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Everything posted by Muse

  1. [I]Lauren walked shyly into the Bar.All of the disgusting Men and women looked at her gothic-look.She was shorter than most,But taller than some she walked over to her friends and climbed onto the high stools.[/I] [B]Bartender:[/B]Oh,Good day,Lauren,The regular? [I]Lauren nodded politly.The bartender smiled and ducked underneath the counter to get something.[/I] [B]Sirven:[/B]You have a regular?Arent you a bit young? [B]Lauren:[/B]Oh.Dont worry. [I]The Bartender stood up with a bottle of Sprite.Lauren smirked at Sirven and took a sip.[/I] [B]Lynntilla and Siren:[/B]Hello,Lauren [B]Lauren:[/B]Hey,guys.So,were only waiting for Selen Now,right?
  2. Ok,This is great.I cant wait to start,[I]Gets all excited[/I]
  3. Ok,But i'm going to make a new Thread,So Ill leave a space for the people who want to be in it,Kay?
  4. [I]After everyone arrived at the Pokemon center,KArina asked if they wanted to stay at her house,[/I] [B]Abob:[/B]No,I don't think we should.We should go get our badges and head to the next city. [B]Lauren:[/B]I agree. [B]Karina:[/B]Well,Thats okay,I run the gym! [B]Lauren:[/B]Thats cool,Why dont you guys get down there and get your badges,I need to wait for Bolt
  5. [I]Lauren chuckled and summoned her Fire Sword[/I] [B]Lauren:[/B]"I'm going to go train,for a while." [I]She walked over to some trees and started swishing her sword at the air,a trail of fire at every movement[/I]
  6. Uhmm,Didnt Juuthena's charachter run into me?Oh well. [I]Lauren watches Karina jump on Dody and Lauren does the same,Holding Bolt Tightly.[/I] [B]Karina:[/B]"Go!" [I]Dody ran,and ran fast.They got to the town in no time.They came to a screeching halt infront of the Pokemon Center.Lauren jumped off imeaditly and ran inside.[/I] [B]Joy:[/B]"Oh my!What happened to this Pikachu!?" [B]Lauren:[/B]"I was in a battle-" [B]Joy:[/B]:"Well obviously!Hand him here!" [I]Lauren carefully placed Bolt into Nurse Joys hands and she walked into the Emergency Room.Lauren and Karina waited in the waiting room,then everyone else walked in,most with new pokemon.[/I]
  7. [B]Lauren:[/B]"Finish it with-!" [I]Lauren couldn't finish because she was knocked over by a by a girl.The Mr.Mime took this advantage and slapped Bolt around with his large hands,Already weak from the begining of the battle,Bolt Fainted.The Mr.Mime smirked and ran away.Lauren sprang up and ran over to her fainted Pokemon.[/I] [B]Lauren:[/B]"Bolt!!" [I]Lauren picked up Bolt and walked over to the girl and helped her up.[/I]
  8. Well I'm sorry,And if Arikel has a problem with it,Let HIM tell me.Okay?So leave me alone,Good Day
  9. [I]After the Gryffindor party ended,Lauren went straight to bed,She had got word Abob had to go to Dumbledore's office.She wondered if he was going to get excpelled...[/I] [B]Lauren:[/B]"No!Why would he!He's never done anything wrong!" [I]And with that,she fell into an uneasy sleep[/I] ________________________ Lets hope we can keep this up a little longer!:laugh:
  10. Type:Dragon Warrior Name: Lauren Age: 10 Description: She's very tall for her age,(5`00),She has Short black hair,Black Shirt and Pants,And a Red cape(which she thinks makes her look cool) Bio:Lauren is the youngest known Dragon warrior ever known.She takes her mission seriously and she loves her Dragon,Bazil Name of Dragon: Bazil Age: 10 Kept in: Choker with a Black jewel in the middle showing what Bazil is doing. Colour of jewelle:Black Descrition: Bazil is a very tall Dragon.He is black,which Lauren Loves because her favorite color is black.His wings are a beautiful shade of Red.
