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Everything posted by Muse

  1. SPIDERS!I've got Arachnaphobia(Deadly fear of Spiders)When I saw [U][I]Eight Legged Freaks[/I][/U] I was totally shaking in my seat.[I]Shudders[/I]I'm also afraid of BeyBlades the Anime,Gawd that show sucks, it scares me to even think about it..:rolleyes:
  2. [I]Lauren burst into the Police station,panting.[/I] [B]Lauren:[/B]It [I]pant[/I] was a [/I]pant[/I] Zombie thing! [B]Police officer:[/B]hmmm,suuure.You and that Blake boy both must be seeing things. [I]Lauren gritted her teeth at the officer and walked down the hallway.On the way,she passed by Blake's Office,she stopped[/I] [B]Lauren:[/B]Your that blake guy,Right? [B]Blake:[/B]Uh...yes [B]Lauren:[/B]And your the one who claimed you saw Nemisis [I]And[/I] a Zombie,Right? [B]Blake:[/B]Yes,Why?Didyou see one too? [B]Lauren:[/B]Sure did...What's going on here?
  3. [I]Lauren was starting her daily patrol around Racoon City.She had heard about "Nemisis"And wanted to se what was up.She had seen Blake around the office,He seemed like the type to not lie.She hopped into her Car and started the engine.After an hour of Patroling,[/I] [B]Lauren:[/B]C'mon!Not now! [I]Lauren's car broke down in the middle of the far city,far away from The police station.She sighed and stepped out of the car.She then started walking back to the station,leaving the broken down vehicle behind.On the way,she saw something she didnt see 5 minnutes ago,it was a man,crouched over something.She cleared her throught,trying to get the man's attention,no luck.[/I] [B]Lauren:[/B]Excuse me,sir.Do you need to get back to the main streets? [I]No answer,just chewing and sucking noises.[/I] [B]Lauren:[/B]Answer me now!(OOC:Respect my autherit-ah!) [I]The man slowly turned around,revealing his broken face;Parts of flesh were missing,he had no ear,he had plenty of deep gashes on his face,but no blood was coming out of them.[/I] [B]Lauren:[/B]ZOMBIE! [I]The zombie lunged at Lauren,who quickly dived out of the way.Lauren was a very fast runner,so she darted back to the police station,as fast as she could...[/I]
  4. You play games,Go to the money tree,send in artwork to Neopets,Poems,Theres somemore stuff,But those are the main things.I recomend playing games,I'm good at the Game:MAGAX the destroyer...you get to kill things!YAy! P.S only 95 posts until I'm a member!
  5. Muse

    Zoids Futura

    [I]Lauren quickly cheacked Blurr's System,[/I] [B]Lauren:[/B]Blurr is fit ready for battle,Who are we fighting again,Ted? [B]Ted:[/B]Lesse...I think they are called the Revolutionarys(SP) [I]Lauren nodded warily and yawned luxiouriously.[/I] [B]Lauren:[/B]Its already 11:00!I..need sleep. [B]Alex:[/B]Lauren!Help me get into Devils cockpit! [I]It was too late,Lauren was already fast asleep inside Blurr.Ted and Ked Laughed silently.Ked commanded Psycher to pick up Alex and shove him into Devil's Cockpit.[/I]
  6. Oh!!Neat!I really like the drawing,Evrn though I've never seen/Heard of that anime;) Its a really good drawing!I think when your a member,your avvy can be just a little bit bigger then when your a Newbie/Junior Member. P.SI decided I wouldnt take up space in the forum and just post my future Avvy here!:D
  7. Name: Lauren Mack Age: 22 Gender: Female Armormanet: S.T.A.R.S. standered issue handgun Appearance: 5`6,has Brown Eyes and Short,Black spikey Hair.She wairs the Blue S.T.A.R.S Uniform Bio:Lauren had lived in Racoon City All her life,but lucikly,With her family,They took a trip somewhere before Racoon City was destroyed by Nemises.When they returned it was almost finished,still some buildings to repair.She has been A S.T.A.R.S member since she was 19.She always loves a good adventure/Fight,which means she always ready for anything... Hope its not to late to Join! ;)
  8. [I]Lauren heres the noise of the fight and silently swears to herself[/I] [B]Lauren:[/B]I know I shouldnt do this...BUt i cant say no to a fight! [I]Lauren smirk as she felt her Transform energy fill itself up again.[/I] [B]Lauren:[/B]Here I come! [I]Lauren crouched down and jumped up high,Straight in Mid-Air,she transformed.It was spectacular,Light streaming everywhere.She howled loud and landed on Stun,Kicked him roughly.She did a swift Backflip to Dustin[/I] [B]Dustin:[/B]Lauren!You shouldve stayed back there!These are powerfull Zoanthropes! [B]Lauren:[/B]What!You dont think I can handle myself!?
  9. Muse

    Shine Get!

