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Everything posted by Muse

  1. [I]Lauren walked over to were Sauron had been destroyed, and looked into the white light.Suddenly,An Arm shot out and grabbed her by the neck[/I] Sauron:This has been done already,And I came back...So im doing the same!The only way to defeat me is to destroy both of us at the same time! [I]The others watched in terror as the Ring slowly reappeared on his finger.LAuren's eyes slowly rolled back into her head..but,with the last amount of strength,she brought up her legs so she was like crouching down in mid-air,and kicked Sauron off the Edge.She managed to hold onto the end of that ledge,But Sauron didn't[/I]
  2. ok Karen F 22 GrapeYard(Makes Whine) Theively Came and sprayed some poisionous stuff on her grapes,which made her not able to make whine for about 1 year
  3. One Question, Does this have stuff to do with the Game,Harvest Moon?If it does,I'll join,I love that game!:D
  4. Lauren:Hmm...The RingWraith can't walk good without the horse,So Maybe... [I]Lauren charged at the Black horses feet,sword ready,[/I] Lauren:As much As i hate to hurt a horse.. [I]She thrust her sword into all four legs,causing the horse to collapse.The RingWraith schreeched and shouted an Unknown language to the horse,probably telling it to get up.[/I] Abob:Know's our chance,Lets get out of here!
  5. [I]The ground beneath them all of a sudden cracks open,Sending the Children down into the dark pit.[/I] Gatomon:Lauren!No! [I]Gatomon dived at the pit and grabbed Lauren's Hand,Haveing the power of a Champion,She had no problem of holding her,[/I] Lauren:Tori!Desiree!Grab my feet! [I]But it was to late,Lauren's friends had fallen.Not knowing what awaits them at the bottom...[/I]
  6. Gatomon:Hey!Your not gettin' all the fun!Gatomon,digivolve to! Angewomon:Angewomon! LAuren:Hah!TwUltimates vs.One!This should be a sinch!
  7. Lauren:You get those teo out,Ill stall the Ringwraith! [I]She notched an arrow and fired it into the Depths of the Nazgul's hood,A Pierceing cry was heard throughout the clearing.[/I] Lauren:Take that! [I]The Ringwraith slowly climbed off the horse and took a step toward Lauren,sword drawn.Lauren gulped and drew her own sword.[/I]
  8. [I]Lauren walked over to Master Yoda and bowed.[/I] Yoda:Go,I told you not to Lauren:Yes...I am sorry master,but I couldn't let Ryowa get away with Ginco. Yoda:Hmmmm. [I]He nodded and turned to Mace[/I] Yoda:Jedis,you round up. Mace:why? Yoda:Hmmm?Begin,the clone War will...Troop's we need...
  9. [I]Ryowa shot his hand toward Lalaith and sent him flying into the other's.Then,he did and sideways movement with his arm and a Large door closed him and Lauren in away from the others[/I]
  10. Lauren:Lalaith,Go Lalaith:No! Lauren:Lalaith... Ryowa:Enough Talking! [I]Ryowa stuck his arm at Lalaith using the force to restrain him from doing anything and his LightSabre at Lauren's neck.[/I] Ryowa:If you don't go Now,Ill Kill her on the spot...
  11. Lauren:....I can Lalaith:Lauren!You are not going to fight him yourself! Lauren:What choice do you have over my decisions? Lalaith:.... Lauren:In that 7 and a half hours me and my Master trained,,,I learned a great deal of Tricks.Now get Ginco out of the Cell and Get out of here,Ill catch up with you....
  12. [I]Lauren stood up and walked to the bars of her cell and stuck her right hand out and her lightsabre flew to her hand. The Flash of green emerged and she cut a hole in the Cell and climbed out.She saw her friend's getting beat by Ryowa,she slowly to shake with anger[/I] Lauren:STOP! [I]All three Jedi's stopped fighting and truned to Lauren[/I] Lauren:Ryowa,I'm the one you want,right? [I]He nodded[/I] Lauren:Then let all of my friends go... Ryowa:For? Lauren:A fight with the soon-to-Be Best Jedi ever[I]smirks[/I]
  13. [I]Lauren walked into a Dark room to be welcomed by the chilling voice of the Man[/I] Man:I knew you would come after him...hehehe....Because I... Lauren:enough Talk!Where is he! Man:Hmm..Your anger will corrupt you to join my side... Lauren:grr,I will Never join the Dark Side!