  11. Name Lauren Race Lost Elf Age 100(10 in HUman Years) Alignment ??? Description Tall,Long ears,(Think Lord Of the Rings elf)And Short Black hair. Bio Lauren's Back can absorb Wings which allows her to be an Air Mage.She is one of the 2 or 3Last Lost Elves.She has semi-Powerfull Spells.She likes to be humorous to take her mind off the loss of her parents. Strong Attribute Wit Average Attribute Humor Weak Attribute Chrisma Class Air Mage Spells/Abilitie's Wing Shield-Her White wings surrond her Body which can block attacks for 2 turns a fight. Elf Wisdom:She confuses an Enemy which gives her time to attack Air Blast-while shes in the air,She creates a Large blast of energy and blasts it at her enemy. Heal-You all know what this is Lost Ability-The most powerfull,Complecated spell a Lost Elf Air Mage could learn,she destroys any enemy in the battle but if im fighting anyone who signs up,They wont be destroyed so fast,but After she uses this move,she cant use it for a while,so she only uses it for emergencys. Equipment-,Ill finish it latr,G2G
  12. I would like to say the same,Its my First RPG to ever be finished.Thanks to everyone who actully took Part:rolleyes: Hope to see you in another one of RPG's! Love ya!(Not littaraly,of course)
  13. [I]Bolt jumps off Lauren's shoulder and onto the ground,his head high in the air,[/I] [B]Lauren:[/B]"Bolt?What is it?" [B]Bolt:[/B]"Pi...pikachu!" [I]Bolt Shocked something in the bushs and drove something out,[/I] [B]Abob[:[/B]"Whats that?" [I]The Pokemon was not very tall.But its hands were huge with white gloves and blue hair,Mr.Mime!(you said it was mimicking us!)[/I] [B]Lauren:[/B]"Idunno,but I want it!" [B]Others:[/B]"no fair" [B]Lauren:[/B]"go,Bolt!"
  14. [I]After the others had gotten their Pokemon(You guys can still write how you got yours,but I'm letting you do that)Lauren walked up to the table.[/I] [B]Lauren:[/B]"Ahh,Now there's no fun in it,There's only one," [I]she smiled and reached for it.There was definatly some warmness comeing out of it.She picked it up and released it.[/I] [B]Pokemon:[/B] "Pi,pi ka chu!" [B]Lauren:[/B]"Aww how cuute." [I]Hazel smiled and softly said,[/I] [B]Hazel:[/B]"This Pikachu loves to be singed to." [I]Lauren picked the Pikachu,He was squirmming madly,she held for a second than walked out side.[/I] [B]Tani:[/B]"Where are you going?" [B]Lauren:[/B]"I cant sing infront of people!"
  15. [I]Lauren,Craig,Coty,Tristan,NIck,Tani,And Abob walked inside with Hazel leading them.She motioned for them to stop at a table with six Pokeballs(Coty Already has his Machop).[/I] [B]Prof.Hazel:[/B]"These,Are the chosen Pokemon,And,You are the chosen children.The one you pick will be assined to you,If it is yours,The ball will send a charge of warmth through your body,Got it?" [I] the Kids nodded.[/I] [B]Hazel:[/B]Abob,You first
  16. NO problem,Boba,Well just change a few things.:D
  17. [I]Mewtwo...one strong word describes him,Evil.Of course,after he was defeated by Ash Ketchum,Pokemon Master,No one ever thought Mewtwo was ever comeing back.But Whoee were they dreamin.After Ash "Supposedly"Killed The Evil fiend,Mewtwo pretended to be destroyed and fled into hiding to regain strength.for 200 years he's been hiding,Ash is long dead,Mewtwo sees this time perfect to attack the people once again,one Psychic Pokemon found this out and the only way to defeat Mewtwo is for 6 children,all of whom are getting their first Pokemon from Proffesor.Hazel,must get all of their badges and find and destroy Mewtwo,ONCE AND FOR ALL.[/I] [B]Mom[/B]"Lauren!Its ten,Time to wake up!" [I]Lauren rolled over in her bed so her face was in her pillow.[/I] [B]Lauren[/B]:"Ok Mom!" [I]She hoisted her self up and climbed out of bed.She slipped on her Khakies and her favorite black shirt.She didn't have enough time to brush it so she slapped her black Baseball cap with the Lightning bolt on it and walked downstairs.Once she finished her toast,the doorbell rang.[/I] [B]Lauren[/B]:"Thats them..." [I]Her mom's nodded and smiled.[/I] [B]Mom:[/B]"My little chosen one...you destroy Mewtwo,I'm rootin for ya baby!" [I]They hugged and lauren walked out of her house to greet:Craig,Nick, and Tani.They were going to meet Abob, Tristan and Coty at Prof.Hazel's lab,they were off to get their Pokemon...[/I]
  18. Okay,I'll start the RPG,but If someone else wants to join as a Gym Leader or Bad Guy,They can go right ahead.:D :)
