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Everything posted by Muse
Yeah...I remember It like it was yesterday; I Thought it was just going to be another Incradably Slow,Boring day of School When I woke up that day.When I was done getting dressed and Brused and stuff I went downstairs and watched T.V.I had to wait to watch whatever I wanted until My Dad left for his School,So he had the news on.We saw both Plains Hit the towers,Then my Friends mom Called and asked my dad to give her a ride to work because Her car wasnt working and she was glued to the News.When I Got to School I met up with my Friends outside to wait for the Bell.We were making jokes And We were saying like"Derek's The Terriorist!"And stuff,we all laughed.When I got to Class,My(evvvil)Teacher told us about it and told us that the Towers Collapsed and they were looking for Surviviors.I finally found out that it wasnt a Joke,I kept seeing People getting Killed in my head during the day.I kept my Tears to myself until I saw a Picture of a Woman holding a Sign with her brother's Picture on it,Crying and Screaming as it looked...I broke down Crying. I shed a few tears I think on Wednsday.I Feel Bad for the People who lost their LOved ones,And the Kids my Age who were killed.:(
OOC:Duo,Your PM boxie is full. [I]Lauren pulled her Long,Silver Elvin Blade out of a Perticulary Nasty "Mutated"Type Orc, 'I'm Fine.I've never seen Such Orcs....Bahumet Must be keeping them as his sort of"Secret Service" or something' Lalaith nodded, 'Yes...I agree.BUt know what do we do?Go in,Or do something to get ourselves Refreshed and Healed?' Lauren Nodded... 'indeed a hard question,We shall have a vote...'[/I]
Wow..It feels so good to be back^^So,Are we going to start now?Or later on in the week?
Man do I feel Stupid.HALF the Animes you guys are talking about I've never Even heard of.Whats up with that?The only Animes I know are Pokemon,Digimon,DBZ,and Beyblades.o.OMan i'm annoyed of this;) :) :D
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Endymion [/i] [B] I don't want to sound like a jerk or like I'm obsessed with Fairly Odd Parents, but the quote went more like... Timmy: Hey dad, whatcha doin'? Dad: Ah nothin'. Just downloading something off the Timmy Computer Network. Timmy: Sorry about the trophy. Dad: Why don't you give it to a girl you think is groovy? The pun being that Timmy's godparents told a young Bill Gates to call the internet "Timmy" instead. I liked that episode. [/B][/QUOTE] And I am also Obsessed,and I dont want to sound like a jerk,BUt it goes more like this: Timmy:Hey,Dad.Whatcha Doin? Dad:Oh,Just seeing if I could by another TRophy on the Timmy Computer Network Timmy:Sorry About the Trophy Dad:Ha,ha.Thats okay son.Why dont you give it to a girl you think is groovy!? [I]Dad leaves room and another timmy from the Future destroys it,[/I] Timmy:What are you going!? Ftimmy:Trust me,Youll thank me Later. [I]Mom walks in as Ftimmy leaves.[/I] Mom:Internet,Time fot Dinner!
ooo!Thank you,Washu!Its amazingly Perfect-o!Thanks again!:D
Oh...I feel really bad for Making Crazy Answer another question but,the answer is needed for gaming purposes... [Question]Since I will be playing the Player Satoshi...ASH!Need to get the Japaneze name outta my head,but since I waill be playing Ash,Can I use Pokemon to Overcome Obsticle that will appear in the RPG,Say Flying?[/question] I dunno,I wanted to ask you because It might not be that fair for other people If i can just fly like that,without spending 500 golden Coins on a plane.But since I am a Pokemon Trainer,I have pokemon that can fly me places...So what do you think?
Oh,Washu,Are you still going to do Mine for me?:D
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DuoGod of Death [/i] [B]Its kinda scary knowing its in your own state. Its getting really close to where I am living, so its not very great hearing a new case every day. *shudders* [/B][/QUOTE] I hear that!Its in Minnesota,And [I][B]I[/B][/I]Live in Minnesota,And its mostly in Goldenvalley,and my grandma Lives in GoldenValley! Darn Them!Darn Them all to 'ell! Uh,I'm just kind of scared...Thats All,I swear:bluesweat
[I]Lauren quickly Fired to Arrows into a skull of an Orc that was charging at the Fellowship.Lauren and the others closed the door,then turned back to the Wounded Abob and the Unconsious Lalaith.[/I] [B]Iondarc:[/B]What do we do!THere must be thousands of Orcs in that place! [I]Lauren glanced down to LAlaith and backto the doors.[/I] [B]Lauren:[/B]Maybe..Maybe we can sneek in,Orcs arent that brght,we could sneek past them. [B]Abob:[/B]But how could we do that when we open the door?They'd notice us then! [B]Lauren:[/B]Oh..Right.there might be another way in,tho...
