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Everything posted by Muse

  1. [I]Lauren raised her eyebrow at Dustin.[/I] [B]Lauren:[/B]And you think you could survive better then me out here,Birdboy? [B]Dustin:[/B]Now,Now.I didnt mean it like that,I- [I]Before Dustin Could Finish,Yugo sprang out of his hiding Space at Lauren.Yugo was already in Wolf form,so he Started scratching Lauren.She finally managed to Kick him off and Transform.[/I] [B]Dustin:[/B]No,Lauren!Dont fight him! [B]Lauren:[/B]No,Dustin.I'm going to show this Old fool what Good wolves Can do! [I]With that,She leaped at Yugo...[/I]
  2. Okay,There was ONE thing That i didnt like. You know in The second Movie when Dr.Evil says"Austin,I am your father"And Austin acts all suprised,Like he doesnt know who his father is,and you see the flashback when they are in highschool,And the Chair says"Reserved for Nigel Powers"...I didnt get it.:faint:
  3. Hey!I've been trying my best to keep it up,But I want more people to post before I do again!
  4. [I]Lauren suddenly stopped,crouched down and jumped up,Infront of Spider-Man[/I] [B]Lauren:[/B]May I help you with Something? [B]Spider:[/B]Oh,I was,uh,just curious of where you were going. [I]Lauren chuckled slyly[/I] [B]Lauren:[/B]No place,you need to know about. [B]Spider:[/B]Really...Where are you going? [B]Lauren:[/B][I]Sigh[/I]if you really must know,I'm meeting someone,Wilson Fisk I think is his name. [I]She winked and leaped off the building with her Cat-like agilty,Not knowing that the Spider-Tracer was still in her boot...[/I]
  5. Oh,I just looked at your Pet's Stats,And none of Them Are even the same level as Marnau:) Did you adopt any of you pets?
  6. Oh,Its so Cute!I think Eyrie's are neat. Hey,Washu.Do you Do Battledome fighting?
  7. Those are so Neat,Washu!I've never been a big fan of the Acara's though,I'm in love with Gelerts![I]Hugglez her Neopet,Marnau[/I]Hey,Washu,Could you draw me a Picture of Marnau?I understand if you dont want to,But i think you draw really good!:D
  8. [I]Black Cat blinked and spoke[/I] [B]BlackCat:[/B]Sorry 'bout that,lost my ground,slipped. [B]Spider-Man:[/B]Ah... [B]Black Cat:[/B]I.uh have to go home now,ever need anything,just yell.Thats all I can do for you,Seeya. [I]She winked and jumped off the buliding and into her apartment building. she changed into her regular attire,Khakies and a plain White shirt,and walked out the door again,with her hands in her pockets she held her head up high and started to whistle,knowing Spider-Man was still watching her...[/I]
  9. Muse

    Shine Get!

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by HyperShadow [/i] [B] Ok. I thought that you might not have gotten my messege. [/B][/QUOTE] I thought That Too!I have a question for James: Is Luigi going to be in Mario Sunshine? I'm asking because I've always Loved Luigi the best,and even though I dont even have a gamecube,I just want to know because sometime in the in the Far Future,when Gamecube is $60 and Mario Sunshine is $10,I'm Ready for good Luigi Animation(I hope!):D
  10. When I got Pokemon Crystal the day after my Birthday,I remeber yelling,"I can be a Girl!I can be a Girl!Finally!" When I had a Baby in Harvest Moon 64 for the first time.That was so cool! When I finally got Super Smash Brothers for my Birthday. When I found out how to Get Spider man as one of my Skaters in Tony Hawks Pro Skater 2 for GBA. Playing Sonic Adventure 2 Battle for the first Time.Gotta love Shadow! I have more,BUt im to tired to remeber them...
  11. Muse

    Zoids Futura

    [I]Lauren laughed at what just happened.[/I] [B]Lauren:[/B]That was a weird thing to do,Cheap to... [B]Alex:[/B]I agree,it didnt look fair to me. [B]Lauren:[/B]Yeah,I hope the Igniters Win,so I can teach that "Orion" a lesson in good Zoid Battleing... [I]Ted and Ked nodded and the four continued to watch the battle[/I]
  12. Isnt Eggman Robotnik?I think Sonic made the nickname Robotnik.So he isnt dead;)
  13. Muse