  14. [I]Lauren Bows to the Masters and Jumps into her Speeder.Lauren turned on the fastest speed and sped after the ship.Once she got Close enough,she jumped off the speeder and onto the Ship.She used the force to open up the door and to climb in,using the force to steady herself.[/I]
  15. [I]Lauren saw the battle from a first star spot,then,With rage Forming inside of her,she ignited her Lightsabre and Dove at the man.Almost instantly,the man pointed his finger at her and she flew 15 feet away from the fight...[/I]
  16. Yoda:What is it,you seek? Man:... Yoda:Hmmm,Lauren,Stand back you must.
  17. [I]Yoda and Lauren arrive at the docking Bay.[/I] Lauren:Master Yoda,May I ask What color your lightsabre is? Yoda:Hmmm,Green it is.
  18. OOC:I'm Actully In the USA army too [I]Lauren watched as Sairo flew away and turned back to the other's,who hadn't said anything in a while[/I] Lauren:'names Lauren, And Ill see you at the Tournament. [I]She nodded and smiled and sped off into the direction of the Pentagon,Passing up Sairo at an alarming rate...[/I]
  19. Lauren:Oh,you were just saying how much More I was stronger than you. Sairo:... [I]Lauren smirked and continued to fly away.[/I]
  20. [I]Lauren looked down on the on The Moronic Man sitting on a rock,[/I] Lauren:Actully,I think the way you destroyed the Demons was quite, how can I say this....Stupid,Moronic,Un-Cool? [I]Lauren smirked and landed next to him,[/I] Sairo:I'd watch your toung if I were you, Lauren:Suuure,But your not me,Are you? [I]Sairo raised an eyebrow and Lauren started raising in the air...[/I]
  21. [I]Lauren watches as Lalaith and Master Windou walk away.she turns back to Master Yoda and Obi-Wan.[/I] Yoda:hmm,Intensive training we do. [I]about 7 and half hours later.Lauren drops to the ground[/I] Lauren:Master,We wont be doing THAT kind of training everyday,will we? Yoda:I- [I]A (good)Clone Tropper walks in and over to Yoda[/I] CT:Sir,there is a unidentified ship landing Yoda:Hmm,Come,Young Padawa,we shall see what it is...
  22. Lauren&Lalaith:Yessir Master Yoda Yoda:Hmm,Found you a Master we have,Young Lalaith [I]Lalaith's face lighten's up[/I] Lalaith:Who!? [I]A tall,Man of color(I don't like using the phrase"Black Man") walked over to them and smiled[/I] Windou:I am Mace Windou and I have accepted you,Lalaith
  23. [I]Lauren started shaking on the wall,then,Her Lightsabre flew out of her Hand and flew at lalaith,He ducked and the Lightsabre flew inches by her head,after losing concentration,he lost his grip of Lauren and she fell to the floor and the Lightsabre flew back to her hand[/I]
  24. Lauren:..... [I]Lalaith moves away[/I] Lalaith:Admit it,you've lo- [I]Without warning, Lauren sprang up and put her hand level to Lalaith's stomach and squeezed,sending Lalaith crashing to the floor.[/I] Yoda:...That...I have not taught her yet. Obi-Wan:I sence A great Force capability comeing from this girl,Master.
  25. [I]Lauren's LightSabre clashes with Lalaith[/I](wow I'm used to typing that now)[I]each timeing makeing a sort of a "bing"sound.[/I] Lauren:Heres a little thing that Master Yoda tought me . [I]She levitated off the ground,did a back flip and landed about 5 feet away,[/I] Lalaith[I]smirks[/I]:Good,but not good enough![I]Charges at Lauren,LightSabre poised...[/I]
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