Character name:Ash Ketchum! Reason for choosing character:Well,Every since I Started watching Pokemon,I've always thought Ash was cool in every-wich way,I like his voice,His Pokemon Skills,His vest,everything!He is also My Hero Ash always reminds me to keep my chin up in his adventures My Knowledge of this character:I'ves seen almost Every single Pokemon Episode and I know Ash's strength and weaknesses,I expecially know alot about Pikachu.I've played all of the Pokemon Games ecxecpt for:Green(it is Japan)Red,And silver.I own Pokemon Snap,Pokemon Stadium,Hey You Pikachu,Pokemon Puzzle league,Crystal,Blue,and Gold:D Starting location of character:Pallet Town Of Course! Wow,This is very Well Planned out,Nice work,CRB! :D
Ok! I have, short black hair,Brown eyes,A Yellow over shirt with no buttons buttoned and a Red Teeshirt inside that says "Dare To Be Diffrent"Scribbled on it.I have Small round golden Earings,a Necklace that says"Lauren :heart: Orlandy,But there probably isnt enough room for it unless ypu do a close up...Actully,Can you?Thanks!
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B]I hope you weren't speaking badly of Reno, coolest of the Turks, Lauren. [/B][/QUOTE] I'm not speaking badly of him,Flash.I just dont Think Orlandy could play him,thats all;) No offence ment to Reno:D
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][color=indigo]Lol, for all you arachnaphobics, here's an interesting thing I read somewhere once. The average human eats about 7-8 spiders a year. When, you ask? In your sleep. Even if you fall asleep breathing through your nose, you're always going to end up breathing through your mouth. Spiders search for moisture, and obviously your mouth is full of it. So they crawl in there, and then you'll swallow in your sleep, thus eating the spider. Kind of a icky thing to think about.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Well [I][B]I KNow what to do![/B][/I] [I]Gets into bed and sprays Spider poison around her body.Wakes up and sees 7 spiders laying around her body,dead.[/I] AHHH!Okay...NOt the best Idea,Maybe I'll buy a gas mask so the Spders cant get into my mouth:devil: [I]Runs to the store with 25 bucks in hand.[/I]
Oh,well I guess no one wants to make me Anime style,[I]Sighs[/I]Well,I'm boring anyways,No one probably wants to see me Anime Style:rolleyes:
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by genkai_yyh [/i] [B]RED? they're always brown, seriously. [/B][/QUOTE] :therock:-_^You callen Me a Liar?I swear I've seen a picture of Him with Red Eyes^_-AND Green eyes.:therock:
Uh,Actully Krillen,I have no Clue how to do save onto jpg.maybe Blanko or someone can give you the Pic.:D [B]Lauren:[/B]Uh...I guess we have to wait for the other three to show up then,Eh? [B]Blanko:[/B]Sounds like a plan [I]Maranu Tugged at Lauren's Khakie Pants,[/I] [B]Marnau:[/B]Uh,Lauren...you know since were sometime going to have to fight slot and his Army? [B]Lauren:[/B]Yes... [B]Marnau:[/B]Well,I'm obviously going to need more Weapons for the fight,since all I have that are really affective are The Sword of Domar and My Slingshot [B]Lauren:[/B]I dunno,I cant afford any weapons [B]Marnau:[/B]Well,Since we are going to save Neopia and stuff...maybe we can just take the weapons? [B]Lauren:[/B]Are you suggesting we steal them!? [B]Marnau:[/B]No!I'm sure they wouldnt care since we are going to save them and everything! [B]Mako:[/B]She has a point there. [B]Marnau:[/B]And i've been wanting that Gelert Battle Blade since it came out! [I]Lauren laughed happily and ruffled Marnau's Head.[/I] [B]Lauren:[/B]Okay,Lets go
[B]Jokermon:[/B]Joker Blast! [B]Rapidmon:[/B]Rapid Fire! [I]The two Digimon both ignite their Special Moves,Blasting the new Devimon to smitheerines.Jokermon blinked and Dedigivolved to Terriermon.All energy left his ttiny body,Causing him to lose consisnious(SP).Lauren ran up to catch her Rabit Digimon,with a thud he landed softly in her hands.Lauren walked back to her Friends[/I] [B]Lauren:[/B]I uh,think we should go now... [I]Chris nodded and helped Lauren onto Rapidmon's back,he would fly tthem back to their TRansportation Portal...[/I]
Thats really Good,Ginny!It would make a good digimon to.Keep up the good work!;) :D :)
erm,Chris,I sorta already took care of the Devimon..:D So,uhm,do you wanna edit it or something?
well,It depends on what kind of Aliens you are talking about.evil Aliens,I dont belive in.But Nice,Tall Green skin,big black Eyes,i belive in.Dont know why,I just cant see Aliens as Evil:) :D
Well,Fav. topics arent allowed but i'll post:D Well,Pokemon is obviously my favorite Anime,then Cardcaptors and then Digimon,My favorite Manga is Pokemon too,[U][I]Yellow Cabarillo[/I][/U]Is the coolest
Well,I'm someone who likes Sequels Alot,even though on very rare occasions will they be better then the first[I]Cough[/I][B]Austin Powers Three[/B][I]Cough[/I]:D I didnt like when Disney came out with all the sequels to their Classics,Peter Pan 2?They didnt even have the same voices as the first,i mean the kid who did Peter is probably 30-40 something now,Cinderella 2 wasnt in any Condition to make a sequel either...:D
I really like all three of them,excpecially The one in your sig,It always makes me laugh,lol.Keep up the good work:D
Whoa...Those are all really really good(except the Salior Jup oneo.O)Keep up the good work,and welcome to ze boards:D