    My Parents got divorced about Six years ago when I was four,And know my mom Lives in California,and I see her for about forteen days every year...She gave me this Panther Plushie when I visited her last June,I love him because he reminds me of Her,All soft and cuddly...I'm glad you feel better,\¤~NoodleZ~¤/:)
  14. I destroyed all your rings but one,So you couldnt use any moves,Schratn9.
  15. Ok,Knuckles isnt with us at all,And clean up your post,there arent any Comma's or anything.I know your sort of a Newbie,But I could barely read your post. Just giving you a heads up,Didnt mean to sound mean or anything.You could get in trouble with the MODS:) .
  16. [I]Shadow quickly jumped up and ran after Nitro,Shadow being faster then Nitro quickly caught up to hi and kicked him straight in the back.Nitro,Who didnt even know That Shadow was behind him,was shocked,he fell down hard onto his back,which made it hurt even more.Shadow stepped lighty onto Nitro's neck.[/I] [B]Shadow:[/B]Chaos Lightning! [I]A bolt of Electricty fell upon the helpless Nitro,causing him to lose all rings but one.Nitro struggled to gather his rings,But shadow pushed harder so he couldnt move.Shadow laughed cruely at the struggling Nitro[/I]
  17. I had the coolest dream ever,And I remeber it!Orlando Bloom [U]A[/U]nd Eminem came to stay at my house!I..saw Orlando bloom and Eminem!Just as it was getting good,My dad woke me up for summer school:( :bawl:
  18. God,That one has to be the best one yet!!I loved it when Scott gave Dr.Evil the sharks,And when MiniMe is dressed up in Austin type clothing!I'm STILL Laughing about it!And FatB!He looks hilarious in the end!I am so getting that movie when it comes out!:laugh: :D :) ;)
  19. Heres my Better Banner!its [U]S[/U]o much better then the other one!Enjoy:D
  20. [I]Shadow glanced at Sonic's Faraway look and back to the destroyed forest,he clenched his paws and gritted his teeth.[/I] [B]Shadow:[/B]Dont worry,My friend.Nitro will be destroyed...I promise,even if it kills me... [I]Shdow then had an Idea.[/I] [B]Shadow:[/B]HOwabout your friends?Maybe they can help,you know.Knuckles,Tails,Even Amy for gods sakes!
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SuperSayian [/i] [B]No offence but it's a bit jacked. I mean, you can do a LOT better, even in MS Paint. Just look at Piry's old banners. [/B][/QUOTE] Yes,I know I could,But I dont even really know about How to MAke banners,I saw this thread about how To Make them and someone said that you could do it on a paint Program...thats all I read,so all I did was make my sheet a rectangle and add pictures and some Text,I'm working on another know,And it should be better;)
  22. :blush: Oh,Thanks!I have a better version of it,But for some reason when I edit it and stuff,It wont put it up!Lemme try now,:D
  23. I made a Banner!Belive it or not!Its from My paint program so its nowhere near the Photoshop Banners.Ok,I know the puctures dont blend together,And I didnt find a real cool Text,BUt I like it!Its my first,So what do you guys think? P.SIts my first,so dont rate it to harshly!;) :) :D
  24. [I]Black Cat crouched ontop of not-so Large building.She watched as the One they Call "Spider-Man"Swing away,she cocked her head sideways and laughed silently.[/I] [B]Black Cat:[/B]I dont see how a Spider could Ever be a Super Hero,i- [I]She stoppped as A Shrill noise reached her ears,the sound of Screaming from below her.She leaped off the building and onto ground,Exactly where a Man cloaked in black was holding a gun to a Womens head and stealing her money.[/I] [B]Black Cat:[/B]Why so early in the Morning?Couldnt you do this in the afternoon or Something? [I]The Man noticed her and snarled.[/I] [B]Man:[/B]And what're you going to about?Opps...My Trigger Finger is getting It- [I]Black Cat was on him in a fraction of a Second.With on swift kick,She knocked the Gun out of his hands.then she let her Claws burst out of her finger tips.The Man screamed and ran away from the Cat.She Laughed loudly and Picked up the Womans Purse,wich the burgler had dropped when he ran away.She handed it to the dumpfound Lady and winked.[/I] [B]Black Cat:[/B]Ever need anything,Just scream. [I]She crouched down low again and sprang up onto another building,not letting the Woman say her thank-yous.[/I]
  25. Muse

    Zoids Futura

    [I]Lauren,Alex,Ted and Ked sat at a small table infront of a large screen,About show a match between The "Igniters" And the "Mirage"Teams.Lauren took a sip from her sprite and watched the screen unfixitdly,even though the match hadnt even started yet,She was going to watch the stratigies of both teams,because if she won her first match,she would be up against the Loser of this Match.She turned to Alex Kords,Her best friend.[/I] [B]Lauren:[/B]Who do you think is gonna win? [B]Alex:[/B]I'm not a Zoid expert like you,pal.So dont be asking me. [I]Lauren laughed along With Ted and Ked.[/I]
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