    Oh!Oh!I call the first Luigi Banner James Makes!I call it!I call It![I]Blinks as there is a silence and everyone is looking at her[/I]I...will be quiet now...[I]Waits for JAme's banners...[/I]
  10. BEYBLADES!That cartoon is simply horrible...I thought CUBIX was the lamest Anime,But me and my friend watched part of Beyblades this morning...looks like we have a winner.The Drawing is good,the animation is okay...but really...The toy Beyblade [I]Might[/I]Have been popular in the start,but it was in no condition oncever to make a cartoon!
  11. [I]Lauren sighed as everyone looked down to her hopefully,[/I] [B]Lauren:[/B]You guys KNOW I cant leave Bazil alone for so long!He has that disorder thing,he starts putting things on fire if I leave him alone for along time! [I]The others nodded in agreement,they all remeber when Bazil set that small forest on fire.He would definatly set GAdser on Fire if Lauren wasnt there to stop him...[/I] [B]Sirven:[/B]Then who will it be!? OOC:I was sort of thinking Sere Tuscumbia's Dragon could be the one,Since she sorta isnt posting...
  12. Oh,And if one of you peeps want,You can also be Dr.Sloth and one of his Slaves/Neopet on army;) Pic of Dr.Sloth in Attach:;) P.SYes...I know it says happy Birthday...its the only Pic I can find:p
  13. Hey...umm,Cool!Neetiru is winning the Acara Beauty Contest...by like three hundred voteso.O...whoa...;)
  14. [I]Neopets,Nothing but formulations of Small Data clustered together to form your Perfect Pet.No one could Ever think this amazing Website could ever be Real,except of course,The 7 Chosen Kids...The year is 2002,September 7,or in Neopet Calendar,The seventh day of Gathering.The News of the Day was that Dr.Sloth had returned from Hideing and has unleashed the Most powerfull attack on Neopia that has ever been imagined...Sending all of The Hooked Members of Neopets,To work as slaves for him,and their Neopets...his unstopable Army.The Neopets team,however.Were lucky enough to not get captured.They were shocked at this,"Sloth is real?""Neopets are real?""How can this be?"Were the questions that surronded their Minds.They cheaked to see if any Members were also Lucky enough to still be outside the Neopets world...Seven Were.The Neopets team knew that the only way to save the Other helpless Members,Were to somehow find a way to send these seven In...And they found a way....[/I] Neopets you can choose from: [url]http://www.neopets.com/addpet.phtml[/url] Crud I need from you;): Name:Lauren Mack Age:10 Neopet:Marnau The Christamas Gelert(see attachment) Perso:Lauren loves to Play Neopets,If someone doesnt stop her,she can pla ususally up to four Hours(True Fact!).Even though Marnau isnt Real,She likes to pretend she is.She is a very nice girl and trys to help out anyone in need. Dis.: Lauren is 5`00,short Black hair,Brown eyes.She wears Khakies and a black Shirt. (I wont include Bio's,Because I hate them...Post one up if you like;)) Kay!I'm a huge fan of Neopets And I just,*Boom!*Thought of the story,Hope it goes well!;) :D Edit:D'oh!I forgot the Attach!A well,Here is the link for it;)[url]http://www.neopets.com/quickref.phtml[/url]
  15. Muse