  19. [B]Name:[/B]Lauren [B]Age:[/B]18 and a half [B]Height:[/B]6`4 [B]Super power:[/B]Storm's [B]Bio:[/B]Found out she can control the weather when she was trapped in a run down house closet at the age of ten.the door was looked because of some bully Morons.She started to shake and her eyes rolled into the back of her head and a ferocious gust of wind knocked the door down.Now that shes !8 and a Half,she has perfect control of her Powers. [B]Description:[/B]Tall,short Black hair,Brown eyes.Her costume is Like Storms except it doesnt have an X-Men mark on it,it has a Bolt of electricity onit instead. [B]Personality:[/B]Nice but can get mean when provoked.She likes to help and to fight
  20. wow,This is the first time a mod(SS Trunks)Has joined my RPG! And,Trunks,If you don't want to be ten,you can be like a gym leader or somethin...:D
  21. Name:Lauren(Imbedil,pick) Type of Creature:Elf Weapons or Items:Long Wooden Bow with a fine string of horse hair,Elvin Sword. Description:Tall,(Like most Elves).Her Ears are two feet Tall,even though her head seems heave with them,she has no dificulty of holding her head up high.She wears Black pants and a Black shirt with a Black cloak.Nothing is unusal about her except her eyes,they are longer(sideways)which enables her to see up to 50 feet infront of her Age:Somewhere in the thousands,But No Elf knows His or her Age Special Abilities: Special sight-Allows her to see about a hundred feet infront of her. Triple Shoot-She can fire 3 arrows at a time Heal:a very light and non-powerfull magic abbility to heal herself very little If you chose me,I would like to start with you at the begining :D
  22. Pikachu VS.Agumon [I]Bolt the Pikachu walked slowly out of a door on the left side of the ring,He wasnt used to doing battles against Digimon,The Pokemon Ripoffs[/I] (Ok,I'm not saying Digimon's bad or anything,I just like Pokemon better and in my oppinion,they are the ripoffs of Pokemon)[I]Doges knives and other sharp things thrown by the digimon Lovers.[/I] [I]On the other side of the ring,was a Orange dinosaur a few inchs Taller than Bolt, was taking in appreciation from the DIGI fans.[/I] [B]Annoncer:[/B]Begin!! [I]Bolt quickly charged at agumon and rammed him into the wall,which was followed Agumons Long Arms scratching Bolt right across the face,whic made him fly sideways a few feet.[/I] [B]Agumon:[/B]This shouldn't be so hard, [I]But Bolt was ticked off now,someone could hit him anywhere and he wouldn't care,but when some hits his fragile cheeks,Lightning flies....and it really does.First Bolt clenched both hands to help squeze his cheeks,everything in his body tightined up to help squeeze harder,finally,A treamondous Blast of Lightning fired at Agumon,It hit and the Stadium was filled with Lightning Fireworks.When the dust cleared Agumon lay uncounsious at Bolts feet.[/I]
  23. Okay,After my other Pokemon RPG went down(Wayyyy down)I've decided to make another which Hopefully(With the help of you other Pokemon Fanatics)This one wont die a most painfull death. :D [I]Mewtwo...one strong word describes him,Evil.Of course,after he was defeated by Ash Ketchum,Pokemon Master,No one ever thought Mewtwo was ever comeing back.But Whoee were they dreamin.After Ash "Supposedly"Killed The Evil fiend,Mewtwo pretended to be destroyed and fled into hiding to regain strength.for 200 years he's been hiding,Ash is long dead,Mewtwo sees this time perfect to attack the people once again,one Psychic Pokemon found this out and the only way to defeat Mewtwo is for 6 children,all of whom are getting their first Pokemon from Proffesor.Hazel,must get all of their badges and find and destroy Mewtwo,ONCE AND FOR ALL.[/I] [B]YOU ARE ONE OF THOSE CHILDREN[/B] Post a Bio Like this to join: [B]Name:[/B]Lauren Mack [B]Age:[/B](Where all ten except for the bad guys and Leaders)10 [B]Height:[/B]Five Feet [B]Desription:[/B]Short black hair,a bacwords black Baseball hat with a Lightning bolt across it(since her favorite type of Pokemon are Electric)Brown eyes,Black Shirt,and Khakies. [B]First Pokemon:[/B]Pikachu [B]Bio:[/B]After everyone found out her first was Pikachu,they all thought she was the one to lead the group of six children.Lauren has a way of calming Pokemon by singing to them,Thats why her Pikachu(Bolt)And her are already the best of Friends. Ok....My fingers are...Very tired,but,I hope all you Pokemon Loverz join and have fun;) :D P.S:This RPG is supposed to be like the first movie never happened except for the part where Mewtwo is Created.:D
  24. I know,Boba,I was just saying that your CLOSE to dyein':D Sorry for the confusion:D I'm haveing a writers block right now so this is all im gonna right:D :D
  25. [I]Lauren was still treambling from what happened. Abob,And her father..Then it struck her.I have...no more family,my dad,mum,grandpa..all of my relitives are dead.Now Abob,It wasn't fair![/I] Lalaith:Lauren?...Lauren! [I]Lauren looked over to him as if startled.[/I] Lauren:I...I'm...The last Greenleaf
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