warrior,Dark Magician,Witch Of Dark
  13. Muse

    Project Gamer

    Geez...sorry,Desbreko-.-I must've skipped one of you posts or something.And,last time I checked,The map wasnt working:p Schratn9,can ya' do the next post for us?Writers block-.-
  14. Erm...I'm already Water,man.There cant be to of one element,I belive...
  15. I'll Be the Last Kalpadare! Name: Lauren Kalpadare Age: 14 Description: Blue hair, Blue Eyes And Blueish Whitish Skin.She Was created to Be able to Breath Underwater(Which wasnt easy,Let me tell you o.O) So she has sort of a "Zora" from Zelda Look to her.She wears a blue over shirt and Pants. Gender:Female Personality: Funny,Comedic,The leader type.She likes to help her "siblings"when she needs to :D
  16. Cout Meh In,Buddy^^ Name:Guess...Lauren Age:25 Power:Water Gender:Female Abilities:1.)Lauren outstreatches her Hand and a Jet of Icy cold water forms a Yukito(Made up,Think of Articuno from Pokemon,[img]http://meltingpot.fortunecity.com/denman/394/articuno.gif[/img]Which she can fly on. 2.)She traces a Sword in the air with her Water and Forms a Sword,Her crystalsits on the handle. 3.)She can Swim And Breath underwater Biography:Lauren is Quatre's Younger Sister(Hope dis is otay^^)And really looks up to him.:Lauren went with him when he went to find a Chiee Wizard and wears almost the same clothesWhen she isnt practicing Sparing against HIm,She is most Likely Swimming,since its her favorite thing.Lauren and Quatre have a Special Bond,they never leave eachother's side and will fight to the death to protect eachother.Lauren is Ver stubborn and will never give up,watch out for her if she's mad :flaming: :devil: Clothes:She has almost the Same Ninga Costume except its "Ocean" Blue And her Yin Yan his Water flowing around it.She has Blue Pants and a Blue Shirt unerneath,She has also died her Hair blue,She hella Loves the Watero.O(True Fact,lol) Alliance:Good! :D
  17. Muse

    Project Gamer

    OOC:Pretty Sure its King Toad OOOC:And CWB,about the Luigi thing...>_< How dare you insult my Favorite Character by makimg him evil!?TAke....THIS!Kirby Blast!(^*-*)>========()()()()()()( )****...Sorry bout-a-that [i]Ash looked poked the little mUshroom's Head, "Whoa..." He said.then realising what he was doing,He did the ^_^* look of his, "Erm...sorry about that" He watched the little guy "Huff" and walk away. "That guy-" Ash started,but was cut off by something.The travelers looked to their rights and Saw Gigantic PLANTS! "AHHHHH!" Cried Ash(Note,These are more Piranah Plants heading for the inn to help the others,No confusion^^) "What are those?" Sub-Zero asked with a tint of nervous-ness in his voice,the plants we're gaining, "WHO CARES?RUN!!!!" Ash grabbed Sub by the Arm and started pulling him to the nearest place,The Inn!NOt smart!The reached the Inn,Not caring to open the door,Ash just slammed into it and they kept running,Down the cellar,into MORE Plants! "Oh No!" Ash suddenlt got an Idea as the Piranah Plants turned away from trying to knock down a locked door and glared at them,ready to strike, "Goooo,Nocktowl!Break that lock!" He shouted at the top of his lungs,Sending one of the Red-And-White Poke'balls into the air,realising the Owl-Type Pokemon.Nocktowl quickly darted past the Plants And pecked at the Lock furiosuly.Finally after doging blows from the visious Plants the Lock OPened and Ash and Sub-Zero darted past the Plants and into the locked room.Sub-Zero stoped when he was just outside the door,But Ash kept going,Running into A Guy with a Green Uniform and a Big Sword,And into a little Green Dinosaur.Sub-Zero aimed his hand at the busted-open door and fired an Icy-Blast at the sides,Locking it with all the force of a Lock. "oof!" Cried Ash as he landed on the floor...[/i]
  18. I agree,Juu.But I kinda got confused on what was happening and no one except you,Me and D_A were actually Posting so I stopped...:(
  19. Muse

    Project Gamer

    [i] Ash Quickly ran back to their Cabin,Passing Up Team Rocket.He grabbed his Backpack and ran back to Sub-Zero. "This is The Mushroom Kingdom,Right Ash?" Sub-Zero asked,Not taking his eyes off the sight" "Yeah..." Ash was dumbstruck to at the sight.Then, "We've got you Now!" Jessie and James Cried in Unison,Ramming into Ash,causing Pikachu to fall overboard! "Pikachu!" Ash Cried,Pikachu couldnt swim well!Ash quickly Knocked back Team Rocket back and got ready to dive in,Only to be stopped by Sub-Zero, "No!That water is freezing cold!" Ash ripped out of his Grip, "I dont Care,Pikachu's In There!" He cried,jumping in.He swam down and sawPikachu struggling for air a little low beneath the surface.The water was really cold and Ash could feel his Fingers numbing,But he didnt care,he needed to save Pikachu.He swam down,Letting air bubbles slowly out of his mouth.He finally reached his Yellow Companion,Who was beggining to lose air,Ash could tell.The Trainer grabbed his Pokemon and surfaced as Fast as Possible.[/i]
  20. I want This Picture for Meh Profile!Its soooo Cute!^^:D :whoops: :freak: [img]http://lavender.fortunecity.com/connery/180/image081.jpg[/img]
  21. Muse

