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Everything posted by Muse
[I]Terriermon looked up to Renamon and sighed.She spun around,Her floppy ears spun through the air.she Lifted her ears and let the wind blow against them,Soon,She was gliding over to The Bunny House,(A place were lots of Terriermon's live.)she packed everything into a small backpack, lots of Water and Food(Carrots).After an hour of saying goodbye to her family,Terriermon set out back to the small vilage to meet the others.[/I] [B]Terriermon:[/B]Owww,My ears hurt.wait I have an idea!TERRIER TORNADO! [I]Terriermon started spining very fast,Her long Bunny ears slashing the air.She landed on the ground and arrived at the village in no time.[/I] [B]Terriermon:[/B]Ahh,Thats better.
[B]Name:[/B]Lauren [B]Age:[/B]20 [B]Birthmark:[/B]Lauren has a Birthmark in the shape of a small Rain droplet on her left cheek,which symbolizes her magic to be that of Water. [B]Discription:[/B]Lauren is tall with Short black hair.She wears a Blue shirt with Khakie Pants. [B]Bio:[/B]Lauren lives in the same city as Isthanae.Lauren's Father works in the magical sanctum.Lauren loves nothing more than taking a nice dip in her pool,Lauren has always loved swimming,And anything that has to do with Water.She has already been selected and found by the Oracles. Thats...All I can thinj of right know.I know its bad and i wont be picked,But i'm tired.Its pretty early here.:) :sleep:
[I]Walked over to Karina and Dody and kneeled down.She reached into her backpack and handed a bottle to Karina,The label read:Revive Potion.Karina smiled in thank and sprayed it onto the fallen bird.One eyes sprang open,than another,than another and another.Dody sat up with Karina still rubbing it neck.[/I] [B]Karina:[/B]Good job,Both of you.You've earned this. [I]she rached into a small pouch and retrived The Blossom Bage and handed it to Lauren.[/I] [B]Lauren:[/B]Thank you. [I]Lauren lifted the pin then stuck it through her black shirt.It clipped and the bage shown brightly.Bolt looked approvingly at the bage and did another Peace sign to Dody.[/I]
[I]Lauren walks into the gym with Bolt on her shoulder.[/I] [B]Lauren:[/B]Can I go next? [I]She doesnt wait for an answer and walks up to the arena,Were Karina was healing Dody.Karina looked up to Lauren[/I] [B]Karina:[/B]Ok,You ready?One on one,Dody is the only one fit for battle right now, [B]Lauren:[/B]Sure,I only got Bolt anyways. [I]Karina smirked and sent Dody into the ring.Bolt jumped off Lauren's shoulder and landed infront of Dody.[/I] [B]Karina:[/B]Dody,Fury Swipes attack! ________ ooc:Ill let starlight decide the outcome of the battle
[I]Lauren smiled as Lalaith Fell to sleep almost imeaditly.She glanced out of their window out into the beutiful lands of Mythanmyre to see Elves talking,Birds chirping,two squirrels fighing over a chestnut.She looked over to were their weapons lay at the foot of the bed,Her eyes locked on her Father,Legolas's bow lay in perfect condition.She took deep breath and contined to look outside....[/I]
Well,One of the most embarrasin Moments of my life is when I was on the CPU on an Orlando Bloom Site and my dad and his girlfriend walk over to me and see me staring at The Picture of him with his shirt off.I blushed so much,I bet they could see it through the dark...:blush:
So,How many people are going to be in this before we start?