    Member's theme songs

    I'd have to say..."Hallies Song"BY Eminem because I sort of made my own Lyrics to it...well.Not really,I'd just Replace the "Baby"Parts with "Leggy" And She/Herto Him/His,So I'd be singing. "Some days I sit...Staring out the Window,Watching this world pass me by...Sometimes I think,Theres nothing to live for,I almost Breakdown anndd cry...sometimed I think I'm crazy,IM CRAZY OH SO CRAZY!Why am I here Am i just wasting my tiime?But then i See my [B]Leggy[/B],Suddenly I'm not Crazy,It all makes sence When I look into hiss eyes,Oh no!" ;)
  16. Anybody watch TFOP?I think its the Funniest Cartoon next to The Simpsons and Sponge Bob!Cosmo and Wanda are just hilarious!Do you have any Favorite Episodes or Quotes?Post them up and talk about it! Dad:Trophy Sences...Tinging...TO THE TROPHY CASE! [I]Dad runs into the living room and you see Timmy standing infront of the Destroyed Trophy.[/I] Dad:What happened to my Throphy!? Timmy:I melted it with Heat vision! Dad:Where did you get Heat Vision? Timmy:Uh...Internet? Cosmo:ohh,Good answer. :D
  17. Umm,Yeah,Calumon_luver,Is this going to start soon?It seems like we have enough RPGer's:D :) ;)
  18. Oh!They are so Kawaii!I really like the Usul one. and The Moehog one Cute,Even though I'm not really a fan of Moehogs..:D
  19. OOC:Nivce pic,Schratn;) [I]Lauren rolled her Eyes at the Lion and smirked.[/I] [B]Lauren:[/B]And what if I want to stay here? [B]Dustin:[/B]Lauren!Lets go! [I]Lauren shook her head and cleared her throught.[/I] [B]Lauren:[/B]No thanks...I think I'll stay...right...here thank you OOC:By now you guys shouldve figured out My character is very stubborn And likes to do things her way,So just a convince for Later posts;) :) :D
  20. [B]Terriermon:[/B]Gwww.He didnt even give us a chance to Digivolve!It wasnt faiw!Me in Gawgomon Mode could have beaten him to a pulp! [I]Lauren sighed and picked up Her Terriermon.[/I] [B]Lauren:[/B]Can we please go to the Digi-world Now.I need to get my mind off that kid... [B]Chris:[/B]Agreed. [B]Lauren and Chris:[/B]DIGI-TRANSMITER,ACTIVATE!
  21. Hmm...I'm not really Sure.But I'm waiting for The Joey Structure Deck!:D So yeah...I want to know when they come out to....:D
  22. [I]Lauren sighed and returned to Human form.she walked over to the edge of the dock,Grabbed a Bucket and filled it up with Water.Carefully,she walked back to the unconsious Dustin and poured the Water on his motionless face.He spat out some of the water that was in his mouth and stood up.[/I] [B]Lauren:[/B]You didnt have to do that,You know.I could've taken him. [I]She wiped some blood from the scratch on her cheek and sighed.[/I] [B]Lauren:[/B]You...You arent supposed to use you Element Power for No reason!Grr..
  23. Muse

    Zoids Futura

    [I]Lauren blinked at the screen and turned away to her Team.[/I] [B]Lauren:[/B]Hey,Guys.I know we dont battle for three more fights,But i think we should Get Our Zoids ready?What do you think? [B]Alex:[/B]I think so.Anyways,Its like your Zoid has some kind of Lonlieness disorder,He's always sad when you leave. [B]Lauren:[/B]Yeah.C'mon,Ted.Ked. [I]They nodded and followed Lauren into the Zoid garage,where all of the tournament fighter's Zoids stayed until they were ready to fight.Blurr roared happily as Lauren walked over to him.[/I] [B]Lauren:[/B]Hey,Blurr!Whats up!Give me a lift into your cockpit. [I]Blurr nodded stuck out his Left Mechanicle(SP) Paw so Lauren could climb onto it.He slowly lifted her into his Cockpit,While Ted and Ked watched.[/I] [B]Ted:[/B]I tell 'ya...Shes got some kind of Connection with that Jager. [I]Ked nodded in agreement.[/I] [B]Ked:[/B]Alex sure as Hel* doesnt have a connection. [I]They laughed at the Sight of Alex climbing hopelessy up the side of Devil's Body and falling down again.[/I] [B]Alex:[/B]DEVIL!A little help here!
  24. I can help you with The boards,If you like.I am learninh how to Make things on Computers,so I could help you with Pictures,That Kind of Stuff.I know a good chunk of Information On Mario,And I could surf Websites for stuff in case you need something.Of course,What chances do I have to Be a mod for something?:bluesweat: I'm just excitedfor ShineGet;)
  25. [B]Terriermon:[/B]Hey!Dont Insult Lawen!! [I]Laughter was heard from behind Dustin as His Digimon stepped up to Terriermon[/I] [B]Igamon:[/B]And who,May I ask,Stop Dustin? [B]Terriermon:[/B]Me!Let Dual! [B]Lauren:[/B]Yeah!Lets do this! [I]Chris and :naughty:Terriermon sighed and sat down to watch the digi-dual.[/I]
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