    Project Gamer

    [i] Ash yawns and Picks up Pikachu, "Hey...I'm gonna go and look around,wanna come?" He asks The Icy Fighter, "Sure...I'd like to see More Pokemon." Ash and Sub-Zero walked outside with Pikachu glaring at Sub from the safety of his owners hat.They we're quickly greeted by two Mystirious People,A Stuardess with long Red Hair,and a stuard with Short Blue Hair, "Hello Tw- I mean,Sirs." The Stuard greeted strangely. "Uh...hiya." Then they just sttod there,The Deck Servers grinning at them.Suddenly, "Prepare for Trouble!" The woman Shouted,Ripping off her Stuardess Outfir,reaviling a White Suit with a Red [COLOR=red][SIZE=3]R[/SIZE][/COLOR] on her chest, "And make That Double!" The Man cried,riping off his own suit. "To pro-" Jessie Started,But was stopped when Ash and Sub-Zero simply walked away,The Pokemon Trainer yelling back to them with his Hands around his head, "sorry,Guys,Not in the mood.Try to steal Pikachu later" He said simply as they rounded the corner,Team Rocket Puffed after them, "Hey!It costed a Fortune of The Boss's Money to get onto this Ship,Twerp!" James Huffed,Not the type for running.[/i]
  22. Muse

    Project Gamer

    [i] Ash Closed His gaping Mouth and picked up his Map, "Its a place called "The Mushroom KIngdom"Its overun with Plumbers and Toads,I think" He said Knowingly,Sub-Zero Nodded, "Ah yes,I've heard of that place." Ash nodded and Yawned at the Same time. "I need action!I've been traveling for Hours And no Battles,MAn!" He sighed,Ploping onto his Bed. "Yes...I agree..it'll be boring..." Ash brightened Up, "Unless..." [B]Ash Ketchum challenges Sub-Zero to do battle in the Super Smash Brothers arena.[/B][/I] I want to see what Battles are like^^
  23. Muse

    Project Gamer

    [I]Ash Fell off the Comfertable Feather "Luxioury Bed" That the S.S Anne had provided him.He remeberd the converstaion,] "Oh,Sir!The Champion!The Almighty Master of Pokemon!My Lord!"Grovled a Stuart, "Oh,Do not worship me.I am but a simple Master" Ash said,Strangly in a King's Robe,Staff and Crown.Obviousoly a Dream...And Ash's Bed was a Simple "Sorta Comfortable" Bed, "GUaRDS!" Ash Screamed,still thinking he was being treated as a Royalty.He ste himself up crosslegged and Rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.He finally realised they were somewhere!The Anne had stopped!He quickly pulled on his Pants,Vest an Slipped on his Beloved Hat,He ran to the Window.It was a Strange place...Didnt look to promising.He saw one Man standing at the dock,waiting.He was clad in Blue armor with a Ninga Type MAsk over his Mouth, "Sub-Zero!" Ash gasped as Pikachu jumped onto the ledge.Ash stared open mouthed as Sub-Zero walked aboard.He has seen this guy fight on T.V a million Times! He jumped up and down excitedly, "I can meet Sub-Zero,Man!" Suddenly,He was interupted by a Stuard who had walked into hs room,Sub-Zero Followed! "Excuse me,Sir.But All of our rooms are full,And you have an Extra Bed for your Pokemon.Do yo mind if this Gentleman stays with you?" The Stuard Asked politly, "O-o-o-of Course!" Ash choked.The stuart Smiled and Left Sub-Zero And Ash Alone... "Erm-Hello" Sub-Zero Greeted,Freaked out at Ashs'*_* look at him[/I] Sry its so short,g2g:(
  24. Here is Ze list{In Order of Hotness-ness)^^: Ash Ketchum(Bite Meh) [img]http://lavender.fortunecity.com/connery/180/image030.jpg[/img] Duo Maxwell:Gundam Wing [img]http://www.angelfire.com/ri2/shinigami/gw/duo6.jpg[/img] Yue:Card Captors [img]http://dreamwater.org/yinhua19/yue11.jpg[/img]
  25. Muse

    Project Gamer

    [I]Ash was currently Sitting on a Wodden Dock on the water front infront of his House.He was Fishing for Some Magikarp to train so it could Evolve itslef into a Gyrados! "This will Be a Sinch,Pikachu!" Ash yelled happily, "Pi Pi kachu!" Pikachu Grinned as he batted happily at Passing Golden in the clear River.Ash took his free hand and stroaked Pikachu on the head,suddenly,oiyt of Nowhere a Goldeen Jumped out of the water,Squrted Pikachu in the face with Water and Slapped Ash numerous Times in the face with its tail.It laughed and plopped back into the water as Ash had the*_* look with his Pointer finger in The Air, "Did someone get the number of that truck?" He asked,Dazed as he fell over.He quickly got up and shook his fist at the Water, "Grr!You-" Ash was cute off by the Sound of Laughing,From His own Pikachu! "Pikachu!Who's side are you on!?" Ash sighed and picked up his Pikachu.The yellow Mouse quickly ran up his arm and ontop of his Red and White Hat "Ever since we defeated the Johto Leagues we havent done any travleing,Pikachu!Lets go to places outside of Johto and Kanto,Where they dont have any Pokemon!We could be heros,Teaching everyone about Pokemon!" Ash laughed as Pikachu and Himself went back to say goodbye to his mom. "Oh,Ashy!Your leaving again!You just got here!" His Mom sobbed, "-_-*...Mom...I came Seven Monthes Ago!" Delia Embraced her son sadly, "If you must you must.You are 15 now,Your old enough to do what you want,Bye again,Honey." And so Ash left his Home town and got onto the S.S Anne,The famous ship and headed off for a new kind of land. [/I] [img]http://lavender.fortunecity.com/connery/180/image030.jpg[/img]
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