[I]Lauren rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and turned toward the others[/I] [B]Lauren:[/B]Is it okay with you guys if I Flew around a bit,It helps me wake up. [I]The others shook their heads,They were obviously tired to.Lauren once again was engulfed in wind and when it cleared,Lauren's Angel Like wings Sat on her back.She flapped a few times and shot into the air.She flew around for some hours as the others had breakfast.when The Sun peeked out over the Horizen,Lauren landed softly next to her compainions.[/I]
[I]Trying not to make eye Contact with Sirven,Lauren looked up at Aerin,Lauren always liked the way Aerin Appeared,But you had to be older for it to do that,Hers only glowed and Bazil appeared.Lauren closed her eyes and let her Jewlle Glow and Bazil appered.Bazil lowered his head to Lauren and she hugged him.[/I] [B]Lauren:[/B]Hey,Pal.Lets have a a little fun,Eh? [I]Bazil Grunted playfully and picked Lauren up with his Dark claw,Carefull putting her in back of his neck so she could hold on.With one flap of his wings,Bazil and Lauren were in the air,though staying low enough so no one could see them if they were anywhere close.[/I]
[I]Lauren's Face was Bright red know.[/I] [B]Lauren:[/B]Fine! [I]Lauren lowered herself(she was on her Toes so she could be a bit closer to Sirven) and turned around.They walked into a Firest clearing,A place only They knew about,It was on the Edge of town.[/I] [B]Lauren:[/B]Can I let out Bazil,now?He hasnt had time to fly in ages.
Oh,Um.Ok,You can join.Ill delete my PMs,sorry about that.
The People who are in this arre: User name-Name-Race Me-Lauren-Elf kool_aid13-Samantha-elf DarkOrderKnight-Ryan-Wizard Jesus Chicken-Elf-Indrid SS Trunks-Ralvenar-Uknown The Unholy Newt-Bahaumet-Ultimate Master of evil Sarsy-Ellsa-Half Elf Sacred warrior-Ryowa-Wizard DuoGod of Death-Lalaith-Elf Queen Asuka-Angel-Half Elf [B]Lauren:[/B]Lalaith,Are you sure it was a good Idea to Leave Nevorielle with Redgar? [B]Lalaith:[/B]Yeah,I think so. [I]He gave Lauren a comfterble smile and continued to steer his horse on the right path.The only sound that followed was the "clop,Clop"Of the horses hooves.[/I] [B]Lauren:[/B]Why didnt he want to come,anyways?They said the hole fellowship was supposed to come. [B]Lalaith:[/B]I think its because He didnt like the first adventure and he doesnt like any other members of the Fellowship except Nev. so he didnt have any reason to go,I guess. [I]Lauren nodded then looked up the road.[/I] [B]Lauren:[/B]I cant wait to see everyone there!Ellsa,Sam,Samantha,Abob...
Ok,Im going to start it know,So look for it:) :D
OMG!You guys!Remeber when I lost Terriermon all that time ago?I've found him![I]Hugz Terriermon then starts crying from joy.[/I] He came back!I've missed you so much! [B]Terriermon:[/B]Me two,Lauren!
I dont really think there is anything else to explain,I might start it and I'll let Boba join if he wants to,we'll just keep him in the story until he gets heremThat okay with you guys?
[I]Lauren winked at Lynntilla and looked up at Bazil.[/I] [B]Lauren:[/B]Thanks,Bazi. [I]Bazil smiled and returned to his Jewlle[/I] [B]Sirven:[/B]LAUREN!You know you arent supposed to bring Bazil out in public!He could of hurt that man!Bazil is that foolish enough and you know it! [I]Now Lauren was mad at Sirven for insulting her Dragon.[/I] [B]Lauren:[/B]and Im sure Flarebrass wouldnt protect you from a man who was about to beat you to a pulp?
Digimon:Terriermon!! Attack: Bunny Blast,Terrier Tornado Digivolution:, Gargomon:Bunny Pummel,Gargo Pellets Rapidmon:Tri Beam,Rapid Fire MegaGargomon:Gargo Missiles,Mega Barrage,Power Pummel [url]http://www.geocities.com/gamesandmore2000/TerriermonPage.html[/url]
[B]Lauren:[/B]Sirven!Hurry up! [B]Sirven:[/B]I- [I]Just before he could finish,A burly man walked up behind Lauren and spun her stool so she faced him.[/I] [B]Man:[/B]Your in my spot,Twerp. [B]Lauren:[/B]I dont see your name on it. [I]The man growled and picked Lauren up by the collar.[/I] [B]Man:[/B]I am a Man of short temper,Let me unleash my anger on you outside. [I]Some drunks behind them Laughed.The man carried Lauren outside and threw her on the ground.Lauren,Also was quick to temper and her choker with the Jewlle glowed and Her Black Dragon,Bazil appeared infront of her.The others got outside just in time to see the man scream in terror and run away from Bazil[/I]
Ok,I'm only going to let one more person join,And I still have a reserved spot for Boba Fett,So Il PM him and see if he wants to be in it. And Duo,I think it would be okay if you made into an RPG,But dont make it as long as the real books!:) I'm sure it'll be great.:D
[I]Lauren yawned and turned to Alriy and smiled softly[/I] [B]Lauren:[/B]Its getting late,I shall sleep.But I will sleep lightly incase you have the dream again [B]Alriy:[/B]Thank you,Sleep well. [I]Lauren smiled and relazed her shoulders,Fast asleep in mere minutes(SP?)[/I] _____________ Sorry its so short,Im very tired.:) :sleep:
[I]Lauren streached her arms and sighed,Then turned toward her companions.[/I] [B]Lauren:[/B]I think I will check our surrondings. [I]Lauren was once again engulfed in Wind,But this time it did not heal her,It gave her wings.White,Silkey,Smooth Wings.She flapped them slowly and she slowly rose up into the air.Plenty of trees,Thought Lauren.After she was down looking aroundmshe decided to have some fun and just fly around.After hours of flying,Lauren returned to ground and Wind lashed at her,Making the wing dissaper(SP?).She found the sofest bit of ground infront of the Cabin,She felt safer sleeping outside[/I]
[I]Lauren layed there for about 3 or 5 seconds on the ground,and then her eyes sprand open.The two infront of her jumped back in suprise as she jumped up and stared at them confused.Feeling herself almost fall over again from faint,She muddered something in an Ancient lost Language.[/I] [B]Lauren:[/B]Gahneo Hearek,Gahneo Hearek! Translation:Heal Me,Heal Me! [I]A strong Gust of air surronded the Elf,Making the Dark Mystic and The High Elf bring their arms to their faces to keep the wind away from their eyes.After The gust of wind ended,Lauren stood with all of her bruises and Scratchs gone.Her golden Shirt and pants shone brightly in the setting sun.Her heair was short and Deep black,Her Bow and Arrows hung on her back.[/I] [B]Lauren:[/B]I take it none of you understands Lost Elf Language,Right?[I]Before she could let them answer,She sniffed the air,She smelled...Or more like senced something.[/I]
[B]Lauren:[/B]Shouldnt we wait until Selen Gets here?? [B]Sirven:[/B]No one asked you,Little Ten year old. [I]Lauren :rolleyes: her eyes directly at Sirven and sighed.[/I] [B]Lauren:[/B]Do'ya mind not calling me that,you know my darn name already,Sirven.
Ok,This is the Sequel to My (Five star:blush: )Lord of The Rings Rpg,So there is a space for the peeps who were in the first one,but New people can be in it to! [I]After sauron was once again defeated by:Lauren,Lalaith,Ellsa,Samantha,Sam(The second),Redgar,Abob,and Ilsima(Probably spelt wrong!)Lots of things have changed.Lauren And Lalaith had gotton Married and adopted the Young Nev.Abob went with Sam to the shire.Samantha went back to her home land of Mythanmyre. Ellsa went with Ilsima.Redgar decided to have free job in Lauren and Lalaith's Kingdom of Northern Mirkwood.But four years later,After all where happy,Another Evil appeared.All of the New Fellowship were summoned to Mythanmyre to enter a council....to save the world once again...[/I] Okay,You can be AAAA:Elf,Half Elf,Human,Dwarf,Hobbit,Orc,Uruk-Hai,Goblin,wizard,Witch or the New Master of Evil(You chose his name) Stuff you need: Name:Lauren Greenleaf Age:120(20 in Human years) Weapons(up to Three):Bow and quiver of her father, long silver dagger(not tall enough to be a sword)and an elvin sword Bio:After Her Father died in their First Quest,Lauren was in Much grief until She married Lalaith Ril and adopted Nev.Neither Lalaith or herself knew why they summoned them to Mythanmyre,But it didnt matter.They soon found out that that all of their Fellowship Friends were going,so they set out imeadiatly Appearnce:She is the only elf who has Short Black Hair,She wears a black shirt and black pants. Have Fun! :D
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
Muse replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
HOwabout: The Lord Of The Rings:The new Evil I know,its crummy...:grumble: But itll be in the signups in about ten Mins:D